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I was at Kopi Daong, Bogor last weekend.

- When were you at Kopi Daong, Bogor?

- Where were you last weekend?
- How was your last weekend?
- Who were you at Kopi Daong with?
- With whom were you at Kopi Daong?
- How much was the coffee at Kopi Daong?
- Was the coffee good?
- Were you At Kopi Daong last weekend?
- Were you happy at Kopi Daong?
- How was the view/the scenery/the landscape?
On last Christmas.
- Where were you on last Christmas?
- With whom were on last Christmas?
- How long were you at the church on last Christmas?

Last year
- Where were you last year?
- How was your last year?
- What was your job last year?
- How was your report book last year?
- Where were you on last year holiday?
- How old were you last year?
- What was your phone number last year?
- How were your parents last year?
- Were you sick last year?
- Were you happy last year?
- Were you married last year?
- Were you fat last year?
Last evening class with Ms. Denis
- Were you sleepy in last evening class with Ms. Denis?
- Were you bored yesterday?
- Were you tired with Ms. Denis?
- Were you excited?
- Were you sleepy last night?
- Were you sleepy yesterday morning?
- Were you sleepy this morning?
- Were you single in 2015?
- Were you in UI yesterday?
- How was Bimo last week?
- Were you happy when you were single?
- Were you a teacher in 2012?
- What was your job in 2012?
- What was your relationship status in 2012?
- How old were you in 2012?
- How much was your salary in 2012?
- How many people were there in your wedding?
- Where were your parents this morning?
- Were you tired this afternoon?
- Were you hungry last night?
- Yesterday morning.

- I was very angry in yesterday morning.

- I was very angry in last month.
- I was very angry in two days ago.
- I was very angry in the morning/ in this morning.
- I was very angry at noon/at midday.

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