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Enligsh does work - level 4


Evidencia: Video presentación: Anécdota (speaking) AA2-EV01

Aprendiz: Edison Arley Bernal
Instructora: Olga Constanza Pabón Puente
What were you doing before march 2020?

I had a normal life, I lived with my

daughter, I worked, I had planned
to study at the SENA, I had
girlfriend, I had fun in my free
time, then the pandemia arrived,
and everything changed, it was
with the preventive isolation, with
which they forced us to keep
ourselves distand and closed in.
What projects were you working on?

I was remodeling my daughter’s

room, I painted it and I was going
to expand her closet but I
couldn’t continue with the work,
because there was nowhere to
get the materials I needed,
because everything was closed
due the pandemic.
What activities were you doing?

• On the weekends I played

basketball in the park with my
Friends, during the week, I
went to the gym, I also went
hiking in the natural parks in
the city, then with the
confinement due to the
pandemic, I could not continue
with the activities I normally
What were you studing?

• I was estudying graphic desing

on weekends in the
municipality of Bello, we were
in the middle of the semester
when the bad news of the
pandemic arrived, forcing the
institution to close to prevent
students from being infected
with the virus.
Where were you working?

• I worked at simelca a
metalworking company, I was a
production operator, I worked
more tan 10 hours a day,it was a
very exhausting day, when the
pandemic arrived they forced us
all to go on vacation, because
we had to be isolated to avoid
catching the virus.
What sports were you playing?

• I played basketball, soccer,

went to the gym, went
hiking, then with the
isolation, I was forced to
leave my entire sports
routine, forcing myself to
train alone at home.
Who were you spending you free time with?

• I shared my free time with

my partner, we went out to
have fun togheter, we went
to the movies, we went for
walks to the towns near the
city, we had to separate for
a while, because she got sick
with the virus, thank God she
recovered and we were able
to return to be together.
What were you doing for fun?

• During those days of

confinement, the family sides
were reinforced, we spent more
time together as a family, we
have parties, we celebrated
birthdays, we have family meals,
we played board games, the
living room of the house was
organized to watch movies as a
family, we told stories, this is
how we had fun during isolation.

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