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East West University

Response paper
“Fast Food Should Be Banned”
Course Title: Composition and Communication Skills
Course Code: ENG102
Section: 28

Submitted to:
Md. Abdur Rouf
Adjunct Faculty
Department of English
East West University

Submitted by:

Sakil Ahmed Reza (2022-1-60-027)

Department of CSE
Fast food consumption has recently gained prominence in our society and is a topic that is
frequently discussed. These quick and scrumptious meal options offer quick dining options, but
they have also raised questions about how they might affect societal norms, the environment, and
public health. The ongoing argument over whether fast food should be banned demonstrates the
complex relationship between individual preferences, health factors, and broader social effects.
This essay examines both the arguments for and against outlawing fast food to fully understand
the effects that such a decision would have on both individuals and society.

Fast food's detrimental effects and the necessity of its prohibition are clear, given its deficiency
in essential nutrients and contribution to obesity. While fast food may be convenient, it tends to
be unhealthy and contains excessive calories, which can cause weight gain. The small amount of
vegetables found in fast food items cannot make up for the substantial amounts of fat and
carbohydrates. Numerous studies have shown a link between eating fast food and diseases like
cancer and heart disease that can be avoided, aggravating existing health problems. These health
issues are made worse by the fast-food industry's emphasis on sugary drinks and other highly
addictive foods. Fast food exposure in subsequent generations and the consequent decline in
healthy eating practices worsen this issue. The apparent affordability of fast food is
overshadowed by potential medical costs because heart conditions brought on by fast food can
require expensive treatments. Fast food prohibition could lessen these harmful health effects and
enhance wellbeing in general.

My opinion:
Banning fast food is a prudent measure because it carries notable health hazards. Fast foods are
deficient in crucial nutrients and are calorically dense, resulting in obesity and associated health
issues. Inadequate nutrients negatively impact our bodies, and the addictive quality of fast food
makes it challenging to abstain from. Diseases like cardiovascular conditions tied to fast food
impose a burden on both individuals and healthcare systems. Furthermore, youngsters exposed to
fast food early on may adopt unhealthy dietary patterns that endure into adulthood. By outlawing
fast food, we emphasize public health, enabling individuals to opt for healthier choices, and
alleviating the pressure on healthcare resources.
In conclusion, the decision to outlaw fast food is significant because it has an impact on our
society, the environment, and our health. While fast food is tasty and convenient, it can also be
unhealthy, especially when it comes to issues like obesity. It's also difficult to stop eating it
because it's so delicious. Fast food prohibition could make us all healthier, especially the
younger generation. It resembles making a move in the direction of a healthier society and
reducing the burden on our healthcare system. It also motivates us to watch what we eat more
carefully. In the end, refusing fast food demonstrates our concern for everyone's health and for
improving life.

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