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OB 112-1

Case 1 Questions
 I receive many submissions – please label your file “Case1_NCCUID.docx”.
 Individual submission for Case 1 is due on Oct. 16th (Monday) 11:59p.m.
 Individual submission may not exceed 1 single-spaced page (excluding this instruction).

1. What are some reasons for the lack of diversity at tech companies (i.e., barriers to
diversity)? Do you think tech companies were surprised by the findings in Tracy Chou’s
spreadsheet (see Figure 1)? Why or why not?
First, the myriad of biases that can creep into the hiring and management process. Second, the
company’s top priority is to build a financially successful company, so they ignore to have
diversity and non-biased attitudes. Third, tech companies intentionally obscured data regarding
the presence of women in technical roles. Fourth, too few women, minorities, and older people
have the training needed to join the tech industry. Fifth, compared to male, fewer female study in
the field of science and engineering.
Yes. I think that there are two reasons. First, the percentage is quite different between the
number of male and female. It mustn't be hard to tell the situation in the working place because
it's obvious to the eyes. Second, maybe the lead of tech company has already planned this, so
they already know that the company will be lack of gender or racial diversity. Thus, the company
won't feel surprised.
2. Imagine that Rachel, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, selected you to work in her new
a. What strategies – changing or improving the current system or introducing a
whole new system – would you propose to increase the diversity of the workforce
at Yelp? Which of the barrier(s) to diversity do these strategies address?
It could blind resumes by removing names and other identifying information. (Race)
Use a service that would change voices during phone screens, so that the interviewer would not
know the gender of the applicant. (gender)
Do a "listening tour" to understand employee's perspectives and concerns (single opinion)
Explain to Rachel that ‘stereotype threat’ might be one of the reasons for the lack of diversity at
b. What strategies – changing or improving the current system or introducing a
whole new system – would you propose to increase the diversity of the workforce
at Yelp? Which of the barrier(s) to diversity do these strategies address?What
would you propose to reduce the potential stereotype threat that might be
experienced by minority workers?
From the perspective of the imbalance between men and women in science and engineering,
some people may think that girls are naturally better at liberal arts, while boys are better at
mathematics and science. It may be because of this stereotype that society has indirectly lowered
OB 112-1

women's interest in science and engineering in terms of system and culture. interest in the
department, which in turn affects performance. In the end, the stereotype threat is formed.
1. Create a fairer environment by promoting diversity and confrontation 2. Educate individuals
about the concept of impression threat by raising awareness and promoting understanding 3.
Provide positive role models(who might have stereotype threat before but overcome it
successfully.) 4. Encourage self-affirmation 5. Provide feedback and support

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