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26/27 February 2024

Tut 1 Worksheet. Section 1. Introduction to Literary Studies

In preparation for the first Tut of the semester, the student is expected to engage first
with the course outline posted on Learn24, closely read and engage with it, especially
the content covered in the course. The student is also expected to go through the
course overview discussed in lectures this past week, and look at how it helps develop
their reading, critical thinking and writing skills. In other words, the student must
reflect on how Engl101 enables them to improve their academic reading and writing
skills at UKZN and beyond. As discussed in class this past week, the course is not at
all focused on merely learning or memorizing facts about the selected texts. As an
introductory course, Engl101 involves developing key mental skills and habits that
enable the student to write intelligently about the text they read.

Also, the student is expected to have read Chapter 1 (Reading, Writing and THE
SELF) of the prescribed text; Introduction to English Literary Studies (3rd Ed.) by Gwen
Kane, Deirdre Byrne & Ruth Scheepers. This Chapter introduces the student to the
basics of literary studies and how to Think, Read and Write about literature, especially
for first year students of English Studies.

The following questions will help prepare the students for the week’s Tuts;

1. What is literature?
2. Having read and understood the course overview, how does Engl101 help you
improve your reading and writing skills? Explain.
3. Read the Introduction of the prescribed book mentioned above. Why is critical
reading skill a necessary tool in English Studies? Explain.
4. What are some of the most important questions to ask oneself after reading a
literary text, and why are these questions important at all. Explain.
5. When writing about literature, which one is more important between
summarizing and analyzing a text? Explain.
6. How does literature reflect a people’s culture and life as lived in society through
its different forms?
7. Think closely about a text you have read in your life. How did this particular
text change the way you view humanity and society in general?

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