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Githud : it is an open source and any one can use it free of cost.

Remote Repository: it is simply called as repo. it is project folder/package.

Local Repository: it is project in the local machine like our lpatop/desktop.

Staging Area:

Working Directory:

Some imp commands:

1. to set user name and email

git config --global "ImDwivedi1"

git config --global ""


2. This command is used to create a local repository.

git init Demo


3. The status command is used to display the state of the working directory and the
staging area.

git status


4. This command is used to add one or more files to staging (Index) area.

-> To add one file ( git add Filename )

-> To add more than one file ( git add* )


5. Commit command is used in two scenarios. They are as follows.

git commit -m " Commit Message"

git commit -a -m "hi i commited"


6. to see the number of commits

git log


7. to check the current will show on which branch u


git branch

8. to push the code into branch

git push -u origin main


9. to clone the project from github

git clone URL



-> will create one our own branch ..then will do commit and push to that branch
from there will rise PR(pull request) to merge into master/main branch.

how to create branch:


git checkout -b "demo"

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