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For details see cfg2html.html @(#) $Header: /home/cvs/cfg2html/cfg2html_linux/README,v 2.

12 2012-12-17 13:08:3 3 ralph Exp $ This is the READ ME for cfg2html-linux version 2.xx (c) by ROSE SWE, Dipl.-Ing. Ralph Roth !! WARNING, USE the cfg2html-linux script AT YOUR OWN RISK !! ------------------------------------------------------------This text should be formatted in DOS/Windows CR/LF format that it can be mailed (and read) with Windows mail programs! This is the "Swiss army knife" for the Account Support Engineer, Customer Engineer, Sysadmin etc. I wrote it to get the necessary information to plan an update, to perform basic trouble shooting or performance analysis. As a bonus cfg2html creates a nice HTML and plain ASCII documentation. If you are missing something, let me know it! cfg2html is a UNIX shell script similar to check_config or get_config, except that it creates a HTML (and plain ASCII) system documentation for HPUX 10.xx/11.xx, SCO-UNIX, AIX, Sun OS and Linux systems. Plugins for SAP, Oracle, Informix, MC/SG, FibreChannel, TIP/ix, Mass Storage like XP48/256/512, Network Node Manager and DataProtector etc. are included. ___ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _|_ __ ___| |_ __ _| | | __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ | || '_ \/ __| __/ _` | | |/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ | || | | \__ \ || (_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | |___|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_|_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| --------------------------------------------------------------------------To install and to execute cfg2html you must be root! A normal user account will not work! tar ball: To install the script, edit the Makefile and type make install. If you use the packages, read the man pages for dpkg or rpm to install. On SLES/OpenSUSE # zypper in cfg2html_linux-2.*.rpm On the other RPM boxes where cfg2html is already installed do this: # rpm -hiv cfg2html-linux-1.24-7.noarch.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] file /usr/bin/cfg2html-linux from install of cfg2html-linux-1.24-7 confl icts with file from package cfg2html-linux-1.23-11 file /usr/share/man/man8/cfg2html-linux.8.gz from install of cfg2html-li nux-1.24-7 conflicts with file from package cfg2html-linux-1.23-11 # rpm -hiv --freshen cfg2html-linux-1.24-7.noarch.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:cfg2html-linux ########################################### [100%] hklinx01:~/cfg> sudo rpm -hiv cfg2html-linux-1.74-1.noarch.rpm Password: Preparing... ########################################### [100%]

file /etc/cfg2html/plugins from install of cfg2html-linux-1.74-1 conflic ts with file from package cfg2html-linux-1.61-2 file /usr/bin/cfg2html from install of cfg2html-linux-1.74-1 conflicts w ith file from package cfg2html-linux-1.61-2 file /usr/bin/cfg2html-linux from install of cfg2html-linux-1.74-1 confl icts with file from package cfg2html-linux-1.61-2 file /usr/share/man/man8/cfg2html-linux.8.gz from install of cfg2html-li nux-1.74-1 conflicts with file from package cfg2html-linux-1.61-2

____ _ _ _ | _ \ __ _| |_ ___| |__ (_)_ __ __ _ | |_) / _` | __/ __| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | | __/ (_| | || (__| | | | | | | | (_| | |_| \__,_|\__\___|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | |___/ -----------------------------------------------------------------Read this if you are a developer and interested in enhancing cfg2html! OK, I fixed a bug and enhanced cfg2html, how do I make a diff for upstream enhancement? That is quite easy. First, get yourself GNU diff. The other diffs will work, too, but this tutorial only applies to GNU diff. We want unified diffs! 1. If you change cfg2html-linux, please mark your changes with for example # <name>. Do not forgot to remove all backup files from your editor. 2. Rename the directory with your new, patched cfg2html-linux-x.xx to, say, cfg2html-linux-x.xx.patched 3. Unpack the original distribution tar ball. 4. Now type: cd cfg2html-linux-x.xx.patched make clean cd .. diff -uNr cfg2html-linux-x.xx cfg2html-linux-x.xx.patched | gzip -c \ > cfg2html-linux-x.xx.diff.gz This is for GNU diff. You vendor's diff may not know the -u option, in which case you should try -c instead. 5. Now send the compressed diff to my email address: (subject [cfg2html] + your text) The "-u" creates a unified diff, which has 3 lines of context per default. This has the advantage that patches can be applied to other versions of cfg2html-linux, too. The "-N" treats new files as empty. That means if you add a file, diff will put it in the diff, too. This has the advantage that your file is not lost. It has the disadvantage that "Makefile" and so on are put into the diff, too. So for patches where you don't add new files, you can omit the "-N". The "-r" means recursive. For cfg2html-linux this is only important if you chang e stuff in subdirectories. But it is good habit to use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How to apply the Patches/Diffs? $ gunzip delta-1-14-3rar.gz $ patch -p0 < delta-1-14-3rar patching file cfg2html-linux-1.14/cfg2html-linux patching file cfg2html-linux-1.14/cfg2html_urls.html _____ _ _ | ____|_ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___(_) ___ _ __ ___ | _| \ \/ / __/ _ \ '_ \/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| | |___ > <| || __/ | | \__ \ | (_) | | | \__ \ |_____/_/\_\\__\___|_| |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_|___/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------cfg2html can be extended easily by writing small scripts and configuring them as plugins in /etc/cfg2html/plugins. You can do whatever you want in your plugin and all of stdout will be included in the output file. There are two rules you'll have to follow to make your script run as a plugin within cfg2html: 1. Assign your desired paragraph title to a variable named CFG2HTML_PLUGINTITLE 2. Run all your program logic in a function called "cfg2html_plugin". Examples of cfg2html plugins can be found in the contrib/plugins/ directory of the cfg2html distribution. ____ _ _ / ___| ___ ___ _ _ _ __(_) |_ _ _ \___ \ / _ \/ __| | | | '__| | __| | | | ___) | __/ (__| |_| | | | | |_| |_| | |____/ \___|\___|\__,_|_| |_|\__|\__, | |___/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------For security reasons it is better to store the HTML and ASCII files in a safe place where only root user have access. Then remove the files from your file system. Usage: cfg2html_linux [OPTION] creates HTML and plain ASCII host documentation -o -v -h set directory to write or use the environment variable OUTDIR="/path/to/dir" (directory must exist output version information and exit display this help and exit

use the following options to disable collections: -s -c -S -f -l -k -e -n -a -H disable: disable: disable: disable: disable: disable: disable: disable: disable: disable: System Cron Software Filesystem LVM Kernel Enhancements Network Applications Hardware


don't create background images

___ _ _ __ __ _ | _ \___ _ _| |_ ___ __| | \ \ / /__ _ _ __(_)___ _ _ ___ | _/ _ \ '_| _/ -_) _` | \ V / -_) '_(_-< / _ \ ' \(_-< |_| \___/_| \__\___\__,_| \_/\___|_| /__/_\___/_||_/__/ -----------------------------------------------------------------For your information, there are also ported *NIX versions available on the web page for free downloading! Maintainer of the different versions HP-UX Linux port : Ralph Roth Contributors: Thomas Brix, Martin Kalmbach : Michael Meifert Contributors: Michael Meier, Linux (debian/hppa): Ralph Roth To check the rpm use: rpm -qpl cfg2html-linux-1.16-2.noarch.rpm To check the deb use: dpkg -c cfg2html-linux_1.16-2_all.deb Sun Solaris port : Trond Eirik Aune [] Testing: Version 1.7++: Van Laethem, Marc (hp) : Jan Damen, Support Specialist, : Gert Leerdam, : Better use GetConfig:

SCO port AIX port Win32

_ _ ____ ____ _ _ | | | | _____ _|___ \ / ___|___ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___| |_ | |_| |/ _ \ \ /\ / / __) | | / _ \| '_ \| __/ _` |/ __| __| | _ | (_) \ V V / / __/| |__| (_) | | | | || (_| | (__| |_ |_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/ |_____|\____\___/|_| |_|\__\__,_|\___|\__| -----------------------------------------------------------------You can contact me (Ralph Roth) the following ways 1.) Instant Messenger 2.) Email (preferred)

1.) I have the following accounts: ICQ: AIM: MSN: Yahoo: IRC: Jabber/Org: SkyPe 22 11 20 58 (rose_swe) rose69swe (69 is the year of my birth :) cfg2html//rose_swe rose_swe rose_swe, r0se_swe on #virus Ralph.Roth


2.) Email: I do spam filtering with various tools, so put only me in the "To:" field, not in the "CC:" or "BCC:" field! No Subjects and text that could be flag by a rule based or fuzzy logic spam filter! The email address is Subject must begin with [cfg2html]

_____ _ ___ ____ __ _ | ___/ \ / _ \ / / \/ (_)___ ___ | |_ / _ \| | | | / /| |\/| | / __|/ __| | _/ ___ \ |_| | / / | | | | \__ \ (__ |_|/_/ \_\__\_\/_/ |_| |_|_|___/\___| --------------------------------------------------------------------------ulmpc014:/tmp # rpm -hiv cfg2html-linux-1.18.3-1.noarch.rpm error: failed dependencies: rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 is needed by cfg2html-linux-1.18 .3-1 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 is needed by cfg2html-linux-1.18. 3-1 ulmpc014:/tmp # uname -a Linux ulmpc014 2.2.14 #1 Mon Mar 13 10:51:48 GMT 2000 i686 unknown Known Problems -------------Executing cfg2html -----------------1.) If Firestarter is running, you may get long timeouts on the command iptables --list. 2.) what (1) is missing - please install the what command 3.) cfg2html-linux depends on bash. Don't execute cfg2html with sh ./cfg2html-li nux If cfg2html hangs ----------------To get the first impression where cfg2html hangs, change to the /tmp directory and issue an "ls -ltr". Depending on your hostname(1) you should see some files beginning with your hostname, e.g.: -rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r-1 1 1 1 root root root root sys sys sys sys 6713 1343 761532 763810 Apr Apr Apr Apr 28 28 28 28 10:37 10:37 10:37 10:37 test_neu.html test_neu.txt test_neu.txt.13320 test_neu.html.13320

Do a "tail test_neu.txt" to see the last successful run command (headlines). Do a "test_neu.txt.13320" to see the output of last command, this gives you often a hint where cfg2html hangs, for example waits for a keystroke etc. Building cfg2html ----------------0.) sudo aptitude install alien fakeroot devscripts lintian gawk

1.) dh_builddeb dpkg-deb: building package `cfg2html-linux' in `../cfg2html-linux_1.37-2_all.deb '. tar: -: file name read contains nul character signfile cfg2html-linux_1.37-2.dsc dpkg-genchanges

2.) Alien and the file: Copyright error: Legacy syntax is unsupported: copyright error: line 6: Unknown tag: Copyright: see /usr/share/doc/cfg2html-linux/copyrig ht Ralph: Changed: Copyright: xxx to License: xxx --> But this didn't work either :-(( --alien version 8.56 Linux ob5700ctx 2.6.16-1-486 #2 Fri May 5 04:53:12 UTC 2006 i586 GNU/Linux /* end */ :wq! _____ ____ |_ _|__ | _ \ ___ | |/ _ \| | | |/ _ \ | | (_) | |_| | (_) | |_|\___/|____/ \___/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------Proliant (not Ubuntu) sysinfo -a

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