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1.0 Objective

To ensure the attainment of required core temperature <4.0 °C of dress birds in order to retard the
growth of micro-organisms, and to facilitate Rigor-mortis and conditioning of meat

2.0 Scope

It covers the chilling of all dressed birds meant for processing which are kept in the Screw chiller

3.0 Responsibility

The responsibility lies with the Quality Executive under the supervision of Quality Manager.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Temperature and hygiene conditions are checked before placing dressed birds.

4.2 The dressed birds are kept in the SS screw chiller.

4.3 The temperature of dressed birds shall be maintained at less than 4.0 0C.

4.4 Maintain 30-50ppm chlorine in screw chiller water.

4.5 Check the dressed bird temperature at hourly basis

4.6 Check chlorine concentration on hourly basis.

4.7 Chlorine water temperature in screw chiller shall be maintained less than 2.0 0C and checked
at hourly basis.

5.0 Reference

ISO 22000:2018

6.0 Record

SF-FSMS-, F01 Daily Screw Chiller Temperature Record

SF-FSMS-, F03 Daily Screw Chiller Chlorine Strength Check Record

Reviewed & Prepared By Approved by Prepared on

(Manager-QC) (CEO) Date

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