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Age is a very significant factors in a person needs wants and asa person grows into different aus in clothes, furniture and recreation essentially vary a colorful tops, skirts and as an adolescent preference change ne 20 ae clothes, shoes and other belongings. Adults may be more practica and how they purchase they need in their life (Young & Pagoso, sg J ‘ty and self Concept. Personality can ne it would describe be defined as a person's disposition, u or explain why people are different, and it covers person's unique traits. TI mean personalities and their buying behavior is somewhat unclear. People who exhibit extremely high levels of © are more likely to openness or “sensation seekers,” respond well to advertising that's violent and graphic according to a research study. Though the result does not suggest the opposite, A person's self-concept is how you see yourself—be it positive or negative. The ideal self is how you would like to see yourself—whether more popular, prettier, sexier, more eco-conscious, or more “emo.” (Creative Commons, 2010) Others’ Self-concept, or how you think others see you, also influences your purchase behavior. In general, an individual would buy products to boost how they feel about themselves—to get themselves closer to their ideal selves, A preity party dress 94 Understanding the Self

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