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Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48:12 (2007), pp 1251–1258 doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2007.01799.

Structural brain abnormalities in adolescents

with autism spectrum disorder and patients
with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Sarah Brieber,1,3,4 Susanne Neufang,1,3,4 Nicole Bruning,2 Inge Kamp-Becker,6
Helmut Remschmidt,6 Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann,2 Gereon R. Fink,3,4,5 and
Kerstin Konrad1,3,4
Child Neuropsychology Section, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University Hospital Aachen,
Germany; 2Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University Hospital Aachen, Germany; 3Institute of
Neuroscience and Biophysics, Department of Medicine, Research Centre Jülich, Germany; 4Brain Imaging Centre
West, Research Centre Jülich, Germany; 5Department of Neurology, University Hospital Köln, Germany; 6Depart-
ment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Philipps University Marburg, Germany

Background: Although autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) are two distinct neurodevelopmental diseases, they share behavioural, neuropsychological and
neurobiological characteristics. For the identification of endophenotypes across diagnostic categories,
further investigations of phenotypic overlap between ADHD and autism at the behavioural, neurocog-
nitive, and brain levels are needed. Methods: We examined regional grey matter differences and
similarities in children and adolescents with ASD and ADHD in comparison to healthy controls using
structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and voxel-based morphometry. Results: With regard
to clinical criteria, the clinical groups did not differ with respect to ADHD symptoms; however, only
patients with ASD showed deficits in social communication and interaction, according to parental
rating. Structural abnormalities across both clinical groups compared to controls became evident as
grey matter reductions in the left medial temporal lobe and as higher grey matter volumes in the left
inferior parietal cortex. In addition, autism-specific brain abnormalities were found as increased grey
matter volume in the right supramarginal gyrus. Conclusions: While the shared structural deviations
in the medial temporal lobe might be attributed to an unspecific delay in brain development and might
be associated with memory deficits, the structural abnormalities in the inferior parietal lobe may cor-
respond to attentional deficits observed in both ASD and ADHD. By contrast, the autism-specific grey
matter abnormalities near the right temporo-parietal junction may be associated with impaired ‘theory
of mind’ abilities. These findings shed some light on both similarities and differences in the neurocog-
nitive profiles of ADHD and ASD patients. Keywords: ADD/ADHD, autistic disorder, structural MRI,
VBM. Abbreviations: ASD: autism spectrum disorder; ADHD: attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder;
VBM: voxel-based morphometry; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention degree of phenotypic overlap between ADHD and
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are two of the ASD. First, children and adolescents with ASD show
most frequent neurodevelopmental disorders. While some ADHD typical behaviour, such as attention
the main symptoms of ASD are repetitive, stereo- deficits, impulsivity or hyperactivity (Goldstein &
typed behaviour and impairments in social interac- Schwebach, 2004; Schatz, Weimer, & Trauner,
tion and communication (American Psychiatric 2002). Furthermore, in both disorders ADHD
Association, 1994), ADHD is characterised by a symptomatology responds well to stimulant medi-
symptom triad of inattention, hyperactivity and cation (Handen, Johnson, & Lubetsky, 2000). Vice
impulsivity (American Psychiatric Association, versa, patients with ADHD also show problems in
1994). Despite clear clinical boundaries between social interaction and communication, albeit to a
both syndromes, inattention and hyperactivity are smaller degree than patients with ASD (Clark, Fee-
also common among children with autism (Sturm, han, Tinline, & Vostanis, 1999; Geurts et al., 2004a;
Fernell, & Gillberg, 2004). Nevertheless, a diagnosis Hattori et al., 2006). Secondly, on the neuropsy-
of ADHD is precluded, under both DSM-IV and ICD- chological level, executive functions, such as flex-
10 criteria, if symptoms are better accounted for by ibility, planning, inhibition, theory of mind (ToM)
autism or pervasive developmental disorder (Amer- abilities and working memory, have been described
ican Psychiatric Association, 1994; World Health to be impaired in both disorders (Buitelaar, van der
Organization, 1993). However, there are a number of Wees, Swaab-Barneveld, & van der Gaag, 1999;
behavioural, cognitive, and neurobiological deficits Geurts, Verte, Oosterlaan, Roeyers, & Sergeant,
present in both disorders that suggest at least some 2004b; Happé, Booth, Charlton, & Hughes, 2006;
Sergeant, Geurts, & Oosterlaan, 2002). Thirdly, both
Conflict of interest statement: No conflicts declared. disorders manifest in early childhood and affect
 2007 The Authors
Journal compilation  2007 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
1252 Sarah Brieber et al.

males more often than females (Fombonne, 2003). diagnosis according to the standard criteria of ICD-10
Finally, a strong genetic component is assumed for (World Health Organization, 1993) and DSM-IV (Amer-
both disorders and a recent linkage study indicates ican Psychiatric Association, 1994) and all subjects
an overlap of the underlying susceptibility genes underwent an extensive psychiatric and neurological
(Smalley et al., 2002) located on chromosome 16p13. examination. Their psychiatric classification was then
determined on the basis of a semi-structured diagnostic
The reported genetic, neuropsychological and
interview (K-SADS-PL; Kaufmann et al., 1997; German
behavioural overlap between ASD and ADHD leads translation: Delmo, Weiffenbach, Gabriel, Stadler, &
to the assumption of similarities across the two Poustka, 2001). In the autistic group, the expression of
different disorders with regard to brain structure the autistic symptoms was further assessed by the
and function. Interestingly, there is only one recent German version of the Autism Diagnostic Observation
explorative MR spectroscopy study which has Scale (ADOS-G; Lord et al., 2000) and a semi-struc-
directly compared cerebral white matter metabolite tured autism-specific parent interview (ADI-R; LeCou-
concentration in both groups, suggesting no common teur et al., 1989) both conducted by trained examiners
metabolite deficit present in ASD and ADHD (Fayed (N.B.; I.K.-B.). Diagnoses of Asperger syndrome and
& Modrego, 2005). high-functioning autism were differentiated by
In ADHD, many studies have confirmed brain the presence or absence of a significant delay in the
acquisition of spoken language (Howlin, 2003). The
abnormalities within the fronto-striatal circuitries
anatomical scans were collected from patients and
(Seidman, Valera, & Makris, 2005). In ASD, studies controls included in ongoing functional imaging studies
have revealed various brain abnormalities, but the (Konrad, Neufang, Hanisch, Fink, & Herpertz-Dahl-
results are still controversial. Neuroimaging studies mann, 2006; Manjaly et al., 2007; Hübner et al., in
demonstrated regional volume differences in several preparation) in our department. Data were selected on
regions, e.g., the cerebellum, limbic system, as well the basis of quality of the structural MRI scans, age, IQ,
as frontal and temporal areas (Brambilla et al., handedness and exclusion criteria for comorbid condi-
2003). The previous anatomical and functional tions. All subjects were male, right-handed, had an
studies that examined the two patient groups sep- intelligence quotient (IQ) above 80 and were between 10
arately suggest some shared structural abnormali- and 16 years old. Additional exclusion criteria were any
ties in the frontal cortex. Nevertheless, the potentially confounding psychiatric diagnoses such as
psychosis, mania, major depression, conduct disorder
inconsistency of the results reported precludes any
or substance abuse. The subjects with ASD did not fulfil
conclusions and therefore a direct comparison of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD and, vice versa, ADHD
both clinical groups within a standardised study subjects did not fulfil criteria of any pervasive develop-
protocol seems to be mandatory. The identification of mental disorder (PDD). Two ASD subjects were taking
overlapping and disease-specific brain abnormalities atypical neuroleptic medication (risperidone) and 10
might help to explain similarities and differences in subjects with ADHD were currently on psychostimu-
the neurocognitive profiles of ADHD and ASD lants (methylphenidate). The stimulant medications
patients and thereby point to interesting neurobio- were discontinued three days before the scanning
logical endophenotypes across different diagnostic procedure. Handedness was controlled using the
categories. Edinburgh Handedness Inventory and IQ was meas-
Thus, the present study was designed to compare ured with the Culture Fair Intelligence Test 20 (Weiß,
1998). The three groups were comparable with regard to
regional grey matter volumes between patients with
age, IQ and handedness. The study was approved by
ADHD and patients with ASD, using voxel-based the Medical Ethics Committee of the University Hospital
morphometry (VBM), compared to healthy controls. In of Aachen, and all children and their parents or care-
line with previous neuroimaging studies we expected givers gave their written consent after having been in-
to find primarily fronto-striatal abnormalities in formed about the details and the purpose of this study.
ADHD and primarily fronto-temporal abnormalities (For further information about the sample characteris-
in ASD, among other and more widespread structural tics, see Table 1 in the supplemental appendix.).
deficits. Based on neuropsychological findings All parents of the autistic group and 10 parents of the
pointing to executive dysfunction and ToM deficits ADHD group completed the German version of the
present in both disorders, we additionally assumed Autism Screening Questionnaire (ASQ; Boelte, Crece-
that we would find shared grey matter abnormalities, lius, & Poustka, 2000). Additionally, 11 parents of the
ADHD group and 10 parents of the autism group com-
particularly within the prefrontal cortex.
pleted a German Parental Report on ADHD symptoms
according to DSM-IV and ICD-10 (FBB-HKS; Döpfner &
Lehmkuhl, 1998), which consists of the two subscales
Methods inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity.

Volumetric analyses
Fifteen children and adolescents fulfilling the dia-
gnostic criteria for ASD (13 Asperger syndrome, 2 high- MRI brain scans were obtained with a Siemens
functioning autism), 15 patients with a diagnosis of 1.5 Tesla scanner. We obtained high-resolution,
ADHD and 15 healthy controls (Con) were recruited for T1-weighted structural brain images using a standard
the study. Experienced clinicians reviewed the clinical MP-RAGE (magnetisation-prepared, rapid acquisition
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Journal compilation  2007 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Structural brain abnormalities in ASD and ADHD 1253

gradient echo) sequence with the following parameters: IQ, age or symptom severity scores derived from the
TR ¼2200 ms, TE ¼ 3.93 ms, flip angle a ¼ 15 ; parental questionnaires. In addition, no significant
FOV ¼256 mm; matrix ¼ 180 · 256 mm2; 160 slices, group differences emerged with regard to total
slice thickness 1 mm, inter-slice gap ¼ .5 mm. volume of GM, WM or CSF (GM: F ¼ 2.083, df ¼ 44,
Optimised protocol for the VBM procedure was p ¼ .137; WM: F ¼ 1.315, df ¼ 44, p ¼ .279; CSF:
applied to our data (Ashburner & Friston, 2000; Good et
F ¼ 2.53, df ¼ 44, p ¼ .253).
al., 2001) using SPM2 (Statistical Parametric Mapping
software, SPM; Wellcome Department of Imaging Neu-
roscience, London, UK) based on Matlab 6.5 (The Group-specific and shared abnormalities in grey
Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). In a first step we matter density
created customised templates from all 45 anatomical
images, including a T1- and grey matter (GM)- template. Subjects with ASD showed significantly reduced GM
Further, the optimised VBM procedure involved the volumes compared to healthy controls in bilateral
processing steps segmentation, normalisation, modu- inferior temporal gyrus and hippocampus-amygdala
lation and smoothing with a 12 mm FWHM (full-width complex, left middle occipital gyrus and left premotor
half-maximum) Gaussian kernel. gyrus. In addition, an increase in the right supra-
Age, IQ, ASQ scores, FBB-HKS sub- and total scores, marginal gyrus and in the left postcentral gyrus was
global GM, white matter (WM) and cerebral spinal fluid
found (Table 3 in the supplemental appendix).
(CSF) volumes were compared using analysis of vari-
ance (ANOVA) and post-hoc comparisons. In addition,
In comparison to the healthy controls, subjects
correlation analyses were calculated between all these with ADHD showed a decrease of GM volumes in the
measures and Bonferroni corrections for inflated Type I bilateral caudate nucleus, bilateral hippocampus,
error were applied in order to control for the number of right middle frontal gyrus, left insula, left superior
analyses conducted. temporal gyrus and left middle occipital gyrus. GM
Since previous structural imaging studies on ADHD increases were found in the bilateral superior pari-
and ASD reported heterogeneous findings and rather etal and postcentral gyrus and the left middle cin-
widespread brain abnormalities present in both clinical gulate, precuneus and inferior parietal gyrus
groups we decided against a ‘region of interest’-based (Table 3, supplemental appendix).
analysis of MRI data. The conjunction analysis revealed that the volume
The regional-specific differences in GM volumes
of the left hippocampus-amygdala complex was
between the clinical groups and the controls were as-
sessed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA; ASDvs-
reduced and the left inferior parietal gyrus/postcen-
Con; ADHDvsCon), with total brain volume as a tral gyrus was increased in both clinical groups com-
covariate of no interest. In order to search for correla- pared to healthy controls. In addition, the ASD group
tions between structural abnormalities in GM and showed increased volume in the right supramarginal
clinical symptoms (ASQ, FBB-HKS inattention, FBB- gyrus compared to both ADHD patients and the con-
HKS hyperactivity/impulsivity scores), we used simple trols (Figure 1 and Table 1), while no ADHD-specific
regression analyses. Finally, we used a conjunction GM abnormalities were found when compared to ASD
analysis (based on an ANCOVA including all groups), as patients and controls simultaneously.
introduced by Nichols, Brett, Andersson, Wager, and
Poline (2005), to find brain areas that were reduced or
increased in both disorders compared to the healthy Effects of ADHD and ASD symptom severity
controls (ASDvsCon\ADHDvsCon) or that were spe-
cifically abnormal in one clinical group (ASDvsCon\AS-
A negative correlation between regional GM volume
DvsADHD; ADHDvsCon\ADHDvsASD). For all analyses, and inattentive symptoms, i.e., high scores on the
we used height threshold at p < .001 uncorrected for FBB attention subscale, for both clinical groups was
multiple comparison with an extent threshold of 10 seen in the left middle frontal gyrus (x,y,z:
voxels. )29,13,64; k ¼ 226 voxel; z ¼ 3.87). No other sig-
nificant correlations between FBB-HKS scores and
GM volumes were found (see Figure 2).
The simple regression analysis of GM volume and
behavioural ratings of autistic behaviour across both
ADHD and ASD subjects did not differ with respect clinical groups also revealed no significant correla-
to the parental rating of ADHD behaviour (FBB- tion. (For further information see Tables 2 and 3 in
HKS). Note that on a symptom level, 5 children with the supplemental appendix).
ASD scored above the 90th percentile according to
the FBB-HKS and showed more than 6 symptoms on
either the hyperactive/ impulsive symptom list or the
inattention symptom list. Both clinical groups,
however, differed with respect to the behavioural In the present study, we compared GM volumes in
ratings of autistic symptoms (ASQ; see Table 2 in the patients with ASD and ADHD to identify shared and
supplemental appendix). disease-specific brain abnormalities. In line with
No significant correlation coefficients were found recent studies (e.g., Schatz et al., 2002), both groups
between the total volumes of GM, WM or CSF and the showed comparable symptoms of inattention and
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Journal compilation  2007 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
1254 Sarah Brieber et al.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1 GM abnormalities in patients with ASD and ADHD as revealed by conjunction analysis. Brain areas with
significant GM differences (a) specific increases in ASD compared to controls and compared to ADHD patients (b)
shared increases in patients with ASD and ADHD compared to controls (c) shared decreases in patients with ASD and
ADHD compared to controls, superimposed on the coronal view of the group mean image. A statistical threshold of
p < .005 was used for display purposes; peaks reaching statistical significance are listed in Table 1

Table 1 Regions of significant grey matter differences (p < .001 icantly smaller extent than in PDD and although they
uncorrected for multiple comparisons; extent threshold: 10 differed from the healthy group, the PDD-related
voxel) of the conjunction analysis
symptoms did not reach the threshold of DSM-IV
MNI criteria.
coordinates With regard to structural brain abnormalities, we
Voxel found, as expected, fronto-striatal abnormalities in
Anatomical region numbers Z-score x y Z
the ADHD group and fronto-temporo-limbic abnor-
ASD>Con\ASD>ADHD malities in the ASD group in comparison to a healthy
Right supramarginal gyrus 50 3.71 47 )39 29 control group. In contrast to our hypothesis, we did
ADHD>Con\ASD>Con not find a shared deficit in the prefrontal cortex.
Left inferior parietal/ 65 3.37 )31 )38 51
postcentral gyrus
However, shared brain abnormalities were present in
Con>ADH\Con>ASD the medial temporal lobe and the inferior parietal
Left hippocampus-amygdala 18 3.16 )31 )7 )17 gyrus. In addition, we found an autism-specific
increase of grey matter in the supramarginal gyrus
and a relationship between the GM reduction of the
left middle frontal/premotor gyrus and severity of
attentional deficits.
The reported fronto-striatal abnormalities in the
ADHD group are consistent with several imaging
studies and are likely to underlie the impaired
attentional inhibitory control mechanisms associ-
ated with the disorder (Durston, 2003; Konrad et al.,
2006). The finding of additional structural abnor-
malities of parietal cortex are also in accordance with
recent studies (Sowell et al., 2003) that indicate
abnormalities in cortical regions associated with
attentional functions. By contrast, the GM reduction
in the left occipital lobe and the left hippocampus in
Figure 2 Significant correlations between a decrease in the ADHD group have not been reported previously
GM and the severity of inattentive symptoms in the and merit further investigation. But in line with this
ADHD and the ASD group rendered on a MNI standard finding it is important to note that Castellanos et al.
brain. A statistical threshold of p < .005 was used for (2002) showed volume reductions in all four lobes in
display purposes
ADHD, rather than a limited volume reduction only in
the fronto-striatal networks. Moreover, recent func-
hyperactivity/impulsivity according to parental tional imaging studies suggest activation of more
ratings. However, in contrast to previous studies diffuse and widespread brain areas in ADHD than in
(Clark et al., 1999), no deficits in social commu- controls (Durston, 2003; Konrad et al., 2006).
nication and interaction were found in the ADHD Also consistent with our hypotheses, the main
group when compared to cut-off scores of the ASQ. findings of GM reductions in ASD compared
This might be explained by the fact that social inter- to healthy controls indicate brain abnormalities in
action abilities are only mildly reduced in ADHD and the temporal and the frontal lobes. In addition, we
we did not directly compare the ASQ scores of the reported abnormalities in the hippocampus-amyg-
clinical groups to the normal control group. For dala complex and the occipital cortex. Several
example, Hattori et al. (2006) reported that social imaging studies postulate an involvement of these
impairment problems in ADHD occurred to a signif- structures in the pathophysiology of autism and
 2007 The Authors
Journal compilation  2007 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Structural brain abnormalities in ASD and ADHD 1255

social cognition (Abell et al., 1999; Waiter et al., compensatory activation of the attention-switching
2004). Furthermore, the conjunction analysis re- network in executive attention tasks. Booth et al.
vealed an autism-specific increase of GM in the right (2004) showed that lower accuracy in a visual search
supramarginal gyrus near the temporo-parietal task was associated with greater activation in bilat-
junction. Functional imaging studies suggest that eral superior parietal lobule and right lateral pre-
this structure might be relevant for impaired cog- motor cortex in ADHD. Also in autism, a recent study
nitive functions, such as mentalising, imitation and by Belmonte and Yurgelun-Todd (2003) indicated a
ToM abilities (Castelli, Frith, Happé, & Frith, 2002; heightened and abnormally variable activity in the
Saxe & Kanwisher, 2003; Vogeley et al., 2001). parietal cortex in a spatial attention task. Moreover,
In addition, the conjunction analyses revealed a Schmitz et al. (2006) reported an increased brain
shared reduction in the left hippocampus-amygdala activation in the parietal lobe of autistic patients in a
complex in ASD and ADHD. Such structural brain Set Shifting task and suggest that this is possibly
abnormalities have also been described in other related to structural and metabolic abnormalities in
psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia (Sim et this brain area. Thus, shared structural brain
al., 2006) and bipolar disorders (Frazier et al., 2005). abnormalities in the parietal cortex seemed to co-
Therefore, the observed reduction might reflect incide with increased brain activation patterns
either an unspecific psychiatric effect or a general present in both ADHD and autism. Unfortunately,
delay in brain development. In accordance with this our data do not suggest a causative direction of this
assumption, data from recent cross-sectional and association; thus, increased GM volumes may result
longitudinal studies on normal brain development in from increased brain activity or vice versa functional
children and adolescents suggest that older male brain abnormalities might be caused by structural
adolescents have a significantly greater left hippo- deficits.
campus than younger ones (Suzuki et al., 2005), A significant correlation of inattentive symptoms
which might also point to the typical male predom- with a GM reduction was also observed in the left
inance of these neuropsychiatric diseases associated middle frontal gyrus near the premotor cortex across
with hippocampal abnormalities. Recently, it has both disorders. Reductions in premotor areas have
been also suggested that the presence of the met- already been reported by Mostofsky, Cooper, Kates,
allele of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor Denckla, and Kaufmann (2002) in patients
(BDNF) gene is associated with an 11% reduction with ADHD. It has been suggested that deficits in
of the hippocampal formation volume in healthy response inhibition in ADHD can be attributed to the
volunteers and may thus represent a vulnerability premotor area, beside others, mediated by overflow
factor for the development of dysfunction of this movements and deficits in motor response inhibi-
brain region (Bueller et al., 2006). In ADHD, con- tion. These shared abnormalities in parietal
flicting data exist as to whether ADHD is associated and frontal cortex might thus reflect deficits in an
with BDNF polymorphisms (Friedel et al., 2005). By attentional network in ASD and ADHD that is
contrast, in ASD recent findings suggest that the involved in top-down selection of stimuli and
BDNF and autoantibodies to neural antigens are responses (Corbetta & Shulman, 2002).
elevated in sera of children with autistic spectrum Although frontal cortex abnormalities were found
disorders, Landau–Kleffner syndrome, and epilepsy in both patient groups when compared to normal
(Connolly et al., 2006). Thus, one may speculate that controls, we could not find a direct overlap of pre-
genetic variations in the BDNF gene present in both frontal brain regions in the conjunction analysis.
clinical disorders might contribute to structural This is in line with the neuropsychological finding
brain abnormalities in the hippocampal formation. that executive function deficits, although present in
In line with this assumption, it has been demon- both groups, might differ between both diagnostic
strated that BDNF genotypes are associated with categories: while in ASD in particular deficits
medial-temporal-cortex mediated declarative mem- in flexibility and planning were observed, ADHD
ory processes (Egan et al., 2003), which have been patients in particular showed impaired inhibition
shown to be impaired in both ADHD (Westerberg, processes underlying their executive function defi-
Hirvikoski, Forssberg, & Klingberg, 2004) and ASD cits (Ozonoff & Jensen, 1999). Note, however, that
patients (Salmond et al., 2005). more recent studies suggested that inhibition defi-
Furthermore, we found shared brain abnormal- cits might be impaired in both disorders and are not
ities across both diagnostic groups with an increase specific for ADHD (Geurts et al., 2004; Goldberg
of GM in left inferior parietal/postcentral gyrus. The et al., 2005). Thus future studies that focus on
parietal cortex plays an important role in circuits neural correlates of inhibitory control in both ADHD
that are activated by tasks that acquire attention. In and ASD patient groups as well as the structure–
addition, several functional imaging studies showed function relationship in prefrontal cortex are needed.
typical fronto-striatal underactivation in ADHD While the present study is the first to directly
accompanied by an increased activation in parietal compare GM volumes of ASD, ADHD and controls by
regions (Konrad et al., 2006; Rubia et al., 1999) and using optimised voxel-based morphometry, a num-
it is speculated whether this is a ‘beneficial’ ber of limitations should be considered. As we
 2007 The Authors
Journal compilation  2007 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
1256 Sarah Brieber et al.

investigated a relatively small cohort, studies with isons; extent threshold: 10 voxel) between the three
larger samples are needed to replicate our results. groups.
Also, there were some missing data with regard to This material is available as part of the online
the parental questionnaires, which reduced the article from:
number of subjects that were included in the simple doi/abs/10.1111/j.1742–4658.2006.01799.x (This
regression analysis. Statistical inferences were link will take you to the article abstract).
based on a threshold uncorrected for multiple com- Please note: Blackwell Publishing are not respon-
parisons, which could have increased the number of sible for the content or functionality of any supple-
the false positive findings. mentary materials supplied by the authors. Any
queries (other than missing material) should be
directed to the corresponding author for the article.
In the present study we found no specific marker in
grey matter for the ADHD group. Inattention and
hyperactivity/impulsivity are the main symptoms of This study was funded by a grant to K.K. and G.R.F.
ADHD and are postulated to be modulated by of the Interdisciplinary Center of Clinical Research
abnormal fronto-striatal circuits. Our study con- Aachen (IZKF N60 and N65) in Germany. K.K.,
firms these findings in patients with ADHD in com- B.H.-D. and G.R.F. gratefully acknowledge further
parison to controls, but in contrast to patients with support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
autism spectrum disorder the deficits were not able (DFG-KFO112). We are grateful to our colleagues
to distinguish between the two disorders. On the from the MR group and the Cognitive Neurology
other hand, deficits in social communication and group, particularly Peter Weiss-Blankenhorn, for
interaction, repetitive, stereotype behaviour and a their support.
grey matter volume increase in the right supramar-
ginal gyrus were found to be specific for children
with autism spectrum disorders. Correspondence to
Furthermore, our present results point to shared
Sarah Brieber, Institute of Neuroscience and Bio-
brain abnormalities within the medial temporal and
physics, Department of Medicine, Research Centre
inferior parietal lobe in autism and ADHD and are in
Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany; Tel: +49 2461 61
line with a number of studies which have focused
2084; Fax: +49 2461 61 2820; Email: s.brieber@
on one clinical group only. Future research should
focus on the investigation of the relationship of their
neuropsychological profiles and neurobiological
endophenotypes. Thus, our findings may not only References
help to further elucidate the neural basis of autistic
and ADHD symptoms but may also have clinical Abell, F., Krams, M., Ashburner, J., Passingham, R.,
Friston, K., Frackowiak, R., Happé, F., Frith, C., &
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Structural brain abnormalities in ASD and ADHD 1257

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