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Planned Visual Audio

B-Role of people who have PoTS talking Explaining how PoTS affects them, what
about PoTS-from TikTok/Instagram PoTS is and talking about PoTS in general.

Camera cuts to me, walking outside by the PoTS statistics- 2 in 1000 people are
river. affected, 0.2% of the population of the UK,
Put statistics on screen around me. majority (92%) females aged 15-50, 50% of
children with PoTS cannot regularly attend
school, it is due to an abnormal response by
the autonomic nervous system. So what
really is PoTS?

Me interviewing/ talking to Jess in her I’m on my way to see Jess Heather, a

house or outside, depending on weather. teenager who suffers from PoTS.
Pictures of Jess’ symptoms before she was How has your life changed since being
diagnosed. diagnosed with PoTS? Was it difficult to get
diagnosed? How do you manage your
symptoms? How has it impacted your
education? How has it impacted your day-
to-day life? Are there any specific tasks that
you now find challenging that you didn’t
before? Are you on any medication to help
your symptoms? What made you think that
something serious was going on? Do you
think your PoTS is related to your covid or
long covid? How did you feel when you
were diagnosed? How long did it take to get

Me talking to Claire (Jess’ Mum) in their How has Jess having PoTS affected you?
house. What was Jess like before PoTS? Was she
Pictures/videos of younger Jess, an active child? What changes have you
pictures/videos of Jess with PoTS. had to make to your family life? Was it
difficult to come to terms with the fact your
daughter has a chronic illness? Have you
received or looked for any support from any
charities etc? How did you feel before Jess
was diagnosed? Are you hopeful for the
future that she will have a good recovery?

There are different tests that someone can

Me and Jess PoTS test- active stand test take to determine whether they have PoTS,
In her house, with blood pressure monitor. such as the head-up tilt table test, 24 hour
blood pressure/ heart rate monitor, an
echiocardiogram and blood tests. The one
that we are going to be doing today is the
active stand test. During the test, your heart
rate and blood pressure is measured lying
down, immediately after standing up, 2
mins after standing up, 5 mins, 10 mins.
You had to do a 24 hour heart rate monitor
(Whilst we are doing the active stand test) recently, how was it? Did it come back with
any helpful conclusions? How do you

In some cases PoTS has developed after an

Me, Jess and Lottie interview inside again infection, a traumatic event, immunisation
or outside (depending on the weather) or a life stressor. Jess and Lottie both had
covid at the same time. Jess’ turned into
long covid which then caused her PoTS.
What was your experience with covid like?
Was it any different to Jess’ experience?
Where you both really ill or was it mild?
What is it like having a friend with PoTS?
Did you know anything about PoTS before
you knew that Jess had it? Have you had to
adapt anything to fit Jess’ needs?

PoTS is a little-known illness which has

major effects on people’s lives. There are
Back to me walking, concluding what PoTS some ways of helping the condition or
is and the effect it has on a teenager’s life. symptoms, such as by drinking a lot of
fluids, avoiding things that trigger the
symptoms, increasing your salt intake and
wearing compression clothes to improve
blood flow. There is a lot of support through
charities such as PoTSuk, Autonomic
Charitable Trust and UK Potsies.

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