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Why is a long friendship so rare nowadays?

When we're young, most of us have a best friend. But as we grow older, we find it harder to maintain
those close friendships. Why is this?

One reason is that we become more suspicious of others. As children, we are usually open and
trusting, but as adults, we learn to be careful about who we trust. We also start to mock at our
friends' weaknesses and bad habits. For example, if you had a friend who often interrupted you when
you were speaking, as a child you would probably just accept it, or even interrupt them back.
However, as an adult, you might get annoyed with your friend and tell them to stop doing it. This
change in behavior can damage a friendship.

Another reason is that we don't always value our friends as much as we should. When we first meet
someone, we tend to focus on their positive points. However, after a while, we start to notice their
negative qualities and appreciate them less. For example, you might have a friend who is very funny,
but they are also often late for meetings. After a while, you might start to feel frustrated with their
lateness and not enjoy their jokes as much as before.

Finally, people today are often too busy to spend time with their friends. They may work long hours
and have little free time. Also, with the rise of social media, many people spend more time online
than with their friends in person. While social media can help us keep in touch with friends, it's not
the same as spending time with them face-to-face.

So what can we do to maintain our friendships? Firstly, we need to make sure we value our friends
and show them that we appreciate them. Secondly, we need to make time for our friends and be
there for them when they need us. Finally, we need to be willing to forgive our friends when they
make mistakes or hurt us. Only by doing these things can we hope to have long-lasting friendships in
the modern world.


1. As we grow older, it becomes easier to maintain close friendships.

2. Children are more cautious about who they trust compared to adults.
3. Mocking friends' weaknesses and bad habits can strengthen a friendship.
4. We tend to appreciate our friends more as we get to know them better.
5. Being busy is not a common reason for people to spend less time with their friends.
6. Social media can replace face-to-face interactions with friends.
7. Valuing and appreciating our friends is important for maintaining friendships.
8. Making time for our friends is not necessary for maintaining friendships.
9. Forgiving our friends when they make mistakes is crucial for long-lasting friendships.

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