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“Structure 3 (PBIS4216)”
Dosen: Yansyah, M.Pd.

Nama : Hamid Rosyadi

NIM : 045190053
Semester : 3 (Tiga)
Program Studi : Sastra Inggris

Jalan Pondok Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe Udik, Kecamatan Ciputat,
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15418

Text 1

A.) If you really do your national service, you’ll probably be a pilot.

B.) Of course if you objected to any type of violence against your fellow man, you could always
object — officially I mean.

C.) If you thought along those lines, you were called a “conscientious objector”.

D.) Again you would probably be exempt from military service if you came from a long line of
conscientious objectors.

Text 2

A.) If I had taken the trouble to think about the practical side of the matter, I could have chosen a
different service.
B.) If I think about it now, I just can’t imagine why I liked the idea especially since flying for me
today is a total nightmare.

2. The sentences with parallel structure are following;

A. It's white and grey in color. (Adjective)

B. It has lovely green eyes and soft skin. (Noun phrases).

C. It eats fish and drinks milk. (Verbs).

D. It loves me and shows its love by licking me when I come back from school.(Verbs).


I have an older sister. Her name is Anisa Rahayu. I call her 'Kak Nisa' and she is seven years older.
Although we are siblings, we have some different characteristics and personalities. My sister has
black wavy hair, small face, round eyes and a pointy/sharp nose. People like to see her smile and
laugh because she has gummy smile. She is 160 cm tall and has long legs. Her skin is tanned
because she likes to travel. She also has nice facial features. My sister is pretty and kind to
everyone. She likes to buy me food and ask me to the cinema. But sometimes she can annoy my
mother. She rarely cleans her room because she is quite busy. She often sleeps a lot on weekend
due to her working schedule which is from Monday to Saturday. My sister is a hard-working
person whom I adore so much. She is the type of older sister who can be relied on.


A.) In front of my house, there is a big avocado tree.

B.) Under the tree, there is a young woman with her two children.

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