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Customer Data Inventory

film_category category
film_id SMALLINT category_id TINYINT
country_id SMALLINT
category_id TINYINT name VARCHAR(25)
country VARCHAR(50)
last_update TIMESTAMP last_update TIMESTAMP
last_update TIMESTAMP
film Indexes Indexes
city Indexes
film_id SMALLINT
city_id SMALLINT customer
title VARCHAR(255) language actor
city VARCHAR(50) customer_id SMALLINT
description TEXT language_id TINYINT actor_id SMALLINT
country_id SMALLINT store_id TINYINT
release_year YEAR name CHAR(20) first_name VARCHAR(45)
last_update TIMESTAMP first_name VARCHAR(45)
address language_id TINYINT last_update TIMESTAMP last_name VARCHAR(45)
Indexes last_name VARCHAR(45)
address_id SMALLINT original_language_id TINYINT Indexes last_update TIMESTAMP
email VARCHAR(50)
address VARCHAR(50) rental_duration TINYINT Indexes
address_id SMALLINT
address2 VARCHAR(50) rental_rate DECIMAL(4,2)
active BOOLEAN
district VARCHAR(20) length SMALLINT
create_date DATETIME
city_id SMALLINT replacement_cost DECIMAL(5,2)
last_update TIMESTAMP film_actor
postal_code VARCHAR(10) rating ENUM(...)
Indexes actor_id SMALLINT
phone VARCHAR(20) special_features SET(...)
film_id SMALLINT
last_update TIMESTAMP last_update TIMESTAMP
last_update TIMESTAMP
Indexes Indexes
Customer related data Triggers
inventory_id MEDIUMINT

film_id SMALLINT film_text

store_id TINYINT film_id SMALLINT

Business last_update TIMESTAMP title VARCHAR(255)

Indexes description TEXT
staff Movie database Indexes
store_id TINYINT
staff_id TINYINT
manager_staff_id TINYINT
first_name VARCHAR(45)
address_id SMALLINT
last_name VARCHAR(45)
last_update TIMESTAMP
address_id SMALLINT
picture BLOB Views

email VARCHAR(50)
film_list nicer_but_slower_film_list Film Resources
store_id TINYINT
rental film_in_stock get_customer_balance
active BOOLEAN actor_info
rental_id INT film_not_in_stock inventory_held_by_cu...
username VARCHAR(16) payment 2 routines
rental_date DATETIME inventory_in_stock
password VARCHAR(40) payment_id SMALLINT
inventory_id MEDIUMINT rewards_report
last_update TIMESTAMP customer_id SMALLINT sales_by_store 4 routines
customer_id SMALLINT
Indexes staff_id TINYINT
return_date DATETIME
rental_id INT
staff_id TINYINT
amount DECIMAL(5,2)
last_update TIMESTAMP staff_list customer_list
payment_date DATETIME
last_update TIMESTAMP
Data required to run the business Special view on certain data used for appraisals

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