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Exploring Educational Application in a Community Service Internship at Fairview

Elementary School
Roniesha Williams
LIBS 490-01
Liberal Studies Senior Capstone Project Proposal
Senior Capstone Project Selection:
Community-Engaged Service-Learning
Date 02/25/2024

Exploring Educational Application in a Community Service Internship at Fairview

Elementary School

The purpose of this capstone project is to engage in a community service-based internship at

Fairview Elementary School, 700 Walker Road, Dover, DE 19904, providing an opportunity to
apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout my college education. This internship will
serve as a platform to contribute to the academic and personal development of elementary school
students while evaluating the practical application of educational theories in a real-world
classroom environment.

It will give me the chance to work in a classroom and see how elementary school works in real
life. I will also be able to use the theoretical ideas I've been learning in college to create and use
effective teaching strategies, see how community service and internships affect students'
academic progress and personal growth, and work with teachers and staff to make a positive
difference in the Fairview Elementary School community.

I believe that "a liberal learner is an active participant and a partner in his or her own education
and in the education of others" (AAC&U 9). I am committed to living up to this theory by being
involved and involved in everything I do, including in and out of the classroom. Since I know
that learning is a group effort, I want to be more than just a receiver of information. I want to be
an involved participant and partner in my own and my peers' learning journeys. My philosophy
of education aligns with Fairviews educational philosophy to focus on the whole child. I plan to
integrate integrative interdisciplinary thinking to my teaching philosophy because I think in order
to focus on the whole child, students should be actively learning the skills to be able “to ask
meaningful questions about complex issues and problems, (..) locate multiple sources of
knowledge, information, and perspectives, (..) [and] compare and contrast them to reveal patterns
and connections.” (Augsburg 21).

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