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I have chosen a magazine “Home design” for an analysis.

Looking at the
cover of this magazine we can see everything needed: a title, a date, an issue
number, a bar code, some coverlines, price and a slogan. A bright picture definitely
attracts people’s attention and from the title and the picture it is understandable
that this is a house magazine. The target audience is people who want to decorate
or renovate their house or people whose profession is a stylist.
The cover is in the minimalistic style, so it is for people who do not like
anything extravagant and artsy.
As for coverlines, they are different in colour, boldness, size, style and
capitalization. So, eyes run up. There are not any questions in the coverlines,
however the punctuation is omitted. Moreover, we can see the use of imperative
clause: “Design your forever home”.
Stylistic devices such as rhyming words “decorate, build & renovate” and
assonance “Art Advice” are also used.
Home design magazines are known for their visually appealing content.
They often showcase high-quality photographs of beautifully designed homes,
highlighting different styles and trends. These images serve as inspiration for
readers, providing ideas for their own homes. So as this magazine is. We can see a
lot of photos, so they are just inspiration and examples for readers. There is no
articles, however near every picture we can see an explanation about the picture,
style etc.
In conclusion I can say that this magazine fully meets its title. It has been
done everything both to attract people’s attention and to make it interesting for

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