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Arranging Marriages

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī -
Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Relationship: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng
Wǎnyín/Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén
Character: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng
Wǎnyín, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Lán Qǐrén, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Lán
Jǐngyí, Jīn Líng | Jīn Rúlán, Ōuyáng Zǐzhēn
Additional Tags: Fake Marriage, Post-Canon, I went to bed at five writing this shit, Also
this was supposed to be just crack but then feelings came, Crack, Fluff
and Crack, Good Sibling Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Also WWX and
LWJ are fucking drama queens
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2020-07-15 Words: 3071

Arranging Marriages
by BranHowe


Wei Wuxian and Lan WangJi went and eloped much to the Lan's uncle chagrin. Jiang Chen
is sure he can do better than that this time.


I have been kindly noted that LWJ generally refers to his brother as xiongzhang rather than
shixhiong so I have made the proper changes X3

See the end of the work for more notes

It had not even been a month since the passing of Jin GuangYao and Lan XiChen was not feeling
better at all. If things kept on going that way he might head into seclusion soon rather than half ass
all of his work like he was doing right now. He was never feeling like doing anything and right
now he was feeling it even less since he had to stand his uncle's outrage for the eleventh time at
nine in the morning.

"... Anything could happen to WangJi at any moment and we don't even know where they are right
now! The inconceivable, utter disrespect to the most basic premises of morality! He did not only
stick his cut-sleeveness on my WangJi but he also… he also forced him to elope! Just like that!
Can you believe it XiChen!? The shame he has forced on our Sect by dropping off the last sense of
decency by not getting married!???"

Lan XiChen wondered for a moment if it was wise to remind his own uncle of rule number seventy
five on the wall of rules: "Causing Noise is Prohibited" to satisfy his own pettiness or if his uncle
was in need of another cup of tea before any kind of smart backlash when both men heard a
coughing coming up from the exterior of the room.

Lan XiChen beamed as much as his proper upbringing could allow. Standing still and quite
elegantly poised, like the Sect Leader he was, was Jiang WanYin.

"Sect Leader Jiang! What a pleasant surprise! We didn't expect you until…" Lan XiChen turned to
look at the hour and realized his own mistake of letting his uncle rant for literal hours now "oh,
Oh. Please forgive me, Sect Leader Jiang. I have failed to properly receive you at the appointed

"Please, no need to apologize, Sect Leader Lan, Master Lan Quiren." Jiang WanYin bowed to both
men as appropriate to the occasion "I would have waited without a problem for you but I must
admit your conversation got me quite intrigued. Is master Lan Quiren implying that he wouldn't
have that much of an issue with a pair of cut-sleeve relationship were they properly married?"

Lan Quiren scoffed. "I admit that would be a great start."

Jiang WanYin's smile widened wildly for just a glimpse in a way that reminded Lan XiChen of
those moments he knew he had the winning hand during the few times they fought together at the
Sunshot Campaign. A thing that made him excitedly anticipate the great Sandu Shengshou's
upcoming actions.

"I am quite relieved to hear of this. If that is the case, Master Lan Quiren, there's a proposal I
would like, no, I would love to discuss with you."


Wei Wuxian was somehow splayed on top of Little Apple, looking at the increasingly brightening
sky while Lan WangJi was pulling the reins, walking towards the closest city after being travelling
through the mountainside a couple of days.

"Ahahahaha oh Lan Zhan, my Lan Zhan, did you really see that grave digger's face when all the
corpses around him began to rise? Ahahahaha~"

Lan WangJi smiled warmly at his husband's figure. How could he deny him of such pleasures
when they brought him so much happiness? Especially when it meant they were doing good.
Keeping the spirits to their proper rest.

When they arrived at the city, the place was bustling with energy despite being so early in the
morning but it was not the usual one from a large place like this, there was some sort of
effervescence and giddiness in the way everyone behaved that both men felt was just a tad bit too

Being a naturally curious person, Wei Wuxian asked the nearest steamed buns stall owner.

"Excuse me, Ma'am" he took a couple of buns while Lan WangJi was already taking out the money
to pay. "Can you tell us what is going on that the city is so excited about?"
"Oh my boy! Haven't you heard!?" Said the owner, almost jumping on her heels as if she had just
been waiting for someone to ask "The leaders of the Lan and the Jiang sects are getting married!"

Wei Wuxian paled and felt like he had suddenly become a walking corpse while he heard a couple
of coins dropping to the floor by his side. He forced a smile on his face.

"Surely that's… that's not right? Is it not, maybe, a pair of disciples?"

"Oh, no, no, no. If it was that they wouldn't be announcing it to the whole world, would they? Just
look at the announcements board at the plaza! If you can't trust this old hag, then you can surely
trust an official document."

Wei Wuxian somehow brought up a more charming smile "My dear lady, I could never not trust
someone that has so much more experience that I can ever dream of"

The old lady cackled while receiving the coins Lan WangJi had picked up again "oh my, you're
such a flirt. Here, have another bun for the ride."

Wei Wuxian thanked her and turned around with his mouth open only to see that his man was well
beyond him, already walking towards the plaza. He ran towards him and reached the board.

There, in the middle of it all, was a very official looking paper with celebratory imagery
surrounding the edges of the announcement.

"It is with great pleasure to announce that the leaders of the Jiang and the Lan sects are
organising a wedding to be held in Lotus Pier during the auspicious upcoming new moon of the
month of Xin Si at sunset where they expect to celebrate a wedding that will tighten up the relations
between both regions of Gusu and Yunmeng. All blessings for the grooms to wed."

The announcement ended with a beautiful seal that joined both sects imagery, a lotus flower
floating over a cloud.

Wei Wuxian read the thing three times before anything made any kind of sense and then one time

"The upcoming moon of… oh heavens, Lan Zhan. That is in eight days!!! This is… We cannot stay
here! We have to stop this nonsense wedding!"

Lan WangJi was looking at his soulmate with a stern glare that was completely agreeing with Wei
Wuxian's exclamation.


Soon enough, they were running to the stable where they had left Little Apple and began their
journey towards Wei Wuxian's old home.


The day arrived, the whole city of Yunmeng was dressed for the celebration, people wandering
excitedly throughout the streets, waiting for the announcement that the marriage was completed.
Inside of Lotus Pier, two fine figures in relatively simple red robes were alone, kneeling already at
the ancient hall, just waiting for the exact hour. A red veil covering the head of one of them.

"After knowing you through all these years and battles, I have to be honest and say that I know I
shouldn't, but I am still impressed about your boldness. Sect Leader Jiang."
Jiang WanYin laughed "Turns out I'm not only good at slashing things, eh?" He winked at the
elegant face behind the veil. "Also please call me Jiang WanYin, I hope we're well past certain
formalities after this."

The veiled man snickered "Very well, then please do call me Lan XiChen. I'd feel quite saddened
if you felt there was any need for formalities with me as well, Jiang WanYin."

Jiang WanYin smiled brightly at the man by his side.

A couple of minutes passed when Lan XiChen began to fidget.

"Are you sure they will come?"

"Oh trust me, I don't know about your HanGuang-Jun but Wei Wuxian will definitely be here. And
if he is here…"

"Then WangJi is going to be here as well."

Jiang WanYin nodded in agreement. As if they had summoned the chaotic couple, they heard a
commotion starting on the Swords Hall.

"It's the Yiling Patriarch and HanGuang-Jun!"

"Somebody stop them!"

Both men heard the sounds of blades and general fighting getting nearer at each second, sometimes
yells of pain.

"Will your disciples be alright, Jiang WanYin?"

"Are you kidding me? They were ecstatic when I told them they would be able to test their skills
against the Second Jade of Gusu-Lan. Not that they're anywhere near him but that will help them
assess their own strengths."

Lan XiChen snickered. Soon enough, the commotion was right behind them and suddenly the
doors of the Ancient Hall burst open and in came Wei Wuxian and Lan WangJi.



The pair in red stood up from their kneeling position and turned to look at the newcomers.

"Ah, my dear WangJi! How auspicious that you managed to arrive in time!"

"Yeah, we would have had a real problem if you didn't show up."

The couple at the doors looked at each other in shock and then glared at their counterparts while
approaching them. Wei Wuxian fisted Jiang Cheng's robes and pulled him forward while Lan
WangJi almost fell on Lan XiChen's arms, almost imperceptibly glazed eyes.

"Can you tell me what sort of nonsense this is!?"

"xiongzhang, please!"

Both men in red gave their brothers a smile, albeit one would have been considered saintly while
the other devilish. Suddenly, the doors of the Ancient Hall closed once more, startling Wei
Wuxian and Lan WangJi. They turned around and saw, appalled some very well known faces.

"HanGuang-Jun, Senior Wei, I'm really glad to see you're well."

"I mean, not like we actually cared but…"

"Oh, don't be a liar! You're the one who wanted to see Senior Wei the most!"

"Can we get going with this? We'll be late for the banquet at this rate."

Before he was able to completely understand what the junior quarter was doing there, Lan WangJi
heard his brother.

"Please forgive me WangJi, we cannot afford more stalling, you are indeed a little bit late."

And just like that, he clearly sensed how his spiritual energy was blocked by his own brother's

"Alright, you can take him, Jiang WanYin."

"Gotcha!" Exclaimed the man while leaning forward and carrying a very startled Wei Wuxian like
a potato sack and jumping through the threshold that the juniors had opened once more,
disappearing through the hallways.

"W… Wait a second! What are you doing!? Lan Zhan! LAN ZHAN SAVE ME!!!"


Lan WangJi did his best to get away from his brother's grasp while the frantic screams of his lover
moved away from them but it was impossible without his spiritual energy. He turned to look at his
brother, a pair of tears menacing to roll over his cheek.

"Now, now, don't look like that, let's go get you changed and refreshed, you'll be able to see him

Unable to do much more, he allowed himself to be guided through another hall towards a
guestroom with a sigh, shoulders slightly falling.

"Tche, what's all the drama for? It's not like they're gonna be apart forever."

"Look who's talking, Mistress."


"Please guys, let's not do this right now."

"Yes! A wedding is a very important occasion!"

Chided by his brother, Lan WangJi took a quick bath and began to dress himself in layers of
increasingly dark blue without paying too much attention but stopped when he finally noticed the
outer garment his brother, now properly dressed with his best silver and light blue robes, was
providing. He had in his hands a deep red robe accented with dark blue and silver embroidery
reminiscing of clouds around the edges that was to be matched with a dark blue, almost black sash.
He looked at the clearly elegant garment in awe and then turned to look at Lan XiChen.
"Xiongzhang, this…"

Lan XiChen gave him a soft smile, already holding a comb. "Come on, dress up, let your big
brother do your hair."

Lan WangJi's eyes widened up in comprehension. He felt his ears burn when he finished dressing
himself and sat down.

"Xiongzhang, I'm sorry. I thought, we thought…"

Lan XiChen let out a soft chuckle.

"We know." Lan XiChen began to brush softly WangJi's hair.

Both men got lost in the process of brushing and hairstyling, reminiscing childhood days where the
older man took care of the younger in the same way. Lan XiChen sighed while pulling up the hair
for the bun after being done with the brushing.

"You know WangJi, I'm really glad I'm able to be here for you today."

Lan WangJi frowned. "Xiongzhang?"

It was barely a whisper but that didn't stop Lan XiChen to feel the worry.

"I'm going into seclusion WangJi… Don't move, you'll ruin the bun…" Lan XiChen sighed once
more "Maybe one of the reasons I agreed to this mad scheme was precisely because I did not want
to miss this particular day and knowing how erratic your movements can be I was not sure if I was
going to be here otherwise."

Lan WangJi looked downwards, faintly blushing, feeling his brother fix the decorative pins.

"Which is why I also wanted to tell you…" Lan XiChen grabbed Lan WangJi's forehead band,and
began to arrange it on the hairstyle he had fixed, oddly out of place in the middle of so much red
and dark blue. "That I don't really have much to tell you about the importance of treasuring your
soulmate, since I saw you learn that lesson yourself." Lan WangJi saw a tear trailing down his
brother's cheek through the mirror. "...But I can tell you that I am happy for you. And no matter
where you go from now on, I hope your travels bring you nothing more than bliss and joy. And
that I support you, today and tomorrow and all the years to come."

Lan WangJi felt a knot on his throat.

"There, it's done. Let's go back to the Ancient Hall. I'm sure your future husband is there already."

Lan WangJi stood up and turned to look at his brother. Lan XiChen smiled and placed a hand on
his shoulder.


Lan WangJi looked at his brother for a second and threw himself at him with a hug. Lan XiChen
hugged him back a little startled and felt more than heard his little brother's soft sniffle. He hugged
him tighter.

"I love you too."

Lan WangJi walked inside the Hall once more. He was shocked when he saw his uncle standing
there as well. Feeling overwhelmed, he walked towards him and bowed. The old man scoffed and
shooed him towards the altar. Lan WangJi nodded and turned towards the center of the room.

The perfect figure of his husband to be was already kneeling in front of the altar, not slouched or
slant but immaculately poised. Bright red gown speckled with gold and lavender motifs of lotus
flowers in both the sash and the veil. His face barely visible but his body showing he was clearly
moved. He knelt down by his side.

"Wei Ying"

His voice had been but a breath but Wei Wuxian had heard him alright. He turned towards him
with the brightest smile.

"Look at this Lan Zhan," he whispered "We're finally in front of them… Do you… do you think
shijie would have given us her blessing? And Uncle Jiang? And Madam Yu?"

Lan WangJi gave him the softest smile yet.


Wei Wuxian took in a deep breath. Clearly trying to restrain the tears that were already rolling
through his face and nodded. Unable to say a thing, very unlike his usual character.

The ceremony went incredibly fast after that. Both Jiang WanYin and Lan XiChen said a couple of
words as the ones preceding the ceremony, Jiang WanYin dressed in proper purple, navy and gold
robes. The grooms exchanged bows, too short and surprisingly not embarrassing from Wei
Wuxian, too long and incredibly bold from Lan WangJi, and then prostrated three times as per the

The juniors, the ones acting as witnesses standing behind were all tearing by the end. Jin Ling had
been the first to be noticed but Lan JingYi's teasing was not really effective since he was crying as

The banquet had been a success. The entire city was celebrating the newlyweds after all so the
noise and celebration was everywhere. Around nine, the newlyweds finally bid their goodnight and
stepped away from the hall in the middle of catcalling and whistles that Wei Wuxian encouraged,
absolutely elated after three bottles of wine. Being carried bridal style by his now very official

The following day they were caught by the juniors before they could run away on Little Apple
once more and received a thorough scorn from Jin Ling who screamed at them something about
being already married and not seeing the point of acting like a pair of runaway, wanted criminals
anyway and that Wei Wuxian better go see him at LanLing or else he would definitely hunt him.

Meanwhile, Jiang WanYin was supervising that not a place had been left uncleaned, with Lan
XiChen by his side.

"Are you sure you're not gonna say goodbye?"

"If I say goodbye now, Wei Wuxian won't need to come back later." Jiang WanYin said matter of
factly "What about you? I don't see you at the backdoor of Lotus Pier right now."

"I already said all that I needed. Now I feel like I can finally go into seclusion."
Jiang WanYin eyed his counterpart carefully and scoffed.

"You don't approve of that."

"Obviously Not. You're saying it like you're about to die."

Lan XiChen laughed tiredly.

"You're being dramatic."

"All I'm saying is that this seclusion thing is not going to work for you at all. If you don't come out
of your personal coffin after a year I'll come raise you from the dead."

Lan XiChen gave out a tired scoff but said nothing more about it. After all, there was no way Jiang
WanYin would know him better than himself.

"I'll take that as your permission."

Finished the man by his side, ending the conversation.

Both leaders kept on supervising the cleansing of the whole Lotus Pier and making sure it went
back to its usual state while, on another side, a figure in black mounted on a donkey waved
goodbye to a bunch of sniffling teenagers while a figure in white pulled softly the donkey's reins.

End Notes

I hope you liked this tiny piece, I wavered for a while about whether to put the Jiang
Cheng/Lan Huan tag since this is not really about that particular pairing but I decided to
leave it in the end since I hope those who enjoy their interactions get to enjoy this fic.

Love to y'all ✨

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