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A Matter of Time

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at


Archive Warning:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage


陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī -
Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 魔道祖师 | Módào Zǔshī (Cartoon), 魔道祖师 |
Módào Zǔshī (Audio Drama)

Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Huàn | Lán
Xīchén/Niè Míngjué

Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng
Wǎnyín, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Lán Qǐrén, Niè Huáisāng, Niè
Míngjué, Qīnghéng-jūn, Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Lán Yuàn | Lán
Sīzhuī, Wēn Qíng (Módào Zǔshī)

Additional Tags:
Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, POV Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, POV
Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Dark Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Top Lán
Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Bottom Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lan Zhan goes
crazy, Manipulation, Grooming, Except Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are
physically the same age, but Lan Zhan kept his 30 year old mind, Lán
Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Get a Happy Ending,
Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in
first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane Lan zhan, Manic Lan Zhan,
Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Conditioning, Come Eating, Come Swallowing,
Anal Fingering, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn is a Lán, Minor Character
Death, Golden Core Reveal (Módào Zǔshī), Good Friend Niè Huáisāng,
Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng
Family (Módào Zǔshī), Jiāng Family Bashing (Módào Zǔshī), POV Niè
Huáisāng, Dark Niè Huáisāng, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual
Cultivation, Horny Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn,
Qīnghéng-jūn Lives, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī Has a Big Dick, Self-
Lubrication, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Self-Lubricates, Qíshān Wēn
Indoctrination (Módào Zǔshī), Plot Twists, Porn With Plot, Sunshot
Campaign (Módào Zǔshī), Lánlíng Jīn Sect Bashing (Módào Zǔshī),
Scheming Niè Huáisāng, Manipulative Niè Huáisāng, BAMF Lán Zhàn |
Lán Wàngjī, BAMF Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, BAMF Niè Huáisāng,
Burial Mounds Lore, Sentient Burial Mounds (Módào Zǔshī), Married
Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Implied Mpreg,
Adopted Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Breathplay, Dark Wèi Yīng | Wèi
Wúxiàn, Yandere Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī


Part 1 of A Matter of Time

Published: 2023-06-14 Completed: 2023-08-27 Words: 41,251 Chapters:
A Matter of Time
by mrcformoso


When Lan Wangji went back in time to the first time he met Wei
Wuxian, he thought it would be on their spar on the rooftops. He
thought of how much he would have to change their interactions
through the Cloud Recesses, how he would have to find a way to split
Wei Wuxian from the Jiangs…

But when he came to his body, he found himself holding out a toy
drum to a little child, a little A-Ying, in the streets of Yilling.

'Huh.' Lan Wangji thought as the little boy smiled up at him. 'This will
be easier than I thought.'

Or: After Wei Wuxian’s death, something broke in Lan Wangji. He

would do anything to get the love of his life back, safely in his arms.
Even rewrite history.


I wanted to have my go at Dark!Lan Zhan and this plot bunny has been
bouncing in my head for quite some time.

WARNING: Lan Zhan in this fic is around 30 years old but brought
back to his child self. He has the physical body of a child but he retains
his mind. He's obsessed and had lost his sanity after Wei Ying died.
That being said I will still consider this as manipulation of a minor and
grooming. If you are uncomfortable with this, please, click away and
take care of yourself. Everything will be 'consensual', and will be
depicted as 'right' but it is NOT. There will be underaged sexual
Now with Spanish Translation c/o Jiang_meizy in Wattpad HERE!
Prologue - The Day the Cultivation World Died
Chapter Summary

A.k.a. the day Lan Wangji snapped.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Ten Years after the Fall of the Yilling Patriarch.

Jiang Wanyin defended himself blow to blow against the insane man. How
he was able to keep up was only due to his strong core, the new one that
Baoshan Sanren had gifted him. It was the only reason why he hasn’t joined
the piles of bodies that littered the once golden banquet hall of the Jins.

He was kicked to a pile of bodies. The dead, long gone eyes of his own sect
members stared at him as he groaned from the pain. He was afraid to get up
and fight, afraid of becoming another casualty among the dead. Perhaps he
could rest, play possum.

The figure in the middle continued fighting with the other cultivators that
were still alive, but they were all stabbed and killed, beheaded and shoved
aside like nothing. Another count to the piles.

It was raining blood.

And in the center, in once pristine white robes, stood Hanguang-jun.

Lan Wangji had a wide grin, an almost manic smile on his face. The smile
had not left him since he had stormed the festivities and proceeded to
murder every single cultivator in cold blood. His own sect mates, the minor
sects, the major sects, none were spared. Not even his uncle. Not even his
brother. He even used a talisman to seal the door shut.
Everything was drenched in blood. The few that were still alive dared not
approach, but couldn’t run away. Bichen would behead them the second
they tried.

What happened?

What happened to their revered Hanguang-jun?

“Almost there.” Lan Wangji laughed, the sound so foreign in their ears.
“Just a bit more.”

Jiang Wanyin didn’t notice it, focused on the battle as it was, but as he sat
amongst the dead, feigning death himself, he could now see an array
forming from their blood, so large that it was encompassing the entire hall.

Lan Wangji suddenly moved, beheading a few more cultivators, laughing

all the while. “You’re more useful this way,” he cackled, “useless
cultivators, your sole purpose is to power this array. Bring him back to me.
Bring him back.”

Jiang Wanyin shivered.

Wei Wuxian.

“That’s it, that’s it!”

The final circle of the array completed, Jiang Wanyin closed his eyes as it
glowed, flashing light, light, light…


Jiang Wanyin blinked, suddenly sitting in a pier, looking at his own

reflection in the water.

His…child self. He couldn't be more than five or six years old.


Chapter End Notes

EDIT (2023-08-10): Added link to Spanish Translation and edited

minor errors

I will add tags as we go along to prevent major plot spoilers as the fic
is still in progress.

I will not be able to update this weekly due to life stuff happening but
rest assured all the chapters have been mapped out and major events
have been outlined already.

Next Chapter Preview:

Lan Zhan swung their hands. “A-Ying doesn’t have a home. Can A-
Zhan bring him to Gusu?”

Uncle sputtered. “A-Zhan you –“

“Uncle said I can bring whatever I wanted home.”

Chapter Summary

Lan Zhan takes Wei Ying to Gusu, manipulating him and his sect the
whole way.

Chapter Notes

WARNING AGAIN: Once again warning that although they are

physically the same age LWJ is mentally 30-40 years old. This will be
counted as grooming / manipulation, and he manipulates literally
everyone, especially Wei Ying. It will be depicted as ‘right’ because it
is in his POV and he’s justifying himself.

ALSO Warning for underage sexual activities. No penetration in this

chapter, and it is ‘consensual’ (in a sense that Wei Ying doesn’t know
that he’s being manipulated by an older man, and thinks they’re
‘discovering sex together’) but like I said, it may be disturbing because
LWJ is mentally 30-40 years old. If this disturbs you, please click

Take care of yourselves!

EDIT (2023-08-10): Minor typo and grammar edits.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Lan Zhan blinked in surprise.

He could feel his soul, his memories start to settle. The time travel array
described disorientation as a side effect, but Lan Zhan powered through it to
make sure he could recognize his surroundings. He had to, this had to take
him back to when he first met Wei Ying –
“Gege? Is gege okay? Did the dogs bite gege?”

He expected to be on the rooftops, sword drawn and pointed towards the

man who would later become the center of Lan Zhan’s universe.

He didn’t expect to be holding out a toy rattle drum to a homeless child.

One with silver eyes.

He remembered this. It was a few weeks after Mother had died, uncle began
taking him and Xiongzhang away from the Cloud Recesses to get their
minds off of everything. From his surroundings and the ambient resentful
energy, he must be in Yiling.

His memories of this time were fuzzy, but he does remember how he
separated from his uncle and brother after being given a few coins to ‘bring
home whatever he wanted’. How he was chased by dogs after buying the
toy rattle. How a street child saved him, and he gave the child the rattle as
thanks. How exasperated, yet proud uncle looked at him when he recounted
the story. How Xiongzhang bought him another rattle drum before they left.

To think…

Lan Zhan handed the toy rattle drum to the small boy, who grinned, wide
and toothy. He recognized those eyes. He recognized that grin. He
recognized that look of amusement as he twisted the rattle drum.

“What is your name?” Lan Zhan asked, his voice lighter and squeakier than
his normal. He was back to being a child, after all. The world looked so
large, and yet all that condensed down to the person in front of him.

“This one is named Wei Ying!” the boy bowed. “This one thanks Gege for
the drum!”

Huh. Lan Zhan wondered about destiny, wondered about probabilities. For
them to meet this early, they must be immortal soulmates. No wonder their
first life had been cursed, he missed his soulmate as early as childhood.
He had it all planned out, what he would do when he met Wei Ying during
the disciple lectures of the Cloud Recesses. He had it scheduled perfectly in
his head, how he would treat Wei Ying with favor, nurture his low self-
esteem, and slowly turn him against his adoptive sect. This was an obvious
wrench in his plans, but it was a very convenient one.

Because the Jiangs won’t have to be involved at all.

Because Wei Ying, wonderfully loyal and dedicated Wei Ying, will never
have to direct that level of trust and devotion towards them.

Lan Zhan can have it all to himself.

This will be easier than I thought.

“Does A-Ying have a home?” Lan Zhan asked. He already knew the

Wei Ying shook his head. “Mama and Baba left and never came back. A-
Ying doesn’t have a home.” He shivered. “Ah, but A-Ying stays in the
alleys. In the dark! Dogs can’t find A-Ying there.”

Lan Zhan’s older heart constricted at the thought of poor little A-Ying
struggling to survive. Of how long he had been like this before Sect Leader
Jiang took him from one horrible world to another.

Well, not on his watch.

“Does A-Ying want to stay with A-Zhan?” Lan Zhan held out his hand. “A-
Zhan will take care of A-Ying. Give A-Ying a home.”

Wei Ying looked at him curiously. “Really?”

“Mn.” Lan Zhan, to show his sincerity, removed his outer robe and wrapped
it around the small boy. “A-Ying saved A-Zhan from dogs. So A-Zhan
saves A-Ying from the streets. A-Zhan will take care of A-Ying. Give A-
Ying food, and clothes, and a home.” He liked how little Wei Ying looked
wrapped in his clothes. He suspects this will be a feeling he will be
accustomed to. “Come with me to my home. Come with me to Gusu.”
Wei Ying had no sense of self-preservation. No pride. No home. No family.
This little Wei Ying never learned to doubt Lan Zhan, never fought with
him before. As far as he’s concerned, this Wei Ying thought of Lan Zhan as
his savior.

“Okay, Gege!” He grinned, trusting.

Lan Zhan took his hand, lacing their fingers together, and walked with him
towards the figures of white that were looking increasingly restless as they
scanned over the crowds, no doubt looking for Lan Zhan.

“Didi! There you are!” Xiongzhang looked relieved, and Uncle whipped his
head towards them. Both appeared happy for a moment, then confused at
the little street boy holding his hand, distracted by the rattle drum. No doubt
they were looking at how he was wrapped in Lan Zhan’s outer robe. “Didi,
who is this?”

“A-Ying.” Lan Zhan swung their hands. “A-Ying doesn’t have a home. Can
A-Zhan bring him to Gusu?”

Uncle sputtered. “A-Zhan you –“

“Uncle said I can bring whatever I wanted home.” Lan Zhan thought about
it for a moment, and then hugged Wei Ying, an act that he knew would get
their attention. Lan Zhan never hugged. The only one he hugged before was
his mother. “A-Ying saved me from dogs. A-Ying doesn’t have a home. A-
Zhan wants A-Ying to be his friend.”

Wei Ying, who was distracted most of the conversation, hugged Lan Zhan
back. “Is A-Zhan sad? No! Don’t be sad! A-Ying will make A-Zhan smile,

Lan Zhan could see it from the corner of his eye, the way Xiongzhang
looked pleadingly at his uncle. That would make things easier. His uncle
will be hard to convince, but Xiongzhang will do anything to make Lan
Zhan happy.
Especially during this time when they should still be fresh from their
mother’s passing.

“Uncle, please…”

“Wait.” Their uncle kneeled down. “You looked familiar, A-Ying. What are
the names of your parents?”

“Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren.” Wei Ying recited.

Uncle closed his eyes. “I see. When I heard what happened I thought…so
you were left behind.”

“A-Ying is alone. Can A-Ying stay with A-Zhan?” Lan Zhan repeated. He
allowed himself some vulnerability, allowed Wei Ying’s future death weigh
down on him, and in an instant, he felt his lip wobble, his eyes misty.
Xiongzhang gasped.

“Uncle…” he held onto their uncle’s sleeve, eyes pleading.

“Oh! Oh no! A-Zhan don’t cry. A-Ying is here!” Wei Ying, sweet and
innocent Wei Ying squeezed him tight, not knowing that he’s adding to the
narrative. Not knowing how his sweetness is Lan Zhan’s ticket to
everything he’s ever wanted. Lan Zhan allowed himself to be coddled,
allowed himself the affection he never permitted in the past timeline.

Uncle looked at them, and sighed. Lan Zhan knew he had won. “Alright. A-
Ying can come with us to Gusu.”


Everyone chalked up their closeness as Lan Zhan compensating for the loss
of his mother by adopting a friend. Lan Qiren ultimately decided to ‘let
them be’, and ‘look how happy he’s made A-Zhan’, and ‘he’s the son of
two powerful cultivators, surely he will be an asset to Gusu Lan’.

Never mind the cruel way he treated Wei Ying in the future. Lan Zhan will
keep an eye out on that, but as long as Wei Ying is with him, they should be
alright. Lan Zhan has long since learned how fickle the beliefs of these
elder cultivators were. Uncle is still soft in this time, reeling from the need
to comfort both nephews after they lost their mother. He can still bend, and
he will bend to how Lan Zhan wishes.

Though it is a pity that Lan Zhan didn’t meet his mother again, it was worth
it to have Wei Ying in Gusu, safe, and latched onto Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan taught him the rules, taught him how to read and write, and
before long Wei Ying’s natural genius came through. From lagging behind
in class, he charged forth to be on top of it, with the teachers whispering in
amazement as he managed to now stand toe-to-toe with Lan Zhan. How a
once illiterate boy was now able to question and pick apart basic talismans,
a brain that still needed development but would have so many ideas.

And when they’re not in class, Wei Ying would hang off of Lan Zhan’s arm,
talking endlessly but softly enough. Before, it would receive the teachers’
ire and Lan Qiren’s annoyance, but Lan Zhan would carefully and
strategically smile in their presence as he listened to Wei Ying.

It instantly dissuaded them. After all, how can something be bad if it made
their notoriously stoic Second Jade smile? When it brought comfort to a
boy who had essentially lost both parents?

Yes, Lan Zhan knew how to play those foolish elders. He will make them
see the genius Wei Ying is, make them realize what gift they have in their
midst, and when the time comes, well…

That’s in the future. Now is the time for laying the foundations.

He steers Wei Ying away from the other disciples ‘their age’, keeps Wei
Ying’s attention on himself, and makes sure Wei Ying is properly taken care
of. He even got uncle to agree on letting Wei Ying stay in the Jingshi, and it
was even easier to convince Wei Ying to sleep with him in his bed.

In fact, it was Wei Ying who suggested it.

“A-Zhan, A-Zhan, A-Ying is lonely.” His little lip wobbled and Lan Zhan
resisted the urge to bite it. They were still children, after all. “Can A-Ying
sleep with A-Zhan? Is it against the rules?”

It is. It also didn't matter. Lan Zhan made room for Wei Ying, who grinned
so wide and so beautifully as he scooted in the bed. They hugged each other
in the dark, exhaustion seeping into their bones.

“A-Ying can stay here all the time.” Lan Zhan rubbed their foreheads
together. “A-Ying can stay with A-Zhan forever.”

Wei Ying smiled, hugging and snuggling Lan Zhan. “Forever!”

“A-Zhan,” Wei Ying frowned, unable to figure out one of the formal robes.
There was a Discussion Conference, and they were asked to make an
appearance for a brief moment. Uncle claimed it was just to say hello (but
Lan Zhan knew it was a show of power to the other sects. Look at our
proper and esteemed heirs! Our genius disciples! It was not obvious to him
before, but with Lan Zhan’s adult mind it was as clear as day), and they
needed to look their best. “A-Zhan, can A-Zhan help A-Ying?”

The Wei Ying before never asked for help from anyone. This Wei Ying had
learned to ask help from Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan fixed his robes and hugged Wei Ying. Although Lan Zhan missed
the red and black Wei Ying would wear before, there’s something utterly
charming about seeing Wei Ying in Gusu Lan’s whites and blues, his own
forehead ribbon defining him as a member of the clan. The only thing of red
was a red ribbon resembling the one that his parents left him. That old
ribbon is in his treasury, alongside the first toy drum Lan Zhan gave him,
but he kept an updated red ribbon braided in his hair.

“There will be lots of people A-Ying.” Lan Zhan swayed them side to side,
with Wei Ying giggling and hugging him back. “Will A-Ying be okay?”

“Mn!” Wei Ying squeezed him back. “And A-Zhan will protect me!”

“That’s right. A-Zhan will always protect A-Ying.” Lan Zhan stroked Wei
Ying’s back, smiling at his own reflection in the mirror.

Things were going perfectly.

“A-Zhan?” Wei Ying sounded shy.


“C-can you give me my courtesy name?”

Lan Zhan blinked and turned towards Wei Ying. He had thought, and
accepted, that Wei Ying may have a different courtesy name in this life. It
wouldn’t matter to Lan Zhan, they had always referred to each other by
their birth names. His uncle and brother agreed on the name Wangji for
him, and he had thought they would do the same and think of one for Wei

To be trusted with Wei Ying’s courtesy name…

“Are you sure, A-Ying?” Lan Zhan asked.

“Mn!” Wei Ying nodded, sitting beside Lan Zhan and bumping their
shoulders together.

Lan Zhan smiled. Well.

“Wei Wuxian.” Lan Zhan nodded, “no envies.”

“Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian.” Wei Ying tasted the name, and grinned. “I like
it! And it’s perfect! After all, I have you with me so why should I be
envious of anything?” A pause. “Oh, but A-Zhan has to keep calling me A-
Ying! Not allowed to change!”

“Hm?” Lan Zhan smiled, amused, “and why is that?”

“Because A-Zhan is my zhiji!” Wei Ying declared. Lan Zhan felt his heart
stutter with joy. “A-Zhan and A-Ying are zhiji, so no need for courtesy
names, right?”

In any life, they are soulmates, destined for each other. Lan Zhan felt

“Of course, A-Ying.”

Puberty hit them at twelve years old, and with it came a lot of firsts.

Their first duet.

Lan Zhan first played Wanxian for Wei Ying when they were ten years old.
Wei Ying was still learning Lan musical pieces while Lan Zhan knew all of
them by heart at this point, but feigned learning.

He did, however, admit that he composed the piece for Wei Ying. Wei Ying
loved the piece so much that he devoted himself to memorizing the song and
always requested for Lan Zhan to play it, humming and leaning against him
whenever it was played.
He never told Wei Ying the name, saying that he’s looking for a deserving
name for it.

Two years later, during one such session, Wei Ying suddenly lifted his dizi
and played.

He didn’t play the same song as Lan Zhan, but his music wove around Lan
Zhan’s. If Lan Zhan’s guiqin was a steady melody of love and devotion, Wei
Ying’s accompaniment was like a hummingbird, flitting around and orbiting
the main melody like how Wei Ying flits around Lan Zhan. Like everything
in their lives now, they are equals and complementary.

As the last notes rung out, Wei Ying smiled, hands wringing around his dizi.
“Was that okay, A-Zhan?”

“I think I know what to name the song now.” Lan Zhan smiled, leaning
against the love of his life, who, even now, continues to impress and amaze


Now with Wei Ying’s dizi accompanying him, it truly deserves the name.

Wei Ying’s silver eyes sparkled in wonder, and he hugged Lan Zhan,
grinning. “It sounds perfect!”

Their first date unsupervised nighthunt.

It was honestly too easy.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying’s teamwork was impeccable, backing each other
and moving so much in sync that it rivals Lan Zhan’s own synchronicity
with his brother. The ghosts were dispatched in record time, and they had so
much extra time left that Wei Ying managed to convince Lan Zhan to pass
by the town on their way back.
Wei Ying had his arm around Lan Zhan’s, as is his usual, as they looked at
the colors that surrounded them, inhaling the scent of food and taking in the
sounds of life.

“We saved them, A-Zhan. Isn’t that great?” Wei Ying grinned, ever the
paragon of justice. “And we will spend our lives doing this, keeping people
safe so they can live happy lives!”

Lan Zhan loves him so much, and allowed the red hot anger at the
cultivation world, for condemning this boy to death at another timeline, to
roll off his back. He wanted to enjoy this moment, with the lights and colors
playing off of the beautiful, pure smile on Wei Ying’s face, the smile directed
at Lan Zhan.

“How about A-Ying?” Lan Zhan asked as he led Wei Ying slowly through
the stalls, giving each enough time to watch if anything will capture Wei
Ying's attention. “Is A-Ying happy?”

“Aiya, A-Zhan, how could you doubt it?” His smile was radiant. “As long
as I’m with A-Zhan, A-Ying will always be happy –”

Lan Zhan’s eyes sharpened as he saw how the smile on Wei Ying’s face
widen as he looked at – oh, Lan Zhan’s heart cannot handle the sheer purity
of Wei Ying – a toy drum, much like the one he gave the younger man that
fateful day he went back in time.

Lan Zhan bought it with the allowance given to them for the hunt, and
handed it to Wei Ying without a second thought. Wei Ying looked at the
drum, then back at Lan Zhan, and grinned so wide Lan Zhan swore that the
sun had found its rival. “A-Zhan, A-Zhan, the last time you gave me this
drum, you took me to Gusu. Where will you take me now?”

“Anywhere A-Ying wants.” Lan Zhan took the hand hooked around his arm
and, taking a chance, kissed Wei Ying’s fingers. A bright flush spread across
Wei Ying’s cheeks and Lan Zhan was tempted to kiss those red cheeks and
see how far down it spread. “As long as A-Zhan comes along.”
Wei Ying had the toy drum to his heart. “A date, A-Zhan.” He breathed. “A-
Ying wants a date.”

If Lan Zhan was any lesser man he would be screaming and twirling Wei
Ying around in joy. As he is a respectable cultivator, he instead laced their
fingers together and tugged Wei Ying close. “A date it is.”

Their first kiss.

It happened in the alleyway and tasted like strawberries and sugar from the
Tanghulu they shared.

“Do we tell them?” Wei Ying breathed, eyes unsure. “We’re so young, A-
Zhan, but…”

“We can wait.” Lan Zhan smiled, kissing the still sticky sugary fingers of
Wei Ying’s hands from when he fed Lan Zhan. “We can wait until we’re
older. Keep this between us for now.”

“Whatever you want, A-Zhan.” Wei Ying grinned, pink and sweet, “A-Ying
will do whatever A-Zhan wants.”

Their kisses were innocent and chaste, and the blush on Wei Ying’s face
suggested that this was the most he could do. Lan Zhan can wait, even as he
wished to devour Wei Ying’s mouth in his, to run his tongue against his
zhiji’s. Slowly, but surely.

Their first sexual act.

“A-Zhan! A-Zhan!”

Lan Zhan woke up to Wei Ying looking –

How else could he describe it?


“A-Ying? What’s wrong?”

Wei Ying looked slightly panicked. “A-Zhan, what do I do? I feel strange –”
he pulled down the blanket and gestured to his crotch and –

Oh , he’s erect.

Lan Zhan realized, as time went by, that this would happen. That Lan Zhan
would be there during all the milestones of Wei Ying’s life, including the
discovery of sex and sexual pleasures. In the previous timeline, Lan Zhan
begrudgingly went through the motions. In this life, he allowed himself the
pleasure of the flesh, having experienced it earlier, perhaps from the
maturity of his mind.

And now, Wei Ying is turned to him, wide-eyed and confused, nervous. He’s
looking for help from his zhiji, from his soulmate.

“It’s normal, A-Ying, it’s normal.” Lan Zhan patted his shoulder. “Does A-
Ying want help?”

“Mn!” Wei Ying nodded, the flush on his cheeks were such a delicious
shade of red that Lan Zhan wanted to bite him.

“Okay, okay, relax A-Ying. Trust your A-Zhan.”

Wei Ying was beautiful at any age, Lan Zhan decided. Even now, still with
his baby fat and his features still sharpening and defining into the face Lan
Zhan fell in love with, he was still beautiful. He stroked Wei Ying’s penis,
keeping his eyes on Wei Ying’s face, memorizing every single

He’s going to remember this forever, the first time his love experiences the
height of pleasure. The confusion and the uncertainty, but more than that
the trust in his eyes as he surrendered himself to Lan Zhan, letting Lan
Zhan take the wheel.
“A-Zhan,” Wei Ying panted, silver eyes darkening with arousal as his body
jerked, movements unsure.

“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan murmured, pressing his lips against Wei Ying’s own.
Hearing his birth name caused Wei Ying to shudder and gasp, and despite
his control thus far, Lan Zhan slipped his tongue into Wei Ying’s mouth.

Wei Ying’s surprise was muffled, and Lan Zhan kept his eyes open, not
wanting to look away for even a second, watching as the younger man’s
eyes widened and roll upwards as Lan Zhan coaxed his tongue to move, as
he stroked his penis him faster and faster. His hands fell on Lan Zhan’s
shoulders, pushing and pulling as if unsure if he wanted more, or less.

Lan Zhan released his mouth to watch. Wei Ying’s first orgasm ever, and it
will be with Lan Zhan’s hand.

“Lan – Lan Zhan – Lan-er-gege,” Wei Ying had drool down his chin, his
eyes were black and fully dilated, body jerking side to side, hips thrusting.
“I – I’m going to pee, you have to stop!”

“Let go, Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan purred.

And he did.

Wei Ying gasped, body fully flushed and hips jerking, but his eyes never left
Lan Zhan’s, so he could see it all. The way Wei Ying finally released that
pressure, the relief and blissed out look on his face as he came all over Lan
Zhan’s hand.

He panted, embarrassed, unsure, as Lan Zhan brought his hand to Wei

Ying’s face, showing the thin, clear cum on his fingers. “See? Not pee.
Something else.” He licked some of the goopier parts to Wei Ying’s
scandalized gasp. “Did it feel good?”

Wei Ying thought about it, and grinned. Blooming. Glowing. He nodded, but
his brows furrowed and his eyes were trailing down Lan Zhan’s body to his
own erection. Lan Zhan’s penis hasn’t grown fully to its size in the future –
but even now he is still relatively larger than Wei Ying. He was erect, turned
on by pleasuring his zhiji. It looked obscene, protruding out of his small

“C-can I do it for you, too?” Wei Ying asked.

Sheer willpower was how Lan Zhan managed to stop himself from coming
on the spot.

It doesn’t mean he lasted long. Wei Ying was always a quick study and he
repeated what Lan Zhan did to him, even opening his mouth for Lan Zhan
to kiss as he stroked. Lan Zhan came embarrassingly quick on Wei Ying’s
fingers, and as he caught his breath, watched as Wei Ying licked his hand.

This boy will be the death of him.

Wei Ying studied the cum on his hand, smacking his lips. “It tastes weird.
Not bad, but weird.”

He took another lick and Lan Zhan dropped his head to Wei Ying’s lap,
begging his body to calm down.

They cleaned up and got ready for the day, and Lan Zhan was absolutely
ecstatic, already planning out how to get Wei Ying to discover more about
sex with him as time goes on. How he could train Wei Ying to be his perfect
sexual partner, that he would never even have to masturbate because Lan
Zhan will always be there.

But the next night, Wei Ying surprised him again by kissing him. “Wanna do
that again, A-Zhan?”

Always. Everyday. Forever.

And of course:

The first time Lan Zhan took a life in this timeline.

“Stay away from our Lan Wangji!”

Lan Zhan, who was selecting a new set of strings for his guqin, sharply
turned towards that voice. He recognized that voice. It was much younger,
but not less annoying.

Su She, the man who did nothing but copy Lan Wangji, before leaving the
Lan clan and miraculously created his own sect. He was currently
cornering Wei Wuxian in the shop, who had taken to wandering around to
see if he needed anything.

Wei Wuxian raised a brow. “Why should I?”

“You drape yourself as an esteemed cultivator but we all know what you
are! A street rat! Trash! You do not deserve the robes you wear nor your
place in our esteemed Lan Wangji’s side –“

It took the slightest falter of Wei Ying’s expression for Lan Zhan to see red.
He grabbed Su She’s arm and wrenched him away from Wei Ying, slotting
himself between them. Su She was clearly going to shout, before he realized
who had moved him.

“Lan Wangji! I was just –“ he started, but Lan Zhan silenced him

“You are not qualified to speak in our presence.” He declared, gently taking
Wei Ying’s hand in his own, coaxing the younger man to his side. “Come, A-
Ying, let’s leave the real trash behind.”

It took a while for Wei Ying’s smile to return. Su She had instantly attacked
his biggest insecurity, after all. No matter what Lan Wangji did to make
them equals, that certain insecurity could never really go away.

Even then, Su She’s fate was sealed.

A week later, Lan Wangji washed his hands in a bucket outside the Jingshi.

“A-Zhan! Did you hear?” Wei Ying twirled his dizi as he rounded the
corner to him. “A disciple got careless and tried to do a solo nighthunt. Got
himself killed, body and soul, could you believe? They couldn’t even do

“Oh?” Lan Zhan had his back to Wei Ying, thankfully, so he couldn’t see the
smile on Lan Zhan’s face.

“Some disciple named Su She…do you know him?” Wei Ying asked.
Because Lan Zhan kept him away from the other disciples and monopolized
his attention, Wei Ying never really bothered to get to know a lot of them.

Lan Zhan tipped the bucket over, eyes tracing the blood that camouflaged
itself in the darkness of the soil.

“No idea.” He turned towards his zhiji, and reached out to hold his hands,
“but I would never let anything happen to A-Ying.”

“I know, A-Zhan.” Wei Ying smiled, bouncing over to hold his hand. “I

By thirteen years old they already had their titles.

The Second and Third Jades of the Lan Sect. Two of the Three Jades of
Lan, with Zewu-Jun being the first.

Lan Zhan knew he would be stronger now than his previous self. Armed
with a mind much older than his body, with experience and the knowledge
of cultivation beyond his peers, it was easy to surpass them all and develop
his golden core into unprecedented heights at a young age. Even
Xiongzhang was baffled at how strong he became.

But what surprised Lan Zhan more was that Wei Ying was able to keep up
with him.
Perhaps it was their proximity together. They always trained with one
another, with Lan Zhan isolating him from their peers and monopolizing his
attention. They meditated, studied, and sparred with one another constantly.
With how Lan Zhan was developing his core, Wei Ying would have been
able to follow easily.

Perhaps it was another piece of proof of their compatibility, of their destiny

to be together. The proof that they were zhiji; that they were always meant
to be equals in cultivation.

Or perhaps, Lan Zhan thought as Wei Ying was now updating Lan Qiren on
his newest project, one that was suggested by Lan Zhan, to update the Gusu
wards to prevent fire, (“Because our texts are sacred, Lan-Laoshi! Can you
imagine what would happen to our history, our teachings, our research if a
fire were to start?”) perhaps this what who Wei Ying was always meant to

Outside of Yunmeng Jiang, away from a sect that was ashamed that a son of
a servant was more promising than the sect heir, in the Lan clan where the
sect heirs were strong enough to stand on their own even with a genius in
their midst, he was allowed to develop himself further and faster than ever.

And Lan Zhan can take this further.

There are still events in motion. There is nothing Lan Zhan can do now to
prevent the inevitable war with the Wens, but he can lay down the
groundwork to make sure that Gusu stands, to make sure that Wei Ying will
never be hurt, would always turn to Lan Zhan for help.

Would never lose his core, would never hide such a secret.

Wei Ying whooped in joy, clinging onto Lan Zhan’s arm as Lan Qiren gave
his ascent to allow Wei Ying to edit the wards, on the condition that it is
tested first before it is updated. Lan Zhan gave Wei Ying a smile.

They will be stronger together. They will become the most powerful
cultivators together.
Lan Zhan will ensure that Wei Ying will be safe. Whether it be with Wei
Ying's own power, with Lan Zhan’s, or together, Lan Zhan will ensure that
nothing will ever be a threat to Wei Ying’s life.

Now that they have been named the Jades, it is even easier to isolate Wei
Ying. Even those in their age group hesitate to approach them, despite Wei
Ying’s friendly demeanor. It doesn’t help that Wei Ying refuses to let go of
Lan Zhan, now that they were informally courting and…discovering things
together. The inseparable pair, the prides of Gusu Lan.

It’s all part of the narrative.

After all, the only thing that was able to destroy the Yiling Patriarch in that
other world was a story. A story crafted by wicked men that turned
everything he did into an act of evil. He had to kill himself for the
cultivation world to claim victory.

Lan Zhan will ensure that such a fanciful story will never come to light
again. That Wei Ying will be untouchable.

And he will get rid of anyone that thinks they can mess with his plans.

They were almost fifteen when Lan Zhan’s dreams came through.



“We’re going to be together forever, right?”

Lan Zhan looked up from his books towards Wei Ying, who had paused in
his latest talisman research to stare. “Of course we are, why?”
Wei Ying bit his lip and slowly untied his forehead ribbon. Lan Zhan
watched, eyes wide and almost misty as Wei Ying wrapped the ribbon
around the older one’s wrist, hands lightly shaking.

“I know we’ve been keeping this in secret, because we are young but…”
Wei Ying started, stuttering to a halt. Lan Zhan could feel his heart beating
rapidly in his chest.

He was unprepared. Even his older heart was not ready for this step. He was
willing to wait years later before taking this leap.

“You are my everything, A-Zhan.” Wei Ying spoke so softly that Lan Zhan
would have been worried in every other circumstance. “You are my life and
my heart, my soulmate, my zhiji. I love you more than words can say, more
than what can be contained in Gusu. I know I am but a street rat that you so
graciously brought into the sect, but believe me when I say I will do
everything in my power to be a man worthy to be beside you –“

Lan Zhan, unable to contain himself, vaulted over the desk and tackled Wei
Ying onto the ground, papers fluttering as he pressed his lips to Wei Ying’s
own, swallowing the squeak of surprise followed by his moan.

He did it.

Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian, is his in every sense of the world. Promised in a
way that he had only dreamed of in his previous life.

“Yes, A-Ying.” Lan Zhan murmured between kisses, unable to stop. “Love
A-Ying, will marry A-Ying, will be with A-Ying forever.”


To their credit, Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen didn’t even look remotely
surprised when they showed up in the Rushi, their forehead ribbons tied to
each others’ wrists.

Good, Lan Zhan thought as Lan Qiren gave his blessing and Xiongzhang
hugged them both in happiness, it would have been unfortunate if an
accident befell them should they disagree.

Lan Zhan’s first courting gift to Wei Ying was an intricately custom-made
red ribbon, embroidered with symbols of good fortune, love, and protection
by thread made of strands of Lan Zhan’s hair. Wei Ying had gaped at it,
caressed Lan Zhan’s head as a thank you, and vowed to always have it
braided in his hair so that they can always be together.

Wei Ying gifted Lan Zhan two rabbits. Lan Zhan’s eyes misted over at the
familiar sight, and he couldn’t stop the wide smile on his face as they took
the two rabbits to the back hills (to the sigh of Uncle and the wide grin of
Xiongzhang) so that they could flourish as they did in a time that no longer

“Their legacy will live forever here,” Lan Zhan vowed, holding Wei Ying’s
hand, “like our love will never wither or fade.”

“A-Zhan!” Wei Ying flushed beautifully, looking so wonderfully like the

boy he fell in love with at first sight, and yet slightly different. “Have a
care! This one cannot handle such sweet things without warning!”

There was still much to do, but Lan Zhan was confident that, at the very
least, Wei Ying will always be his.

By the time the Guest Lectures came around – the first time he would have
met his fated one long ago – Lan Zhan had Wei Ying completely.

Word had already spread that the Second and Third Jade of the Lan sect are
engaged. The cutsleeve relationship was met with mixed reactions from the
multiple sects, but none wanted to outright antagonize them.

They are, after all, the shining stars of the cultivation world. The peerless
Jades. The prodigies among prodigies. The righteous pillars of justice.
There was nothing they can do wrong.

And of course, Lan Zhan glowed with pride as Wei Ying, his Wei Ying, the
Wei Ying he himself took care of and groomed to be his very own,
graciously let any negative opinions roll down his back and puddle like it
was nothing but dirt on the ground. Raised in the Lan sect, Wei Wuxian
became a name known far and wide as a promising cultivator and scholar.
Never did he doubt his place in Gusu Lan, never was he scorned for rising
above his station.

Well, he was, but Lan Zhan made sure they stayed in their place.

In the afterlife.

He was praised and revered, like he should be. He held his head high, never
needing to prove himself, never needing to cover for others like he did in
his previous life for the smallest bit of acceptance. This Wei Wuxian knew
his worth, and didn’t allow anyone to question him.

As for behind closed doors…

“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan whispered, placing his hands on Wei Ying’s hips
from behind.

In their previous life, they always called each other by their birth names, to
the shock and awe of others. In this life, they had their nicknames, A-Zhan,
and A-Ying, and were close enough that nobody questioned it.

However, Lan Zhan did love to say Wei Ying’s name.

And so, he connected that name to sex.

Anytime the mood struck him, he would call Wei Ying by his birth name,
lower his voice and hold his body.

And it was perfect now because at the sound of his birth name, Wei Ying
immediately melts back into Lan Zhan’s arms, batting his eyes at his zhiji.
“Lan Zhan,” he moaned, trying to have as much contact with the second
jade as possible, “Lan-er-gege, what would you like today? You’ve been so
good to me, what can I do for you?”

Wei Ying would do anything for Lan Zhan.

“Want Wei Ying on his knees.” Lan Zhan murmured against Wei Ying’s

The reaction was immediate. Wei Ying turned and sunk to his knees,
pawing at Lan Zhan’s robes to reveal his cock. He licked the underside,
inhaling Lan Zhan’s scent deeply before taking him in the mouth.

It was a pleasant discovery that Wei Ying does not have a gag reflex.
Helpful, too, because Lan Zhan has been growing much larger than Wei
Ying. He also learned that Wei Ying’s tongue was sensitive and he loved
tongue kissing and sucking.

Seeing Wei Ying on his knees, his perfect lips wrapped around his cock – it
was like Lan Zhan’s old teenage fantasies. Ones that kept him tightly strung
and unsure, that caused him to lash out once upon a time.

That Lan Zhan would have combusted to know that he has this now, every
fantasy come to life as Wei Ying bobbed his head around Lan Zhan’s cock.

When Lan Zhan came, Wei Ying was on it immediately, sucking and
slurping and swallowing his cum, hands cupping to catch any that would
leak through.

What he once thought was ‘weird but not bad’, Wei Ying now craves,
licking Lan Zhan’s dick clean and licking whatever dropped in his hands.
Eroticism incarnate, and he was all Lan Zhan’s.

Lan Zhan lifted Wei Ying, tossing him on the bed which was met with a
happy laugh. He wrestled out Wei Ying’s bottoms and took in Wei Ying’s
smaller dick in his mouth. He was already leaking and wrung out, it
wouldn’t take much.
But Lan Zhan is always planning for the future. He used some of his spit
and drool to wet two fingers, and began playing with Wei Ying’s ass. He
started doing this after their engagement, starting with his smallest finger,
and now moving up to his index and middle finger. Getting Wei Ying used
to the penetration, mapping out and memorizing his pleasure spots.

Now, he can find it immediately. He crooked his fingers just so to make Wei
Ying nearly howl in pleasure, hips jerking and hands scrambling for
purchase, Lan Zhan’s name falling from his lips like a never ending prayer.

He came quickly, Lan Zhan swallowing everything of his love before

kissing tracks up Wei Ying’s body, disrobing him in the process.

Wei Ying sighed, letting himself be stripped as Lan Zhan finally reached his
lips. “I love you A-Zhan.” He breathed between kisses.

“Love you too, Wei Ying.”

Wei Ying’s body jerked his eyes snapping open with a gasp and groan.
“Aiyaaa, Lan-er-gege, so mean!” He rolled his body under Lan Zhan, his
erection standing once more. “Take responsibility!”

Indeed, Lan Zhan was so glad he had trained his Wei Ying as such. He’s


Lan Zhan especially enjoyed it in public.

“Wei Ying,” he would murmur as they watched their fellow disciples spar.

And Wei Ying would flush red, his cheeks all the way down to his neck,
and angle his body to hide his growing arousal. “Lan-er-gege!” He would
accuse, saying that he’s mean and ‘how could he do this to his A-Ying.’

Which, of course, is circumvented by the way Wei Ying would pull Lan
Zhan behind the nearest building once they have a semblance of privacy to
‘take responsibility’.
“Calling me my birth name in public.” He would whine as they rubbed their
cocks together. “You make it sound so dirty!”

Lan Zhan will never get enough of how beautiful his Wei Ying is.

The Jiang sect arrived for the guest lectures just as Lan Zhan and Wei Ying
were returning from a night hunt.

When Lan Zhan and Jiang Wanyin’s eyes locked, the second jade knew it

Jiang Wanyin came from their future.

And with it, confirmed Wei Ying’s deepest, darkest secret.

It was you.

You’re the one who took his core.

You’re the reason why he suffered.

You’re the reason why he died.

Chapter End Notes

Next chapter will be in JC's POV! We get deeper into the plot.

Next Chapter Preview:

“You don’t even know, do you?” Lan Wangji glared. “You never
realized. Did you even bother to find out what happened to the man
you shamelessly called your brother?”
“What are you talking about –“

“Did you never realize he lost his golden core?”

Chapter Summary

Jiang Cheng didn’t know what was going on, but he was sure of one
thing: he needs to keep Wei Wuxian away from Lan Wangji.

The issue is: where is he?

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Five years old.

Jiang Wanyin realized he was five years old.

Lotus Pier was back to its former glory, before the war, before the effort to
rebuild came, before he lost everything, before Hanguang-jun –


Jiang Wanyin – Jiang Cheng still, he realized. He had not yet received his
courtesy name – snapped his attention to the voice, recognizing it even
when it was still small and young and –

“A-jie…” he breathed.

She’s alive.

She’s alive.

And just like that, everything crashed down on him. The war, losing his
parents, losing his siblings, the guilt that ate at him after, the fall of the
cultivation world as the halls dripped with blood –

“A-Cheng? Are you hurt? What’s wrong?” A-jie rubbed his shoulders.
And for the first time in a very, very long time, Jiang Cheng folded himself
onto his sister’s lap and sobbed.

This was a blessing, surely it was one. He can fix everything. He can fix

Lan Wangji’s insane laughter followed him through his nightmares, the
lifeless eyes of his sect mates staring back at him.

Blood and resentment made Jiang Cheng wake up in a cold sweat every

Not this time.

Lan Wangji will never get his hands on Wei Wuxian.

Everything went wrong when Wei Wuxian met Lan Wangji. Ever since that
second jade got his attention, Wei Wuxian’s loyalty to his sect has been
torn. Wei Wuxian should have made Yunmeng Jiang his only priority,
should have stayed by Jiang Wanyin’s side. It’s because of his distraction
with the second jade that everything terrible happened to them, from lotus
pier burning to losing his golden core, to turning to demonic cultivation.

If only Lan Wangji never got his brother’s attention.

And the man had the gall to murder the cultivation world? He’s not right in
the head, and if he went back in time with Jiang Wanyin, then Wei Wuxian
is in danger.

When Wei Wuxian comes to Lotus Pier, Jiang Wanyin will do everything to
keep him inside Lotus Pier.
Jiang Cheng was now eight years old, and he was getting worried.

Wei Wuxian should be back here. He should. Father had gone looking for
Cangsen Sanren and Wei Changze not long ago, after receiving reports of
their demise. Jiang Cheng may have been young, but he remembered this
because his father was gone for a few days and came back with another
child in tow.

Except his father came back looking dejected, without another child.

Jiang Cheng was confused. What had happened? What did Lan Wangji do?
Nobody but his father knew where Wei Wuxian – he would still be Wei
Ying in this time, wouldn’t he? – was hidden. Even if Lan Wangji brought
them back at this time, he would have to search for Wei Wuxian. And if he
was like Jiang Cheng, he would be only 9 years old at this point.

Why were they taken back as children? Why specifically at this point?

And why only Jiang Cheng?

He checked. Though Lan Wangji had massacred majority of their peers,

some were spared. He killed enough to power the array and that was it. He
found some of his fellow disciples that made it to that particular event, and
they remembered nothing.

“Were you there when the sun was shot?” He asked.

And the disciple looked back at him weirdly. “What is Young Master Jiang
talking about?”

So he knew, for now, that it was only him.

The matter of Wei Wuxian though…

Jiang Wanyin thought for sure Lan Wangji’s end goal was to somehow
resurrect Wei Wuxian. He thought that, when the light would fade, Wei
Wuxian would be standing there, alive. Did Lan Wangji know that they
were going to travel back in time? Did he know that they would be so far
flung back?

What could Lan Wangji even do?

They were children, and though they have their older minds, anything and
everything they say can be thought of as fanciful imagination. Even if Lan
Wangji was to be the second jade, as a child he has to start like everyone
else. What could he possibly change? Early on, when he first fell into this
time, Jiang Wanyin took some comfort in that, but now the question pushed
to the forefront in his mind.

Wei Wuxian is missing. How is Wei Wuxian missing?

What kind of world did they fall into?

Is Wei Wuxian back as well? Did he run away?

It’s not like Jiang Wanyin can’t understand, he committed suicide in his
previous life after all, but doesn’t he see? With them knowing the future,
they can prevent it. The Twin Prides, better than ever, Lotus Pier wouldn’t
even need to burn.

But first, they have to find him. Wherever he ended up.

He just hoped that Wei Wuxian didn’t go to the Cloud Recesses.

“Wow, Sect Heir Jiang is amazing isn’t he? So quick to learn!”

Jiang Wanyin puffed his chest in pride, though he pretended to keep his
attention away, as if he wasn’t listening in on the other disciples. Without
Wei Wuxian to steal all the attention away with his natural genius and
friendliness, Jiang Wanyin was instead praised for being ahead of his time.
Of course, that was all due to the fact that he’s mentally in his late 30’s,
developing his body. He had many more years of knowledge, and his
lessons were taken now in a different light. Having already memorized
everything, he could look at it from different and more advanced

His teachers were all impressed, and even father looked proud of him.
Mother would give him a curt nod of approval, so that makes it all the

But even now, Jiang Wanyin understood that he was still behind Wei
Wuxian. For all that the other man was a troublemaker, Jiang Wanyin had to
acknowledge that the former head disciple was leagues above them. He had
a mind for critical thinking, quick logical reasoning, and his body lived and
breathed cultivation techniques.

It was pertinent that he finds his former head disciple. Wei Wuxian was the
one who drew up their new retreat plans in the Lotus Pier of the future, he
was the one who set up the ward that ensured that the tragedy that happened
would never repeat itself. Lotus Pier had been completely safe in the entire
decade he was dead, as much as it pains Jiang Wanyin to admit. He was the
best shot they had against the Wens.

Nobody in Lotus Pier had been able to pick apart and figure out what kind
of wards Wei Wuxian set up. It was equal parts frustrating and humbling,
something that Jiang Wanyin couldn’t appreciate back then because he was
too focused on himself to see the effect outside of his own.

Speaking of frustration…

Jiang Wanyin’s brow’s furrowed as he meditated. It felt nice to have his

original golden core again, that familiar thrum he’s had for most of his life,
though he can see even now that it was a much weaker core than the one
gifted to him by Baoshan Sanren.

In fact, a part of him was very tempted to allow Wen Zhuliu to take his core
just to get that core from the immortal, except he can’t exactly do that now
in this life if he doesn’t find Wei Wuxian first.
Is it terrible of him to think of his own core as inferior? Perhaps. But he
understands the necessity of power with the trials that are to come. It made
him stand up to Lan Wangji, if he can further develop that core, maybe he
can surpass the second jade.

Other than that, Jiang Wanyin couldn’t help but see the lack of Wei Wuxian
over the sect. The disciples were lagging behind, first off, as the current
head was not nearly as talented as his brother was when he became head.
Jiang Shu was decent, but he was not Wei Wuxian. That man had a
penchant for inspiring others to follow him, and was so impressive that
everyone strove to become like him.

Alongside the vacuum of Wei Wuxian’s presence, Jiang Wanyin also

noticed one more thing.

His mother was…not kind to Wei Wuxian.

Jiang Wanyin had warned his cousin of his mother’s temper, saying that
Jiang Shu can’t make mistakes or it is the Zidian.

But Yu Ziyuan never brought out the Zidian.

In fact, it didn’t matter how catastrophic Jiang Shu messed up, even when
he accidentally insulted an entire delegate of traders, the worst he got was a
good shout and temporary suspension of duties. No Zidian. Nothing. And
that is also considering that Jiang Shu didn’t have nearly as many duties as
Wei Wuxian back in their time.

Jiang Wanyin always chalked up Yu Ziyuan’s anger with Wei Wuxian to be

justified. Not accomplishing all of his duties, and making mistakes. But
now he couldn’t help but think that Wei Wuxian was set up for failure at the
start, as an excuse for his mother to punish him.

It was…not ideal. Not if he wants Wei Wuxian to stay completely loyal.

Especially if he’ll come to lotus pier later.

Jiang Wanyin is confident that he’ll come back home. He has to.
It was a testament to how much Yu Ziyuan whipped Wei Wuxian that when
Jiang Wanyin heard its smack on the ground, he immediately thought Wei
Wuxian had returned.

However, when he slid to the ancestral hall, mother was shouting at father.

“What does it matter if you found their child?!” Yu Ziyuan screamed. “He’s
worthless, just like his parents! How dare you try to speak to Wei Wuxian!”

Hope flared in Jiang Wanyin. They found him?

“San-niang,” Jiang Fengmian held his hands up, “he’s not worthless. He’s
made a name for himself already. They call him the Third Jade of Lan.”

“And what, just because our son hasn’t made a name for himself yet? Are
you comparing them? Maybe if you paid more attention –”

Jiang Wanyin left before he could hear anymore.


There is no way Wei Wuxian was in Gusu.

He refused to believe it.

Jiang Wanyin saw Wei Wuxian – a Gusu Lan disciple – hang off of Lan
Wangji’s arm, their body language clearly familiar with one another, and
felt his heart plummet to his stomach.
It was one thing to hear about it, another thing completely to see it and have
it confirmed.

Lan Wangji had successfully taken Wei Wuxian to Gusu, and if the news
that spread across Yunmeng Jiang were true, they were now engaged. How?
Even from this standpoint, Jiang Wanyin knew that Lan Wangji was the
same age as him, how did he manipulate everything so quickly?

Lan Wangji met his eyes, and Jiang Wanyin felt a chill up his spine. Those
eyes…those were the same eyes that killed the entire cultivation world, that
massacred each and every one of the sects without remorse. Those were the
eyes that haunted Jiang Wanyin to this day.

He couldn’t say anything, and diverted his attention, immediately. Used his
periphery to observe how the Lan disciples at the gate (who were checking
the invitation that they didn’t forget this time) practically scrambled to bow
to the two Jades, who casually entered the compound. Wei Wuxian was too
involved in his conversation (one-sided, as always, it seemed) with Lan
Wangji that he didn’t even bother to look at anyone else.

Did Wei Wuxian come back as well? Was he ignoring Jiang Wanyin? Did
Wei Wuxian decide to come back here, instead of being found by father in

Is he going that far to avoid Jiang Wanyin?

“Wow, those were the Second and Third Jades?” Jiang Shu murmured,
beside Jiang Wanyin. “They’re engaged aren’t they? I heard that they’re so
powerful that nobody can talk to them, like they’re too up there, you

Jiang Wanyin frowned.

Wei Wuxian, not socializing?

If Wei Wuxian came back, then he does not know what happened to Lan
Wangji. He doesn’t know how Lan Wangji murdered the entire cultivation
world to turn back time. If Wei Wuxian chose to come here instead of
Yunmeng, expecting safety with Lan Wangji…

Jiang Wanyin felt cold as he spotted Lan Wangji’s hand on the small of Wei
Wuxian’s back, possessive and protective all at once.

Wei Wuxian would be in danger. He must have become some sort of

prisoner here.

He decided to observe. Right now, there was nothing negative about them
in the grapevine. As far as everyone’s concerned, their engagement was
consensual and blessed by all in the Lan sect, with disciples singing praise
of their love for one another.


Jiang Wanyin refused to believe it. Wei Wuxian would never be happy in
the Gusu Lan sect, not with how he is. He will find even the smallest way
he was being abused by Lan Wangji. Then he’ll take Wei Wuxian back to
Lotus Pier, and they’ll protect their home from the Wens. Easy.

So he watched. Throughout the lectures in the Cloud Recesses, when Lan

Wangji and Wei Wuxian were in the front row of the guest lectures,
inbetween classes, during mealtime.

Wei Wuxian was…different.

This Wei Wuxian didn’t seek out interactions with other people, did not
hang over shoulders or go out of his way to stay behind with other peers his
age. He wasn’t overtly loud (though he did talk a lot, but he doesn’t raise
his voice, preferring to talk at a reasonable volume), he didn’t run around
(but he does circle around lwj as they walk, as if expending excess energy
that way), and Jiang Wanyin’s eyes almost bugged out when he saw that
Wei Ying ate the Gusu Lan food without complaint, staying quite, and only
fidgeting slightly.

Who was this Wei Wuxian?

It was clear that this was his Wei Wuxian. Still the genius who had crazy
ideas and was much too strong that people do a double take when they
realize he’s the son of a servant. But he was so…subdued. He was friendly
and smiled brightly towards anyone that says hello and asks a question, but
he keeps a polite distance and doesn’t talk more than necessary. More than
once has he seen Wei Wuxian or Lan Wangji stop a conversation when it
veers away.

It was obvious to Jiang Wanyin that Lan Wangji was isolating Wei Wuxian
away from the others, but nobody seemed to mind. “Oh, of course, they’re
engaged!” “Can you imagine talking to them? They are such geniuses we
won’t be able to hold a candle.” “They’re too important! It’s like talking to
Sect leaders!”

Lan Wangji would always draw Wei Wuxian’s attention away, with a call of
his name, or with a touch on his wrist, and Wei Wuxian was like an
obedient puppy (for a brief moment, Jiang Wanyin imagined Wei Wuxian’s
protest at being called as such) and never protested.

What had Lan Wangji done?

However, there was also one other anomaly in this whole experience:

Nie Huaisang.

The younger Nie was normal, as far as Jiang Wanyin could tell. Acting as
he normally did before he became the ‘headshaker’. Jiang Wanyin saw no
indication that he was from the future. In this round of the Guest Lectures,
he came once more as a repeat, under the threat of his brother, and he still
hung around Jiang Wanyin, still showed off his fans, still bartered porn
books covered with discrete designs.

So far so good.

The anomaly was that Nie Huaisang was the only one allowed to interact
with Wei Wuxian for an extended period of time.
In fact, it became a subject of envy amongst the guest disciples that Nie
Huaisang was the only one that was allowed to talk to Wei Wuxian and Lan
Wangji without being turned down after some time, that he could laugh and
share stories with the two while occasionally hitting them with his fans.
From some strategic eavesdropping, Jiang Wanyin overheard them talking
about art, plays, and talking about the future wedding of the two jades.

The disciples chalked it up to the fact that Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue are
close friends, and so their little brothers are as well. Rumors circulated that
there was a sworn brothership brewing.

It was still different from before. Wei Wuxian did not hang around Nie
Huisang’s shoulders as before, still standing next to Lan Wangji, but even
Lan Wangji seemed friendly to the younger Nie.


It was during a boat ride in Caiyi that Jiang Wanyin learned a disturbing

They had just fought off the water ghouls in the lake, with the three jades
absolutely showing off their strength and prowess, to the point that Jiang
Wanyin was unable to even unsheathe his sword, and were traveling
downstream. Lan Xichen rode in front as a guide, while Lan Wangji and
Wei Wuxian sat together. They were sharing a small serving of loquats and
were being utterly disgusting, peeling and feeding one another (they are
more than capable of feeding themselves, why do they have to be so

Then a dog barked.

Jiang Wanyin’s instincts came first, jolting towards Wei Wuxian’s general
direction to protect him –
“Ah! A-Zhan, look! He’s so cute!”

Jiang Wanyin blinked as Wei Wuxian waved at the little boy who was
playing with his dog, even making faces at the dog before the boat took
them away.

“Our rabbits are cuter.” Lan Wangji commented, nodding towards the little

“Of course our rabbits are cuter. Nothing is cuter than our rabbits. But it’s
pretty close!” Wei Wuxian laughed, feeding Lan Wangji another loquat.

The disciples around them laughed and cooed over the cute jades but Jiang
Wanyin felt cold all the way down to his core.

This is not his Wei Wuxian.

This Wei Wuxian did not come from their time.

Which means…

“How did they meet again?” Jiang Wanyin turned to his head disciple.

Jiang Shu raised a brow, curious, but shrugged it away. “The Lan disciples
said they met as children. The Jades travelled a bit after their mother died,
and during one of their travels, met with Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji clicked
with him immediately and brought him to Gusu. They’ve been inseparable

The cold spread through Jiang Wanyin’s veins.

This Wei Wuxian knows nothing about Jiang Wanyin, has no love and no
memories of Lotus Pier. This Wei Wuxian grew up by Lan Wangji’s side…

The dread mounted.

Was this Lan Wangji’s plan all along, to somehow bring Wei Wuxian to
Gusu before he even got to step foot in Lotus Pier? To raise him as a Lan
Bile rose up to his throat.

A 30-year-old, 40-year-old at this point, Lan Wangji manipulated a child

Wei Ying to come to Gusu, made it so that they would always be together,
got them engaged.

What the fuck?!

As they stepped out of the boats in Caiyi, Jiang Wanyin was not in full
control of his body as he approached the second jade.

“Lan Wangji,” he bit out with a glare, “we need to talk. Now.”

Lan Wangji took Jiang Wanyin to the back hills, secluded from sight.

“What did you do?” Jiang Wanyin grit his teeth, pointing at Lan Wangji
whose eyes were darting up and down the Jiang with a glare. “Last I saw
you, you massacred the cultivation world.”

The once renowned Hanguang-Jun, drenched in blood with a manic grin.

The laugh as piles of bodies grew on the sides. It still haunts his dreams.

“Scum.” Lan Wangji glared, ignoring his questions. “It was your fault.”

“What are you talking about?! What have you done? What have you done to
my brother?” Jiang Wanyin stepped forward but Lan Wangji was fast –
faster than he has any right to be at this age. Has his cultivation increased
more? – stopping Jiang Wanyin with Bichen on his throat.

Jiang Wanyin swallowed.

“You don’t even know, do you?” Lan Wangji glared. “You never realized.
Did you even bother to find out what happened to the man you just
shamelessly called your brother?”
“What are you talking about –“

“Did you never realize he lost his golden core?”

Jiang Wanyin felt his breath leave his body. “Impossible, he –“

But he had always suspected something was wrong. Wei Wuxian never
used his sword again, when he returned. He settled on demonic cultivation.
He was weak, and drunk, even when his core used to burn off the alcohol
no problem. He healed slower, his spiritual energy was all but gone…

He had mentioned being captured by the Wen, it wouldn’t be a stretch of the

imagination but –

“But –“ Jiang Wanyin choked. How did he survive the Burial Mounds?
How did he still surpass Jiang Wanyin at every turn? Why didn’t he say so?

“I always wondered…” Lan Wangji glared, “why you felt different after the
attack on Lotus pier. Before, I thought it had been a long time since I’ve
seen you, but seeing you now, and the fact that you time traveled with me,
confirmed it.” Bichen touched Jiang Cheng’s throat. “You had Wei Ying’s

“Wei –“ Jiang Wanyin sputtered, but Bichen pressed closer to his throat.
“But how – that’s –

It was like a final puzzle piece slotted in place.

Deep down, Jiang Wanyin knew it had to be true, was the only explanation
to the familiar-yet-unfamiliar core that powered him, the increase in
strength, the one night he managed to unsheathe Suibian when he was in a
drunken range –

“The array I formed made use of the scattered remains of Wei Ying’s soul,
alongside the blood of those involved in his death – to take me back to
when I first laid eyes on him.” Lan Wangji glared. “So it dragged you back
with me, it dragged you back because you had a part of him in you.”

“When you first met him…wasn’t that here?” Jiang Wanyin asked.
Lan Wangji lip twitched up to the slightest smirk. “As it happens, I met him
in Yiling, before your father found him.” A head tilt. “And so, I took him
with me. All that blind loyalty and passion he would have had for the
Jiangs, all if it is now mine. Wei Wuxian now belongs to the Lan Sect,
belongs to me.” He stepped back and sheathed Bichen, to the relieved sigh
of Jiang Wanyin. “And you will watch what Lotus Pier failed to cultivate in
him. You will watch as he and I stand on top of the cultivation world.”

Jiang Wanyin bristled, everything he was dreading to be true coming up as

such. “You’re – you’re insane. Don’t think I don’t understand what this
means. You’re technically in your thirties, forties – you were grooming a
child. Manipulating him to be what you wanted him to be! You’ve changed
him to be your obedient pet – and now you’re engaged to him you sick

Lan Wangji’s smirk grew, eyes wide and crazy, much like how he looked in
Jiang Wanyin’s nightmares, of blood raining down a once golden hall.
“Sick? Do you not see, it is destiny! It is love! And now, I have the chance
to have everything I wanted. Everything I was denied. Everything that was
taken from me.” With a flash of power so quick that Jiang Wanying
couldn’t react, Lan Wangji was behind him, his mouth to the heir’s ear.
“And you will stay out of my way, or the Jiang Sect will lose its only heir.”

“You wouldn’t –“ Jiang Wanyin started.

“I would. And I have.” Lan Wangji’s eyes were sparkling. “You think you
would be the only victim? Do you have any idea how many people have
met ‘untimely ends’ because they insulted my beloved? Nothing harms him
in this life. Not anyone.”

“You – you’re insane!” Jiang Wanyin unsheathed Sandu, ready to fight. He

was certain he could hold his own, had done so in their past life, but the
blade met nothing but air. Lan Wangji had already moved away, back to
where he originally stood.

“You realize it, don’t you? All that strength you amassed as Sect Leader in
our past life? The strength that made you stand toe-to-toe with me? It was
never you.” Lan Wangji looked close to laughing. “It was Wei Ying, my
true equal, my zhiji. The Lotus Pier thrived because its leader was using the
core of the man they condemned to death.”

“Shut up!” Jiang Wanyin lunged for him, but Lan Wangji easily side-
stepped him and knocked him to the ground. He was so fast, and so strong!
How did he develop so much faster than Jiang Wanyin?

Has the difference in their power always been that great?

“Deny it all you want, but now that I know where your power came from, I
know you will never stand in my way. The Jiang Sect Leader that could
hold his own against me will never exist.” Lan Wangji looked manic,
pleased. “Because my Wei Ying would never sacrifice a piece of himself for
you. His power will never thrum in your veins. He will never look in the
direction of Lotus Pier. You will lose everything, and there is nothing you
can do about it.”

Lan Wangji looked down at him, and it wouldn’t be a stretch of the

imagination to see him again, older, bathed in blood. He placed his foot on
Jiang Wanyin’s throat, carefully applying pressure to choke him. “You and
your pitiful sect will never hurt him again.”

“I will – report you!” Jiang Wanyin struggled. “All those people you killed
– nothing can wash the blood from your hands!”

“Go ahead. Shout it from the rooftops. Denounce my name.” Lan Wangji’s
eyes sparkled with mirth. “Nobody will believe you.”

The scariest part is, despite all this, Jiang Wanyin knows that Lan Wangji
and Wei Wuxian’s reputations in this world are pristine. The Second and
Third Jades, whose names resonated throughout the cultivation world as
early as thirteen years old. He couldn’t find any faults in their interactions,
there was no evidence that he was manipulating Wei Wuxian from
childhood. As far as everyone is concerned, they were the premier couple of
the cultivation world. Nobody will believe Jiang Wanyin – an heir who has
yet to make a name for himself, the child of the volatile and cruel Violet
In the time that he was in his supposed childhood, Lan Wangji had
effectively manipulated everyone’s viewpoint. Shifted the narrative. Turned
what was once in another era ‘the unruly but genius Head Disciple of
Yunmeng Jiang’ into ‘the Third Jade of Gusu Lan, a pillar of righteousness
and justice, a prodigy amongst prodigies’.

“A-Zhan!” Wei Wuxian’s voice called from the distance. “A-Zhan, my

love, are you here?”

“Now if you’ll excuse me.” Lan Wangji let go of Jiang Wanyin, and walked

The Jiang heir took in deep breaths of air as he listened.

“Aiya, A-Zhan! You left A-Ying alone! It was so boring doing rounds
without you! Did you speak to the Jiang Sect Heir?”

“I’m sure A-Ying did fine. And yes, we just finished.”

“Well, at least we’re together now. Hm? Where is that guy? What was his
name again?”

Jiang Wanyin clenched his eyes shut, that voice floating back to his head, of
a time long past.

“Gusu Lan may have the Twin Jades, but Yunmeng Jiang has the Twin
Prides! We’ll be the greatest team to ever live, Jiang Cheng!”

“Nobody, A-Ying. He’s nobody. No need to concern yourself with him.”

I was your brother once upon a time. You loved me so much, you gave me a
piece of your soul and asked for nothing.

“Eh, no need to be jealous A-Zhan! You know he doesn’t mean anything to

Jiang Wanyin wasn’t sure how long he spent lying on the forest floor, mind
running into one wall after the other trying to figure out what to do.

There is no way this Wei Wuxian is willing to go to Lotus Pier now, there is
no way he will be able to get permission for the Third Jade to create
intricate wards to protect them, not without getting the attention of Lan
Wangji. And Lan Wangji would sooner see Lotus Pier fall –

Not to mention Jiang Wanyin can no longer risk it with Wen Zhuiliu.
Without Wei Wuxian he can’t –

“You know, it will be easier to just accept it.”

Jiang Wanyin shot up to a sitting position, sword poised and ready. There,
leaning on the tree, was Nie Huaisang, slowly fanning himself.

He scoffed, sheathing his sword. “Don’t scare me like that, Nie-xiong.

What are you even talking about?”

“I’m talking about what happened after the sun was shot down.”

Jiang Wanyin froze.

Nie Huaisang laughed. “You’re too obvious, Sect Leader Jiang.”

“You –!” Jiang Wanyin sprang to his feet. “All this time you –“ A thought,
the anomaly he observed. “Lan Wangji…Lan Wangji knows, doesn’t he?
About you?”

“It’s called making the right allies at the right time.” Nie Huaisang twirled
his fan around. “You see, this is Lan Wangji’s world now. He experienced
the loss of the love of his life, his soulmate, he wasn’t going to take that
lying down.”

“But he’s – our Wei Wuxian is being manipulated –“

“Frankly,” Nie Huaisang grinned, “I haven’t seen him happier. Have you
seen him?” He twirled his fan once more, “what a wonderful man he’s
become, so sure of himself and never needing to overcompensate his
affection for others. He’s absolutely glowing with joy.” Nie Huaisang
pinned Jiang Wanyin down with a calculating gaze, “and as Wei-xiong’s
best friend in both lives, I support Lan Wangji wholeheartedly.”

Jiang Wanyin glared. “So you’re saying…”

“If you do anything to try to take Wei Wuxian back to Lotus Pier,” Nie
Huaisang hid his grin behind his fan, “you will answer to both the Nie and
Lan clans. And we both know, without Wei Wuxian, Lotus Pier has barely
any power to boast on.”

Jiang Wanyin’s hands shook with how strong he clenched his fists shut.

“Heed my advice, Sect Leader Jiang.” Nie Huaisang allowed Jiang Wanyin
to see his smile as he turned to walk away. “After all, you’ve seen what
Lan-er-xiong is capable of. Wouldn’t want to get on his bad side, now, do

Jiang Wanyin breathed heavily. This was the headshaker? The ‘useless’ Sect
Leader Nie? Why was he even –

And Jiang Wanyin remembered, with a start, that Nie Huaisang wasn’t there
during the massacre. That he was in Jinlintai, but never entered the banquet

Chapter End Notes

EDIT (2023-08-10): Edited minor typos and grammatical errors:

How about that NH reveal

Some things I want to touch up on:

1. Reminder that JC has no actual idea what was LWJ’s plan in the first
place, nor does he know that WWX and LWJ met in Yilling before.
2. I imagine if WWX was raised in Gusu Lan, he would be a bit more
subdued. Also reminder that since he grew up in Gusu Lan, he moved
from street food to their healthy food so he would be used to the food
there. Finally, because he doesn’t spend such a long time in the streets,
he didn’t develop his fear of dogs. Remember that Wei Ying was on
the streets for years before he was found by JFM.
3. I will not consider this much as Jiang Sect bashing but more being
Jiang Sect critical. I feel like they overwork WWX and that most of
their achievements were by wwx in the first place. In LWJ's POV it is
definitely bashing the Jiang Sect.
For the next chapter, let’s take a step back.

Next Chapter Preview

Nie Huaisang watched Lan Wangji enter the Jin banquet hall, the door
shutting and sealing itself behind him.

“Personally, I would have gone for the Sacrifice Summon, but I

suppose perspectives are different if you have the power to kill
everyone” He murmured to himself, fanning his face.

The screams have started. He can already see the resentment gathering,
can smell the blood in the air.

“Still, I can’t complain. It is a good idea, and it will give me time to

enact my own plans.”
Interlude: What is Justice?
Chapter Summary

Hanguang-jun stands with justice.

And he has deemed the Cultivation World as Evil.

Chapter Notes

EDIT (2023-08-10): Edited minor typos and grammatical errors

I’m going to take some guesswork at the timeline but for the sake of
this fic:

1. LWJ was in seclusion for 3 years after Wei Ying died

2. NMJ dies within those three years
3. JGY becomes chief cultivator about 2 years after

Also, I’m sorry in advance. You’ll see why.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

In another time, in another era.

“Rich-gege? Where’s Xian-gege?” Little A-Yuan coughed as Lan Wangji

arranged his small, sick body to fit in his arms. The words caused Lan
Wangji to freeze. “Where’s my baba?”

“A-Yuan…” Lan Wangji choked.

“Baba said Rich-gege will help him. Did you help him? Did you save

No, please, Lan Wangji can’t do this. Wei Ying just died –
The panic he felt was immediately noticed by the child, who started
struggling in his hold, distressed.

“Where’s my baba? Where’s my –”

And Lan Wangji watched in horror as little A-Yuan suddenly convulsed, his
little body shaking erratically with his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
Lan Wangji panicked and tried to settle him, reached out to try to feed him a
small trickle of energy.

But by then, A-Yuan slumped, and there was no more pulse.

No more pulse.

‘Did you save baba?’

No, he didn’t. He couldn’t even save A-Yuan.

Lan Wangji looked around the cave, tears streaming down his face. He
failed them. He failed all of them. Innocents dead, a child dead, the love of
his life –

Lan Wangji's eyes scanned his surroundings, at all of Wei Wuxian’s notes
and inventions, at the only things left of a once bright existence. He can
hear the armies smacking at the wards, can hear the shout for justice.


He could feel the ground crumble beneath his feet. Everything he had
thought was good, everything he had thought was right, turned out to be
horrible hypocrisy.

What is justice?

He tore towards Wei Ying’s notes and inventions, stuffing everything he

could inside his qiankun bag. He then placed that, along with the rest that
he could find, inside a black lacquer box. He took that outside, in the back,
and buried it underground sealing it such that only he will be able to
retrieve it. He then returned to the cave, grabbed A-Yuan’s body and laid
him out on the table. After a quick prayer, an apology, he set him on fire to
make sure his soul makes it to the afterlife without any cultivators troubling

And, as he watched the fire rise, watched the little boy's body turn into
black ash, he felt his lips twitch up. He collapsed to sit on the ground,
huffing a laugh.

What is justice?

He laughed harder, and harder, until it was a full belly laugh, and he fell
back onto the ground. He laughed as tears streamed down his face, laughed
as he watched the smoke from the fire mingle with the smoke of resentment.
He laughed as the very foundations of his life split and broke apart, as his
heart shattered in his chest.

He laughed as he sobbed. He laughed as he mourned.

The sects were coming closer.

What is justice?

He needed to make sure everything burnt before they made it to the lands.
Almost lazily, Lan Wangji stood, drawing his sword. He was injured,
exhausted, emotionally wrecked. He wouldn’t do any real damage but he
could stop them for a short time.

What is justice?

Word spread like wildfire.

Hanguang-jun has seceded from the Lan Sect, three years after the fall of
the Yiling Laozu, opting to become a rogue cultivator in order to freely be
where chaos is, to fight for justice without the hindrance of a gentry sect.
Word of his night hunts spread far and wide, traveling the different cities
and taking on whatever hunt was available. Lan Wangji travelled with a
distant look in his eyes, and people often compared him to a widow in

Nobody seemed to know what made him leave his family, what he’s hoping
to achieve with his quest.

Nobody but one.

“Sect Leader Nie,” Lan Wangji bowed to his contemporary, Nie Huaisang,
who eyed him over his fan, looking worried. “It appears that it wasn’t

Nie Huaisang’s eyes sharpened very briefly before relaxing. “I believe we

need to talk, Hanguang-jun?”

Lan Wangji’s first stop when he left seclusion was to retrieve the black
lacquer box in the Burial Mounds. It remained unmoved, and he took away
the seal as he sat in the burnt remains of the cave.

He heard of what had happened over the three years. How they used
whatever inventions Wei Ying kept scattered that Lan Wangji couldn’t
retrieve, how they said that every person here was an evil cultivator or a
fierce corpse.

Filthy lies, as dirty as the sects, themselves.

But, at least he saved this.

He opened the box and reverently took out and sorted the notes to the best
of his ability, going through the chicken-scratch handwriting of the genius
that penned it. A man who created a new cultivation art, condemned
because he bravely chose to fight for justice. Because he was the most
powerful cultivator, the most righteous, and nobody wanted to admit it.

It was then that he found it: a small bundle of letters from Qinghe Nie.

They were very few, less than a handful, but they were all from Nie
Huaisang. Letters containing reports of rumors circulating, anything he’s
done to lessen the tension, people to look out for and any plans of attack on
the horizon. They also came with small inventory reports of supply crates
that came along.

In his curiosity, Lan Zhan took the lid of the black lacquer box and wiped it
with his sleeve, and it revealed the Nie Sect symbol on the cover.

Wei Ying had an ally. One who was not powerful, but an ally nonetheless.

Lan Zhan had heard what happened to Nie Mingjue, and couldn’t help but
feel something afoot. Though he hated the older Nie for siding against Wei
Ying, Lan Zhan couldn’t help but think that there was something brewing in
the surface.

He would have to pay one Nie Huaisang a visit. Perhaps there is something
that can be born of this alliance.

In the meantime.

He took some of the notes, and began to read.

Wei Ying managed to achieve the impossible. It was through unorthodox

means but nonetheless it was done. Lan Zhan went against him before, but
if he wants Wei Ying back, he’ll have to delve into Wei Ying’s inventions and

Maybe he can bring Wei Ying back, just as Wei Ying brought Wen Qionglin
Lan Wangji paid his usual respects to the shrine of Nie Mingjue, before
following Nie Huaisang to the private rooms.

“You were right. Wen Qionglin was kept in the dungeons of the Jin.” Lan
Wangji placed two long nails onto the table. “They were using skull
piercers to keep him sedated. I removed them, and Wen Qionglin agreed to
let go of Wei Ying’s soul to rest in peace.”

“I see…they’re all dead? Even little A-Yuan…?” Wen Qionglin would

surely be crying if he was capable of it. “Then…go on ahead. Take what
you need. Please, kill me too. I would like to join my family.”

In honor of the man who risked himself for Wei Ying’s life, Lan Zhan made
his death as painless and as quick as possible.

“And? That wasn’t enough? That should have been the biggest chunk left
over.” Nie Huaisang rapidly flipped through the papers, eyes that have read
a multitude of books quickly scanning through each page, alongside the
new notes written on the edges in Hanguang-jun’s handwriting. “You can’t
bring him back?”

Lan Wangji’s silence was deafening.

“I suspect...” Lan Wangji took some of the pages from the lacquer box,
flicking through them. It was more to keep his hands busy than to actually
read the notes. “I suspect Wei Ying lost his golden core.”

Nie Huaisang froze in place, before dropping the sheets onto the table. “Of
course. Of course!” He bit his thumb, legs bouncing restlessly. “That would
explain why he turned to demonic cultivation. Why he stopped holding his
sword. Was it crushed by Wen Zhuiliu? We know he was thrown into the
Burial Mounds when he got caught by the Wen…”
The bouncing of his leg ceased and he froze with horror as the same
realization dawned on Lan Wangji.

That Wei Wuxian was in the Burial Mounds without a core.

That he fought through the Sunshot Campaign without a core.

“I suspected as much when I was trying to heal him. When I tried to –“

escape with him, how the energy seemed to do nothing and it was just
dissipating into emptiness. Lan Wangji coughed. “...I couldn’t focus on it at
the time because of distress but my energy went nowhere.”

Nie Huaisang gave a sad noise, his leg bouncing once more in thought.
“But…if Wei-Xiong’s core was crushed, shouldn’t the energy be
dissipated? Wouldn’t you still be able to track it?”

Lan Wangji clenched his fist. “That is assuming it was crushed.”

Nie Huaisang blinked, “You’re saying it wasn’t?”

Lan Wangji frowned. “Do you remember the rumor? Of Lotus Pier burning,
and the Jiang Sect Heir losing his golden core?”

“Thought you guys don’t gossip.” Nie Huaisang quipped.

Lan Wangji didn’t take the bait. “What if it was true?”

“We saw Jiang Wanyin use both his sword and the Zidian, there’s no way he
can’t do that without a core –“ Nie Huaisang’s words slowed down, “no.
No, no, no, there is no way. There is no way. Wei-Xiong wouldn’t. He

He would. They knew he would. The Jiang’s choke hold on him and his
loyalty went beyond their comprehension. His kindness went beyond what
is even logical.

“We have no proof.” Lan Wangji reminded. “It is speculation. But it

explains why we can’t get enough fragments of Wei Ying’s soul.”
“But that narrows our options. Severely.” Nie Huaisang fished through the
papers, tossing a large chunk of them back into the lacquer box. Lan Wangji
followed suit.

What was left in the table was two options:

Sacrifice Summon Ritual

Soul-Led Time Travel

The pair stared at the two sheets, looking at all the notes, the benefits and
setbacks. Both will require finesse to execute, to achieve their desired

With a sigh, Nie Huaisang slid both over to Lan Wangji.

“You’re the one doing the footwork. You decide which one we do.”

Lan Wangji raised a brow. “You do not wish to have a say?”

“I can adjust.” Nie Huaisang tilted his head. “In one, I make Jin Guangyao
suffer. In the other, I get my Da-Ge back. I’ll be satisfied either way.
Besides, I think you have more at stake.”

Lan Wangji took the two sheets and read them over.

Lan Wangji sat in what was once Wei Wuxian’s home, in the cave where A-
Yuan died. Instinctively, he played Wangxian, calming himself with its
sweet melodies, bitter at the loss of his love.

He sat in the place where A-Yuan’s body burned, where he started the fire
to hopefully keep the gentries away from Wei Wuxian’s inventions.
Of course, there were those he missed. They found Wei Ying’s other
inventions, the spirit lure flag, the compass of evil. Things that, although
heretic in nature, were convenient enough for them to overlook the nature of
its conception.

How funny it is that? When they couldn’t control Wei Wuxian, he was
deemed evil. But they use his inventions and take credit for them without

What made them think they had the authority to judge Wei Ying? To
determine what’s right?

If anything, a voice chimed in his head. It sounded like Wei Ying. It

sounded like his mother. Shouldn’t you be the authority on that?

You are Hanguang-jun, the Light-Bearing Lord, who is always there where
chaos is.

You are justice, the common people will agree. You’re the one who has been
going out of his way to save the weak and protect them, without the need for
tax or monetary compensation.

Aren’t you the paragon of goodness? The one Wei Wuxian looked up to?
And if he is justice incarnate, are you not as well?

They shouldn’t be the one judging what’s right and what’s wrong. Who lives
and who dies. It should be you.

It should be you.

Lan Wangji allowed the final notes to echo into nothingness. He felt
laughter bubble up in his chest, and he threw his head back to release it.

“It should be me…” he laughed, standing. “It should, shouldn’t it? I will
decide what’s right and wrong. Who lives and who dies.”

He held one of Wei Ying’s arrays in his hands, now littered with his own
notes, filling in the gaps and figuring out the loopholes in Wei Ying’s initial
design, using everything he has learned about demonic cultivation amongst
the many notes Wei Ying made.

Soul-led Time Travel. Using fragments of someone’s soul, and a large array
to bring the user, and the soul back in time to when they first met. Wei Ying
initially deemed it as a failure because it required too much blood. In fact,
one of the notes wrote ‘I would have to massacre at least two gentry sects
over the array – impractical and too much death.’

“I am justice, I am the one who should decide…” Lan Wangji smiled, wild
and feral, the epiphany settling on him like a comforting hug.

Hanguang-jun goes to where evil is, where chaos is.

And he has deemed the cultivation world, the gentry sects as evil.

“They deserve to die. They all deserve to die.”

And if he can get Wei Ying back in the process, it would be even sweeter.

It was the tenth anniversary of the ‘Yilling Patriarch’s demise’ and Chief
Cultivator Jin Guangyao decided to host a grand celebration, that he has
been fully destroyed, body and soul, that there was no hope of resurrection.
That justice has prevailed and it is a time of joy. Jinlntai held the largest
banquet in their grandest hall and every single cultivator clan, whether or
not they were involved, joined.

They were eating, celebrating, stewing on their victories.

Lan Wangji was disgusted.

He stood on the path, leading to the banquet hall. Everyone was inside
already, loudly celebrating and drinking wine.
“Ah, Lan-er-xiong, I didn’t think I would see you here on this day.” Nie
Huaisang greeted as he turned the corner. “You asked me to meet you?”

“Stay here.” Lan Wangji didn’t turn towards Nie Huaisang, but he
unsheathed Bichen, letting the scabbard fall to the ground. He has no
intention of sheathing his sword anytime soon. “Wei Ying won’t be happy if
you got hurt.”

Nie Huaisang made a sound of understanding. “I see, so that’s what you’ve


Lan Wangji turned his head towards Nie Huaisang. “Will do what I can for
you and your brother.”

“I’m honored, and I’m sure you will.” Nie Huaisang smiled, with a
respectful bow. “Please, take care of Wei-Xiong. Make sure he stays away
from the Jiangs. Do everything you can to save my best friend.”

“I already plan to.” Lan Wangji tilted his head. “Any final requests?”

“Make Jin Guangyao suffer.” Nie Huaisang’s smile was peaceful in contrast
to his words. “I want to hear him scream.”

Lan Wangji nodded and entered the banquet hall.

Hanguang-Jun spent the past seven years eradicating evil.

And now evil has gathered.

And it must be snuffed out.

All for Wei Ying.

All for Wei Ying.

Nie Huaisang watched Lan Wangji enter the Jin banquet hall, the door
shutting and sealing itself behind him.

“Personally, I would have gone for the Sacrifice Summon, but I suppose
perspectives are different if you have the power to kill everyone.” He
murmured to himself, fanning his face.

The screams have started. He can already see the resentment gathering, can
smell the blood in the air.

“Still, I can’t complain. It is a good idea, and it will give me time to enact
my own plans.”

Nie Huaisang really liked Wei Wuxian. He was the first friend to accept all
of Nie Huaisang’s eccentricities and hobbies, encouraged him and never
belittle him for choosing the arts over the sword. During the time Wei
Wuxian was in the Burial Mounds, Nie Huaisang truly tried to help, sending
over supplies and information when he could until his Da-ge put a stop to it,
influenced by the other Sects.

Before everything took a turn for the absolute worst, he received a special

Thank you, Nie-xiong, for looking out for us. I know it costed you a lot, and
endangered you, and I will never ask you to put yourself at risk for us.

I worry, Nie-xiong, because the Jins have been greedy. I worry that they will
storm my cave, demand for my Seal and my notes. I worry that, if they
succeed, the cultivation world will have a fate worse than Wen Ruohan.

And so, I gift you this talisman. It’s special, and imbued with my blood and
a bit of resentment I’ve cultivated myself. As long as you keep it on you, you
will not be affected by any demonic cultivation technique. At least those I
Take care of yourself, Nie-Xiong. I have always considered myself blessed
to call you my friend.

Wei Wuxian

“Oh, Wei-xiong, you truly are too kind.” Nie Huaisang sighed as he patted
his chest, where the talisman was against his skin. Ever since he received it,
Nie Huaisang kept it to his chest, afraid of what was happening. “I, too, am
blessed to have you as a friend. Perhaps, in our next life, we could be

Now that’s a thought.

Already, as the resentment crowded the building, it gave Nie Huaisang a

breath of air, circling around him but never coming near. The resentment
sensed a part of Wei Wuxian in Nie Huaisang, and knew not to hurt him.

The stench of blood grew thicker and thicker, the sun was being blocked out
by the cloud of darkness. Already, he can see the world around him fading,
sizzling into nothing.

This world is disappearing, to go back in time.

Inside the banquet hall, Nie Huaisang can hear the loud, frantic, and pained
screams of one Jin Guangyao. Glee bubbled in his chest, pouring outwards
into a laugh. He can almost feel Hanguang-jun whisper ‘that one was for

“Let’s see how far back you take us, Hanguang-jun.” Nie Huaisang smiled,
excitement in his veins.

He’s an adaptable man. He will make do.

He watched as their very world began to fracture and fray, as they dissolved
into darkness before bursting into a bright light…

Nie Huaisang blinked and found his Da-ge, his young Da-ge, gripping onto
him tightly. “A-Sang! A-Sang! Are you okay?”

There was a mirror nearby and he could see his own reflection. He should
be around six years old.

Huh. He thought, gathering himself before responding in kind to his

brother. That he thought he saw a ghost and ‘Da-ge! A-Sang is scared!’
Further back than I thought. This makes things easier, I have more time…

And as Da-ge swept the room for any signs of a ‘ghost’, Nie Huaisang
couldn’t help grin. He has his brother back, he can save his brother, rewrite
history to suit his needs.

This way, Da-ge can live, and maybe he can even make it so that Da-ge can
live an extended life. Make it so that Nie Huaisang can live his easygoing
ways, full of art and poetry, surrounded by family and friends…

Unlike the others, Nie Huaisang is a man of simple pleasures, after all. He
never did have ambition above living the good life.

But first, he will need to get rid of a snake.

I can only hope, he thought, as he hugged his brother after, cherishing his
warmth and the sweet and steady beat of his heart, that Lan Wangji will
remember our alliance when he inevitably rules this world.

After all, Lan Wangji won’t let anything hurt Wei Wuxian. Not anymore.
Not in this life.

And how does one accomplish that?

By conquering everything.

Chapter End Notes

Short chapter, but I hope this answers some of your questions

I love seeing all your discussions in the comments! I didn’t think this
would spark so many, but it’s very interesting to read! I won’t be
joining in much of the discussions because I fear that I will spoil
something in this story, and I have plans that need to be kept for now,
but I am reading them.

For the next chapter, we move on:

Next Chapter Preview

There were still a few casualties. Some cultivators died in the resulting
skirmish, and a small chunk were injured. Lan Zhan sucked in a breath
when he learned that his Uncle was one of them.

This is bad. For Lan Zhan’s plan to come into fruition, Xiongzhang
cannot become Sect Leader.

Quickly thinking and weighing his options, Lan Zhan knew what he
had to do.

“Come, A-Ying.”
“Where are we going?”
“We’re visiting my father.”
Chapter Summary

Lan Wangji makes a decision that changes the fate of Gusu Lan.

Chapter Notes

EDIT (2023-08-10): Edited minor typos and grammatical errors

WARNING: LWJ and WWX are about 17 and they have penetrative
sex. This is still counted as underage. Once again, I am saying that
LWJ is much much older mentally, though sharing a physical age with
WWX, and this is still counted as
grooming/conditioning/manipulation. Please don't read if this triggers

Once again, I’m making some guesswork at the timelines, but I’m
assuming 2 years after the disciple lectures the Indoctrination happens
and the Sunshot campaign starts after. I’m going by novel/donghua
rules and Wei Ying meets Wen Ning at the archery competition rather
than in the cloud recesses.

I am also mixing elements of CQL in terms of the Yin sword. We’re

playing fast and lose with the adaptations for the sake of convenience.
See the end of the chapter for more notes

Wei Ying stretched, a small smile on his face. “It’s over! Wow, that flew by

The guest disciples were finally leaving, having successfully completed the
course. Lan Zhan felt relieved, he had been on edge with everyone
scrambling to talk to Wei Ying, but thankfully Wei Ying stuck by his side
and quelled any rage that would seep in his skin. It won’t do to keep Wei
Ying away from everyone, but he wouldn’t allow anyone to come closer
than necessary. It was so easy to see that they wanted to get along with a
Jade for their own benefit.

None of them would be by his side when it mattered, after all. Their past
life proved it.

The only person he allowed close was one of the few true friends Wei Ying
had in his previous life, Nie Huaisang. When he first arrived, Lan Zhan had
already decided that he would allow the younger Nie to be their friend even
if he did not come from that other future, but…

“Ah, my two esteemed jades! This one wishes to thank you, personally, for
saving us from that dreadful yao! Brutal thing took one of our wards before
you were able to dispatch it. Such a tragedy!” Nie Huaisang lightly bowed.

“It’s nothing, Nie-Xiong! Though I do wish to pay my respects to your ward.

What was his name?” Wei Ying asked.

“Meng Yao.” Nie Huaisang replied, looking contrite.

Lan Zhan froze, eyes sharpening at the Nie, who looked back at him.

“I don’t know why he suddenly went on that night hunt. He has never gone
on his own before!” Nie Huaisang opened his fan, covering half of his face,
worried eyes still on Lan Zhan. “I don’t know, I really don’t know!”

And Lan Zhan knew. Nie Huaisang came back with him.

It took one nod, and he was confident. He has a solid ally in the Nie clan.

After all, though Nie Huaisang never took advantage of it in his previous
life, he can make his Da-ge do anything.

“Wei-Xiong! Lan-er-xiong! I’ll miss you two!” Nie Huaisang opened his
arms and brought both into a quick hug. “Keep safe, okay? Let me know if
you need anything!”

“Think you can get Jiang-gongzi to stop glaring at me and A-Zhan?” Wei
Ying whispered loudly. “He’s being incredibly rude. He acts like I owe him

Nie Huaisang huffed. “He’s just jealous. Wei-xiong and Lan-er-xiong are
just so amazing and are so in love. Don’t worry about him.” He moved to
whisper, theatrically. “I think he’s allergic to happiness.”

Wei Ying threw his head back in laughter. “Nie-xiong! Gossip is


“It’s not gossip if it’s true.” Lan Wangji quipped, lacing his fingers through
Wei Ying’s, golden eyes tracking his laugh like it’s as important as air. It
caused Wei Ying to laugh even more, this time leaning his head on Lan
Zhan’s shoulder. “Is it bothering A-Ying too much?”

“Nah, I’m just wondering what he thinks I did. He’s being incredibly rude
for no reason.” Wei Ying chuckled. “Must have me mistaken for someone

Lan Wangji and Nie Huaisang looked, amused, at one another.

It was nice to see Wei Ying happy. He should always be happy.

“Well, this one must return home. Thank you again, Wei-xiong, and Lan-er-
xiong for helping me with my studies.” Nie Huaisang bowed. “I shall see
you soon, for the wards?”

“Of course, Nie-xiong! A-Zhan and I will definitely visit soon, with the sun
being so erratic and all.” Wei Ying grinned. “They will be just as strong as
the wards I made for Gusu Lan.”

“Mn. Will bring Xiongzhang as well.” Lan Zhan nodded.

“Lan-er-xiong,” Nie Huaisang fanned himself as they watched Wei Ying
demonstrate sword techniques to the guest disciples, “I know what you are
trying to do.”

Lan Zhan didn’t react, feigning concentration on his fiancé. “And?”

“I support you, of course. But, in order to bring Da-ge in, I might have a
little favor.” Nie Huaisang grinned. “How do you feel about…”

As Lan Zhan listened to Nie Huaisang’s plan, a small smile grew on his

“That will work wonderfully.”

“I thought you might say so.”

“Da-ge will love that!” Nie Huaisang hopped in place before hugging them
both again. “I’m happy you two are happy. You promise I get to help with
your wedding, okay?”

Wei Ying laughed. “You still have to fight Xichen-ge and Shufu for that!”

“Oh no! Don’t let them plan your wedding! It will be so drab! So bland!”

“Will let Nie Huaisang handle the decorations.” Lan Wangji smiled, small.
“Your art will look wonderful, I’m sure.”

“See? This is why I love you guys.”

It was the day of the Archery competition in Qishan Wen lands, and Lan
Zhan and Wei Ying decided to take a leisurely stroll before the main event.
Lan Zhan took the opportunity to observe the surroundings, but he noticed
that a lot of it had changed between this competition and the indoctrination.
Perhaps now isn’t the time to map out the area.

But that would mean they had no choice but to go to the indoctrination. If
that’s the case then…

“…A-Zhan?” Wei Ying’s voice was soft, like a breath caught on his throat.
“A-Zhan, do…do we know that guy?”

Lan Zhan made a questioning noise, following Wei Ying’s line of sight to…


Wen Qionglin, alive and so young, untouched by war and death, was
practicing in the archery range. It made sense that Wei Ying would
remember him, he gave Wen Qionglin a piece of his soul, which the Wen
nurtured and kept until Lan Zhan let him rest. Perhaps, even now, the two of
them are linked by that piece of Wei Ying.

In any other circumstance, Lan Zhan would have been crazed in jealousy.

But Wen Qionglin has proven his loyalty to Wei Ying a thousand times
over. Besides, they had a more familial relationship than a loving one.

“…I do not recall. Perhaps we should speak to him?” Lan Zhan squeezed
Wei Ying’s hand, and they walked towards the archery range.

Although startled, Wen Qionglin’s shyness was immediately overcome as

he and Wei Ying locked eyes.

Simultaneously, both started crying.

“I’m sorry – I’m sorry, Xian-ge – I don’t know why but I’m so sorry!” Wen
Qionglin cried, though his brows furrowed in confusion.

“It’s not your fault, it’s not your fault Ning-di –“ Wei Ying gasped, equally
devastated, equally confused.
This continued for some time, with both holding each other’s arms,
apologizing, and forgiving, and reiterating that it was not the other’s fault.
Both parties crying and confused at the same time.

It took a bit for the two of them to calm down.

“Perhaps, in your past life, you were something like siblings.” Lan Zhan
suggested, holding Wei Ying close to his chest, rocking him comfortingly.
Wen Qionglin sniffed, rubbing the last of the tears from his eyes.

“Ning-di…” Wei Ying chuckled under his breath, even as he sniffed. “Man,
I wonder what happened in our past life to make us react like that?”

Lan Zhan said nothing.

Gusu Lan took the top three spots, with Wei Wuxian coming in first,
followed by Lan Wangji, and finally, Lan Xichen. Each of them only a
single point from the next person.

Neither Wen nor Jiang placed in this round.

Wen Qionglin agreed to stay in contact, and expressed his worry that his
uncle will do something terrible to the Lans for humiliating the Wens.

Lan Zhan was not afraid. They were prepared this time.

A year later, the Wens attacked.

But Gusu Lan did not fall.

Wei Ying’s Magnum Opus, the now famed Gusu Lan Wards stood strong
against the Wens. No fire, no weapon could penetrate them, and they
formed a perfect dome above the entirety of Gusu Lan so that nobody could
fly over. It was even linked to a second ward such that anyone who attempts
to attack the ward of Gusu Lan will immediately be sapped of energy upon
leaving, as to keep the villages safe.

Of course, the ward still has its limit. But by the time the Wens managed to
break through the ward through sheer force, their sizeable army had already
been sapped of too much energy, and they no longer had ammo for their
flaming arrows.

All the while, the Lan cultivators were prepared behind the wards, perfectly
rested and primed to attack.

Thus, despite their size, the Wens couldn’t push forward against the Lan
disciples, and Wen Xu was forced to retreat with his tail between his legs
when faced with the fully powered Three Jades of Lan.

Gusu Lan stood tall.

There were still a few casualties. Some cultivators died in the resulting
skirmish, and a small chunk were injured. Lan Zhan sucked in a breath to
know that his Uncle was one of them, brought to the Healing Pavilion in a
coma, with no certain timeframe of recovery.

This is bad. For Lan Zhan’s plan to come into fruition, Xiongzhang cannot
become Sect Leader.

Quickly thinking and weighing his options, Lan Zhan knew what he had to

“Come, A-Ying.” He called as he stood from his uncle’s bedside, after

checking on him with Xiongzhang. Wei Ying didn’t question, following
Lan Zhan with their hands laced together in comfort.

“Where are we going?” He asked, scrambling to keep up with his fiancé.

Lan Zhan kept his pace. “We’re visiting my father.”

“Wangji, you’ve grown. Who is this?”

Lan Zhan didn’t get to know his father in his previous life. All he knows are
the stories that the elders have told him, how he was ashamed to be the son
of an impulsive man. How he refused to visit him.

However, now that he has experienced the loss of the love of his life and the
slander of his name, he thinks he can understand his father better.

“Wei Ying, courtesy Wuxian.” Wei Ying bowed, low. “I…I am your son’s

When one sees Qingheng-jun, they will never be able to doubt the he is the
father of Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji. Besides appearance, Lan Xichen
inherited his calm, level-headedness, while Lan Wangji inherited his
father’s unending devotion and steadfastness.

“Ah, I have heard from Qiren. You have been good for my son, thank you
for taking care of him.” Qingheng-jun nodded.

“Oh, no, A-Zhan has been taking care of me you see!” Wei Ying flushed,
holding his hands up in protest.

But another thing Lan Zhan learned of too late was that his father was a
strategical genius. During Lan Zhan’s stint as a rogue cultivator, he came
across minor sects and small villages that would tell him stories of his
father. How he was often consulted by the other clans when dealing with
skirmishes, with a mind of efficiency that the world had yet to recreate.

“Father,” Lan Zhan bowed low, “we are on the cusp of war. The Wens have
been aggressive. They tried to burn down our home.” He looked over at
Wei Ying, who was nodding at him, encouraging him. “They tried to burn
down the Jingshi – mother’s home.”

Qingheng-jun inhaled sharply.

Lan Zhan met his father’s eyes. “Father, Xiongzhang and I are young, and
Uncle is injured, please don’t…please don’t make us take over the sect at
such a time. We’re not ready. I can’t lose –“ Lan Zhan didn’t even need to
act. He will never be able to forget the fear of war, to see everything
crumble to dust. How they all grew up too soon, too fast. He instinctively
reached for Wei Ying, checking if he’s there, needing him to stay by his

At the gesture, Wei Ying immediately scooted closer to hold Lan Zhan’s
hand. “You won’t lose me, A-Zhan.”

“You can’t know that!” Lan Zhan replied, hand clenching in his.

Because he thought he wouldn’t lose Wei Ying before, but he did. He

allowed that grief to cloud his mind, the grief that had been dampened by
Wei Ying’s continued presence in his life in this timeline. Wei Ying saw the
look in his eyes and made a distressed sound, pressing closer.

“I can’t lose A-Ying, father. I can’t.”

Not again.

Qingheng-jun watched them for a moment, before sighing. “Oh, Wangji, I

always knew you inherited my heart.” His face was soft, “the moment I
heard how you would wait outside your mother’s door, how you chose to
live in the Jingshi, I always knew you would love as I had.”

The two jades watched as Qingheng-jun stood.

“Let us visit my brother.” He nodded.



“I believe you should be calling me Sect Leader Lan.”

Lan Zhan sighed in relief.



Qingheng-jun became Sect Leader once more, and Lan Xichen’s shoulders
slumped in equal parts relief and awe as their father immediately got to
work to prepare them for war. Lan Zhan once feared he was too much like
his father, but now he had to admire the man. He was a true leader, and had
a commanding aura that nobody could question.

“You’re father’s amazing, A-Zhan!” Wei Ying whispered as Qingheng-jun

ordered a redesign on their forests, of secret paths and evacuation routes.
How he had the disciples copy their important texts and had them stored for

Indeed. They would be ready this time.

Both Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji studiously followed their father, taking
notes and learning. Lan Qiren was a scholar and a passable Sect Leader, but
he was not made for politics and war, and he actively avoided conflict.
Qingheng-jun had always been meant to take that role. He grew up in it,
raised by their father to be the one to rule over the sect. In this way, he
taught his two sons to be harsher, not to be so soft and bendable, to be
unafraid of opposing other sects.

“Taking a stance is not an active declaration of war,” he explained,

“conflicts will always exist, no matter if it is between friends or enemies.
But if you don’t take a firm stand, you bring the sect down with you. Our
forefathers did not grow this clan to bend to the whims of others.”

Exactly one of the reasons why Lan Zhan chose to bring his father out of
Because in their time, all the other great sects were led by the young heirs –
Nie Mingjue, Lan Xichen, and Jiang Wanyin. This led to Jin Guashang
becoming Chief Cultivator despite having minimal contribution to the war
efforts – because of both seniority and wealth. How could these new, young
sect leaders oppose him? Especially Xiongzhang, who so wanted to avoid
any more conflict between any of the clans, who was traumatized by war
and became too complacent and bendable as a result. Now, with Qingheng-
jun back, they can avoid such a future.

Also, there is one more reason, but that reason won’t come into fruition
until a long while yet. Lan Zhan had yet to lay down the groundwork.

On the side, it also cleared the air with their father.

“She killed my teacher because he was forcing her to be with me.”

Qingheng-jun explained one night, after they ate dinner together. “I knew
she didn’t love me back, and I wanted to let her go.”

“And so you married her so she would avoid punishment.” Lan Xichen

“And the elders forced me to share her bed to produce heirs.” Qingheng-
jun looked ashamed. “They would wait outside the Jingshi until we can
confirm her pregnancy. It was…not ideal.”

The two brothers looked at each other, then their father, fists clenched.

“I do know that, despite everything, she loved the both of you with all her
heart. I apologized to her with each pregnancy, but after Wangji was born, I
learned she had a terminal illness. One that would eventually take her life.
It was a miracle she even had a few years for Wangji.” Qingheng-jun
sighed. “She admitted that she is fond of me, that perhaps she would have
loved me, but she didn’t wish to be with me because she knew she would
have to leave me eventually.”
Lan Zhan recalled how a core-less, suffering, and dying Wei Ying kept
shoving him away, in another time, in another life, and felt that sentiment to
his bones.

And so, when the indoctrination came, Lan Zhan wasn’t afraid to tell his
father that they must take part in it.

“Must we?” Lan Xichen asked, “it is clearly a trap. We have also proven we
can defend ourselves.”

“We must, it gives us a chance to study our enemy.” Lan Wangji regretted
that he was the only one at the time to study the Wen territory, and even
then he couldn’t commit it to memory because of the pain he went through.
But, with his brother, with Wei Ying, and his sect, there will be more eyes
on the field. He looked to his father. “And it will quell the Wens from
attacking the rest of the lands under us. We are already in their bad books,
we cannot risk the civilians.”

“Both of you are correct. They are allowing us into their territory, we must
take advantage, but it is clearly a trap.” Qingheng-jun looked over the
disciples that would be chosen for the task, evaluating their readiness to be
in enemy territory.

“At the very least, ” Lan Zhan added. “I am certain we will be unarmed.
They will take our swords from us.”

“Indeed, I agree with you, Wangji. We will comply with their demands for
now. I will need you all conceal your real swords and bring fake ones to the
indoctrination.” He ordered. “Wuxian, the butterfly communication
talismans I ordered from you will come in handy here. Have them
concealed as something else. All of you, get as much information as
possible regarding the Wens, their territory, army, whatever you can and
report to your three jades. Xichen, Wangji, Wuxian, the three of you report
to me daily. Understood? If I do not receive a report from all three of you, I
am immediately treating it as an active war crime, regardless of
“Yes, Sect Leader Lan!”

However, there was one more thing his father should be aware of.

“We have heard reports of the Turtle of Slaughter in Qishan Wen lands.”
Lan Zhan informed his father, after eating dinner together. Of course he did
his research beforehand, even letting Wei Ying in on it as he 'speculated the
reason' for the indoctrination.

“Though we do agree that the main purpose of this is to hold heirs and
disciples hostage, we do think they have an ulterior motive of gaining
prestige by forcing us to confront the beast.” Wei Ying had his hands
clasped behind his back, expression worried.

Qingheng-jun stroked his chin in thought as Lan Xichen furrowed his

brows. “Would Wen Ruohan risk such a thing?”

“He would risk us.” Lan Wangji interjected, “after all, we humiliated the
Wens in the last Archery competition, and they were defeated by us when
they tried to attack.”

“Very good observation, Wangji.” His father nodded. “Alright, if such an

event occurs, I need you to send an alert. Even just one of you.” He
addressed the three jades. “We will put a stop to the operation, and I will
pull you out. I am not risking any of you.”

Now that he was part of the three jades and had a duty to his clan, Wei
Wuxian didn’t dare cause trouble in front of Wen Chao. Unlike the other
timeline, Lan Wangji was with his fellow disciples and his brother in this
indoctrination. He wasn’t injured, nor was he alone.

Also, compared to before he is smarter, more ruthless, and armed.

Wen Chao liked to push his luck, goading for Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to
retaliate by attempting to humiliate them and their relationship, shaming the
two of them. He tried to attack their difference in status, but Lan Zhan
watched as Wei Ying easily rolled the comments off of his back. Though he
was insecure about it before, nobody dared attack Wei Ying’s status after he
became a Jade, and Wei Ying flourished under the praise of Gusu Lan.

“Perhaps if I was part of another gentry,” he replied with a smile on his

face, “but Gusu Lan has always appreciated scholarship and skill first
before status. Perhaps a practice the Wen can learn to appreciate?”

Nie Huaisang did not pretend to faint this time, which left Lan Wangji to
suspect that he had his own ulterior motives, but knowing that he was from
the future definitely helped.

“Well, don’t think I don’t know you two are always together. Scared of a
little dishonesty, are you? Keeping each other in your pockets? Let’s see
how loyal you two are.” Wen Chao sneered.

He forced Wei Ying to camp with Lan Xichen, and for Lan Zhan to camp
with Nie Huaisang. Wen Chao definitely heard of Lan Zhan’s unusual
friendship with the Nie, and was probably banking on Wei Ying to be some
sort of ladder-climbing whore and decided to leave him with the heir – the
one person ‘above’ Lan Zhan. Of course, Wen Chao didn’t account for the
fact that Lan XIchen has always been a big brother equivalent to Wei Ying,
and both respected one another and often bonded over wind instruments.
Also, Wei Ying knew nobody could ever take Lan Zhan from him, secure in
their relationship.

Wen Chao also didn’t know that pairing Lan Zhan and Nie Huaisang
together guaranteed his downfall.

The three jades diligently sent their letters daily as they sloughed through
menial labor. Nie Huaisang also revealed that he made a similar suggestion
to his brother. That all the Nie were secretly armed, and he was reporting to
his Da-ge, and so they struck an alliance with the Nie’s for the exchange of
information, both sides informing their respective heads.
Things like entry points, patrol schedules, some disciples even volunteered
to act out in order to get a layout of the dungeons. The Wens were none the

Well, size didn’t exactly mean intelligence.

The Lans were definitely the most oppressed, often asked to do the most
work, and the most humiliating work to boot, as the Wens were bitter by
their embarrassing loss, however they took it with grace, knowing that
everything that is happening to them is being reported to their leader. They
will find retribution, Qingheng-jun will assure it.

Jiang Wanyin kept his head down, knowing that the opportunity to escape
will present itself. He still glared at the general direction of Lan Zhan and
Wei Ying, but kept a far enough distance.

Lan Zhan wondered if he bothered to bring his sword. He asked Nie

Huaisang if he had any idea.

“Nie and Lan clans definitely hid their swords.” Nie Huaisang assured, “but
I heard that the Jiang sect is scared of tripping on the toes of the Wen. They
know they’re no match, especially because –“ he tilted his head to where
Wei Ying was looking over some disciples who just came from the
dungeons, comforting them with some lighthearted smiles and a quick
transfer of energy, “he isn’t around to make them formidable. As far as I
know, Jiang Wanyin wasn’t able to convince his mother to let them bring
fake swords.”

Wei Ying was now making the disciples laugh, still very kind despite being
less outgoing. He was telling them about the story of why his sword was
named Suibian. It was his favorite story to tell the other disciples, because it
never failed to elicit the same reaction.

“I’m terrible with names! So, of course, I asked A-Zhan to name it. And I
told him, you can name it whatever! Whatever you want A-Zhan! And A-
Zhan looked me in the eye and said ‘okay, it’s named ‘Whatever’ then.” Wei
Ying would explain, grinning.

“No way! The Second Jade?” the disciple would laugh, incredulous.

“See? He’s so funny! It’s one of the reasons why I love him so much!”

“Doesn’t matter.” Lan Zhan shrugged, “they wouldn’t be able to contribute


Nie Huaisang laughed. “So mean.”

“Is A-Zhan insulting someone again?” Wei Ying plopped down between the
two, one hand immediately going to hold Lan Zhan’s as he smiled at Nie
Huaisang. “I wouldn’t be surprised. Poor A-Zhan’s in a bad mood since this
whole operation started.” A grin towards Lan Zhan, “Don’t worry, we’ll
leave sooner than later.”

Still, they managed to get a lot of information during their stay. Wen
Qionglin even came through for them, sneaking them a map of the Qishan
Wen lands and their escape tunnels, as well as the current roster of the
armies. Wei Ying gave the younger man a brief hug in thanks. “I knew you
could do it, Ning-di! We owe you so much!”

“Here, also, from a-jie.” Wen Qionglin produced a pouch of herbs. “Just in
case you get injured, or sick. Please, take care of yourselves.”

“Mn. Keep us updated on you and your family. Will come if you need
someplace to hide.” Lan Zhan promised, with a bow.

Wei Ying had very few friends and allies in his previous life, but all of them
are exceedingly loyal and very useful in this life.
The encounter with the Turtle of Slaughter went differently, and yet eerily
similar to the past timeline.

Lan Zhan didn’t give away that he knew where they were headed, but he
did give Nie Huaisang a head’s up as the younger Nie wasn’t around for this
event. Everything progressed as normal, and although Wei Ying still helped
Mianmian, he did so by using his sword rather than getting hurt himself,
revealing that all the Lan's and Nie's were armed.

The three jades managed to subdue and kill Wen Zhuiliu, while the other
disciples kept the other Wen away. Blood still dripped into the water and
awakened the giant turtle. In the commotion, Wen Chao managed to grab
onto a few Wen disciples and escaped, attempting to cover the entrance to
the cave.

“Xiongzhang!” Lan Zhan called to his brother, directing his attention to

what was happening, and Lan Xichen immediately flew to the entrance and
fended the Wens away.

“Everyone, get out! Those with swords, take the others and leave!” Wei
Ying called, and everyone got to work. The Jins and Jiangs were taken by
the Lan and Nie sect disciples. Lan Xichen stayed topside to help them out
and to keep the Wens away, while Lan Zhan and Wei Ying protected their
backs, distracting and fending off the Turtle of Slaughter.

By now the second and third jades had seamless teamwork, only needing
the barest eye contact to plan simultaneous and patterned attacks. Unlike
before, they were stronger, armed with their respective swords, and neither
were injured.

Jiang Wanyin attempted to get in the way, but Nie Huaisang called him out
and “oh, Jiang-xiong, you must escape!” and he was pulled by Jin Zixuan as
well. If he was trying to attempt to achieve some sort of glory, it will not
follow through. He was lifted out of the cave with another Nie disciple.

“Wangji! Wuxian! Get out of there!” Lan Xichen called once everyone was
However, before they could make their way, the turtle thrashed violently,
causing the rubble to start a cave-in. Though Lan Zhan and Wei Ying sped
to the entrance, by the time they got there the hole was too small to go

“Didi!” Lan Xichen called, distressed, as he attempted to slash at some of

the boulders.

Wei Ying gasped. “No, Xichen-ge! It might collapse more, stop!”

“Xiongzhang, get everyone safe and call father for help.” Lan Zhan called
out. “Wen Chao should almost be back at Qishan. You must get everyone
out before they come back.”

“Didi –”

But the cave sealed itself with another thrash. Wei Wuxian looked at Lan
Zhan, and nodded. “Go, XIchen-ge!” He shouted, hoping his voice carried
beyond the rocks. “Don’t waste time! A-Zhan and I will be fine, get Sect
Leader Lan! We’ll keep the cave sealed in case the Wens come back! It will
keep us safe from them!”

“I’ll be back for you!” Lan Xichen’s voice was muffled, but clear.

The turtle roared once more, thrashing again, and Lan Zhan and Wei Ying
moved away from any loose rubble.

“I hate that you were right.” Wei Ying frowned as they flew around the
turtle, analyzing.

“More than that, we either hide, or fight.” Lan Zhan looked over at Wei
Ying, who turned to him with a grin.

“And when have we ever taken the easy route?” He winked.

Lan Zhan couldn’t help but smile.

It was especially eerie when Wei Ying came up with a similar plan as
before, though with modifications. He would sneak in the turtle and kill him
from the inside, while Lan Zhan keeps the turtle sedated using a modified
chord assassination technique, one where he infuses his spiritual energy to
shock the turtle into paralysis.

Lan Zhan would have wanted the roles reversed, but Wei Ying has always
been better on thinking on his feet, and when inside the turtle, he’ll need all
the improvisation he can muster.

After resting a moment, and sharing a private kiss for luck, the two went
about their plan.

Wei Ying got in, and Lan Zhan kept the turtle paralyzed, ready to save Wei
Ying if need be. He placed multiple chords around the cave, keeping the
turtle completely immobile and stretching out his neck to the fullest to give
Wei Ying an easier time.

It was a long moment of silence, with the only sounds being the rushing
water and the shock of the chords keeping the giant turtle at bay.

And then, light.

Light as spiritual energy slashed through the turtle’s neck like a whirlwind
from the inside. Lan Zhan couldn’t help but suck in a breath as Wei Ying
twirled elegantly through, holding out two swords, each radiating spiritual
energy as he beheaded the turtle.

Lan Zhan recognized the second sword. It was the yin sword.

But…at the same time…it was different. It was not radiating resentful
energy. It looked like a normal sword.

Perhaps it wasn’t…?

It didn’t matter, though, because after reaching the peak of his height, Wei
Ying released the second sword, letting it fall to the waters below, holding
on to Suibian alone, and he started plummeting down.

Lan Zhan immediately let go of the chords and flew to catch his fiancé, his
heart in his throat as he looked upon Wei Ying’s eyes, which were slowly
losing focus.


He flew a safe distance away from the dead body of the turtle, laying Wei
Ying down as he immediately went to check on him.

He checked under Wei Ying’s clothes (confident, since he had seen Wei
Ying naked very often), and there were no wounds, no marks of any kind,
but Wei Ying was contracting a fever. Perhaps being inside, there was
something in the air? Before it was because he was holding the Yin sword
for an extended period, but the sword he was holding a while ago had no

Either way, checking his temperature, he was steadily getting warmer.

“A-Zhan…” Wei Ying was nodding in and out of consciousness, “A-Zhan, I

don’t…I don’t feel so good.”

Quickly, Lan Zhan moved to provide spiritual energy, to help power up Wei
Ying’s core and help him combat the illness, but his power was immediately
backlashed. Like Wei Ying’s energy was forming a barrier, stopping Lan
Zhan from healing.


This didn’t happen before.

“A-Ying, I need you to let me in.” He ordered as he tried again. Again, Wei
Ying’s energy deflected him.

“I can’t control it A-Zhan…” Wei Ying groaned. “It…it’s not letting

anything in.”

Perhaps a consequence of Wei Ying’s new power? He’s so much stronger

than he was before, perhaps it is better for his body to take care of itself
instead of introducing more energy?

Lan Zhan hated not knowing.

Still, he could help. He took out their pouch and took the medicine Wen
Qionglin gave them, along with some first aid talismans Wei Ying stuffed
in. He placed a few cooling talismans around Wei Ying to keep his body
temperature down, and rummaged through the medicines to find anything
he could use.

He found a few that were known to regulate body temperature, stabilize

energy, and provide a cooling effect. The water in the cave was useless,
with the turtle still there, so Lan Zhan placed the herbs in his mouth,
heating up his saliva with his own spiritual energy to extract as much from
the herbs as possible.

“Wei Ying,” he commanded, and like clockwork, Wei Ying’s body

shuddered, eyes blinking drearily at Lan Zhan. Even in a fevered state, Wei
Ying’s body knew to obey him. He needs that obedience now. “Swallow.”

Lan Zhan opened Wei Ying’s mouth and kissed him, transferring the herb-
infused saliva into Wei Ying’s mouth, feeling his throat to make sure Wei
Ying was swallowing. And he was, always so obedient to Lan Zhan’s needs.
He made a few muffled sounds of protest, but he never pulled away.

Lan Zhan removed his robes, leaving himself shirtless, and held Wei Ying
close to his chest as he grit his teeth. He used his energy to cool his body
temperature to assist with Wei Ying’s fever.

He can’t lose Wei Ying now.

Not like this.

Qingheng-jun, Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, and Nie Huaisang saved them
with a small group of disciples not even a day later.
Because Lan Zhan and Nie Huaisang have been collaborating, Qingheng-
jun travelled to Qinghe to talk directly to Nie Mingjue regarding the state of
their disciples, and was thus nearby when Lan Xichen sent the SOS
message. It helped that Qingheng-jun was already on edge as Lan Zhan’s
last report stated that he suspects something big was going to happen soon.

Thus, when Lan Xichen’s message came earlier than expected, and alone,
Qingheng-jun was already ready to rescue them. Nie Mingjue didn’t
hesitate to come along as well, seeing that the distress was from Zewu-jun.

It still took a bit of time, as he had to pick up Lan Xichen and the Nie and
Lan disciples and send them all to Qinghe, with the Jins and Jiangs going
back to their respective sects, though Lan Xichen insisted to come along
since ‘I had to leave my two didi, I need to see them safe.’ Nie Huaisang
also insisted to come along with a similar excuse for his two best friends.
The two sect leaders made quick work of the rubble, and came in to see Lan
Wangji, shirtless, holding onto an unconscious Wei Wuxian. A short
distance from them, the beheaded Turtle of Slaughter.

Both Sect Leaders stared at the dead turtle in shock and awe.

The two jades – two seventeen year old disciples – killed that?

Lan Wangji instinctively raised a sword at them, until he realized who they
were, and immediately begged for help. Qingheng-jun took Wei Wuxian,
while Lan Xichen took Lan Wangji. Since Wangji had been using his
spiritual energy to regulate Wei Ying’s body temperature, at the same time
practicing inedia, he was drained.

In Qinghe, Lan Wangji explained everything that happened. How they

killed the turtle (to the wide-eyed wonder of the disciples that came to see
them), how Wei Ying must have contracted a sickness from being inside,
and how his energy was not letting anyone in. He also reported the first aid
he administered, and gave some of the herbs from Wen Qionglin to the

“It is good you have a friend that is trustworthy. These medicines will
definitely help.” The doctor nodded. Qingheng-jun noted the Dafan Wen,
and made a promise to help them if they choose to side against Wen

The doctors also agreed with his theory that, because Wei Ying is so
powerful, his energy sensed that anyone trying to feed him energy will be
hindering rather than helping. They relied on traditional methods to help
him fight through the fever. Lan Zhan had been anxious the entire time, and
Qingheng-jun allowed him to stay with his fiancé for the duration of his

“We’ll figure things out later. For now, stay with him.” Qingheng-jun patted
Lan Wnagji’s shoulder. “We’re doing everything we can.”

Wei Ying’s fever broke after the second night, but still showed no sign of
regaining consciousness.

Lan Wangji stayed by his side and waited.



Wei Ying woke up on the third night, gasping and gagging to breathe. It
jolted Lan Zhan awake, who had settled himself to sleep next to the bed,
pillowing his head in his arms.

“A-Ying,” Lan Zhan gasped, grabbing into Wei Ying’s shoulders, assessing
him. “A-Ying, breathe. You’ve been sick, but we’re safe now. I’ll go get –“

“Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying stopped him from trying to move away. “Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan blinked, for even if he had trained Wei Ying to become aroused at
the call of his birth name, he had also been affected when Wei Ying calls
him those names. Wei Ying knows this.

Wei Ying looked up, eyes almost black with desire, his body flushed from
his cheeks down to his chest. Lan Zhan couldn’t help but groan in response.
With the way his clothes were hanging loosely off of him, so easy to rip
apart –

“I need you, Lan Zhan.” Wei Ying clawed at him, grabbing his clothes and
opening them. “I need you to dual cultivate with me. I need you in me,
everything, your qi, your body, please, Lan Zhan, please.”

“A-Ying,” Lan Zhan bit his lip, trying to stay in control even as Wei Ying
began stripping his clothes off of him. “A-Ying, think clearly you –“

“I almost died,” Wei Ying gasped, throwing his robes away, “I almost died
without having you, Lan Zhan, please – we cannot – I cannot live another
second if –“

Lan Zhan swore he blacked out for a brief second, but in that second, he
went absolutely feral and pounced on Wei Ying. He barely had the
cognition to put up a silence talisman on the door as he ripped off their

It was that thought that was destroying him from the inside. That he had
almost lost Wei Ying again, that somehow something in the turtle affected
him a lot more than in their previous life (or was it the same and Lan Zhan
simply wasn’t aware of how bad it was at the time?)

And it was with that thought that he felt it, too. The need to reaffirm that
Wei Ying is with him, alive and recovered, and it is his Wei Ying. The one
he raised, the one that is devoted to Lan Zhan, and only to Lan Zhan. The
one who will do anything for his zhiji without the restraint of his so-called

They tossed their clothes to the side, mouths and tongues sliding against
one another, already so familiar with one another. Lan Zhan knows exactly
how to play with Wei Ying’s tongue to make him shudder, the exact places
to touch to raise goosebumps in his skin, every sensitive patch, where to
touch lightly, and where he can dig his fingers for the right amount of pain.

With the last of their clothes on the floor, Lan Zhan kissed his way down,
worshiping Wei Ying’s body. His fingers skirted down, already finding Wei
Ying’s ass dripping. “So wet already?” He murmured as he took Wei Ying
in his mouth, three fingers easily slipping inside.

It was something they discovered as Lan Zhan started introducing more

fingers in Wei Ying. If Wei Ying concentrates a bit of his power into his ass,
it lubricates itself as a response to intrusion. In theory, this was supposed to
be a response in case one needs to pass something bad – like bad food or an
unwanted intrusion. But it made fingering Wei Ying so much easier, and
they took advantage of this. Now, Wei Ying could do it almost instinctively.

With Lan Zhan training him, he can easily take in three or four fingers in
one go.

“Hurry, hurry Lan Zhan – I need you. I need all of you –“ Wei Ying whined,
hips bucking up and down, indecisive if he wants Lan Zhan’s mouth or the
fingers in his butt.

“One more finger –” Lan Zhan murmured, but Wei Ying was already
pulling at him.

“Please, Lan Zhan, I don’t care if it hurts, I need you –” Wei Ying groaned.


Lan Zhan’s penis grew much larger than Wei Ying’s. At 17 he was already
quite sizable to the point that he cannot risk an erection in public, as even
with his trousers it will be seen. Wei Ying whined that he can no longer fit
the whole thing in his mouth, but he tries nonetheless.

Lan Zhan estimated that Wei Ying would need at least five fingers before he
can take Lan Zhan’s cock, but Wei Ying was pawing at him desperately.

“Please – please –”
“What’s gotten into you…?” Lan Zhan asked, but his head was so filled
with thoughts of having sex with Wei Ying – damn the rules, and damn
propriety – he was nonetheless lining himself up with Wei Ying’s butt.

Wei Ying had tears in his eyes, “Please Lan-er-gege.”

Lan Zhan is merely a man, and has only so much control. He pushed the
head of his penis against the wet hole, and Wei Ying was actively pushing
down as well, eyes looking up at Lan Zhan like he was the only person in
the world.

It took a bit more until the head finally breached. Wei Ying’s reaction was
instantaneous, arching his back with his eyes blown wide, his mouth open
but without sound, as if caught on his throat. The pleasure of Wei Ying’s
tight, wet ass almost made Lan Zhan close his eyes, but he forced himself to
keep them open. Like back in the time he first brought Wei Ying to orgasm,
he wanted to ingrain this in his mind – the first time he takes Wei Ying’s

“Oooohhh, Lan-er-gege, you’re so biiiig –” Wei Ying gasped when his

throat finally caught up with his brain. His eyes kept fluctuating between
screwing shut and forcing itself open, as if trying his best to stay awake – as
if trying to fight his instincts.

Lan Zhan slowly pushed in, fighting the urge to just slam into his beloved.
Wei Ying would be the one to suffer the consequences, and Lan Zhan would
sooner chop off his own penis than to cause him unwanted pain. “Breathe,
Wei Ying.” He growled as he inched himself in.

“Lan Zhan, I can feel – oh gods above, I can feel everything.” Wei Ying
gasped, scrambling to grab onto Lan Zhan’s shoulders, anchoring himself.
He kept pushing himself down, helping Lan Zhan inch along, his virgin
body shivering as he took on more and more of Lan Zhan’s cock.

Lan Zhan allowed his eyes to close when he bottomed out. Breathing
slowly to control himself. It was everything he had ever wanted, even better
than his imagination. The tightness of Wei Ying’s ass clenching on his
penis, the little whimpers and moans from the love of his life beneath him.
And once Wei Ying’s muscles started relaxing, once he was able to exhale,
Lan Zhan moved.

He started slow, inching only a bit away before moving back in, slowly
carving the shape of his cock in Wei Ying’s body. Lan Zhan had molded
Wei Ying’s body to respond to him perfectly, he will mold this as well.

“Wei Ying –” he murmured, forcing his eyes to stay open to watch Wei
Ying, watch his every expression, his every movement. Wei Ying had lost
all control of himself, undulating his body to meet with Lan Zhan’s
increasingly harder thrusts, eyes going in and out of focus with each jolt, his
head thrashing to the side and back as he tried to maintain eye contact.

“Ah – Lan Zhan – Lan Zhan – I can feel – I need you –” Wei Ying slurred,
tears in his eyes and drool dripping from the side of his mouth. His eyes
were wide and black and Lan Zhan can see his own reflection on them, like
he is the only person Wei Ying can see. The only person in Wei Ying’s

The thought made him thrust faster and harder, the bed moving with his
movements and he can only hope the silencing talisman can survive the
night. “I’m close – Wei Ying – come with me.” He growled, hand gripping
Wei Ying’s cock and stroking it in time with his thrusts.

“I – Lan Zha – I’m coming! I’m – ah!” Wei Ying’s body convulsed, back
arched obscenely high, tongue lolling out of his mouth and eyes rolling to
the back of his head in desire. The image burned itself in Lan Zhan’s mind
even as he felt himself cum as well, hips stuttering around Wei Ying’s
clenching muscles as he tried to ride it out, spilling inside the love of his

Their energies surged through their connection. Lan Zhan can feel Wei
Ying’s enter his body, mingling with his meridians, settling near his core.
Lan Zhan lost control and threw his head back, soaking in the feeling of
Wei Ying around his cock, inside his veins, in his core. It shot through him,
leaving heat in its trail. Under his hands, he can feel Wei Ying shaking, his
breath hitching and his body stiff, and he knew that Wei Ying could feel the
same. Lan Zhan’s energy mingling with his own.
It was like coming home.

It was everything.

As the energy started to settle, Lan Zhan felt another jolt of pleasure, felt
himself harden once more while still inside Wei Ying. He looked back
down just in time to see Wei Ying reach for him, clawing himself up to sit
on Lan Zhan’s lap, still connected. Lan Zhan leaned back to support Wei
Ying’s weight. “Lan Zhan – do you feel it?”

“Mn. Can feel Wei Ying everywhere.” Lan Zhan licked at Wei Ying’s
collarbone, whatever piece of skin is close enough to his mouth.

“More, Lan Zhan, Wei Ying wants more.” Wei Ying weakly tried to lift
himself with shakey legs, fucking himself onto Lan Zhan. “Please, Lan
Zhan, it’s not enough. It’s not enough. I need you in my core – I need.”

He did not need to say anything else. Lan Zhan gripped onto Wei Ying’s
hips and helped him, lifting him up and slamming him back down on his
rehardened cock. Wei Ying’s face was so close to his that they were
breathing each other’s air. The world has condensed down to just the two of

“Anything.” Lan Zhan growled between open mouthed kisses, between

pants of breath, “I’ll give Wei Ying anything he wants.”

“I know, Lan Zhan.” Wei Ying gasped, moving faster now, as if spurred by
Lan Zhan’s words. “I know.”

When they came again, they didn’t even wait for the energy to settle.
Letting the fire of their energies thrum through their veins as Lan Zhan
flipped Wei Ying over to fuck him more.

“Lan Zhan – Lan Zhan – don’t stop – don’t stop – I can feel you
everywhere –”

“Wei Ying!!!”

“Lan Zhan –”
“Wei Ying –”

The sun was going to rise soon.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying panted from exertion, taking time between breaths
to exchange wet kisses with one another. The sheets and mattress were
definitely ruined and they would have to take care of it before the cleaners
get scandalized, but Lan Zhan thought it was worth it.

He can still feel Wei Ying’s energy mingling with his, slotting perfectly
with his own as if they have always meant to be together.

Well, they are zhiji, after all.

“A-Zhan, look.”


Lan Zhan looked over at Wei Ying’s other hand and – oh.

Black smoke of resentment swirled around his palm, subdued and perfectly
controlled. In a panic, Lan Zhan immediately checked Wei Ying’s golden
core and –


It’s…balanced, somehow. There is resentment in his veins but it was

perfectly balanced with his spiritual energy. His golden core is as healthy
and as strong as ever, brimming with life. In fact, if Lan Zhan wasn’t in-
tuned with resentment from his time studying Wei Ying’s notes, he would
just chalk it up as the energy being just slightly strange. Lan Zhan never got
the hang of controlling resentment, himself, but he knew how it worked and
how to work around it.
“A-Ying…you mastered it?” Lan Zhan was in wonder. “Yin energy?”

“While I was inside the turtle, I was flooded with resentful energy.” Wei
Ying explained, snuggling into Lan Zhan’s embrace, letting the ball of
smoke dissipate into nothing. “I was fighting to balance everything in my
body. It was…it was so hard, A-Zhan. I – I thought I was going to die.”

“But you didn’t. You lived. You’re here.” Lan Zhan clutched onto Wei
Ying. “I will help you. Let me help you.”

In another time, in another era, Wei Ying nodded but ultimately did not let
him help. This Wei Ying smiled, hugging Lan Zhan so close they could feel
each other’s heartbeat, and the sun rose once more. “Mhm.”

They were quiet for a moment as the world woke up around them. Lan
Zhan wished he could find a way to stop time and just bask in with Wei
Ying. Alas, duty calls, and others worry for Wei Ying’s health.

“People won’t like it.” Wei Ying murmured, “that I can control resentful
energy. They’ll think –“

“Don’t worry,” Lan Zhan squeezed him, “I’ll take care of it. Do you trust

“With my life, A-Zhan.”

Lan Zhan manipulated the Gusu Lan sect to keep Wei Ying and bend for
him. He can manipulate the cultivation world to never harm him, either.

Besides, Lan Zhan had already set up the foundations. It was only a matter
of execution.

Chapter End Notes

Surprise! YilingLaozu!WWX is still a go!

I loved reading your speculations about the reason why I brought Lan
Zhan’s father into the fray! I made up the stuff about Lan Zhan’s
mother but we’re free to speculate since it was kept so vague. When
filling that gap, I wanted a parallel between father and son, but our
primary focus is his effect on Lan Zhan’s plans so I won’t go fully into

Also, there’s another reason why Lan Zhan needs Qingheng-jun to be

sect leader. I scattered a few subtle hints in this chapter. Let’s see if
any of you can figure it out! I’m still waiting to see if any of you can
figure out what I’m going for in the plot hahaha.

Next up: Sunshot Campaign! But easy mode 😉 It’s quite the chapter
so it might take some extra time for me to churn it out.

Next Chapter Preview:

“And you will watch what Lotus Pier failed to cultivate in him. You
will watch as he and I stand on top of the cultivation world.”

Lan Wangji’s words echoed in Jiang Wanyin’s head as he watched all

the sects practically prostrate themselves in front of the Second and
Third Jades.

“By god, he’s done it.”

Chapter Summary

Years of planning and manipulation come together.

This is Lan Wangji’s world now.

Chapter Notes

EDIT (2023-08-10): Minor typo and grammatical error edits

HEAD’S UP: THIS IS A BIG ONE. Very plot heavy, but you’ve made
it this far, I’m going to assume you’re here for scheming LWJ. 10k
words hooo boy.
I was thinking of splitting this up but there was no good place to do so,
and I wanted to get this all out of the way.
See the end of the chapter for more notes

Lotus Pier burned.

Nie Huaisang gave them the news over afternoon tea with Lan Xichen,
Qingheng jun, and Nie Mingjue. They were still a bit hesitant to let Wei
Ying do anything too strenuous after his sudden fever, especially after Wei
Ying told them that he had to fight off resentful energy inside him from the
Turtle of Slaughter. The Nie doctors said it must have been some strange
form of qi deviation, but one that Wei Wuxian managed to contain inwards
instead of having it burst outwards.

They called him a miracle.

Lan Zhan is not inclined to correct them.

“The wards in Lotus pier weren’t enough.” Nie Huaisang explained, “I

heard Jiang Wanyin tried to get Madam Yu to allow Wei Wuxian to design
their wards but it was met with…very negative responses.”
Lan Zhan heard about that. Not that he was going to let them, mind. The
letters addressed to the two jades always went through Lan Zhan first, and
if any about Lotus Pier came along, it would have been burned long before
Wei Ying would even know of its existence.

But because Wei Ying’s wards were so famous, sects were paying Gusu Lan
to even have a segment of it up. The Nie’s got it for a highly discounted
price due to being friends with the three jades (which they kept a secret
from everyone else), but Lan Zhan convinced Lan Qiren that any other sect
would have to pay Wei Ying handsomely for the wards.

“It has been his longest project. Almost five years of development and he
had written two books on newly invented ward theories.” Lan Zhan argued.
“Surely they must pay a handsome fee for us to put it up for them, unless
they wish to learn the theories themselves?”

Sadly, nobody could match up to the third jade, and they received extra
income from even partial wards. When Qingheng-jun learned about this, he
praised them for such craftsmanship, and joked that they could increase the
price further after the Wens failed to breach the wards.

All this to say, it’s easy to imagine that Yu Ziyuan would refuse to pay for a
ward made by the child of Cangsen Sanren, especially with how it is priced.

“Do you know what happened to them, Nie-Xiong?” Wei Wuxian asked,
holding Lan Zhan’s hand in worry. “I mean, we aren’t very fond of the
Jiangs but I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”

Wei Ying has always been too kind.

“Word is, Jiang Fengman was killed in battle.” Nie Huaisang covered the
lower half of his face with his fan. He had his brows furrowed with worry,
but Lan Zhan knew him enough that he figured his friend was probably
smiling behind the cover. “Head Disciple Jiang Shu was whipped severely
by the Zidian, and his right arm was cut off by Yu Ziyuan.”

“What? Why?” Lan Xichen almost dropped his tea in surprise, just barely
caught with Nie Mingjue’s support. The older Nie had heard this news
earlier from Nie Huaisang’s informants, and was ready for such a reaction.

“Wen Chao’s woman demanded it.” Nie Mingjue glared at the table.
“Something about how the Jiangs were so useless and did nothing to assist
the Wens during the indoctrination.”

Lan XIchen’s jaw dropped in surprise. Wei Wuxian frowned, glaring at the
table in front of him, and Lan Zhan, who was honestly not surprised by this,
wrapped an arm around his fiancé in comfort.

“That being said, only the new Sect Leader Yu Ziyuan, Jiang Wanyin, Head
Disciple Shu and a handful of Jiang disciples managed to escape. Jiang
Yanli was visiting Meishan Yu at the time, and was forced to stay there.”
Nie Huaisang concluded.

Qingheng-jun sat quiet, but had a hand to his chin in thought.

“Where are they now?” Lan Zhan asked, still holding a glaring Wei Ying.

“Jinlintai.” Nie Mingjue exchanged a reprimanding look with Nie

Huaisang, who was now looking away. Yep, he was definitely laughing at
the Jiang’s expense. “Yu Ziyuan sought shelter with her sworn sister.”

“Suffice to say,” Lan Zhan nodded, “the Jiangs are out of the picture.”

“How about the Jins?” Lan Xichen asked. “Surely if we asked…”

If there was any doubt that Lan Zhan was Qingheng-jun’s son, it would sail
out the window as both scoffed loudly at the same time.

At the dual sound, Nie Huaisang actually laughed, unable to hold his fan

Wei Ying grinned at his fiancé for a moment, before turning the smile to the
eldest Jade. “Uh, Xichen-ge, you might want to say that again. But slowly.”

Lan Xichen sighed. “There was hope.”

Nie Mingjue patted Lan Xichen’s hand in condolence. “You like to think the
best of people. Sadly, I don’t think the Jins are worth that case.”

“Now, now, we must be fair.” Qingheng-jun settled, but there was a light
sparkle in his eye that indicated how much he doubted the Jins. “Perhaps
they are waiting until the ‘opportune’ moment.”

“Meaning they will wait until we’re winning before they send help.” Wei
Ying frowned.

Lan Zhan hummed.


But Nie Huaisang was slowly fanning himself with a little grin on his face,
and so Lan Zhan figured there was nothing to worry about.

Speaking of…

As they parted to start rounding groups and to begin strategizing, Lan Zhan
discretely stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Nie Huaisang. Wei Ying was
doing one final check up with the doctors to make sure that his qi had
settled after his ‘strange deviation’.

“I need some rumors spread.” Lan Zhan crossed his arms. “Wei Ying can
control Yin energy again.”

“Really? How?” Nie Huaisang frowned, but immediately shook the thought
away. “Well. I wouldn’t worry about it. What kind of rumor shall I spread?”

Lan Zhan whispered to Nie Huaisang, whose fan hand steadied as he

unraveled his plan.

“Ohhh, positively devious, Lan-er-xiong! I like it. I already have a rumor

ready for it thanks to your groundwork, however…”
“Wei Ying is already working on a talisman to hide the smoke.” Lan Zhan
nodded. “It will not be an issue.”

“I like working with you. You make my job so much easier.” Nie Huaisang
smiled. “And what shall we do about Jinlintai? I have some ideas, but there
might be things you require.”

Lan Zhan smiled, feral.

“I’ll leave that up to you, Nie Huaisang.” He tilted his head, eyes sparkling.
“However, I require you keep them as far away from this campaign as
possible. Just let me know what you need.”

“Oh, Lan-er-xiong, great minds think alike! I was planning to do just that.”
Nie Huaisang grinned, before turning to walk away. “Give me at least two
weeks before Wei-xiong starts doing his new cultivation in public.”

“Will do.”

“A-Zhan! I’m all cleared!” Wei Ying bounced beside him, grinning wide. It
was refreshing to see after seeing him pale and bedridden. He peeked over
to Nie Huaisang. “Ah, what is Nie-xiong planning this time? That’s his
scheming walk.”

“Nothing you need to worry about.” Lan Zhan cupped his zhiji’s face,
brushing his thumb along the sharp cheekbone. He will never get enough of
how beautiful Wei Ying is, especially with how he closed his eyes,
snuggling into Lan Zhan’s palm. “You trust me, yes?”

“With my life.” Wei Ying nodded.

“I suspect the Wens will start becoming aggressive within a month. We

have that time to figure out your new cultivation.” Lan Zhan held out his
arm for Wei Ying to take as they walked down the hall. “How is your
progress with the talisman?”
“I know it works at immediate distances but I don’t know how far it
reaches.” Wei Ying frowned. “I need to bounce some ideas off of you, A-

“I’ll do anything for you, A-Ying.”

Wei Ying grinned. “I know.”

Nobody batted an eye to Wei Ying focusing more on musical cultivation,

and they made up a story that Wei Ying’s qi deviation resulted in him being
more in-tuned with his spirit energy. Of course everyone lapped it up and
left them be.

Wei Ying’s dizi sported new carvings in it, talismans intricately inscribed. It
started as paper stuck to the end, but as Wei Ying and Lan Zhan refined the
talismans, checking and double checking the scope of Wei Ying’s control of
resentment, and the talisman which would hide the smoke trails, they
started making it more permanent and discrete.

From what Lan Zhan can observe, Wei Ying has the same control over Yin
energy as he did towards the end of his past life. Not like the previous
sunshot campaign where it was still experimental, but this was more akin to
the Wei Ying of Nightless city, who figured out more intricate use of

Lan Zhan chalked it up to Wei Ying given more access to scholarly

material. They bounced ideas of resentment to one another, even when they
were young, but Lan Zhan always held back everything he had learned from
the previous Wei Ying’s writings. It allowed him to easily catch up to the
speed of Wei Ying’s mind, that until now baffled him.

Many times, he interrupted Wei Ying’s ramblings with a kiss because Wei
Ying shone so bright when he’s able to passionately pursue something new.
The one thing that left Lan Zhan apprehensive was the reaction of the
resentment to Wei Ying’s body. In the previous timeline, Wei Ying’s Yin
energy ate at his core-less body, fed on his weakness while simultaneously
keeping him alive, like a parasite. He insisted to Wei Ying that they keep
track of all the effects of resentment in specific amounts on his body and

To his advantage, this Wei Ying had no reason to hide his pain, knowing
that his (few) flaws were never used against him. He also understood that,
with his position in the cultivation world, his well-being was of utmost

They found that, with a Golden Core, and a strong one to boot, there were
no adverse effects to using resentment in small amounts. His core balanced
out the resentment used, and protected his body from its effects. It was quite
fascinating to observe, how the Yin energy would dissipate along his
meridians and merge once more with his body, perfectly balanced.

The effects, however, come out as he uses more energy…but…different.

If before, the energy ate at his body and mind, this time…

“Ah, Lan Zhan –” Wei Ying panted, pulling Lan Zhan on top of him on the
grass. “Lan-er-gege!”

Using more resentment made Wei Ying horny.

If he uses enough resentment in one go, enough that his golden core is
unable to rebalance his Yin and Yang energy in a timely manner, it induces
a haze of lust in Wei Ying not unlike the first night he woke up from his
fever. While using resentment, he is fine, but after an amount of rest and
meditation, the heat starts affecting him, and the only way to release the
excess Yin energy is to dual cultivate with Lan Zhan for a surge of excess
Yang energy.

Not that he’s opposed. Lan Zhan has wells of energy to spare, and it will
never be a chore to have sex with Wei Ying.
It would also explain why Wei Ying woke up in such a state from his fever.

Today was a particularly grueling day. They were two weeks in and were
testing how far Wei Ying could extend his resentment until the smoke
would be visible with the updated carvings. They flew out to a wide, open
field, and Wei Ying reached out with his Yin energy while Lan Zhan flew
overhead to see at what radius the talisman. They found that he can extend
his power to about 200 zhang before the smoke starts becoming visible.

It’s enough. Wei Ying would never need to control that far, and even then, it
wouldn’t be traceable to him.

However, controlling resentment large enough to extend that far out? It took
an immediate effect on Wei Ying as soon as Lan Zhan landed with the
confirmation. They fucked in the middle of the field, where Wei Ying didn’t
even care about propriety or the possibility of being caught, if only to have
Lan Zhan in him.

It was heady, addictive. Lan Zhan doesn’t know how he ever lived without
knowing the feel of Wei Ying’s muscles around his penis, without hearing
his moans as he chants Lan Zhan’s name, without feeling their energy
mingle with one another after coming together, that trail of heat down his
veins and into his core.

Lan Zhan’s previous life was a worthless one.

This is the life.

It was nightfall when they finished. They already sent a butterfly talisman
back to Qingheng-jun stating that their training has run for longer than
expected, and they will be back late. In reality, they laid on the grass, on
their robes, with Lan Zhan’s outer robe covering their bodies like a
makeshift blanket. They will need to pass by a river to clean up, but that is a
small consequence to being able to have this moment.

“A-Zhan,” Wei Ying panted as they laid under the stars, snuggling against
Lan Zhan’s chest. “I feel it too, that the Wens will attack soon. That I will
need to use these abilities. Will…will we be okay?”
Lan Zhan squeezed Wei Ying close. They studied more on political
maneuvering when under Qingheng-jun, and though Lan Zhan knew about
it before, it was scary to learn just how devastating it is to be opposed by a
political system of belief. Wei Ying suffered the drawbacks of that in their
previous life.

But Lan Zhan has laid down the groundwork.

Come hell or high water, nothing is going to take Wei Ying away this time.

“Do you trust me?” He asked again, pressing his lips against Wei Ying’s

Wei Ying exhaled, relaxing into Lan Zhan’s hold. “With my life.”

“And you know I would do anything for you?”

“I know.”

Lan Zhan tipped up Wei Ying’s head to press their lips together.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

The Sunshot Campaign began with the Wens overtaking a minor sect with
the use of an army of fierce corpses. Luckily, that minor sect purchased a
segment of Wei Ying’s wards, and was able to stave off the attack long
enough to get majority of their people out of the village before they were
breached. With that, they managed to make it to Qinghe, who had the full
extent of Wei Ying’s wards, and the Nies and Lans in the area immediately
assisted them in.
Sect Leader Hua bowed before Sect Leaders Nie and Lan, frantically
repeating what he saw. Fierce corpses reanimated! Fighting side-by-side
with the Wens! Their own dead coming back to life!

“The Wen are using resentment and demonic cultivation techniques to take
over the sects!” Nie Mingjue slammed his hand on the table. “They are
declaring war against the cultivation world, we must fight back!”

This was met with agreement amongst the people. Lan Zhan discretely
squeezed Wei Ying’s hand in his, leaning in to murmur:

“You’re different. A-Ying is good.” Lan Zhan brushed his thumb along Wei
Ying’s knuckles. “I will protect you.”

“I know.” Wei Ying smiled, nervous, but trusting.

And so, the Sunshot Alliance was officially born, headed by the Nie and
Lan clans. Word spread to the different sects and gentries to seek safety in
either Qinge Nie or Gusu Lan, where the war efforts are centralized and
where Wei Ying’s full wards are in place. Minor sects oppressed by Wen
Ruohan, or those that have spotted the armies all fled to give support.

The Jins have not replied, nor the Jiangs with them.

Not that Lan Zhan expects them to. Nie Huaisang winked at Lan Wangji as
Lan Xichen expressed his disappointment in the Jins.

Qingheng-jun decided to travel between Gusu Lan and Qinghe Nie, rotating
where he will be staying to make sure both sides are sufficiently supplied
and cared for, but the physical war efforts were centered inside Qinghe Nie
since they were closer to Wen Ruohan. Though Nie Mingjue was officially
the face of the Sunshot campaign, the higher-ups knew that all decisions
were finalized by Qingheng-jun first. It serves more as a frontline, and a
deflection from the real intelligence center.

Lan Xichen was assigned to be Gusu Lan’s envoy, working side by side
with his childhood friend to make sure the communication between the two
clans were seamless. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan both volunteered to the front
lines of the battle, with Lan Zhan becoming the head of their military
operations and Wei Ying overlooking the defenses. Nie Huaisang was in
charge of information gathering, using his crafted network of spies that he
had been accumulating through his friendship with various traveling artists
and through his mingling.

Nie Mingjue was proud of his little brother for contributing such a system
to Qinghe Nie (after getting over the shock that his baby brother was
capable of doing such a thing), but Lan Zhan knew that even Nie Mingjue
was not aware of the extent of Nie Huaisang’s network.

Ignorance is bliss, after all.

Lan Zhan used everything he remembered from the war of the Other
Timeline, as well as the information gathered during the Indoctrination.
They managed to form a hard offense against Wen Ruohan’s first wave of
armies. They knew where the attack points would come from, the relative
size of the armies Wen Ruohan could deploy, the kind of special weapons
they would bring, as well as their possible escape routes. They knew the
identities of key players and who to keep alive to interrogate, and those who
did not know anything but would blindly follow orders.

So far so good, with Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian leading the efforts,
casualties were minimum and though there were fierce corpses, they were
not as dangerous.

Everything was going well until Wen Ruohan upped his ante, and started
flooding the fields with fierce corpses.

It was also the first time Wei Ying had to use his control of yin energy in
public. As fierce corpses rose in the fifties, dwarfing the smaller number of
cultivators trying to reclaim Yao lands, Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan a panicked

But they were ready. Lan Zhan gave Wei Ying the go.

Flying on Suibian, Wei Ying played his dizi up in the sky, just as the fierce
corpses were about to mobilize. Lan Zhan kept everyone away from

The fierce corpses looked up at Wei Wuxian, but because of their success in
developing the talismans, no smoke was seen. It looked like Wei Ying was
simply playing to the corpses, who stared up at awe at the Third Jade. After
a bit of time, Wei Ying glanced at Lan Zhan. At the que, Lan Zhan took out
Wangji and began playing rest alongside Wei Ying. After a short bit, the
corpses collapsed into empty husks.

Only Lan Zhan knew what happened, Wei Ying first took over control of
the corpses, away from Wen Ruohan, then sucked out the resentful energy
off the corpses, before swapping his control from Yin to Yang, and with Lan
Zhan’s help, sent the resentful souls to rest, leaving the corpses empty with
no hope of regeneration.

Everyone was silent, not knowing how to react. For one moment, their life
flashed before them. And another, the fierce corpses were all dead.

Wei Ying dropped beside Lan Zhan, leaning into him. There was a light
flush on his cheeks, but it wasn’t too bad. They can wait.

“We must return and report.” Lan Zhan called to them. “We will go ahead
to send the recon team to check the damage of the village.”

“Y-yes, Lan-gongzi!”

As they flew back, Wei Ying whispered. “Was it bad? Will I be okay?”

Lan Zhan smiled at him. “Don’t worry.”

Indeed, they didn’t have to worry.

One week later, they heard the rumor.

“Did you hear? Wei Wuxian has been blessed by the Heavenly Officials!”
The disciples whispered as Wei Ying stopped another attack from fierce
corpses. “I’ve seen it myself! He’s been blessed with such light, that he can
overcome Wen Ruohan’s demonic cultivation!”

“As expected from the Third Jade! I heard he’s the grandson of Baoshan
Sanren, so he has an immortal’s blood!”

“Of course, our Wei Wuxian has always been a genius, making all our
wards and writing books on talismans. And he’s so righteous, being one of
the three Jades. Of course he would be blessed by the Heavenly Officials
with such power!”

Wei Ying blinked at Lan Zhan, who discretely turned to cover his smile.

“Let me guess. Nie Huaisang?”


“Blessed by the Heavenly Officials? Really?”

“A-Ying is a paragon of justice, who is always good.” Lan Zhan kissed Wei
Ying’s cheek, making the younger man flush. “Like I said, I will protect

“Aiya, A-zhan, that’s too much!” Wei Ying whined, but was smiling, hiding
his face in Lan Zhan’s arm. “I can’t believe they just believe that!”

“Of course they’ll believe it.” Lan Zhan led Wei Ying away. “They have no
reason to doubt it.”

Lan Zhan had kept Wei Ying’s reputation pristine, made him into the
infallible Third Jade. Who would believe that he controlled resentment? Of
course he would be blessed by the gods, of course he would be chosen to be
the bearer of light. It only made sense.

Already, he has about ten fans commissioned for Nie Huaisang after the war
is over.
They received their official titles during the confrontation with Wen Xu.

In retaliation for their humiliation against Gusu Lan, Wen Xu chose to take
a sizeable army of fierce corpses to take Caiyi. They weren’t planning on
taking it as an outpost or anything, just wanted to send a message to Gusu
Lan by ambushing the village under their protection in the night, taking
advantage of the Lan sleeping schedule.

The only reason why they knew of the attack was because Nie Huaisang
caught wind of it through his network, and he immediately informed the
Jades. Realizing they would be unable to warn Gusu Lan in time to send
people for protection, Lan Zhan made an executive decision that he and Wei
Ying would immediately set off and hold them back, while Lan Xichen
sends the information to Qingheng-jun to mobilize the Lan cultivators.

At top speed, both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan made it just in time to stop Wen
Xu from setting Caiyi ablaze, in the early hours of the morning before the
sun could rise. Lan Zhan immediately set to duel Wen Xu, while Wei
Wuxian took care of the fierce corpses. With a large volume and without
Lan Zhan’s help, Wei Ying had to put in a bit more concentration and effort
into putting them all down.

It was at the crack of dawn when Wei Ying finally managed to put down all
the fierce corpses, and Lan Zhan beheaded Wen Xu.

It was to that image that Qingheng-jun and the armed disciples ran into as
they entered Caiyi.

The citizens of Caiyi, who had awoken to the ruckus and were watching the
battle, exited their homes, screaming and crying in joy and thankfulness.

Lan Wangji exhaled, shoulders slumping as he watched the head of Wen Xu

roll on the ground. Simultaneously, Wei Wuxian slumped against his side,
breathing hard with a flush on his cheeks. It was bad. Lan Zhan made the
quick excuse to his father that they both needed rest, and that Wei Ying is
exhausted, and Qingheng-jun, both proud and in awe of what his son and
his son-in-law achieved, allowed it.

It was nice, being able to make love in the Jingshi. Though tired, himself,
Lan Zhan gave what he could to Wei Ying. It helped that the energy
feedback of their dual cultivation kept them going. It was slow and gentle,
compared to before, reassured that there wouldn’t be attacks anytime soon,
and so proud of each other for what they’ve done.

They saved their home, they took down Wen Xu.

They did it together.

Later in the afternoon, they left the Jingshi, rested and refreshed. The
disciples that saw them immediately bowed, shouting.

“Yangguang-jun! Yueguang-jun!”

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying blinked, confused.

Lan Wangji used to be Hanguang-jun, the Light Bearing Lord, for all the
times he would come to the aid of the villages during times of crisis in his
signature blues and whites, like a virtuous noble.

In this life Lan Wangji became Yangguang-jun, the Lord of Sunlight. The
villagers started calling him that when he beheaded Wen Xu at the first
crack of dawn, like after a long night, he was the harbinger of the first rays
of light. That with Lan Wangji comes new hope and new beginnings, like
the alpenglow.

By his side, Wei Wuxian became Yueguang-jun, the Lord of Moonlight.

That during the darkest night, he was the one who shone the brightest,
stopping the fierce corpses and keeping the village safe. That when times
seem the most dire, and when the darkness threatens to consume all, he is
the light that will guide them.
Qingheng-jun greeted them with a proud smile, and though it was not time
for celebration, he gave them both a tight hug.

“I was so worried for you both when I received word from Xichen.” He
murmured to them, a small moment of vulnerability. “I am glad you two are

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying stayed behind for a short bit to fully recover, and to
greet the villagers they saved. They spent the time checking on the wards
and setting up a warning system for Caiyi (they would love to put up wards
for the village, but it is an open village for travelers and it wouldn’t do to
keep them out).

By the time they made it back to Qinghe to continue with their missions,
word of their titles have already spread.

Yangguang-Jun and Yueguang-Jun. Sunlight and Moonlight.

Lan Zhan didn’t necessarily miss his old title, not if he can share this one
with Wei Ying.

Xian-ge, please help.

Sect Leader Wen is becoming erratic. He is threatening our family if Qing-

jie doesn’t go to Qishan. We don’t want her to go, but there’s nothing we can
do if they choose to capture us. There’s a supervisory office near us. We’re
trying to delay as much as we can, but I don’t know how long we can last.

Wen Qionglin

“A-Zhan, we must help them! I shudder to think what would happen to

Ning-di –”
“Do not worry, A-Ying. I have it.”

“Do you trust me, Nie Huaisang?”

“Don’t ask stupid questions. Just make it quick, Lan-er-xiong.”

“Nie-xiong!” Wei Ying helped Lan Zhan carry their friend upright as he
clutched his side that had been hurt. They just took out a supervisory office
near the Dafan Mountains while escorting Nie Huaisang back to Qinghe
after he collected information. They were a small group, as the Dafan
branch was small, but Wei Ying wasn’t able to track his friend during the

Luckily, they took the office easily.

Unluckily, Nie Huaisang got ‘hurt’.

“We need to treat him immediately.” Lan Zhan looked around. “We are
close to Wen Qionglin’s family, aren’t we?”

Wei Ying looked up at him in surprise. “We are. They are healers. Come on,
we have to take Nie-Xiong there, now.” He raised his voice. “All of you,
after checking, send a letter to Sect Leader Lan and Sect Leader Nie to
come along with the reclaiming group. Tell them to find us in the Dafan

“Yes, Yueguang-jun!”

The two jades balanced Nie Huaisang carefully as they flew to the
mountain valley of Dafan. It was easy to spot the small village, and from
the appearance of the village alone, it was clear they were an independent,
agricultural branch. A more provincial one than a military one. They didn’t
even have guards, except for one Wen Qionglin, who was eyeing the forest
with a bow and arrow at hand, no doubt trying to protect his family who
refuses to side with Wen Ruohan.
“Ning-di!” Wei Ying called as they came into view. Wen Qionglin aimed
the bow at first, but upon recognizing the figures approaching, immediately
lowered it and called towards the villagers.

As they landed, they were swarmed by two men with a transportable bed,
and Wen Qing, sternly barking orders. Lan Zhan took over and lowered Nie
Huaisang on the bed, while Wei Ying stared, wide-eyed at Wen Qing.

“I…I knew you.” He stuttered. “I trust you.”

“Yes.” Wen Qing nodded. “I feel it too. Not as strong as what A-Ning
described, but I feel like we knew each other.” She shook her head
refocusing. “Later. I will need to take care of him first. Is the supervisory
office gone?”

“Yes, they shouldn’t bother you.” Lan Zhan nodded.

Wen Qing nodded back, and instructed them into the healer’s hut.

Lan Zhan kept an eye on Wei Ying as he looked around the village. The
village population was small, but about twenty people stopped and stood
still, staring at Wei Ying with wide eyes.

They were the people at the Burial Mounds.

Of course, a part of Wei Ying was always attached to the resentment in that
horrid place. The air must have seeped in all of the remnants. The reaction
is not as strong as Wei Ying and Wen Qionglin’s reunion, but he could see
how they all looked at Wei Ying with adoration and trust.

“Some of them recognized your name, when I spoke of you.” Wen Qionglin
explained, shyly. “They seem to remember you as their savior. Perhaps you
were some sort of hero in your past life.”

Lan Zhan wouldn’t be opposed to that.

“Or you were my family.” Wei Ying breathed, patting his chest. “I feel it
here, that filial connection. But I…I feel like there’s someone missing. A…
a child?”
Lan Zhan’s heart fell to his stomach.

‘Did you save baba?’

“A child? Yes! Yes, a child! We have one. Popo!” Wen Qionglin rushed
over to the old lady who had been smiling at Wei Ying. He looked so
excited, with animated gestures, and Popo went back into her hut
presumably to get the child.

Lan Zhan wasn’t ready.

The last time he saw –

That small, innocent boy, looking for his baba. His little pulse fading away

He burned A-Yuan’s body –

“A-Zhan?” Wei Ying looked at him. “Are you alright?”

“I…” I don’t know. I failed him before, he died in my arms, I couldn’t save
him. I couldn’t –

“A-Zhan?” Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan’s face in his hands, refocusing
golden eyes on his own silver ones. “A-Zhan, come back. Where did you
go? Did…did you remember something?”

“I…” Lan Zhan swallowed, then closed his eyes, dipping his head into Wei
Ying’s hands. “I just…”


Both jades looked behind Wei Ying in surprise at the little shout. Wen
Qionglin stood there, looking a bit sheepish, while holding a baby – a baby!
– in his arms. Lan Zhan would recognize those chubby cheeks and big eyes
anywhere. Popo stood at the side, watching.

Wei Ying sucked in a breath as well, after seeing the child, a hand reaching
out towards the baby. “A—” he choked, “A-Yuan?”
The baby blinked and reached back. “Ba…ba…”

Wen Qionglin gasped in surprise. “A-Yuan? That’s A-Yuan’s first word!”

Popo had a hand to her mouth, equally shocked.

A-Yuan wiggled his little fingers and, after a second, reached out with his
other hand, as if scrambling to get out of Wen Qionglin’s hold. “Baba?
Baba! Baba!!!” He shouted, increasingly becoming distressed as he wiggled
towards Wei Ying.

Wei Ying immediately took A-Yuan in his arms, cradling him in his chest as
if he’d been doing this his whole life. Lan Zhan knew for a fact that Wei
Ying had not held any babies in this life, perhaps this is memory from his
soul coming back. Certainly, A-Yuan had a big chunk of Wei Ying’s heart.

“A-Yuan, oh A-Yuan,” Wei Ying was crying. Not as hard as when he was
with Wen Qionglin, but it was touching to see.

Over Wei Ying’s shoulder, A-Yuan stared at Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan’s hand shook, worried.

‘Did you save my baba?’

I did, A-Yuan. I did and I will make sure he stays that way. Nothing will hurt
him. Please, forgive me.

“A…die,” A-Yuan reached out towards Lan Zhan, to the surprise of

everyone. “A-die!”

Lan Zhan didn’t recall moving, but before he knew it, he took both Wei
Ying and A-Yuan in his arms, a few quiet tears streaming down his face.

It felt like forgiveness. A-Yuan had forgiven him.

“Well,” Popo sounded happy. “Quite the reunion.”

“A-Yuan’s father was killed trying to stop the building of the subsidiary
office.” Wen Qionglin explained later, as they waited for news on Nie
Huaisang’s injury. “A-Yuan’s mother died during childbirth. Popo’s been
looking out for him, but…”

A-Yuan had settled on Lan Zhan’s lap, but was playing with Wei Ying’s
hand. “I see…” Wei Ying made a sad sound, “I…I don’t mean to intrude. I
just felt…”

“No, no, I think…” Popo smiled, “I think you two are fine men. If A-Yuan
were to have you two as parents, I’m sure it will make his birth mother and
father extremely happy.”

Wei Ying bent down to snuggle A-Yuan’s hair, peppering it with kisses. Lan
Zhan watched with a lightness in his chest – a burden he didn’t realize that
was weighing on him lifted.

“We’re still at war but…” Wei Ying looked to Lan Zhan. “We’ll protect
them all, won’t we?”

“Of course.” Lan Zhan nodded, sitting straight. “You have my word.
Nothing will harm you. Nothing will harm them. Nothing will harm our

Wei Ying flushed red, matching the red ribbon in his hair, to the laugh of
the Wens around them.

“Aiya, A-Zhan!” Wei Ying huffed, taking A-Yuan from Lan Zhan’s lap. “A-
Yuan, you’re a-die is so mean to me! Teasing me so much! You’ll be nice to
me, won’t you, A-Yuan?”

“Baba!” A-Yuan squealed in delight, small hands patting Wei Ying’s face.
“A-Sang!” Nie Mingjue broke into a run as soon as he landed in the village.
Nie Huaisang was able to leave the healer’s hut, but couldn’t stand for long.
He settled to sitting with the group of elders, who have gathered around Wei
Ying and Lan Zhan to show their support for them adopting A-Yuan.

“Da-ge!” Nie Huaisang tried to move, but winced and settled back down.
Nie Mingjue skidded to a stop, kneeling in front of his brother, eyes
assessing him.

Qingheng-jun calmly walked forward, eyes roaming the village, before

settling on his son and future son-in-law, who had a child on his lap.

“Da-ge, I know they’re Wens but they saved me –” Nie Huaisang tried to

“I…” Nie Mingjue sighed, roughly. “I know. Sect Leader Lan talked me
down when we received word. This branch is known to be a branch of
healers, and has a reputation for integrity. I know they are innocent – by the
gods, they saved you A-Sang how can I hate them?”

“Indeed. And I believe we also owe a debt to one Wen Qionglin?”

Qingheng-jun surveyed the people around them. Wen Qionglin squeaked,
rushing to his feet to bow. “Ah, yes, I never got a chance to thank you. Your
herbs assisted my future son-in-law when he was struck by that dreadful
fever. I shudder to think what would have happened if Wangji was unable to
provide first aid.”

“Ah, no…Xian-ge – I mean Yueguang-jun has been like a brother – I


“Ning-di,” Wei Ying smiled, “it’s okay.”

“Now, who is this?” Qingheng-jun asked, poking A-Yuan’s chubby cheek,

who fell asleep in Wei Ying’s arms.

Behind them, Nie Huaisang was introducing Wen Qing to Nie Mingjue,
raving about her skills as a doctor and how they would surely benefit from
having a doctor of such high caliber amongst their allies., adding that she
works with energies and has studied resentment due to proximity with Wen

Wei Ying bounced little A-Yuan in his arms as he explained what happened
to Qingheng-jun, with Lan Zhan’s support. Lan Zhan even mentioned the
reaction Wei Ying had to them, and A-Yuan stopped any argument by
snuggling into Wei Ying’s chest with a little “Baba…”

Qingheng-jun’s demeanor softened and he chuckled lightly. “At least wait

until after the war before adopting children. You haven’t even made your
bows yet.”

“Father,” Lan Zhan bowed, “I hope we can open the topic of adopting A-
Yuan after the war. He has already bonded with us as parents and –”

“Wangji,” Qingheng-jun looked amused. “I’ve told you, I know you

inherited my heart. And I know that once you’ve seen A-Ying hold a baby,
you cannot possibly part them.” He rested a hand on Lan Zhan’s shoulder.
“How do you think I felt when I saw your mother hold you and Xichen?”

Wei Ying threw his head back in laughter. “Like father, like son, right, A-

Lan Zhan rarely got embarrassed in this timeline, but it was refreshing to
feel that burn in his ears as his father nodded his approval.

To keep it discrete, the Dafan Wens were ordered to pack their things and
they would be escorted by a small delegation of both Nie and Lan
cultivators to Gusu territory. Upon learning of Wen Qionglin and the Dafan
Wen, Qingheng-jun and Lan Zhan had already selected an area of Gusu
where they could reside in, it was just a matter now of transferring them.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan couldn’t escort them, but on the day of the move,
they created a commotion in one of the larger supervisory offices as a
distraction, so that the Dafan Wens could be moved in peace.
It was a harrowing two weeks until they finally received word from Wen
Qionglin of their safe arrival in Gusu lands, how the guards and
watchtowers are being set up behind Wei Ying’s wards, and that they await
the end of the war.

A-Yuan already misses you both, he has not stopped asking for his baba and
his a-die. Popo is quite put out by it. She misses being A-Yuan’s favorite

Qing-jie and a few of our trained healers will move to the medical wing of
Gusu Lan once we’ve settled. You might see her traveling to Qinghe soon.
I’ll be staying behind to help protect the rest. We fear that, by now, our
absence has been noted. Though I do feel safe in Gusu Lan behind Xian-
ge’s wards, for as long as there is war, I should not rest.

I have a feeling I lost my family before. It is silly, but the feeling has not left

Best of luck out there, Xian-ge and Lan-er-gongzi. Please, don’t die. Your
son is waiting for you.

Wen Qionglin

Hugging the letter, Wei Ying turned to Lan Zhan.

“We have to keep them safe, A-Zhan. I hope this war ends soon.”

Lan Zhan lived in this life for Wei Ying. He would do anything for Wei

Ending a war quickly is no exception. After all, everyone that needed to be

protected is now under his protection.

“Then we’ll end it.”

“Nie Huaisang, we’re moving forward.”

“Oh, thank goodness, Lan-er-xiong! I much prefer spreading rumors than

keeping them at bay.”

“No hard feelings about the stab?”

“Da-ge is going to let Wen Qing become his doctor for his qi pathways. I
consider it worth it.”

“Good to know.”

Jiang Wanyin didn’t know what was happening.

Which seems to be the running theme of this world. Everything seemed to

move fast into different directions and he was powerless to change
anything. It shouldn’t be the case – they shouldn’t have so much influence.
And yet, Lan Wangji managed to not only prevent the fall of Gusu Lan, but
he brought back Qingheng-jun, and convinced the Lan clan to be armed
during the indoctrination.

Jiang Wanyin tried to reason with his mother, but she held fast that as long
as they were obedient during the indoctrination, nothing should happen. At
first he was confident that, without Wei Wuxian stirring up trouble, and
with Wei Wuxian tied with the Lan clan, they would be safe.

But Lotus Pier still burned, and not only that, but his head disciple lost his
hand as Wei Wuxian would have before. The only comfort they had was the
Wen Zhiuliu was killed in the Slaughter Cave, and so their golden cores
were spared. But, his father still died, and they barely made it out to
Now, the Sunshot Campaign is underway, but they weren’t receiving any
news about it. Many times, Jiang Wanyin wanted to join, but he was
underminded by both Jin Guashang and his mother, Acting Sect Leader Yu
Ziyuan. Jin Guashang stated that, with only the Lan and the Nie, the
campaign would be for naught against the Wens, and that they would not
risk their disciples on a fool’s errand. His mother, uncharacteristically
cowardly in the face of real war, opted to follow Jin Guashang.

Jiang Shu, who lost his arm and was whipped by the Zidian, was furious.

“We should be fighting with them!” He protested, backed by the handful of

Jiang cultivators that survived. “We should take back our home! Avenge our
comrades, our people! Cowards! All of you!”

Needless to say, they lost majority of their own disciples, with them opting
to either become rogue disciples or to join a minor sect and the Sunshot
Campaign through them.

The Jiang Sect can’t even be called a ‘sect’ anymore. Worst case scenario,
they become merged with the Jin sect. Jin Zixuan tried to argue with his
father to help with the war efforts, but Jin Guashang shot down all of them.

“My informants told me the Sunshot Campaign is ill-conceived and they are
losing. There is no way I’m sending you off to die.”

Which didn’t settle with Jiang Wanyin.

Because they won. They won the campaign. Because Lan Wangji is
stronger than he has ever been, and backed by the full power of Gusu Lan,
they should be able to beat Wen Ruohan, even if Wei Wuxian didn’t learn
demonic cultivation.

Because this would be Wei Wuxian at his peak, with his Golden Core.

But nobody would listen to him. His protests scoffed away.

It was months, years before the actual end to the Sunshot campaign in their
previous life when Jiang Wanyin heard the crash in the Jin main hall. Jin
Guashang had thrown a vase into the wall, a cowering man on the floor as
Jin Guashang bellowed:



Followed by Yu Ziyuan’s voice.



Jiang Wanyin felt his stomach fall to his feet.



When Lan Zhan told Wei Ying he would end the war, he wasn’t

Two days after the Dafan Wen were deemed safe, while Qingheng-jun was
in Qinghe, Lan Zhan mapped out a course of attack. Using both his
knowledge of the future, Nie Huaisang’s reports, and the fact that they are
at an advantageous position now with so many supervisory offices
destroyed, he devised two simultaneous attacks, one in the largest
supervisory office, and another small group leading straight to Nightless
The large-scale attack is the diversion – a show of trying to take more
ground from the Wen, but a small group, consisting of both Lan Wangji and
Wei Wuxian, with Nie Huaisang as information support, will run straight
for the capital. Wen Ruohan is becoming more impulsive and erratic, with
the loss of his older son, of multiple outposts, and without Wen Qing to
manage his resentment. Wen Chao is useless as council, and his advisors are
too scared to oppose him.

Nie Huaisang also reported that Wen Ruohan, due to fear of the ‘divine
powers’ of Yueguang-jun, is keeping his fierce corpses in the capital, rather
than spending energy to let them out. With Yueguang-jun’s ‘powers of
light’, it will be a major disadvantage, so he is most likely going to send his
normal army if he hears of the major attack. It’s not a stretch that he will
assume Yangguang-jun and Yueguang-jun will lead the attack, as they had
been doing the entire war. It will be headed instead by Qingheng-jun and
Chiefung-zun, with Lan Xichen and most of their army as support.

The second Wen Ruohan hears of the large attack, he will surely send all his
armies and resources to defend that outpost. It will leave Qishan Wen open
for attack from Yangguang-jun and Yueguang-jun. Wei Wuxian will keep
the fierce corpses at bay, and they will lure Wen Ruohan out to his death.

To help the armies, Wei Wuxian developed a ward linked to talismans to

form a turtle shield for the armies as they attack the supervisory. They can
take it, if need be, but it is not necessary if they can first take Nightless City.
Qingheng-jun smiled, but said they would be able to take the office either

It went smoothly.

Nightless City was barely defended, and Wen Ruohan is so unstable from
the resentful energy and no regulation that Wei Ying barely needed any
resentment to reign control over the entire fierce corpse army of Nightless
city. Sensing the commotion, Wen Ruohan came out and met his end
immediately with a quick slice of Lan Wangji’s Bichen.
With no other witnesses, Wei Wuxian sent the entire corpse army to invade
the castle and kill all the council members and higher ups, as well as round
up the humans left over in Nightless City. Nie Huaisang waited until
everyone was rounded up or killed, and the corpses were laid to rest before
he sent the signal of victory over Nightless City, large enough to be seen
throughout the region.

Lan Wangji poured energy into Wei Ying to temporarily stave off the heat,
while Nie Huaisang rushed inside Nightless City to look for evidence.

“I’ve always suspected…” Nie Huaisang murmured to Lan Wangji, one

night during the indoctrination, “that the Jins were financially supporting
the Wens, but there was no evidence. I suspect that, because the Jins planted
Meng Yao in Nightless City, they also had him destroy evidences of trade
and any support they gave before the tides of battle started to change to our

“I wouldn’t put it past him.” Lan Wangji agreed with a frown. “That would
explain the Wen's expansive resources during the war, after losing trade
with most of the Great Sects. Do you know what to do about that?”

Nie Huaisang smiled. “That sounds like a challenge.”

Lan Wangji raised Wen Ruohan’s head on a bloody Bichen as Qingheng-

jun, Chiefung-zun and Zewu-jun entered Nightless City in awe.

The Sun has been Shot.

As Zewu-jun fussed over his brother and brother-in-law (Wei Ying was
starting to get feverish, but he can last a bit longer before they make their
excuses to leave) alongside Qingheng-jun and Chiefung-zun, as everyone
celebrated the end of tyranny, Nie Huaisang ran out, carrying sheets of
“It was the Jins! The Jins have been supporting the Wens!”

Nie Huaisang had to excuse himself from the room to let out a laugh.

It was beautiful, how things fell into place.

It was something that he learned in the other timeline: information is

important, and not only having all it, but also preventing others from having
certain information.

For instance, keeping the status of the war from the Jins. Lan Wangji had a
similar idea, keeping them in the dark so they don’t take advantage of any
opportune moments. Jin Guashang only sent his small army back then
during the end of the war, when the tides have already turned and he can
guarantee that Meng Yao would both kill Wen Ruohan, and get rid of the
evidences of the trade agreements between the Jin and the Wen during the

Luckily, the Jin informants are easy to find, and easy to keep in the dark.
Just like their master, they’re the kind of informants that have their own
informants, so they can earn easily without doing any footwork.

All Nie Huaisang had to do was take command of the informants of the Jin
informants, feed them lies about how the Sunshot campaign was stagnant,
that the Wens were too powerful and there was no advantage in the Nie and
Lan side.

Keep the information about Wei Wuxian’s abilities too, of course. Make
sure that the story about him being ‘blessed by the Heavenly Officials’ was
so cemented before the Jins and Jiangs could hear of it that even Jiang
Wanyin can’t argue that it is resentment.
Oh, Jiang Wanyin, he had so much time and yet nothing changed. Not that
Nie Huaisang was surprised, the boy had everything handed to him in his
previous life. Wei Wuxian gave the Jiangs all their prestige, Jiang Wanyin’s
power was due to his adopted brother’s golden core, and his rise to sect
leader was done because there was no other choice. Nie Huaisang had a
feeling he went back in time, but was also not afraid. Jiang Wanyin doesn’t
have the initiative for anything without Wei Wuxian to take the fall of any
backlash. Now, the Jiangs were nothing but a small handful of members,
that may as well merge in with the Jins.

Speaking of the Jins.

Nie Huaisang can still hear the shouts outside. Jin Guashang came to
Qinghe mid-celebration with his tail between his legs, alongside the Jiangs
and a delegation of Jins. Of course, by now, everyone in the Sunshot
campaign knew about the trade agreements, and the lack of support from
the Jins was a frequently discussed topic during the war.

And Jin Guashang also let it slip that he was not informed, which if course
sparked the outrage of ‘oh, so you were waiting to see if we will win before
siding with justice?’

Besides, it was too late. The Nie and Lan, along with all the minor sects,
have already agreed to cut off any trade agreement with the Jins. There was
no need for their money, anyway. Nie Huaisang was earning well for the
Nie clan with his informants and his art trades, and the Lans were wealthy
due to Wei-xiong’s inventions and the constant requests for the famous
Jades to solve various night hunts.

Now all Nie Huaisang has to do is to spread the word to all the neighboring
villages from the Jins, and their economy will cripple to nothing. Already,
there was unease in Jinlintai. Jin Guashang’s sins during the war was
making people question the cultivators there. Nie Huaisang will give it a
year until the Jin economy will cripple down to nothing.

This is Lan Wangji’s world now, after all.

“Nie-xiong!” Wei Wuxian’s feet padded to the younger Nie, skipping in
front of him with a wide grin. Beside him was Lan Wangji, valiantly trying
to hide his smile as well. “Couldn’t keep it in? A-Zhan almost laughed
outside! We had to take a step out.”

Nie Huaisang is a simple man. He doesn’t have aspirations of grandeur –

too much work! But what he wants is for his family and friends to be happy
and safe, and for him to live his own life, doing what he wants. He’ll
happily give the reins of the world to Lan Wangji, and simply do what he
can to help.

“Shhh! I think they can still hear us, Wei-xiong!” He laughed.

Lan Wangji won’t let anyone hurt Wei Wuxian.

Lan Wangji won’t let anyone hurt the people Wei Wuxian cherishes.

And Nie Huaisang had learned not to trust people so easily in his previous
life, but he can always believe in his two best friends.

All trade with the Jins were frozen. They agreed that they will not come for
the Jin sect, nor fight them due to their alliance with the Wens purely
because they didn’t openly kill anyone (though it was argued that the trade
with the Wens can be seen as actively working against the Sunshot
campaign), but the Jin are considered enemies of the Sunshot Alliance and
will not be supported by the members.

The minor sects scrambled for the opportunity to take down the Jins, aware
of their high tariffs and from general dislike of their greed and opulence.
Besides, the Lan clan can be argued to be just as wealthy, but more
righteous and humble. With them having the three Jades: Zewu-jun,
Yangguang-jun, and Yueguang-jun, with the third being blessed by the
gods? It was a no brainer for who they side with.
As for the Jiangs, Yu Ziyuan tried to appeal for consideration, pushing Jin
Guashang out of the way in order to argue that the Jiangs had no choice but
to obey, which was immediately shot down by former Jiang Head Disciple,
Jiang Shu, who had joined a minor sect in order to help with the Sunshot

“You chose not to fight!” He argued, “we had to leave in order to avenge
our brothers! You have no right to beg for forgiveness, cowards! You chose
to hide with the Jins than to contribute to the campaign!”

So the Jiangs have no power, and the Jins have no power. The Sunshot
Campaign is over, and the Nie and Lan sects promised assistance for the
rebuilding of the minor sects. The Wens that were captured were to undergo
trial for their contribution to the war, if any, as the existence of the innocent
Dafan Wen brought about the argument that there are innocents that were
equal victims of the war.

“Waaah, I’m so glad A-Zhan!” Wei Ying held Lan Zhan’s hand as they
walked back to the Jingshi, after such a long time away from their home.
Wen Qionglin will pass by with A-Yuan, their son. “That could have ended
so badly!”

Lan Wangji couldn’t help but smile at his fiancé. It was so much better than
their last life, everything was going his way.

“Mn. I promised I will protect A-Ying. Since we were children.” He

squeezed Wei Ying’s hand.

Wei Ying’s eyes softened, the smile on his face serene. “You did, didn’t
you? Aiya, I don’t know what I did to deserve you, A-Zhan, but I am so
happy!” He started dragging Lan Zhan along, closer to the Jingshi. “Let’s
go home, A-Zhan! I miss our bed!”



Still, there was one more thing that needed to be done.

Lan Wangji couldn’t help but feel the excitement in his veins when his
father called for both sons to the Rushi for an important meeting.

The announcement shook the cultivation world.

Qingheng-jun declared that Lan Xichen is no longer Gusu Lan Heir.

“I hereby name Yangguang-jun, Lan Wangji, my second son, as heir to

Gusu Lan, and to the position of Chief Cultivator.”

He made the announcement during one of the discussion conferences with

the minor sects. The Jin and the Jiang sects were deliberately kept away,
and all the minor sects clamored to be allied with the winning side of the
war against the Wens.

“Rest assured, this decision was not made lightly.” Qingheng-jun’s voice
was strong and steady. “Xichen has given his consent to the change in

With a gesture to his eldest, Lan Xichen stood with a bow. “Wangji has
always been a genius since his youth, both in scholarship and cultivation,
but in the light of all that has happened, he has shown not only amazing
cultivation skill, but also exceptional leadership, a strategic mind, and an
unshakable sense of justice. With Wuxian by his side as his husband, I am
certain they will lead Gusu Lan to a golden age of cultivation. I willingly
step down if it is for the benefit of Gusu Lan.”

He gracefully sat back down, with a serene smile on his face. Lan Wangji
nodded to his brother, and Wei Wuxian reached out to squeeze his XIchen-
ge’s wrist in thanks. The clans murmured with one another, no doubt
scrambling over which jade they will fawn over next. Ever since the
sunshot campaign, they have been endearing themselves to Lan Xichen
despite Yangguang-jun and Yueguang-jun’s reputations, wanting to
collaborate with the sect heir rather than such fierce warriors that were
known for calling out nonsense.

Lan Zhan could already feel a headache forming at the amount of sucking
up he will have to face. Wei Ying was making discrete faces about the topic
as well.

Qingheng-jun resumed. “That being said, once I deem Wangji ready for
taking over, I will be stepping down as Sect Leader, and be available as
advisor. This new generation and this new age requires fresh minds,
idealistic and filled with progress, which is embodied by both my son and
his future husband.

“As for Xichen, I am pleased to officially announce that, in light of the

change in heirs, he has also accepted engagement to Sect Leader Nie
Mingjue. We have been strong allies in the Sunshot Campaign, and Xichen
has been invaluable to Chingfeng-zun as a confidant and a source of
stability. We hope that, with Xichen’s help, the Nie clan can flourish and
combat the negative energies of the saber spirit, leading to a long, fruitful
life for their leaders.”

Nie Mingjue stood and bowed towards Qingheng-jun. “I am beyond

honored to be able to call the renowned Zewu-jun as my future husband, as
I am sure my brother and I are excited to welcome Yangguang-jun and
Yuegueng-jun as part of our family.”

Nie Huaisang gave a fist pump in joy, which was met with a few chuckles.
Discretely, he mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Lan Wangji.

To the rest of the sects, it was like an earthquake. The Nie and Lan clans –
arguably the only two Great Sects left in the cultivation world, will have a
strong marriage alliance through the former heir and the current leader.
They might as well be one entity at that point, merging into a powerhouse
sect. With the Lan Clan holding both war heroes Yangguang-jun and
Yueguang-jun, and having a richer economy than the Nies, it is not out of
the imagination that, down the line, the Nies will merge into the Lan clan.

And once the Lan Clan becomes the only Seat of Cultivation…
Qingheng-jun nodded and gestured for Nie Mingjue to sit down. “Finally,
Wangji and Wuxian are expected to wed by the spring of next year, after
both have reached eighteen years of age. Invitations will be sent soon, and I
hope you will join us in celebration of their love. A toast, to new
beginnings, and to new family.”

They raised a toast, non-alcoholic for the Lans, but fine wine for the guests.

The world is shifting.

The world is changing.

And steps away from that ultimate seat of power was Lan Wangji.

Word of Qingheng-jun’s declarations made it all the way to Jinlintai.

“And you will watch what Lotus Pier failed to cultivate in him. You will
watch as he and I stand on top of the cultivation world.”

The words echoed in Jiang Wanyin’s head as he watched all the sects
practically prostrate themselves in front of the Second and Third Jades.

“By god, he’s done it.”

“Hm? A-Cheng?” Jiang Yanli held her brother’s hand. “What’s wrong?”

They were with Jin Guashang, who is trying to get into the good books of
the Lan Clan again after such a catastrophic declaration. Jinlintai has lost
almost all of its economy, with merchants pulling out and away and moving
towards even the minor sects, not wanting to be associated with ‘Traitors of
the Cultivation world’.

Jiang Wanyin heard of what they said about Wei Wuxian’s power. It was
complete bullshit, ‘blessed by the gods’ and yet they described his control
of resentful energy. He tried to argue against the rumors, but who would
believe the cowardly son of the Jiang clan? Who would believe someone
who sided against the Sunshot Campaign, against the noble and
undisputable Yueguang-jun?

And now, Lan Wangji is mere steps away from being the Head of All
Cultivators, form the highest seat of power.

How did Nie Huaisang describe it?

This is Lan Wangji’s world now.

Lan Wangji, who killed the entire cultivation in another time, in another
life, laughing and smiling all the way. Lan Wangji, who managed to
manipulate this whole world to make Wei Wuxian infalliable, to become the
leader of all.

He spotted Nie Huaisang, looking smug on the side, and gave his excuse to
his a-jie.

“Ah, Jiang-gongzi,” Nie Huaisang had the gall to look amused. “To what do
I owe this honor.”

“Cut the bullshit. Why side with him?” Jiang Wanyin glared. “He’s insane,
he groomed your friend –”

“Oh, Jiang-gongzi, what makes you any better?” Nie Huaisang raised a
brow, like he was laughing at Jiang Wanyin. “Just admit it, you’re only
frustrated that you didn’t get Wei-xiong first.”

“Wha – you --!”

“You’ve always known that you were powerless without him. The Jiang
Sect is a sorry excuse without him.” Nie Huaisang fanned himself, serenely.
“Stop with the brotherly façade. If you had any love for him, you would be
happy for him. Look, he’s absolutely shining!” Nie Huaisang gestured to his

“But –”
“I don’t care of Lan Wangji’s methods. I care about results. And now, I can
have everything I want, in exchange of Lan Wangji getting everything he
wants.” Nie Huaisang made a show of looking Jiang Wanyin up and down.
“And you have nothing to offer me.”

“Nie Huaisang --!” Jiang Wanyin made a move towards Nie Huaisang in
frustration, wanting to wipe that smug smile off of his face, but was
immediately stopped by a sword, that almost sliced his hand off.

Wei Wuxian stepped forward, glaring, to the silence of the room. “And
what exactly are you doing, attacking my future brother?”

“Oh, I don’t know why he decided to attack me, Wei-xiong!” Nie Huaisang
ran behind his friend. “He’s saying it’s my fault why they were disgraced!
But I was doing my job, Wei-xiong!”

“Bull –”

Another sword flung towards him, making him jump back. This time, a

“Jiang Wanyin, stay away from my little brother!” Chiefeng-zun growled.

Jiang Wanyin swallowed. To the side were Jin Guashang and his mother,
looking absolutely devastated, as Qingheng-jun was turning away from
them. No doubt that they now had no chance of ever getting into their good
graces again.

“Come on, Nie-xiong, let’s get away from here.” Wei Wuxian took back
Suibian, and began escorting his friend away. “He’s not qualified to talk to

There was nothing Jiang Wanyin can do. He was now in Wei Wuxian’s
position of the time before, where everything he can do will be used against
him. Where even the lies of others will paint him as the bad guy.

This is Lan Wangji’s world now.

Chapter End Notes

200 zhang – about 600m

A lot of people have been predicting where I was going, but did you
guys see how far LWJ and NHS’s plans went? Be honest! I hope I
surprised you all with how much thought I ended up putting in this fic.
It was so hard keeping all my excitement at bay so I don’t accidentally

Congrats on the people that saw NieLan coming, and that LWJ will
become Gusu sect leader! I hope this was very satisfying to see.

One more chapter to go!!! Oh my gosh. I can’t believe we’re near the
end! After this fic I’ll be taking a short break before going back and
checking my errors because goddamn this was a big one.

Can I just say? I rewatched the show and writing this chapter has been

Next chapter, the Epilogue. We wrap things up. I might just actually
cry when this is over. Alas.

Next Chapter Preview:

“My Wei Ying…” Lan Zhan murmured, clutching his husband – his
husband! – close, as if trying to meld them into one person.

Wei Ying lifted Lan Zhan’s face to meet his eyes, full of love and
devotion, a smile so sweet on his lips. “My Lan Zhan,” he pressed
their lips together, “my Hanguang-jun.”

Lan Zhan jolted. “You…you remember?”

Wei Ying grinned. “Everything.”

Epilogue: A Matter of Time
Chapter Summary

They have waited for millennia. They can wait a few years more.

Chapter Notes

EDIT (2023-08-10): Minor typo and grammatical error edits

Time for the wrap up!

I will preface this by saying I am making up some mad lore rn and I

hope this ends the fic with a nice bow. I actually am not sure how you
guys will react to this chapter but THIS is the plot bunny that
prompted me to finally write this fic (aside from the time travel to
child lan zhan)
See the end of the chapter for more notes

In another time, in another era…

While the guest disciples were off to face the water spirits near Caiyi.

Wei Wuxian hummed, thoughtful. “If only there was something like a
compass that can point out where the spirits are…”

“Hey!” Jiang Wanyin, annoyed, deliberately splashed the water in front of

him. “Focus on the water and look out for spirits! Don’t start daydreaming
heretical ideas!”

Wei Wuxian stood, and put a smile on his face. “Controlling the sword used
to be considered ‘heretical ideas’!”
What people never realized was that the Burial Mounds had always been
sentient. Alive.

Yiling used to be the center of cultivation, back when traditional cultivation

was practiced, in the days before the sword. Back then, cultivation was
purely the manipulation of Yin and Yang energies, but because it was so
difficult to master, the number of cultivators dwindled over time.

It was during this time that the failures of the original cultivation path
developed what would be known as the Sword Path. The original
cultivators called it heresy, because the sword path lacked the balance
between Yin and Yang, focusing only on Yang energy. It was a shortcut.

But as time passed, and they were getting less and less disciples, they
conceded to allow the Sword Path to be taught in order to preserve
cultivation under the restriction that all those under the Sword Path must
still answer to the True Path.

It was fine at first, but eventually, the number of Sword Cultivators vastly
surpassed that of those who practiced the True Path, both in the mortal
realm and amongst the immortals of the Heavenly Officials.

And with that, came the lust for power. Why would they follow the True
Path? Such elitists, flaunting their talents. The Sword Path had numbers,
they should be the ones ruling the cultivation world.

So, they eliminated the cultivators of the True Path. Spilled lies and slander
that, the very fact that they could cultivate Yin energy instead of purely
Yang means that they are evil. They outnumbered and killed the True Path,
stealing their Yang energy to power their own cultivation, energy that would
be passed down in what would be known as Golden Cores.

What they didn’t realize was that the True Path cultivators will never truly
die when killed, but exist as energy, meant to dissipate into the earth,
bringing back the balance of Yin and Yang. By stealing their Yang energy,
they all dissipated into pure Yin. Even their own immortals amongst the
Heavens were crashed down to the earth, with nothing but Yin.

Hatred of the injustice, of the arrogance of the Sword Path swirled within
the Yin energy, growing and seething in rage, becoming so thick and so
potent over the centuries that nobody with their stolen Yang energy could
come close.

What was once the home of the True Path became a thick miasma of
uncontrollable Yin energy known as the Burial Mounds. They hunger for
blood. They hunger for justice.

But they are patient, and they wait for the day they can enact their revenge.

All they need is a vessel.

Many times, greedy cultivators have come to the Burial Mounds, and many
times the Mounds tried to take these people as a vessel, but they were too
weak, not scholarly enough to figure out how to properly cultivate the Yin
energy. They always withered away to nothing. The closest they got was
Wen Ruohan, but though he lasted longer than others, he deteriorated as
well, unable to focus on anything but his own ambition.

They needed someone smarter. More powerful. More promising. Someone

who can resurrect the True Path.

When Wei Wuxian fell in, in another time, in another era, he was exactly
what the Burial Mounds needed. A child raised in the streets of Yilling, so
close to the Burial mounds, without protection. Who was tortured, hurt, and
abused, and yet swallowed the pain. The core of Yang energy, passed down
from those who stole it from the Burial Mounds, ripped from his meridians.

He was everything the Burial Mounds had been waiting for. Strong and
stubborn enough to slow his own deterioration, and scholarly enough to
find a way to use it in ways not known to even the Mounds themselves.
But…with one problem.

Wei Wuxian was too kind. Everything had broken his body until he could
let in Their power, but not his mind.

Of course, to the Wens under Wen Ruohan, he was cruel and unyielding. He
would not have been given power in the first place if that was not at the
forefront of his psyche.

But to the rest of the cultivation world? To the rest of his so-called family?
To every single person that wanted to burn the innocent? He was too kind.
So kind that he would rather fall to his death than rip those hypocritical
cultivators to pieces.

It was history repeating itself. Wei Wuxian, who was arguably the closest to
reviving the True Path was deemed heretical and evil.

For a moment, the Burial Mounds seethed in rage. Their perfect vessel,
their chance at revenge, gone. A victim of the very injustice that caused the
death of the True Path.

But then, came Hanguang-jun.

And the Mounds purred.

Because Hanguang-jun was breaking. He was breaking due to Wei Ying’s

death, the way that the sects stabbed each other in the back for the Stygian
Tiger Seal, still blaming their greed on Wei Wuxian. The side he once
thought was proper and righteous, turned out to be power-hungry. The
sweet regret as Hanguang-jun realized he turned his sword on the only
righteous cultivator, the very love of his life, his zhiji.

The Mounds realized, why settle with one vessel? Wei Wuxian had their
Body, but they can take someone else for their Mind.

They are zhiji, after all. Not just mere soulmates, but their souls are forever
tied through time and space. As long as the Burial Mounds ties itself to their
souls, they will find each other again.
They just need Hanguang-jun to break.

Lan Wangji came into the Burial Mounds and spotted a dying A-Yuan in the
cave. The little boy kept alive barely by talismans that fed him enough
energy to keep going a few days. He was still clutching on those little toys
Lan Wangji bought him.

The Burial Mounds smiled, and as Lan Wangji was about to carry A-Yuan
in his arms, they took control of the little boy and made him wake up.

It took so little. A few choice words from an innocent child:

Did you save my baba?

Some distress.

Where’s my baba? Where’s my –

And with the slightest bit of resentment, A-Yuan convulsed, eyes rolling up
his head as the Burial Mounds shut down his organs. By the time Lan
Wangji managed to get ahold of A-Yuan, the little boy was dead.

Lan Wangji held to the child, shaking. There was no pulse, no breaths,

And Lan Wangji broke. His mind shattered into pieces.

Perhaps in another life, Lan Wangji would have kept his sanity intact if A-
Yuan stayed alive, placed all his energy in raising the child as an honorable
memory to Wei Wuxian.

But the Burial Mounds found something in Lan Wangji.

Though righteous and steadfast, Lan Wangji is single-minded in his

devotion. His body doesn’t have the natural affinity towards Resentful
Energy that Wei Wuxian had, but he has the mindset the Burial Mounds
wished on Wei Wuxian. This mindset is what kept Lan Wangji loyal to the
orthodoxy despite the pull of his heart to his soulmate.


Now as Lan Wangji’s mind fractured, as his heart and soul have been
shattered, from the knowledge that his lack of action caused the death of his
soulmate and an innocent child that he had subconsciously claimed as his
own; now that he had witnessed the selfishness and hypocrisy of the sects,
had witnessed the death of innocents under the guise of ‘orthodoxy’, he was
primed and ready.

In his despair, as the once rigid and unyielding Lan Wangji laughed and
sobbed, in the gaping holes made by the fracture of his mind and heart, in
the rubble of his very foundation of values, the Burial Mounds found their
space in Hanguang-jun.

Hanguang-jun carried them as he left.

They crowded his mind, taking advantage of his whipping and seclusion,
taking advantage of the fact that the Lan would rather hide their own than
heal them. Would rather punish than cure the darkness in their hearts.

And in seclusion, they whispered into his ears. The self-deprecating grief
turned outwards against the sects. The sorrow for Wei Wuxian’s and A-
Yuan’s deaths became anger-fueled rage against the powers that be.

Demanding blood.

At the end of the three years, people thought Hanguang-jun had repented.

But that was wrong.

Hanguang-jun belonged irrevocably to the Burial Mounds. His loyalty to

the sects gone, he became single-mindedly obsessed with finding a way to
reunite with Wei Wuxian, come hell or high water, even if the price to pay
was the blood of the entire cultivation world.
They were wrong, after all. Evil. And Hanguang-jun would not side with

The Mind must reunite with The Body.

And once that is done, well…

Three bows later, the heroes of the Sunshot Campaign were married: the
Second and Third Jade, the pride of Gusu Lan and the Entire Cultivation
World. Yangguang-jun and Yueguang-jun. Sunlight and Moonlight. The
future leaders of the Lan Sect.

Once upon a time, in another era, in another life, Lan Zhan was never able
to express his desires. He almost felt like he was dreaming as they
completed their final bows, staring at Wei Ying, who was elegantly draped
in Wedding Red, decorated to the nines with jewels and gold. Their rabbits,
who have multiplied during the Sunshot Campaign, were allowed to hop
along in their wedding as Lan Zhan’s first gift to his fiancé.

Though the Lans usually quiet themselves with humility, they had to
concede to Nie Huaisang who stopped at nothing to ensure that the
marriage of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji was the event of the century. Gusu
Lan was covered in red and gold, no expenses spared, and every wall was a
work of art, depicting their epic love story from childhood to marriage.

At least, what Lan Wangji allowed to be shown on the surface.

And who are they to argue? After all, the two jades are the pride of Gusu.
The paragons of Justice. The very definition of Love.

When the last of the decorations were in place, Nie Huaisang shed a tear
and hugged his best friends, praying for their continued happiness.
“Baba! A-die!”

As they stood from their final bows, both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan smiled at
each other before turning towards their son. A-Yuan could walk now,
though slowly and unsteadily. He toddled over to them, finally released
after struggling for so long in the arms of his Uncle Xichen. He fell easily
into Wei Ying’s arms, and as they stood, Lan Zhan held both of them close.

He gets to have this.

He worked so hard to get to this point.

The rest of the wedding passed in a haze. Lan Zhan was vaguely aware that
he has been smiling the whole time, unable to keep the happiness at bay.
Xiongzhang was nearly crying the whole ceremony, repeatedly expressing
his pride and joy in his precious little brother. Nie Mingjue stayed with him,
apparently armed with a stash of handkerchiefs that he kept funneling to his
fiancé. Lan Qiren, who finally managed to recover from the coma well after
the Sunshot campaign, discretely wiped his tears as well. Qingheng-jun
hugged them both, squeezing them as hard as he did back when he was
worried for their lives after they killed Wen Xu.

“May you be blessed with the happiness I was denied.” He murmured to

them both.

The Dafan Wens cheered the loudest, with Popo stepping in as Wei Ying’s
guardian, with his sworn siblings Wen Qing and Wen Ning carrying hand
drawn portraits of his parents. Wen Ning was especially emotional, raving
on “how beautiful you look, Ying-ge!”

The celebrations lasted far past the usual bedtime of the Lans, but such a
high profile wedding meant many people to talk to, and Qingheng-jun
decided to waive the rules for the day.

But finally, it was time. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were given one week
of seclusion to consummate and enjoy their newly wedded state. A-Yuan
cried when Wei Ying handed him over to his Uncle Ning, but promised him
that they will play together all the time after seclusion.

Finally, finally, they entered the Jingshi as a married couple.

After the Sunshot Campaign, it was difficult to have alone time. Between
solidifying political ties, discussion conferences, the Wen trials, and
everything in between, the two were usually too mentally exhausted to do
anything more than flop together in bed.

There’s also the matter of A-Yuan. After the war, their little baby clung onto
them, much to the amusement of the sect. In order to solidify their ties to
the Dafan Wen, they arranged for Wei Wuxian to become sworn siblings
with Wen Qing and Wen Ning. This also allows him to become A-Yuan’s
guardian and parent, officially adding him to Wei Ying’s family registry as
his son. They couldn’t exactly be intimate with a baby between them.

It didn’t stop them from trying, but the quick sessions in private areas were
nothing compared to what they were able to experience together during the

Now, though…

A-Yuan will be with his Dafan Wen family for the week, and everyone will
leave them alone. They don’t have to hide, and Qingheng-jun vowed that,
unless the Cloud Recesses was about to be destroyed, he wouldn’t allow
any work to cause them concern.

They could take their time.

They never did do this slow.

It was always out of desperation, out of the resentment-fueled lust in Wei

Ying that drove their sex life, then after the war it was always quick, too
quick to be caught. Though everyone knew of their relationship, they
thought it pure. An effect of their righteousness. They aren’t inclined to
correct the perception.

But now, it was almost surreal. Married, with time in seclusion to just…be.

Neither wore a veil as both were men, so Lan Zhan could cup Wei Ying’s
face in his hands gently, always gently, as they swayed to the distant music
that still played outside.

Lan Zhan couldn’t help but smile.

“Aiya, you’re too handsome, husband.” Wei Ying whined lightly, arms
circled around Lan Zhan’s waist.


They took their sweet time. They removed each individual jewel and golden
accessory with reverence, kissing every patch of newly exposed skin, untied
each others’ robes until they were just loosely draped. As they maneuvered
towards the bed, as it settled in their minds that they are married now.
They’ve did their bows. They are husbands. Wei Ying couldn’t help but
giggle, giddy and delighted. Lan Zhan was smiling as well, full of love and

Wei Ying was still giggling when they fell onto the bed. His robes a
haphazard mess held up by his elbows, red spread across white sheets. The
red ribbon Lan Zhan gave him as a courting gift years ago still braided in
his hair.

Lan Zhan’s own robe was loosely fitted around him, barely staying on, but
they mutually decided they didn’t want to be parted with that red just yet.

They made love slowly, movements that are already so familiar to them
from multiple romps during the war now seemed so different. They couldn’t
decide if it was because of the red robes, or the sound of celebration for
their marriage, or the knowledge that they are married that made it
different, but it was.
It was everything.

Unable to contain himself, Lan Zhen lifted Wei Ying to sit on his lap, their
robes pooled down on their waist as Wei Ying undulated on Lan Zhan’s lap,
slowly moving himself up and down Lan Zhan’s cock. The squelching
sounds of Wei Ying’s wet hole was only dampened by the sounds of their
breaths. The moment was quiet, serene, and neither looked away.

“Lan Zhan…” Wei Ying whispered as he got closer and closer, but he kept
his pace, and Lan Zhan didn’t force him to move. “Lan Zhan, don’t stop
looking at me okay?”

“I’ve never looked away.” Lan Zhan replied, taking Wei Ying in hand and
pumping to his movements.

It was slow, but Wei Ying still came with the same vigor as he would
before, and he looked so beautiful in that moment that Lan Zhan was a few
more thrusts away from coming himself.

Dual cultivating was instinctual now, but without the rampant Yin energy, it
felt different. Instead of the quick rush of energy entering and leaving his
body in equal measure, this time it was a slow trickle. He can feel the heat
of Wei Ying’s energy slowly run through his meridians, mapping out his
veins down to his core.

Wei Ying was shuddering in his hold, and Lan Zhan could do nothing to
stop his own body shaking. Unlike before, it was not dissipating. He can
feel Wei Ying’s energy settle in his own, making its home in his veins and
in his core.

The final culmination of their marriage, the bond of their cores, has been

Two Zhiji, now one.

“My Wei Ying…” Lan Zhan murmured, clutching his husband – his
husband! – close, as if trying to meld them into one person.
Wei Ying lifted Lan Zhan’s face to meet his eyes, full of love and devotion,
a smile so sweet on his lips. “My Lan Zhan,” he pressed their lips together,
“my Hanguang-jun.”

Lan Zhan jolted, eyes snapping in attention at the man on his lap. “You

And Wei Ying, his Wei Ying, and yet the Wei Ying at another time, grinned.


Wei Ying chuckled.

If he was being honest, perhaps Wei Ying had known Lan Zhan even before
they met. The moment he saved the little boy his age from the dogs, was
given that toy rattle drum, his little heart kept reaching out for the child he
would know as A-Zhan.

This boy is your everything.

You must follow him.

He will protect you.

He can be trusted.

It confused little A-Ying, but he felt whole whenever he was with A-Zhan.
Like two halves of himself was complete only around A-Zhan. It was that
feeling that let him follow A-Zhan blindly to Gusu, what kept him pasted to
A-Zhan’s side, told him it was right to stay with A-Zhan forever.
It didn’t make sense until he touched a certain sword.

Wei Wuxian fully regained his memories during the indoctrination, while he
was sick with a fever after their legendary escape after defeating the Turtle
of Slaughter. It came with the flood of resentful energy from the Yin sword,
fully transferring into his body and leaving the sword as an empty husk.
The energy awakened the memories written into Wei Ying’s soul, in the
traces of resentment that travelled through time with him.

His previous life came in flashes, his childhood in the streets, growing up as
the scapegoat of the Jiangs, the pain of him giving away his golden core,
the torture he suffered before being tossed in the Burial Mounds, the
struggle of figuring out demonic cultivation, suffering through the
judgement of the sects, the settlement in Yilling, and the betrayal of the
cultivation world.

In his memories, he remembered Hanguang-jun, his zhiji, one who stood

with those who opposed him.

But, but…

He was shown visions of Hanguang-jun’s resolve. How he managed to save

Wei Ying’s notes, and massacred most of the cultivation world, using the
blood of all those that wronged Wei Ying to go back in time, the only goal
being to save him.

His lives overlapped. What were once trying times in his childhood,
moments full of fear, became a happy and fulfilling one by Lan Zhan’s side.
How Lan Zhan dedicated himself to make sure Wei Ying became a
respected and powerful cultivator like he should have been, who showed his
love every day and made sure Wei Ying smiled.

The Wei Ying before and the Wei Ying now clashed in his head, trying to
consolidate the Lan Zhan then, who showed nothing but distaste towards
him, with the Lan Zhan now and his endless dedication. His body now
warred with his body then, both sides trying to resolve which is the truth.
The thing is…

The thing is…

The Wei Ying of this time was happy. The Wei Ying of this time never held
fear for a crackling whip, never felt the need to make himself feel small,
never needed to hold his tongue. The Wei Ying of this time is a praised
scholar and warrior, had a home, security, and family that loved him. The
Wei Ying of this time is confident, secure in his position and in his place in
the cultivation world.

And, as he recovered from his illness, as the resentment melded with his
core, his mind seemed to…settle.

He did it for you, his brain whispered, it was the same voice that told him to
trust Lan Zhan when they were still children. He did all that for you. He
chose to relive his life with you by his side. He made you so happy, didn’t
he? So, so happy. Happier than you ever were in your past life. He is
changing the world, all of it, for you.

Why fight it, Wei Ying? You’ve always loved him, after all. You always have.

You are his, and he is yours.

Your zhiji. Your everything.

Have him, Wei Ying, dual cultivate with him, become one with him.

Become one.

It was with those echoing thoughts that Wei Ying jolted awake, body hot
and needy for his zhiji, the other half of his soul, to which his body calls out
to. As the Yin energy ran rampant, his body knew it needed Lan Zhan. With
their energies merging together, the resentment settled, and Wei Ying found
that he has the knowledge of all of his previous studies of resentment, but
with a strong golden core to balance it out.

And though he now remembered his previous life, his mind seemed to
dampen his thoughts. Like there was a wall that separated him from his
past. He felt a twinge in his heart when he heard about Lotus Pier, of what
happened to the didi he gave everything to in his previous life, but it was

Because Lan Zhan made him so happy, so safe, and why would he torture
himself with thoughts of his previous family? Family that never cared for
him, never did anything but make him feel more and more in debt, family
that abandoned him in the end, when it mattered the most? Why would he
subject himself to that heartache when he can just revel in Lan Zhan’s arms,
trusting his zhiji to keep everything terrible away from him.

He didn’t deserve that life. Wei Ying knew that now. He didn’t deserve any
of the pain in his previous life.

Lan Zhan nurtured his control of resentment, helped him hide it. He
watched in awe as Lan Zhan paved the way. Watched as he and Nie
Huaisang spun his control of resentment into something righteous, and with
his reputation as the Third Jade, nobody questioned it.

Wei Ying had to stop himself from crying when he met with Wen Qing,
breaking just enough to look for A-Yuan, when they went to get the help
from the Dafan Wen. He watched as Lan Zhan protected and sheltered all
the people Wei Ying held dear in his previous life, the ones who were with
him through the darkest days – his Dafan Wen family, his son.

It cemented itself, truly, in his head that day they received word from Wen
Qionglin of their successful relocation to Gusu lands.

“We have to keep them safe, A-Zhan. I hope this war ends soon.”

“Then we’ll end it.”

And he did. They ended the war with the Wens so quickly, and not only
that, but Lan Zhan made it a point to bring down the Jins and the Jiangs, to
crippled them down so low that none of them could even touch even a stray
thread of Wei Ying’s robes. It was then that Wei Ying realized how far back
Lan Zhan’s plans spanned.
He cemented Wei Ying’s reputation as the Third Jade, giving him such a
perfect image and silencing anyone that could speak against him, so that
when the time came, it will be easy to spin any wrong Wei Ying could do as
something righteous. He set down the roots such that they could have every
advantage, and at the same time, make sure everyone important to Wei Ying
was safe.

He took Qingheng-jun out of seclusion, not only to lead the Lans through a
time of war, but because he is also the only person that can override the
order of Heirs. With Lan Zhan deliberately leading the war, by fighting in
front, by showing off his best qualities and overshadowing his brother, he
secured himself as the next Lan Sect Heir.

And in their new world, he molded himself as the Head of All Cultivation.
The Chief Cultivator.

And Wei Ying is by his side, never wanting for anything, whose mind is
praised and whose power is seen as a blessing from the gods.

This is Lan Zhan’s world, and he chose to shape it so that Wei Ying would
never be hurt. So that Wei Ying could forever be happy. So that Wei Ying
can have the resources and freedom to do whatever he wanted, with the
people he loved safe and sound. And all Lan Zhan ever wants is Wei Ying
by his side.

He conquered the world to keep Wei Ying safe. To protect Wei Ying’s
happiness. To avenge Wei Ying of his past life.

He understood, in theory, that Lan Zhan had been manipulating and

grooming him from childhood. Had conditioned his mind and body to focus
on his zhiji alone, to become sexually responsive with him…

He should find it disgusting. Vile. How Lan Zhan, in his late 30’s, could
look at an adolescent Wei Ying and touch him. Continue touching him
throughout their adolescence into adulthood. How he trained Wei Ying to
become his perfect sexual partner, how he isolated Wei Ying so that Lan
Zhan is the only focal point in his life.

How he manipulated and changed history so that Lan Zhan could rule it. All
to keep Wei Ying away from the hands of the cultivation world.

And yet…Wei Ying felt nothing but love for such a display of devotion.
Any sort of disgust and fear was dampened immediately by comforting
voices in his mind saying, look how he loves you, look how loyal he is to
you. He would do anything for you.

After a lifetime of hurt and trauma, this life was such a breath of fresh air
that Wei Ying was addicted.

Throughout the war, throughout the aftermath, Wei Ying found that he, too,
was growing more and more obsessed with Lan Zhan. He already loved Lan
Zhan, body and soul, but that once innocent love festered into single-
minded, fanatic devotion. With the knowledge of his previous life, Wei
Ying couldn’t help but appreciate his new power in this world. How he
finds amusement and some sort of sick sadistic joy in watching those weak-
minded cultivators kiss the ground he walks on when they, in another time,
condemned him to death, spun every righteous thing he did into an act of

How, with Lan Zhan, Wei Ying was free to do whatever he wanted, could
ask for anything, and Lan Zhan will level mountains and drain oceans to
make sure Wei Ying gets what he wants.

And Wei Ying realized, he would do the same for Lan Zhan. For the other
half of his soul.

“Do you trust me?”

“With my life.”

“And you know that I will do anything for you?”

“I know.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

The Jiangs no longer mattered. The Jins no longer mattered. All those who
matter are the ones that supported them from the beginning, from the other
life. Nie Huaisang, the Dafan Wen Branch, their precious A-Yuan. Wei Ying
has been reborn by Lan Zhan’s side, and he was not leaving it. He would do
anything to keep Lan Zhan happy.

They had finally achieved happiness, and nobody was taking that away.

“Wei Ying –“ Lan Zhan caressed the face of his beloved. “Wei Ying!”

“Hanguang-jun, you’ve done so much for me.” Wei Ying smiled, looking so
bright under the glow of the moonlight, “you’ve made this one so happy.
Hanguang-jun, Yangguang-jun, my love, my zhiji, my husband –“

Lan Zhan growled, flipping them around so that Wei Ying could lie below
him, face down on the bed, his cock inching in deeper with the change of
position. Wei Ying’s wedding robes fell to his waist as he clutched onto his
bed sheets, gasping as they started again, Lan Zhan’s cock hard once more.

“I did it all for you.” Lan Zhan grit his teeth, trying to keep his eyes open to
cherish this scene, of his husband on top of his wedding robes, the silver
eyes of both the man he raised from childhood, and the man he fell in love
with in another time, another life. One who chose to stay with Lan Zhan.

He chose to stay.
“Lan Zhan –”

“I conquered the world for you.” Lan Zhan’s hips snapped faster and faster,
his vision going hazy from lust, the earlier gentleness transformed, zeroed
in on the muscles of Wei Ying’s back. “I’ll keep you safe. I’ll do anything
you want. Just stay with me forever.”

“Ah – Lan Zhan –” Wei Ying babbled, one arm reaching behind him.
“Forever! I’ll stay – ah! – I’ll stay forever!”

Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying’s arm and pulled him up.

“You enjoyed it, didn’t you, Lan Zhan?” Wei Ying gasped, arching his back
in a perfect crescent to rest his head against Lan Zhan’s shoulder. “Training
my little body, grooming me as a child – ah! – you shameless man, so
patient! So cruel! Training little A-Ying’s body to be so lewd for you!”

Lan Zhan growled and moved his hips roughly, slamming so hard into Wei
Ying’s that his ass cheeks jiggled with each slap.

“I bet er-gege’s cock would’ve split me in half.” Wei Ying moaned, giving
it as good as he was getting it, meeting each of Lan Zhan’s thrusts, “but
you’ve been prepping me for years haven’t you, Lan Zhan? Fingering poor,
teenager A-Ying, stretching me out –“ Wei Ying gasped, eyes rolling up
after a particularly hard thrust.

“And now Wei Ying takes me so beautifully.” Lan Zhan wrapped a hand
around Wei Ying’s throat, adding the slightest pressure to restrict his
breathing. “Look at you, taking my cock so well. Wei Ying loves it, doesn’t
he? Can’t live without my cock, just like I can’t live without your tight ass.”

“Lan Zhan –“ Whatever affronted tone he was going for fell short at the
lack of breath, with Lan Zhan controlling his air intake, but he didn’t fight.
He didn’t struggle. He used whatever was left of his breath to keep thrusting
back against Lan Zhan’s penis, impaling himself as if getting fucked by his
husband was more important than the very air he breathed. Like he would
rather suffocate than spend a second away from his zhiji.
The trust, the desperation, it was wonderful.

And, as Wei Ying’s eyes started to roll back, Lan Zhan released his throat.
The sudden influx of air, the adrenaline of surviving, and the pleasure of
being fucked crossed all the wires in his brain and Wei Ying found himself
convulsing and coming untouched, spilling all over their bed, words
devolving into nothing but senseless syllables.

It was enough to bring Lan Zhan over the edge, thrusting once, twice,
before coming inside of his husband. Their energies swirled together, now
simply moving fluidly from one another, flowing seamlessly between their
bodies without dissipating, fully melded together. They allowed their
energies to flow, exchanging sloppy, open mouthed kisses as they stayed
connected to one another.

When it settled, Lan Zhan made a move to pull out of his husband, but Wei
Ying stopped him.

“Er-ge, no.” He whined. “Did you know, er-gege? That if powerful

cultivators dual-cultivate enough they can conceive a child, regardless of
gender?” It was an old myth, an old legend nobody was able to confirm.
“Should we find out if it’s true? We must, for science! For the betterment of

“My Wei Ying has always been a scholar.” Lan Zhan couldn’t help but
chuckle. “We could give A-Yuan a sibling.”

“Lan-er-gege! You have the best ideas!” Wei Ying grinned, grinding back
against him. Lan Zhan slapped his husband’s butt with a warning growl.
“Let’s make a baby, Lan Zhan. Our own little Lan.”

“Mark your words.” Lan Zhan nipped his ear.

Wei Ying laughed, the sound so sweet and warm. “We have one week of
seclusion, my love.” He kissed Lan Zhan’s cheek. “Don’t pull out of me,
okay? It needs to take in your loving wife. It’s what you’ve been preparing
me for, right, er-gege? It’s the reward for your patience –“
Lan Zhan shoved him down, snapping his hips harder and harder as he got
hard once more. “Mark. Your. Words.”

“Lan Zhan –“ Wei Ying moaned, “never let me go again, Yangguang-jun.

You can’t let me go.”

“Never. Never again.” Lan Zhan vowed. “My Yueguang-jun will never
leave my side.”

“I love you!”

“I love you.”



It was time.

Dark energy swirled around them, between them, binding their two bodies
together. The trails of resentment from both their bodies entwined and
reentered them, binding them as one, a long sliver entering Wei Ying’s

And, from under the Jingshi, that dark energy spread through the ground,
sunk into the soil, and coated the lands of Gusu.

In Nie Huaisang’s room, the younger sibling suddenly woke up with red
eyes, sitting up as the dark energy wrapped around his chest, where a part of
Wei Wuxian’s soul once resided. As his eyes blinked back to normal, he
went to his desk to pen a letter.
Qingheng-jun, he starts to write, this one formally requests to become an
official envoy between the Nie and Lan Sects. As you know, I have a close
relation to both your son and son-in-law…

Amongst the Wen, Wen Ning startled awake as well, eyes purely black like
how they were once upon a time, black veins spread across his neck briefly,
before disappearing beneath his skin. As the change settled, he felt stronger.
More powerful. Like he can rip chains with his bare hands.

“Didi? What’s wrong?” Wen Qing rubbed her eyes, waking up near her

“I want to protect Ying-ge.” He replied clenching and unclenching his fists.

“Do you think they will let me fight as their guard?”

Wen Qing looked confused briefly, but something settled in her expression,
like it was something she expected. “Of course they will. I know they’ll
take care of you while I go to Qinghe.”

In the declining Jinlintai, Jiang Wanyin woke up to a searing pain in his

golden core, burning from the inside. He could see resentment cloud around
him, angry, and could do nothing as the blackness tore his golden core from
his body and crushed it before his eyes.

The clouds faded with a mocking laugh, “a debt paid” echoed in Jiang
Wanyin’s mind, and as he started losing consciousness from the abrupt
procedure, he couldn’t help but hope that it was just a nightmare.

In Yilling, the residents looked at the Burial Mounds curiously.

Because the mountain of darkness and resentment, all the black smoke, had
seemingly disappeared.
Off in the mountains, Baoshan Sanren frowned, looking towards the general
direction of Gusu. She couldn’t help but feel that something was afoot.

“Master?” Xiao Xingcheng, her latest disciple, called. “Is there something

“I have a terrible feeling…” She could feel it in her bones. Something big
was coming.

“Is it not something the cultivation world can handle?” Her disciple asked.

“I have a feeling…” Baoshan Sanren looked up, heavenwards, “that there

will be another war coming soon.”

But it will not be a war on the ground, not a petty squabble between sects.

A war is coming for the Heavenly Officials.

She can feel it.

She can only hope that she’s wrong.

And finally, with their marriage and the consummation of their marriage,
with the final secret that separated the two brought into light, the power of
the Burial Mounds has been resurrected. Finally, Their Mind, and Their
Body, within Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian respectively has been united.

Yin Energy of the Mounds and Yang energy from the combined cores of
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, together once more, and between Yangguang-
jun and Yueguang-jun, the spirit of the True Path lives again.
Their Dual Cultivation, their mere presence in the world will coat the Gusu
lands in the Burial Mounds’ Yin Energy, everyone living in that invisible
haze will unknowingly become their pawns, become mindlessly obedient to
the future leaders of Gusu.

Not only that, but Nie Huaisang, who has been carrying a portion of Wei
Ying’s soul, and thus a part of the Burial Mounds, will become an envoy,
bringing that Yin influence with him as he travels between Gusu and
Qinghe. Wen Qing as well, becoming the doctor of Nie Mingjue, will
influence the Nie Sect from the inside. With the ties of both Great Sects,
with the power of Yangguang-Jun and Yueguang-jun, it won’t take long
before both Great Sects will be completely under their control.

All those who oppose them will obviously be persecuted as the side of
injustice. After all, they are the pillars of righteousness.

As for Wei Wuxian, his theory will prove right, the Burial Mounds will
ensure it. He will conceive multiple children, all of which will be born of
Yin and Yang, His children will be harbingers of the True Path. Little A-
Yuan, who was taken by the Burial Mounds, will be the first to reestablish
the True Path with his parents, resurrecting the long-lost techniques of True
Cultivation before the heretical swords took over.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are days away from immortality, with the
Burial Mounds they can perhaps achieve it before they end their marriage
seclusion. It is only natural for them to forge a new method of cultivation –
one that everyone will scramble to learn. And if they can’t, well, then
they’re just that inferior.

And once all the pieces are in place, those who practice the Sword Path will
go back to where they should be: underneath the True Path.

It will take years, perhaps decades, but the Burial Mounds are patient.

After all, they waited millennia to get to this point.

They will have their vengeance. First, to the remaining practitioners of the
Sword Path. Next? The Heavenly Officials.

And at the helm of it, the two people praised as the most righteous of
warriors, victims of a time where they were wronged, where the arrogance
and injustice of the sword cultivation world made them the perfect vessels
for the Burial Mounds.

The Heavens will protest. The Heavenly Officials will come blazing down
to destroy what they have created thousands of years ago, but the Burial
Mounds did not fear them.

Lan Wangji conquered the world to keep Wei Wuxian safe.

Now together, they will conquer the Heavens to defend their happiness.

It was only a Matter of Time.

Chapter End Notes

Credits roll.

(Eagle-eyed readers will realize I’ve been hinting at this since the
Interlude 😉)

But WangXian get their happy ending so idk guys choose your victory.
For JC fans: Friendly reminder that this is LWJ’s world and as far as I
know LWJ hates JC’s guts. Sorry lol

First of all: WOW. The response to this story has been absolutely
amazing! I didn’t think it would have been so well received in all
honesty. Thank you so much, everyone who joined me in this journey.
Thank you for all the kudos and the comments, and it was just so
surreal to see the positive responses when I was so sure I was gonna
get negative feedback over this story, especially with all the
manipulation and grooming. Seeing all the love made me work so hard
on this and hope I got all my bases covered. You’re all amazing, and I
love you guys <3

Big ups to the people who figured out where this was going with
certain plot points, but I bet you didn’t see this last twist coming! I
kept deliberately withholding information and it was so fun watching
all your speculations in the comments!


replying to comments on this chapter only just in case the ones in the
previous chapters haven’t read this yet, so feel free to ask me questions
on certain story decisions here! I would love to answer any lingering
questions, or see where discussions will take me!

If any of ya’ll wanna make fanart or spin offs of this fic I would love
to see them! Also, feel free to signal boost this fic to other people if
you enjoyed it, so they can enjoy this, too! 😊

Scream at me on Tumblr, make a request, or tag me in your fanarts

here! or @mrcformoso

If you liked this and want to read my other fics, you can check out my
other WangXian stories! They’re vastly different from one another
depending on what you wanna see:

The Art of Communication (G)– A short, fluffy and light-hearted story.

ModernAU where everything is wonderful and nothing hurts, and
where WangXian communication issues work out for once. (4k words)

Just Ask Me To Stay (M) – A feel-good ModernAU RomCom where

Lan Zhan comforts Wei Ying after a breakup, and reminds him of the
people that love him (and they get together along the way) (20k words)

New Perspective (series, T) – An analysis of CQL Lan Zhan’s

character development over the 16 years of Wei Ying’s death, and his
resolve to be better, starting by being a good father to A-Yuan. Also
contains stories of Wei Ying’s chronic pain, and A-Yuan’s
development as LWJ’s son! I will warn you, this series is heavy on the
Angst, and has made many people cry, so get your tissues ready before
diving in, and don’t read in public lol

I will be working on some stories for the New Perspective series, and I
have a one-shot I’ve been putting off after a short break, then I might
go quiet for a bit while I prepare for Tropetember! Again, thank you
everyone! Love you!!!!
Now a Series!
Chapter Summary

Series now available for subscription!

Chapter Notes

Sorry for getting your hopes up all of a sudden, but I am here to

announce that this story is now a part of a series! The response to A
Matter of Time have been so overwhelming, and I decided to give in
and make this into a series. I will not be able to guarantee a schedule,
because these plots take a long time to develop, but I do have an extra
in the works, and I hope you look forward to it, as well as the future
content of this series.

Thank you for the love, and you can see the series here and subscribe
to it as well: A Matter of Time (series)

Have the summary and title of the first extra in the series as a treat!
Thank you again for all the love and support and I love you all in

A Matter of Choice

First Extra to A Matter of Time.


Things have been moving so fast and in so many different directions that
Wei Ying never got a chance to sit down and settle, to think. It was only
now, now that the war had ended, and they have returned home that Wei
Ying felt the weight on his shoulders, the gravity of the situation.
Wei Ying’s mind was clashing, fighting and tripping over itself. Two vastly
different childhoods wrestled in his soul, experiences and traumas he never
thought of in years reared its ugly head. Not only that, but he knows what –
or who – was behind it all. He knows the end goal. He knows the role he

He has one year before his marriage. One year before he makes his choice.

Or: After the Sunshot Campaign, during the one year before his marriage to
Lan Zhan, the barriers in Wei Ying’s mind fell and he must reconcile the
aftereffects of regaining his memories, alongside the knowledge that his
choice will decide the fate of the cultivation world.
Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you
enjoyed their work!

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