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Use Case Diagram/Descriptions

Week 16


• Object Oriented Analysis and Design.

• Use Case Diagram and it’s notations.
• Use Case Descriptions
• High level descriptions.
• Expanded descriptions.
Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Various UML diagrams are drawn during Object Oriented Analysis and Design.

Generally, Use Cases are drawn during analysis and interaction diagrams/class diagrams are
drawn during design
Use Case Diagram
What does a Use Case diagram show?
• Functionality of a system from the user’s
• Each Use case name is usually an active verb.
• Visualize a system from the end user’s perspective.

How might a Use Case diagram be used?

• To model a current system
• To model a proposed system

Use Case Diagrams - Notations

XYZ System
Use Case Diagrams - Notations

● Use Case
○ System Functions/Processes
○ Verb + Noun
Use Case Diagrams - Notations

● Actor
○ Interact with use case
○ Named by Noun
○ Plays a role in the business
Use Case Diagrams - Notations

● Communication Link
○ Use to connect actors to use cases
○ Indicating that the actor and the use case communicate
with one another using messages
Use Case Diagrams - Notations

● Boundary
○ Entire System as defined in the
required document
○ Use to enclose all the use cases
Name of System should be mentioned at topmost section of system

XYZ System
Use Case Diagrams - Relationships

● Association

● Generalization

● Extends

● Includes
Use Case Diagrams - Relationships

● Association

○ Present in every use case diagram

○ An actor involved with a use case

○ Identified through a simple line or a line with arrows at

both ends.
Use Case Diagrams - Relationships

● Generalization

○ Parent-child relationship
○ Child is an enhancement of parent
○ Identified as a directed arrow with a triangle arrowhead
○ Can be further divided into
● Generalization of an actor
● Generalization of a use case
Use Case Diagrams - Relationships

● Generalization of an Actor
Use Case Diagrams - Relationships

● Generalization of a Use Cases

Use Case Diagrams - Relationships

● Extends

○ Shows optional functionality or system behavior

○ Presented in a use case diagram through a dotted arrow
with the label extends
Use Case Diagrams - Relationships

● Extends
Use Case Diagrams - Relationships

● Includes

○ Adds additional functionality which is not specified in

the base use case.
○ Presented in a use case diagram through a dotted arrow
with the label include.
Use Case Diagrams - Relationships

● Includes
Case Study – College Student Records System
You have been asked to look into developing a new system for a
Currently the Student Records System is entirely manual.
•When a new student enrolls, he/she completes an enrollment
form, pays fees and the registrar places the form in a filing
•When a student leaves, he/she completes a withdrawal form
and the registrar files this with the enrollment form.
•If the student's details change, the registrar will record this on
the form.
•When a student passes a course, the lecturer records this on a
form which he/she gives to the registrar – this result form is
stored with the enrollment form.
Possibilities for a New System
The college wants a new system – but has not yet
decided precisely what it wants. It may consider a
better manual system, a computer system which office
staff may use , or perhaps even a web based system.

So, as a first step in establishing what the system has

to do, draw a Use Case diagram to portray the College Student
Records system – as it is at the moment (i.e. the current manual
system). This diagram will be used as a basis of
discussion with the College Management – so they
need to be able to recognize the processes easily.

College Student Records System - Current
Student Enrollment System

Student Registrar

Change Student

➢ After discussion the College Management are clearer about the type of
system they want. They decide that they would like students to be able to
enroll directly on-line without dealing with college staff.

➢ Lecturers should be able to record results directly.

➢ The College would also like a facility for students to be able to view their
results directly.

➢ However the management have not as yet considered the precise details of
any of the interactions.

➢ Draw a Use Case diagram outlining the College Management's requirements

for their new system.

College Student Records System - Required
Student Enrollment System



Change Personal

View Results

Record student result Lecturer

Produce a High Level Use Case Description for each Use Case in
Give a short non-detailed description of each required
process. Do not go into details on the interaction.

Use Case: Enroll Student
Actors: New Student (initiator)
Description:A new student provides personal
details and his/her choice of course to the
system. He/she pays fees and receives
confirmation of enrollment.

Expanded Use Case Description

Use Case: Enroll Student
Actors: New Student (initiator)
Description: A new student provides personal details and his/her choice of course
to the system. He/she pays fees and receives confirmation of enrollment.

Typical Course of Events:

Actor Action System Response

1. The new Student provides personal 2. Presents course options
details for enrollment
3 Chooses course
4 indicates the course fee
5. Pays the fee
6. provides confirmation of
After viewing the Use Case model and
further discussion, the college
management agree on adding more
details including some information
on the required interaction.

Again, draw the high level and expanded description(with
Alternative Course of Action) based upon discussed requirements.
High Level Description

Expanded Description
Alternative Courses of Action
• An expanded Use Case concentrates on showing the Typical course of

• However, there will often be important alternatives – these are shown

separately as an alternative course. The alternatives course could be
events like ending of use case or jumping/reverting to certain steps.

Use Case: Enroll Student
Actors: New Student (initiator)
Description: A new student provides personal details and his/her choice of course to the system. He/she
pays fees and receives confirmation of enrollment.

Typical Course of Events:

Actor Action System Response
1. The new Student uses the on-screen 2. Presents a menu of the subject areas in the
enrollment form to input personal details college
3. Clicks on the chosen subject area 4. Presents a menu of the courses in the
subject area
6. displays the course fee
5 Clicks on the chosen course 7. requests card details

8. pays by credit/debit card 9. provides a printable course joining form

including a student id number

10. prints joining form

Alternative Courses:
Line 5 The new Student does not see a suitable course. Use Case ends.
Line 8 The new Student does not have credit/debit card available. Use Case ends.

Documenting <<include>> and
<<extend>> relationships
These will be listed in the relevant expanded Use Case descriptions
– with cross references to the other Use Case(s). Avoid premature
use, overuse, and misuse of the <<include>> and
<extend>> relationships.

Examples Generalization
Model a use case diagram for the Islington Library incorporating
following features.
The library needs to have an admin who is responsible for adding co-admins. The co-admin
can add books in the system and the one responsible to manage book details as well as manage
other users(students/staffs). Students can reserve the book before being there physically. The
co-admin issues the book after checking certain condition. Borrowing books is free of cost
but if students have to pay certain fine if they fail to be return the books in the expected date.
Payment can also be done online.

(Showcase at least one include, extend and generalization relation in your use case diagram).

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