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Public Speaking
 Non Verbal Communication
o Personal Appearance
 Our grooming will help us feel comfortable first and then our confidence
o Body Language
o Eye Contact
 The golden rules
o Dress and groom appropriately
o Adapt to your audience and occasion
 Body language
o The biggest impact from the speaker does not come from the words, but from body movement
o 38% from voice control
o 55% comes from the body
o Posture determine state, state determine behavior
 Don’t
o Do not put hands in pocket
 Arrogance, domineering, impolite
o Hands behind back
 Nervousness
 Most nervousness is not visible  tidak kelihatan
o Fig leaf
 You become a closed person
 You are covering something  not confident
o Crossed arm
 It is okay for occasional
 Avoid crossing arms during speech apa
o Wringing hands
 Indicate that you are nervous, unsure about what to say
 Do’s
o Head looking up
o A smile
o Small hand and arm gestures
o Free arms
o Keeping to one area of the stage or pace slowly
 If need to move, ensure that you move slowly
o Making eye contact with various members of the audience
 NVC is about
o Appropriate appearance
o Natural gestures
 If the posture is right, pasti suaranya kenceng
o Comforting eye contact
 Voice control
o All coice is unique
o What kind of control do we have?
o What to control
 Volume : adjust your voice to the acoustic of the room
 Ensure everyone can hear the voice
 Our message has to be heard by everyone
 Pitch
 If we want to emphasize, must change the pitch
 Rate
 Calculate your speaking rate
 What language does we use for the speech and use in daily life
 Consider the audience, their language, their ability to comprehend the speech
 If we speak less than 100 words per minute, the audience will get bored
 It depends on the event itself, the needs
 Podcast perlu rate tertentu untuk menarik perhatian
 Pause
 Important to give pause to breath, give us some time to think, give a sign to signal an end of
a thought
 Lend dramatic impact to a statement
 Give time for audience to understand the message before going to to another message
 Vocal variety
 Strive for vocal variety to make it interesting, especially if it is a long speech
 Pronunciation
 Important for audience to understand the message
 Say words clearly
 Articulation
 Avoid sloppy articulation in formal speech
 If it is informal speech, then once in a while can be sloppy
Enhancing Eloquence
 Discourse marked by force and persuasiveness
 A good eloquent speech: persuasive and ethical
 How to make speech persuasive
o Show credibility
o Give strong delivery
o Prepare supporting materials : visual, evidence
o Use powerful language
o Give elements of persuasion : ethos, logos, and pathos
 Tips to enhance eloquence
o Be confident
o Believe in you speech
o Think of your persuasive speech as a kind of mental dialogue with your audience
In Indonesia, where an alarming two million illegal abortions occur annually, the word "abortion" carries
weighty negative connotations, largely rooted in religious beliefs. But here's a pressing question we must
confront. Are we allowing these negative connotations to overshadow the crucial fact that abortion is, at its
core, a health intervention intricately tied to women's choices and their autonomy over their bodies?

While the prevailing religious sentiments attach stigma to abortion, the reality is that many women, driven by
circumstances often beyond their control, resort to concealed and perilous procedures. Women in Indonesia,
out of desperation, often find themselves ingesting unsafe substances or undergoing harmful abortive
massages—methods born out of the shadows created by legal restrictions. These unsafe procedures are a
threat to the women’s health and survival.

Adding to this alarming scenario is the data from the World Health Organization, revealing that unsafe abortion
accounts for 14% of maternal deaths in Southeast Asia. In regions of Southeast Asia with highly restrictive
abortion laws, including Indonesia, this figure rises to a staggering 16%. These statistics underline the urgent
need to reassess our approach to reproductive rights, recognizing that unsafe practices pose a significant threat
to women's lives.

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