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Session 8

The Gift of the Spirit for the Church

Paul gives a list of gifts in 1 Cor 12
 Corinthians church has problems about boasting about status or spiritual gifts
 People are either proud, resentful, or envious
 Sexual immorality is not the only problem in Corinthians

 Gifts of the spirit

o Gifts come from Holy Spirit
o It shouldn’t cause any problem
o It is gift given to God’s people who is still struggling along the way
 The spiritual maturity is still under-developed – long way to go but called to grow in
 Maturity is something we grow and developed in
 Manifestation gifts
o Gifts of the spirit but in an extraordinary way visibly manifesting themselves
 Extraordinary: Called and have certain degree of gifting as a doctor or teacher
 Ordinary in a sense that looks like just a teacher teaching (just a person doing their
 Gift of healing:
o Not that of a doctor – this is a skill
o Its more miraculous
 Gives of tongue
o Language that we don’t know naturally
 We didn’t learn it
 It’s a gift given by God for unique communication between us and God
 The gifts draw attention (particularly in public setting)
o It stands out and extraordinary
 Ada flow:
o Presenting things with words
 Speaking
 Sharing
 Teaching
 Encouraging
o Ordinary (unless mute)
o Gifts: God enable and give certain blessing of teaching
 God bless the gift to accomplish for the benefit of those they are given too
 Ex: a teacher becomes a blessing to its students.
 Gift for the church
o Meant for the church, not individual – for the benefit of others
 Becoming a blessing and adding value
o Ex: gifts of healing – not for the healer.
 Gifts of tongue – juga for other people, in a public setting the extraordinary language
o Extraordinary gift of tongue
 Ada many debates about this thing.
 Gifts of the Spirit is not supposed to cause division
o Not all Christians are supposed to have this
o They are not supposed to feel inadequate even if they don’t have it.
 What builds up the body of Christ is:
o Communicating the truth and the Word of God
o Building people up so they can understand and grow and apply in in their life and help them
live in Christ faithfully and wisely
 Apostles were sent to preach and teach the gospel
o Prophets, apostles, teachers – The first in the list that Paul talks about
 He always emphasize the gifts of communicating the Word of God first, followed by other
extraordinary gifts.
 In other passage juga smua talk abt thing that berhubungan sama communicating
o Communicating the word of God in one form or another for building up of people for the
calling of people to come to God and faith and to build up in that faith
 The gifts are meant to be things that serve the body of Christ
o Service – serve with the gifts
o Building up the church – gifts for the church
 There is no room to boast!
o No need spiritual pride and envy
o The gift is given by the Spirit
 As we function in the body of Christ, grow in fellowship
o We try to benefit and bless and help and encourage each other – our gift starts to grow
 The Spirit works in us so it becomes apparent over the course of our life in the church
 We can grow in the gifts (kea we become a better person, ex: teacher) –
mengembangkan giftnya
 Giftsnya are not all extraordinary but they are all gifts
o Gifts of showing mercy
 Gifts are not supposed to defined us
o Gifts didn’t elevate us to become more important or anything like that or more special or more
valuable than other gifts
 Listening, learning, growing – gifts that everyone can benefit from it.
 We are benefit from other people’s gift as well

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