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• So the setting is in a fantasy world.

The plot is: Ningguang and Beidou were

childhood friends since young and grew up together. They were on different social
status. Ningguang being the wealthy merchant and Beidou being part of a poor
pirate crew. But they were more than friends. Their bond was much deeper, and
they both had feeling for each-other for as long as they could remember. But it was
never the right time. Sure thing! They lived their lives, and Ningguang became the
wealthiest merchant alive thanks to her sharp mind, wits and hard work. And during
that time Beidou disappeared. Only to reunite years later.

• Main Theme: Two rivals finally set their differences aside and make love.
Quick Outline: Ningguang and Beidou have been rivals for as long as they can
remember. They're both powerful and influential in their own way. Beidou, a pirate,
has been stealing from Ningguans trading ships. One day, they meet at a fancy
party. One thing leads to another and they find themselves in a bathroom making
More Information: Ningguang owns and operates an immense trade empire, the
largest in the known world. She is extremely competent and driven, having rose to
her massive wealth through the sweat of her own brow. She seeks not only to
enrich herself further but to see the world in all it's beauty, without fear, worry, or
Beidou is a captain of the crux Pirates, a crew of rogues and free spirits who sail the
seven seas in their quest for adventure, treasure, and fame.

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