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1) Which of the powerful acts of Christ does NOT regard the dignity of the human
-Dining with tax collectors
- Forgiving sins
- Casting out demons
-Healing of sickness
- None of the choice

2) Which pair of gospel narratives below conveys the concept that Jesus Christ is the
Beloved Son?
-Baptism and Transfiguration
- Incarnation and Resurrection
- Mission and Temptation
- Death and Crucifixion
- Last Supper and Pentecost

3) True or False: To promote respect to human persons, one should remember that
the order of persons must be subordinate to the order of things.
- True
- False

4) Which among the choices does NOT represent a practice of dehumanization?

- Regarding the elderly as burdens

- Relocating indigenous people to cities and converting their lands into modern
- Viewing women with transparency, respecting them as individuals rather
than objects of desire
- Discriminating against individuals with disabilities
- Enforcing child labor on children

5) True or False: The opening statement and the initial three rights outlined in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights are recognized as the cornerstone of all
human rights. They underscore the fundamental principles that every individual
possesses dignity and freedom. Nevertheless, certain rights become restricted or
curtailed when an individual is imprisoned.

- True
- False

6) True or False: The phrase "and the Word became flesh" in the Angelus prayer
signifies the incarnation of God the Father into humanity.

- True
- False

7) Which of the following options does NOT accurately elucidate the intrinsic
equality between man and woman, as explained in the creation stories?

- Man and woman are created in God’s image and likeness.

- Woman is created from man’s body part that symbolizes their equality.
- Both of them are created to be helpers of God.
- Man and woman are capable leaders of society.

8) Which of the following rights is the most foundational, as it serves as a

prerequisite for obtaining other rights?

- religion
- basic needs
- freedom
- Life
- Family

9) How does Augustine explain the role of the Holy Spirit in the Community of Love
within the Holy Trinity?

- The Initiator of Loving

- The love itself that binds the Trinity into a unity
- The Fountain of Love
- Beloved of God
- The Offspring of Divine Love

10) True or False: In Catholicism, the incarnation of Christ to humanity is the central
theological principle that demonstrates the dignified nature of humanity. Every
individual possesses inherent dignity, as demonstrated by Jesus who embraced our
vulnerable existence, providing a profound example of authentic humanity.
- true
- False

11) SURE True or False: The central theme of Jesus Christ's life and teachings
revolves around the proclamation of the Kingdom of God.

- true
- False

12) SURE In accordance with Church teachings, the human person is inherently
social. Which concept below does NOT signify this aspect of humanity?

- The human person needs to initiate relationships through self-disclosure.

- No man isn't an island.
- The skills of the human person hold significance for society
- The human person requires the presence of others for survival.
- Cooperation with others is necessary for the survival of the human person.

13) SURE Which among the choices is NOT accurate regarding the meaning of
society as presented by the Catechism of the Catholic Church?

- The society helps the human person to develop and respond to his vocation
which is to love.
- It is bound organically together by a certain uniting principle.
- The society is both a human and divine institution which has a mission to
proclaim the good news of Christ to all its citizens.
- A society is an assembly that is both visible and spiritual which endures
through time.
- Individual in the society should respect authority who have charge of the
common good

14) True or False: Both the Church and the United Nations have their respective
catalogs of human rights. Nevertheless, the Church's compilation of these rights is
spread across various social encyclicals in her history.

- true
- False
15) SURE TRUE or FALSE: The narrative of human beings exercising sovereign
control in the creation story refers to their responsibility to have dominion over God's
creation. However, the term "dominion" originates from the Latin word "Dominus,"
which means steward.

- True
- False

16) SURE Which principle of human dignity asserts the concept that all human
individuals are inherently dignified, regardless of their position in life?

Group of answer choices

- Inalienable
- Divine
- Universal
- Respectable
- Inviolable

17) SURE Which of the following choices does NOT relate to stewardship, a role
that God has entrusted to humanity?

Group of answer choices

- God calls man to take care of God's creation.
- The human person is the only earthly creature of God with the ability to be a
steward due to intelligence.
- None of the choices.
- God calls man to assist in His creation, making the human person a co-creator
with God.
- Being a steward signifies the capacity of man to invent things and establish

18) SURE If "Mark of Divine" corresponds to "Leo the Great" and "Reflection of
the Divine" corresponds to "Pope Benedict," which statement below is NOT
emphasized by the two given logical relationships?

Group of answer choices

- All human persons have dignity.
- All human persons needs to be respected.
- None of the choices
- All human persons are members of one humanity.
- All human persons are created in God’s image.

19) SURE True or False: The reason presented in the Genesis account for God
creating both man and woman is because there was no one to assist God in
cultivating and tilling the soil of the Garden of Eden. However, theologically it is
simply due to God's sheer love and goodness.

Group of answer choices

- True
- False

20) SURE True or False: If human dignity is universal, inviolable, and inalienable,
then the same principles apply to the human rights of individuals.

Group of answer choices

- True
- False

21) According to the Catholic Church, when does life commence?

Group of answer choices

- When traces of brain activity are present in the fetus.
- When the baby is delivered and capable of independent life.
- When the unborn can be sensed by the mother in her womb.
- When a heartbeat is detectable.
- When the egg cell and sperm cell have been fertilized.

22) Thomas Aquinas, through his hierarchy, illustrates a scale of perfection among
beings. The further a being is from God, the more imperfect it becomes. Among the
pairs of creatures below, which one is dignified?
Group of answer choices
- God and Angels
- Animals and Man
- Inanimate objects and Angels
- Man and Angels
- God and Plant

23) The Paschal Mystery of Christ exemplifies the Son of God's self-sacrifice to
redeem humanity. Which of the following choices represents the pivotal Paschal
event that imparts significance to the Christian Faith?
Group of answer choices

- Resurrection
- Passion or Suffering
- Incarnation
- Crucifixion
- Death

24) Aristotle emphasizes the sociable character of humanity in his political

philosophy. Which statement is NOT accurate among the following:

Group of answer choices

- Wild animals perceive others not as rivals but as companions.

- A god is a flawless entity that exists independently of others.
- If an individual disregards the necessity of others, they could be likened to a
god or an animal.
- Given the inherent imperfection of the human person, failing to recognize the
significance of others would classify them as animals and never gods.
- As a political animal, the human person must collaborate with others to attain
their objectives

25) Which of the following statements is NOT accurate in relation to human dignity?

Group of answer choices

- Animals do not possess dignity.
- Dignity can only be disrespected but never violated.
- Insane individuals lack dignity, nevertheless they deserve our respect.
- Deceased individuals do not retain their dignity.
- All human individuals possess dignity

26) True or False: The Church acknowledges the family as the domestic church,
while the state views it as the fundamental building block of society. Furthermore,
in cases of family dysfunction, the responsibility for its breakdown often falls on the
parents alone.

Group of answer choices

- True
- False

27) True or False: Through His redemptive sacrifice, Jesus elevated the fallen nature
of humanity, emphasizing their inherent value as dignified children of God.

Group of answer choices

- True
- False

28) Which statement below is NOT true about communal participation?

Group of answer choices

- It is a requirement of man‘s nature through exchange, mutual service and
dialogue with others.
- It develops the qualities of the person.
- It brings about a sense of social initiative and responsibility.
- It is the logical consequence of subsidiarity and socialization.
- It helps guarantee human rights

29) How can one foster respect among individuals, even without perceiving them as
reflections of God, while nurturing dignified relationships in accordance with the
second commandment of love?

Group of answer choices

- Seeing the other as another self.
- Acknowledging the other as children of God
- Recognizing the other as fellow human beings
- Viewing the other as possessing inherent natural rights
- Considering the other as a fundamental part of the community

30) Thomas Hobbes perceives the human person in society negatively. How does he
describe the human person?

Group of answer choices

- a leviathan
- a brute
- a monster
- a demon
- a wolf

31) Among the Greek terms provided, which one signifies the act of self-emptying
or the humility displayed by the Son of God, who chose to don our human nature, as
depicted in Philippians 2:6-11?

Group of answer choices

- Ekklesia
- Kenosis
- Ruah
- Theos

32) True or False: There exist three fundamental natural social institutions of which
an individual is an inherent member: the family, the church, and the state. Other
associations are primarily voluntary in nature.

Group of answer choices

- True
- False
33) True or False: As per the viewpoint of the Catholic Church, rape is deemed
intrinsically evil. This forms the basis for the Church's endorsement of abortion, but
solely in medical cases.

Group of answer choices

- True
- False

34) Considering the significance (BOTH ANSWERS CORRECT) of the Schema of

redemption, which statement below is NOT accurate?
Group of answer choices
- The human person encompasses the beginning, exitus (come from), and
the end, reditus (go back to), of earthly pilgrimage.
- The human person is the sole being called to partake in God's loving
- The human person stands as the exclusive earthly creation of God with the
capacity to love.
- The entire universe was brought into existence due to God's unconditional
love and goodness.
- The Son of God humbled himself, providing an exemplar for humanity on
how to embrace their humanity.

35) Which symbolizes the principle of subsidiarity, defined as "a community of a

higher order should not interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower order,
depriving the latter of its functions?"

Group of answer choices

- A scalene triangle
- An obtuse triangle
- A perfect triangle
- An inverted triangle
- An isosceles triangle

36) True or False: The principle of socialization, marked by inclusivity and

empowerment, entails cultivating empathy to recognize the significance of every
individual in the process of nation building. This principle is also instrumental in
fostering the growth of voluntary organizations that contribute to community
Group of answer choices
- True
- False

37) True or False: Two creation narratives exist, each of which implicitly explores
the concept of human dignity.

Group of answer choices

- True
- False

38) True or False: The philosopher Lynn White concurs that it is justifiable to
attribute the deterioration and adverse effects on the environment, resulting from
human activities, to Christianity.
Group of answer choices
- True
- False

39) True or False: A solitary individual is the catalyst for the existence of a social

Group of answer choices

- True
- False

40) Which of the following options represents the human being as the crowning
glory of God's creation?
Group of answer choices

- Humans were brought to life by God's infusion of spirits.

- The entirety of creation revolves around and is designed for human
beings, who stand as the peak of God's creative work.
- Among earthly creatures, only the human person possesses rationality.
- Upon creating everything, including the human person, God declared
them to be good.
- God entrusted the human person with the responsibility of being stewards
over His creation.
41) Which among the following aspects of human individuals in society
illustrates the common good that they should receive to fulfill their essence?

Group of answer choices

- ideal
- power
- end
- principle
- subject

42) Which of the provided statements does NOT relate to stewardship, as presented
in the second creation story?

Group of answer choices

- God fashioned man and woman as assistants in His creative endeavor.
- God instructed Adam to categorize creatures in the garden by assigning
- God designated Adam to toil in cultivating the land for Him.
- God summoned man and woman to exercise dominion over all of His

43) True or False: As indicated by the schema of redemption, the initial step for
human individuals involves acknowledging their transgressions and experiencing
sorrow for those sins. This process enables their salvation and engagement in the
communion of love within the Holy Trinity.
Group of answer choices
- True
- False

44) True or False: Divine freedom is unique, as it perpetually aligns with goodness,
rendering God the sole creature possessing flawless freedom.
Group of answer choices
- True
- False
45) True or False: While all creatures of God are capable of love, it's exclusively the
human person who possesses the capability for self-giving love.

Group of answer choices

- True
- False

46) Which concept below is NOT accurate concerning the idea of freedom in the
book of Genesis?

Group of answer choices

- The voluntary action of Adam and Eve carries responsibility, and their
transgression resulted in death.
- The first creation narrative portrays freedom as a selection between
options—either acceptance or rejection.
- The human individuals defied God's command, leading to their consequent
- Freedom is contingent upon the solitary command given by God to Adam and
Eve, specifically, to refrain from consuming the forbidden fruit.
- The Tree of Good and Evil serves as a representation of free will.

47) Which of the Gospel events illustrates Jesus Christ's ultimate obedience to the
Father's Will?

Group of answer choices

- His Last Supper
- His Crucifixion
- His Prayer
- His Resurrection
- His Incarnation

48) Which characterization of human individuals in society underscores their

proactive roles in constructing advancing communities?

Group of answer choices

- ideal
- principle
- power
- subject
- end

49) True or False: Freedom and law are never in conflict, as both inherently strive
for the attainment of the good. Thus authentic freedom is defined as doing whatever
one wants without hindrance.

Group of answer choices

- True
- False

50) In the context of the Schema of Redemption, which of the following options
explains the reason for the human person's inability to reunite with God?

Group of answer choices

- The human person lacks the ability to self-redemption.
- As a created being, the human person requires salvation.
- Sin acts as an obstacle to the human person's progress on the path to God.
- Human pride and disobedience in relation to God are factors.
- The cross, often perceived as foolishness, can obstruct the journey to

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