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Names Attributed to the Second Divine Person

Fundamentals of Faith 2 in the Trinity:

FINALS EXAMS REVIEWER Name signifies mission
© Academics Committee 1. JESUS
● “Yeshua” or “Joshua” means
Lesson 4: Jesus Christ: The God-made-man “Savior” or “God saves”
● This name was given at the
Being Christian is not the result of an ethical command of God’s angel
choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with (Archangel Gabriel)
an event, a person, which gives life a new ● It indicates his identity and
horizon and a decisive direction. - Benedict mission to forgive sins. Through his
XVI, Deus Caritas Est Paschal Mystery, he recapitulates
the whole salvation history
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word ● It indicates his identity and
was with God, and the Word was God… And mission to redeem his people
the Word was made flesh and dwelt among from their sins (Mt. 1:21)
us.” (John 1:1, 14) The Lord Jesus Christ is the ● God has always been saving his
Eternal Word of the Father. people since time immemorial

Incarnation ● Old Testament

● in + caro, “flesh” ○ God saves his people from
● the fact that the Son of God assumed a Egyptian slavery
human nature in order to accomplish ○ The same of the Savior
salvation in it God was only invoked
● For us men and for our salvation, he once a year by the high
came down from heaven: and by the priest in atonement for
Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Israel’s sins
Mary and he became man ● New Testament
○ God saves his people from
The Word Became Flesh the bondage of sin
● “For us human beings and for our ○ All may invoke the divine
salvation” name of Jesus and obtain
forgiveness of sins
Reasons for the Incarnation:
1. To save us by reconciling us with God ● Jesus’ name manifests supreme
2. So that we might know God’s love power. Miracles are performed in
3. To be our model of holiness his name. Evil spirits fear his name.
4. To make us partakers of the divine ● The Resurrection glorifies his
nature name. Whatever is asked in
Jesus’ name will be granted by
the Father.

2. CHRIST ● Two (2) solemn events in the New
● “Chistos” (Gk.) or Testament designated Jesus as
“mashiach/meshiyach” (Hb.) THE beloved Son of the Father: His
means “the anointed one.” Baptism and Transfiguration
● The Christ or the Messiah is the
one promised by God through ● HIS BAPTISM: “This is my beloved
the prophets of his chosen Son, with whom I am well
people pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)
● He is the definitive Messiah: Priest, ● HIS TRANSFIGURATION: “This is my
Prophet, and King par excellence beloved Son, listen to him.” (Mark
● Old Testament ● HIS CRUCIFIXION: “Truly, this man
○ Kings, priests, and some was the Son of God.” (Mark
prophets of Israel were 15:39)
● New Testament 4. LORD
○ Jesus was anointed by the ● The ineffable name YHWH in
Spirit was Priest, Prophet, Hebrew is rendered “Kyrios” in
and King Greek and “Adonai” in Hebrew
● This divine title is applied to the
● Who do you say that I am?... YOU Father in the Old Testament and
ARE THE CHRIST! to the Son in the New Testament
○ He offered himself for our ● This title testifies to the respect
transgressions (priestly). and trust of those who approach
○ He announced the him for help and healing
coming of the Kingdom of ● This title becomes adoration, and
God (prophetic). a connotation of love and
○ He came not to be served affection
but to serve (kingly).
Mary (Virgin and Mother)
3. THE ONLY SON OF GOD ● Mary did not give birth merely to man
● The title “son of God” was given who then after his birth “became” God.
to anges, the Chosen People, ● Rather, even in her womb, the child is
and their Kings in the Old the true Son of God.
Testament ● Mary’s title “Mother of God” is
● This signifies the unique and inseparable from Christ’s identity.
eternal relationship of Jesus to ● To deny that Mary is the Mother of God
God his Father is either to deny Christ’s divinity or to
● To be a Christian, one must deny his Incarnation.
believe that Jesus Christ is the Son
of God ● The Blessed Virgin Mary is the
“Theotokos,” Mother of God
● Everything we know and venerate COUNCIL OF NICEA I (325 CE)
about her depends upon the unique ● The council condemned the following
vocation of hers. propositions of Arianism:
○ “There was a time when [Jesus]
● Christ’s birth did not diminish Mary’s he was not God”
virginal integrity ○ Jesus is a created being which
● Mary is Aeiparthenos, Ever-Virgin. Her can be greater than man but
Perpetual Virginity is a dogma of the lesser than God.
faith and stresses the radical novelty of ○ Before he was begotten [by the
the Incarnation and her exclusive Father] he was not God.
dedication to her mission as Mother of ○ He came to be from things that
Jesus. were not, or from another
hypostasis or substance.”
Types of Worship ● Defenders of the Nicean Council
1. Dulia Propositions
● respect or honor we give to the ○ While the Father and the Son are
saints distinct, the Son “belongs to the
2. Hyperdulia Father’s substance and is of the
● respect and honor for Mary same nature as He.” –St.
3. Latria Athanasius
● worship and adoration that is ○ “God the Father and God the
given to God alone Son are clearly one, not by a
union of Person but by a unity of
The Natures of Jesus Christ Defined by nature.” –St. Hilary of Poitiers
Ecumenical Councils ● Teaching: The Son of God is eternally
● Jesus, in his Incarnation, is a TRUE GOD & begotten, not made, and of the same
TRUE MAN. Christ became truly man divine substance as the Father
while remaining truly God. (homoousious)
● In order to clarify the truth about ● Resolution: Homoousious = of the same
Jesus who is true God and true man, the substance/being
Church convoked Ecumenical Councils
in the first century. COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE I (384 CE)
● ECUMENICAL COUNCIL: a gathering of ● The council condemned the following
Church leaders (in particular Bishops) propositions of Apollinarianism:
who have the authority to make joint ○ The Logos took the place of the
decisions regarding Church doctrines human soul of Christ, or at least of
and disciplines that are binding. the higher soul, the nous.
● Several councils defined, explained and ○ Jesus was not truly a human
defended this truth about the nature of being. He lacks a rational soul, or
Christ as both human and divine (Nicea is not a human subject, or is
I, Constantinople I, Ephesus, Chalcedon) without a principle of human

individuality, freedom, and ○ Jesus as “perfect God and
action. perfect man.” The two natures
● Resolution: Jesus’ human nature is are without confusion. -St. John of
complete! Antioch
○ Christ’s human nature—complete ● Resolution: Hypostatic Union; Mary as
with operations of intellect and Theotokos
will, and human body—belongs ○ Mary truly became the Mother of
to the divine person of the Son of God “Theotokos” by the human
God who assumed it. (CCC, 470) conception of the Son of God.
○ The human knowledge that the The Logos, united to himself
Son of God assumed, is not according to the hypostasis, was
unlimited, it was exercised in the born from her, the Logos is said to
historical conditions of his be born according to the flesh.
existence in time and space. Yet, ○ There is only “ONE” and “SAME”
by union to the divine wisdom in Lord Jesus Christ.” There is “union
the person of the Word came in hypostasis” or hypostatic union
flesh, Christ enjoyed in his human in Jesus.
knowledge the fullness of ● Teaching: The Divine Person of the Son
understanding of the eternal of God assumed full human nature and
plans he had come to reveal. made it his own.
(CCC 472-474).
COUNCIL OF EPHESUS (431 CE) ● The council condemned the following
● The council condemned the following propositions of Monophysitism (mono:
propositions of Nestorianism: “one”; physis: “nature”):
○ There are two types of Jesus: the ○ Christ’s divinity and humanity
Divine and the human. Rather came together in one divine
than one person with two nature, thus, his humanity ceased
natures. to exist. – Eutyches and Dioscorus
○ Mary is not “Theotokos” or ● Defenders of the Chalcedon Council
God-bearer, only “Christotokos” Propositions
(Christ-bearer). For a creature like ○ “So the proper character of both
Mary cannot give birth to a God. natures was maintained and
● Defenders of the Ephesus Council came together in a single person.
Propositions Lowliness was taken up by
○ Jesus is the “one incarnate majesty, weakness by strength,
nature of the divine Logos,” mortality by eternity.” – Flavian’s
understanding that while profession of faith, echoed by
remaining God, the Logos or Son Pope Leo in his famous Tome of
took on human life. There is Leo Letter in 449
“union in hypostasis” or ● Teaching: The union of the divine and
hypostatic union. – St. Cyril human natures in the Person of the Son
is without confusion, change, division, or Lesson 5: The Early Life of Jesus: Mystery of
separation. Jesus’ Infancy and Hidden Life, Baptism, and
The distinction proper to each nature Temptations
was never abolished by their union. The
character proper to each of the two
Jesus’ Whole Life as Mystery
natures was preserved as they came
● Christ's whole earthly life - his words and
together in one person.
deeds, his silences and sufferings,
indeed his manner of being and
speaking - is Revelation of the Father.
● Our Lord became man in order to do his
Hypostatic Union
Father's will, even the least
● The mysterious union of the divine and
characteristics of his mysteries manifest
human natures in the one Person of
“God's love among us”.
Jesus Christ
● Christ’s whole life is a mystery of
redemption and mystery of
Divine Nature
● Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the
● By his Incarnation, Jesus, the Son of
Trinity, thus he is God, he possesses
God, has in a certain way united himself
divine nature.
with each man.
● His intellect and will are infinitely
● We are called to become one with him,
for he enables us as the members of his
● He is omniscient (knows everything) and
Body to share in what he lived for us in
omnipotent (can do anything)
his flesh as our model.
● In all of his life Jesus presents himself as
Human Nature
our model. He is "the perfect man", who
● The Son of God assumed a human body
invites us to become his disciples and
animated by a rational soul.
follow him.
● The rational soul contains his human
intellect and will.
The Mystery of Jesus’ Infancy and Hidden Life
● Jesus possessed three kinds of human
A. The Preparations
intellect. Beatific Knowledge, Infused
● The coming of God's Son to earth is an
Knowledge, and Experimental
event of such immensity that God willed
to prepare for it over centuries.
● His human will submits to the divine will.
● He announces him through the mouths
of the prophets who succeeded one
another in
● Moreover, he awakens in the hearts of
the pagans a dim expectation of this

● The “Preparations” for the coming of considered as “dishonest and unclean”
Jesus did not only start from the by the Jewish law.
Annunciation but from the ● Jesus came to make the love of God
“Proto-Evangelium”. manifest even to those considered
● “Proto-Evangelium”” – the promise of outcasts of the society.
the Saviour was the First Gospel (First
Good News) announced. C. The Mysteries of Jesus’ Infancy
● The Prophets were not meant to be 1. Jesus' circumcision - the sign of his
“future-tellers,” they were chosen to be incorporation into Abraham's
the “mouthpiece” of God. descendants, into the people of the
B. The Christmas Mystery ● It is the sign of his submission to the Law.
● Jesus was born in a humble stable, into ● According to Jewish law, a boy is
a poor family. Simple shepherds were circumcised on the eighth day after his
the first witnesses to this event. birth.
● In this poverty heaven's glory was made ● By becoming part of Abraham’s
manifest. descendants - the people of God –
● To become a child in relation to God is Jesus manifested that he is one with us,
the condition for entering the kingdom. he is like us in every way except sin.
● For this, we must humble ourselves and ● At the same time, a name was given.
become little. The name Jesus “Yesuah” (God’s
● Only when Christ is formed in us will the salvation), which was given by the
mystery of Christmas be fulfilled in us. ● Angel was formally given to him and
● God makes himself a child so that we announced to the community during
may love Him, so that we may dare to this event.
love Him, and as a child trustingly lets ● Therefore, Jesus’ identity and mission is
himself be taken into our arms. - Pope already clear from the very beginning.
Benedict XVI 2. The Epiphany - the manifestation of
● Love motivates God to save us, hence, Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God
love, and not fear, must be our and Saviour of the world.
motivation in following God. ● The magi's coming to Jerusalem means
● Being born in a poor family, Jesus is that pagans can discover Jesus and
already making a statement about his worship him as Son of God and Saviour
mission. Jesus allowed himself to of the world.
become very much accessible and ● The Magi (also called “Wise Men” in
approachable for us and share in the Christian tradition, also popularly known
condition of many of us. as “Kings”) were said to be “from the
● The profile of the first witnesses – East”, hence, connotes their pagan
shepherds – also bespeak of the truth origin.
that indeed Jesus came for the least, ● This speaks of the universality of
the last and the lost. Shepherds are also salvation, that Jesus is not only the

Messiah of Israel but the Savior of the ● Jesus’ parents, especially St. Joseph,
world. were instrumental in his safety and the
● Jesus is for all, the salvation he offers is fulfillment of his mission.
for all. But of course, it requires our
cooperation. D. The Mysteries of Jesus’ Hidden Life
● The gifts of the Magi also speak of Jesus’ ● During the greater part of his life Jesus
identity as Priest (frankincense), Prophet shared the condition of the vast majority
(myrrh), and King (gold). of human beings: a daily life spent
3. The presentation of Jesus in the temple - without evident greatness, a life of
shows him to be the firstborn Son who manual labour.
belongs to the Lord. ● There were also silent years (hidden life)
● Jesus is recognized as the between Jesus’ infancy until this event
long-expected Messiah, the "light to the of them visiting the temple at age 12,
nations" and the "glory of Israel“ except that Luke said that every year
● This has become a combination of two Jesus’ parents went up to Jerusalem to
events, the purification of Mary and the celebrate the Passover.
presentation of Jesus ● Before the age of 5 - Parents had the
● The mother must offer a lamb for burnt primary role in educating children
offering and a young pigeon for a sin before formal
offering. But the offering Mary and schooling.
Joseph brought (a pair of turtle doves) ● Age 5 to 10 - The House of Reading
speaks of their economic status. (Beth Sepher), equivalent of primary
● Mary and Joseph are poor, but they are school. The ABCs were learned and the
pious, righteous, and faithful. stress was on the memorization of Torah.
● In this event too, Jesus was recognized ● Age 10 – 12 or 13 - The House of
by Simeon and Anna as the Learning (Beth Talmud), next level of
long-awaited Messiah (for the Jews), the education. The oral law was the focus of
light to the nations (including non-Jews) study. Note: It was typical for children to
and the glory of Israel. go to school until 12 or 13 years of age.
● Simeon and Anna were the 3rd After this, it was the father's responsibility
witnesses to Jesus’ identity and mission – to teach his son a trade in order to earn
the first were the shepherds, the second a living.
were the magi, and third were these ● If the student is exemplary – The House
two prophets. of Interpretation/Explanation (Beth
4. The flight into Egypt and the massacre of Midrash). This school would be
the innocents - make manifest the compatible with our “continuing
opposition of darkness to the light. education” or graduate studies.
● Christ's whole life was lived under the Theology, religious philosophy, ethics,
sign of persecution. science, historical legend and messianic
● But God’s love is above and beyond hopes are studied at this level.
any persecution.

● The Scribes and Pharisees were the communion of love, its austere and
teachers during the time of the New simple beauty, and its sacred and
Testament. inviolable character
● Moreover, since St. Joseph was a ● Lesson of work - Nazareth, home of the
carpenter, he would have taught Jesus "Carpenter's Son", in it we can
the trade of carpentry at age 12 or so. understand and proclaim the severe
● His religious life was that of a Jew and redeeming law of human work.
obedient to the law of God, a life in the
community. The Baptism of Jesus
● From this whole period it is revealed to John the Baptist
us that Jesus was "obedient" to his ● John the Baptist is Jesus’ cousin.
parents and that he "increased in ● He is known to be the Herald of Jesus,
wisdom and in stature, and in favour the Messiah.
with God and man.” ● He prepared the people for the coming
● Luke gave a beautiful narration of what of the One who is to baptize not only by
happened after Mary and Joseph water but by the Holy Spirit.
found Jesus in the Temple which ● John’s Baptism is called the “Baptism of
summarizes Jesus’ hidden life Repentance and Forgiveness of Sins”:
● He advanced in wisdom. As we have “Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is
mentioned earlier that he must have near!” - Mt 3:2
also been educated and learned a lot ● As good as his baptizing was, he
from experiences acknowledged that something greater
● He advanced in years. Although Jesus is was about to come.
100% divine, he is also 100% human, ● John declared that he was merely a
therefore Jesus also aged like many of messenger, and that the one coming
us. after him is the one we must look at with
● He advanced in divine and human admiration and worship.
favour. Like his parents, Jesus was a
pious and righteous Jew. Meaning of Jesus’ Baptism
● The obedience of Christ in the daily ● Jesus’ baptism would mean obedience.
routine of his hidden life was already ● A public way of showing that He
inaugurating his work of restoring what accepted his mission entrusted by God
the disobedience of Adam had the Father.
destroyed. ● It is an initial way of identifying himself
● Jesus’ hidden life at Nazareth can give with the sinners.
us these lessons: ● The baptism of Jesus is on his part was
● Lesson of silence - May esteem for the public acceptance and
silence, that admirable and inauguration of his mission as God’s
indispensable condition of mind, be suffering servant. He allows himself to be
revived in us. numbered among sinners; he is already
● Lesson on family life - May Nazareth the Lamb of God, who takes away the
teach us what family life is, its sin of the world.
The Temptation of Jesus ● 40 days of Lent – the Church unites
- The Temptations of Jesus in the desert from herself each year to the mystery of Jesus
the last of the preparatory activities before His in the desert.
public ministry.
- The word “temptation” is the English Lessons from Jesus’ Temptation in the desert
translation of the Heb. word “massa” or the 1. Temptation is not a sin. Temptation is
Grk. word “peirasmos” which means “testing”. part of our human condition. Sin enters
when a person willfully consents to the
Three Temptations of Jesus temptation
1. He was tempted to turn the stones into 2. The need for the power of discernment
bread. which can only come from the Holy
First Temptation – “turn stone into bread” Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who will help a
involves the sin of rebellion against the divine person discern truth from falsity;
will. apparent good from real good. (CFC
2. Temptation to show off the power of God. 2192)
Second Temptation – “to throw yourself down” 3. By Jesus’ steadfast faithfulness to God
was an invitation to test God’s providential amidst temptations, he showed us that it
care by unnecessarily risking one’s life. is possible to overcome them and
3. Temptation to worship Satan in exchange for remain faithful to God.
wealth and power.
Third Temptation – “all these I shall give to you, Lesson 6: The Kingdom of God (The Public
if you will prostrate yourself and worship me” Ministry)
was an offer to prefer power and wealth over
the love of God.
● The central theme of Jesus’ Public
Ministry is proclamation of the Kingdom
Meaning of Jesus’ Temptation in the Desert
of God
● Jesus’’ Temptation in the desert reverses
○ See/Observe
the temptation of Adam in Paradise
○ Judge/Discern
and temptations of Israelites in the
○ Transformative Action
● Kingdom of God = Reign of God
● Jesus, the New Adam, remained faithful
unlike the first Adam who had given in
to temptation.
The Situation/Context
● Israel’s vocation was perfected by
1. occupation by foreign troops, and
Jesus: Israel 40 years in the desert =
misconduct of Roman officials
Jesus 40 days in the desert.
2. class conflicts and social banditry
● Jesus’ victory over the tempter
3. religious fanaticism
anticipates his victory at the Passion, as
4. emergence of revolutionary prophets
the supreme act of obedience and love
and messianic pretenders
for the Father.
5. strife between the various factions of

6. bitter hostility between Jews and ● God completing his work (as creator
Samaritans and redeemer).
● God renewing the world.
The Hopes/Longings ● Human beings submitting themselves to
1. Unthreatened possession of the Promise God’s rule.
land ● Human beings having complete
2. Victory in battles fellowship with God.
3. Bountiful harvest and economic ● Human beings living in the renewed
prosperity world (Kassuhlke, 1974)
4. Peace, justice, greatness and prestige
as a nation The Paradox of the Kingdom of God
5. Re-establishment of the tribes of Israel “already but not yet, present yet future”
and restoration of dignity as Chosen PRESENT
people of God ● When hungry are fed, homeless are
Hence, for the Jews. “Kingdom of God = sheltered, naked are clothed
Political Freedom. FUTURE
● at the end of time. No more poverty,
Judge/Discern disease, sadness oppression, death
Although Jesus’ Kingdom of God is premised
on the Jewish idea that arose from their Anchored on the Jewish hope and
communal hope for salvation, Jesus gave understanding the paradoxical character of
original and definite interpretations of the the Kingdom of God, we can therefore say
Kingdom. that Jesus also envisioned the establishment of
the Kingdom of God to begin by establishing a
Kingdom of God righteous community and to culminate in the
● Not a place, but a condition (a state of transformation of the world and the whole
being) wherein the will of God is being creation.
● Where the Gospel values or Christ’s Transformative Action
value are present, there is the Kingdom THE KINGDOM OF GOD IN THE WORDS OF JESUS
of God
● The reign of peace, love, justice, etc. The Beatitudes
● God’s exercise of God’s kingly power by (Mt 5:3-12; Lk 6:20-26)
caring for the constituents, providing for ● Lat. “Beatitudo” (Blessedness);
their needs, protecting them from all ● Gk. “Makarios” (sense of inner
threats. contentment unaffected by outward
Even in the Scriptures, “Basileia tou Theou” has circumstances)
a very fruitful meaning. It refers to: ● The teaching of Jesus during his Sermon
● God establishing his rule. on the Mount which describes the
● God destroying the enemies. attitudes and actions that should
● God eliminating sin, disease, suffering characterize his followers and disciples.
and death.
1. The poor in spirit 6. The pure of heart
● Humble and trusting; unafraid. To ● No hatred not jealousy loyal to
give up everything for God God and to the things of God;
2. Those who mourn purity of conscience as opposed
● Compassionate to the suffering to hypocrisy
of others; despise hatred, 7. The peacemakers
injustice, violence ● Builders of justice and peace; do
3. The meek their best to preserve/foster
● Possesses the spirit of gentleness peace and friendship among
and self-control; not violent or mankind and between God and
vengeful; never exploiting others man
4. Those who hunger and thirst for 8. Those who are persecuted for
righteousness righteousness’s sake
● Passionate to do what is good ● Witness the faith endured by faith
and right and just rather than hide their faith to
5. The merciful avoid persecution.
● Forgiving; acting upon the
corporal and spiritual works of THE PARABLES OF THE KINGDOM
mercy ● Gk. “Parabole” (a fictive illustration in
narrative form); Hb. “Marshall” (riddle)
● The challenge of the parables is to
discover the truth behind the story and
to act according to the message of the

Characteristics of Parables
1. Brevity
● Brief and concise contains
2. Realism
● Drawn from things in actual
day-to-day life experiences
3. Open-endedness
● The audience are expected to
provide the conclusion especially
by living out the message
4. Polyvalence
● No single correct interpretation;
always relatable and meaningful

Classification of Parables Classification of Jesus’ Miracles
1. Parables on the Good News of the ● Healing Miracle
Kingdom ○ By his healing ministry, Jesus
● Focus: End/Goal – they tell us revealed that he is truly “God
how valuable the Kingdom is, who saves” and he invites people
and the good it will bring to those to share in his ministry of
who will enter it. compassion and healing. (CCC,
2. Parables on the Children of the 1505)
Kingdom ● Exorcism
● Focus: Means/Attitude – they ○ Exorcism is very much part of
show us how we should behave Jesus’ healing activities especially
in order to enter the Kingdom. in the Synoptic gospels. Jesus’
3. Parables on the Kingdom as Judgement healing, therefore, is a battle
● Focus: Consequences – They against Satan and all his works.
illustrate the sad fate of those ● Resuscitation
who reject the gift of the ○ John portrays Jesus as a healer
Kingdom or those who did not who acts in the name and power
realize its urgency. of God, giving life to the world.
John understood Jesus’ healing
Transformative Action miracles as “works” (erga) which
THE KINGDOM OF GOD IN THE WORKS OF JESUS identifies such action as an act of
1. Miracles God, and “signs” (semeia)
● Gk. “dynameis” (acts of power); pointing to the truth about Jesus
“erga” (works); “semeion” (sign) as the Son of God, “the source
● NOT “teras” (denotes not only of health but of eternal
incomprehensible event) nor NOT life”
“thauma” (supernatural, ● Nature Miracles
amazing, event, magic) ○ What Jesus did is a prefiguration
of what awaits when the
Meaning of Jesus’ miracles Kingdom of God is fully
● Manifest the power of God over all established – restoration of
creation original justice and holiness
● Serve as a sign of what would it be like (harmony) of the whole creation,
when God’s Kingdom is fully established the “restoration of all things in
● Miracles are manifestations of God’s Christ”, God becoming all in all.
presence in history. God was indeed
compassionate and used his power to They pre-figure the transformation that will
alleviate the suffering of his people. happen in the human person and the universe
at the end of time. (A theme in Jesus' action
that will continue and even manifested in
Jesus’ Paschal Mystery). Having destroyed
death and sin, God will renew all things – the
restoration of all things in Christ. The world, the TRANSFIGURATION: A FORETASTE OF THE
heavens and the earth will be restored into the KINGDOM
newness of life – no more suffering, sickness, ● Baptism of Jesus at the threshold of
pain, death for the fullness of salvation has Public Ministry; an image of our own
come – for God will be all in all. baptism
● Transfiguration at the threshold of the
2. Table Fellowship Passion, Death, and Resurrection; an
● In a table fellowship, Jesus’ image of our own resurrection
gesture of friendship is
fundamentally “welcoming” and Conclusion
“coming close”. (Sobrino 1993) ● This event also manifests that, indeed,
● The Passover Meal is a meal that Jesus, the Suffering Messiah, is the
celebrates freedom in center and the fulfillment of the Law
anticipation (represented by Moses) and the
● The last supper was a table Prophets (represented by Elijah)
fellowship. Jesus did not just ● Manifestation of the Trinity: Father
illustrate his passion and death. (voice), Son (Jesus), Holy Spirit (cloud)
He algo. Gave a portrait of life, ● As Christians – disciples of Jesus and
through his ministry by being collaborators for the building up for the
“bread” for others, selflessly Kingdom of God –
serving the needy. ● - “in all things God works for the good of
● Jesus often likened the Kingdom those who love him, who have been
of God to banquet (Ex. Luke called according to his purpose.” (Rom.
14:15-21) 8:28)
● Even in the Last Supper, Jesus ● We continue to observe, discern, and
intended that it would be an act for the realization of the Kingdom of
illustration of the great banquet God here and in the next.
at the end of time, when the
kingdom has been fully
established. Lesson 7: The Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ
● Jesus gives central importance to (Passion and Death of Jesus Christ)
the basic symbol of life: food and
● Besides proclaiming and
embodying the Kingdom, Jesus
“He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate was
celebrates it, especially in the
Crucified, Died, and was Buried”
form of meals.
● It was an anticipation of a new
world free from poverty,
oppression, disease, and death.
1st (Mark 8:31-33)
Where all are shall partake of the
● Suffer, Die, and Rise on the Third Day.
grand banquet.
2nd (Mark 9:30-32)
2. Cheering 2. “O Lord Grant
● “To be handed over to men”
‘HOSANA’ Salvation” “Lord
● “Betrayal”
Saves us!”

3rd (Mark 10:32-34) 3. Calling Jesus as 3. Messianic and

● Mocked, scourged, spitted upon, put to the Son of David Kingly Title
death, and rise after three days
4. “Blessed is He 4. Greeting to a
who comes in the Pilgrim entering the
THE PASSION NARRATIVE name of the Lord” temple gate in
Mark 11:1-11 Jerusalem
● The triumphant entry to Jerusalem
5. The Lord riding on 5. Bringing of Peace
Mark 14:22-42 the donkey/ass and Salvation
● The Last Supper and Agony in the

Mark 14:53-72, Mark 15:1-20 THE LAST SUPPER

● The two trials of Jesus before the ● Passover Celebration was near
Sanhedrin and Pilate ● Jesus gave the supreme expression of
his free offering of himself at the meal
Mark 15:21-41 shared with the twelve Apostles “on the
● The Crucifixion and death night he was betrayed”
● On the eve of his Passion, while still free,
Jesus transformed this last Supper with
TRIUMPHANT ENTRY TO JERUSALEM the apostles into the memorial of his
● In the liturgical calendar of the Church, voluntary offering to the father for the
this marks the beginning of the holy salvation of men.
JESUS’ TRIUMPHANT ENTRY TO JERUSALEM: THE ● Commemoration of the Liberation of
EVENT AND ITS MEANING the Israelites from the slavery in Egypt


DETAILS OF THE MEANING ● Jesus includes the apostles in his own
EVENT offering and bids them to perpetuate it.
By doing so, the Lord institutes his
1. Spreading of 1. Gesture of
apostles as priests of the New Covenant.
Cloaks and Palm welcoming great
Branches conqueror and

3. Demonic possession
1. Took the bread in 1. Took the cup with
His hands wine

2. Said a prayer of 2. Said a prayer BLASPHEMY

praise and thanksgiving to God TRIALS OF JESUS
3. “This is my Body” 3. “This is my Blood” ● Jesus was accused of the Blasphemy
● The religious authorities in Jerusalem
were not unanimous about what stance
to take towards Jesus. The Pharisees
THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN threatened to excommunicate his
● The cup of the New Covenant, which followers. CCC #596
Jesus anticipated when he offered
himself at the Last Supper, is afterwards 2. JESUS BEFORE PONTIUS PILATE
accepted by him from his Father’s ● The Sanhedrin accused Jesus of political
hands in his agony in the garden at revolt
Gethsemane, making himself “obedient ● Pilate send him to Herod Antipas
unto death” CCC 612
o “Father, if you are willing, take this cup 3. JESUS BEFORE HEROD ANTIPAS
away from me” ● Herod Antipas and his soldiers made fun
ˆ Refers to the suffering and of him
terrifying death that he was ● He offered to return Jesus to Pontius
about to face Pilate
o “Still, not my will but yours be done.”
ˆ The cup of the new covenant 4. JESUS BEFORE PONTIUS PILATE
● Jesus was scourged at the pillar, was
THE BETRAYAL OF JUDAS mocked, and abused by the soldiers
● Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of ● Pilate gives the crowd the choice to
silver. have Jesus or Barabbas released.
● His action was influenced by Satan


Many of Jesus’ deeds and words constituted a 1. No trials should be held at night.
“sign of contradiction” CCC 575 2. It is unlawful to strike the prisoner while
Who Ordered The Arrest of Jesus? What Crime 3. No trials should be held on any feast
Has He Committed? Day.
4. The Sanhedrin members must be polled
1. False Prophecy to give their verdict.
2. Eating with tax collectors
5. The accused must have someone to love and experience this love which surpasses
represent Him. all knowledge” (Eh 3:18-19)
6. There must be 24 hours between a
verdict and sentence
7. If guilty, there must be 3 days between We are Saved by Jesus Perfect Self-Giving Love
the sentence and execution for His Father and for us (CFC 558-559)
…it is the transformation of suffering and
weakness through active, total, self-giving love
THE WAY OF THE CROSS He was made flesh
that we might possess the Spirit.
27:32-56) He was brought low
● Simon of Cyrene forced to help carry that we might be raised up.
the cross because Jesus was so weak.
● Jesus refused the wine mixed with gall. He endured blows
(Painkiller) that we might be healed
● Jesus was crucified between two
criminals He was mocked
● The inscription placed above his head: to free us from eternal damnation
(INRI) lesus Nazarene Rex ludaeorum
● Before dying, Jesus recited a line from He died to give us life
Psalm 22: “My God, my God, why have
you forsaken me?”
● Jesus’ mother Mary, apostle John the THE CHARACTERISTICS OF CHRIST’S SUFFERING
Beloved, and some other disciples were AND DEATH
present at the foot of the cross.
BURIAL OF JESUS (Mt. 27:57-66) Universal, Eschatological
● Joseph of Arimathea goes to Pilate to ● “Our Lord Jesus was once and for all to
ask for Jesus’ body. offer himself to God the Father by his
● The body is hurriedly prepared since death on the altar of the cross, to
Sabbath began at sundown. accomplish an everlasting redemption.”
And again, “At the Last Supper, on the
night he was betrayed, our Savior
The Whole Earthly Life of Christ came to its instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of his
Climax in His Paschal Mystery Body and Blood. This he did in order to
CFC 550 perpetuate the sacrifice on the Cross
THE CROSS: SYMBOL OF SAVING LOVE throughout the ages until he should
… the suffering and death of Christ help us to come again.”
grasp fully with all the holy one’s. The breath CFC 565
and length and height and depth of Christ’s
● Christ our Paschal Lamb has been
● He “gave himself for our sins, to rescue Lesson 8: The Resurrection and
us from the present evil age” Ascension of Jesus
● He created a new covenant with God.
“This cup is the new covenant in my
● For us and our salvation
● When did the resurrection happen?
○ Luke: First day of the week, at
CFC 567
○ John: First day of the week, at
Empowering Salvation
● Who are the main visitors to the empty
● Christ, one of us (Corporate Solidarity)
Dies for our sins
○ Luke: Mary Magdalene, Mary the
○ Jesus died because of our
mother of James, Joanna, and
human sinfulness
○ Jesus died to show us, and
○ John: Mary Magdalene, Peter,
empower us, to overcome sin
and John (although not
and its effects in our broken world
CFC 570, 573
● What did the witnesses see inside the
○ Two men in dazzling garments.
Jesus’ motive for accepting death was His
○ Two angels of the Lord.
desire to free humans from sin and to ransom
● What interaction occurred between the
our freedom with His very person and His
witnesses and Jesus?
Eternal Love.
○ Luke: Jesus appeared to Cleopas
and his companion and dined
with them. He rebuked them for
their unbelief.
¨ Christ’s Cross is a symbol of his
○ John: Jesus appeared to Mary
redeeming love and speaks a
Magdalene and instructed her to
universal language to all men and
tell his disciples that he had risen.
women for all time.
¨ The saving love of Christ is
eschatological. Those who decided
to follow him will receive “eternal life
Luke 24: 1-12; 13-35
in the age to come”
¨ Salvation is “already” present in us in ● On the road to Emmaus, why did the
grace, empowering us so that all our disciples not recognize Jesus?
actions can have “saving power”
● How did they come to know that it was ○ Empty Tomb Stories (The
Jesus who was with them? Secondary Evidence)
● What was meant by Jesus when he 2. RESURRECTION POINTS TO THE GLORIFIED
broke the break with his disciples? STATE OF THE RISEN CHRIST, WHO IS BOTH
1. Although these are small inconsistencies ● Like His Earthly Self
in the testimonies, the most important ○ He still has the marks of
message that is found in all Gospels is: passion on his body.
The crucified Jesus had been raised ○ His disciples can sense his
from the dead. presence and
2. It is different from “resuscitation” and communicate with him.
“reincarnation”. Resuscitation is to ● Unlike His Earthly Self
revive from apparent death or ○ His glorified state
unconsciousness. Reincarnation is rebirth transcends the bodily limits
in a new body. of time and space.
3. Two terms commonly used in the New ○ He can appear suddenly
Testament: egeirein (transitive verb) --- > behind closed doors (John
“to awaken” or “to raise up” and 20:19; 26) and disappear
anastanai (transitive verb) --- > “to at will (Luke 24:31, 51).
arise'' or “to raise up”. The commonly
used language is “to raise up”. It is a WHAT DOES THE GLORIFIED STATE LOOK LIKE?
metaphorical language – far beyond ● It is sown as a natural body. It is raised as
human comprehension – used to a spiritual body
describe God’s vindication of the life ● SPIRITUAL
and ministry of Jesus. ○ St. Paul describes the word
“SPIRIT” not as the substance that
THE NATURE OF RESURRECTION constitutes the body, but the
CFC 628 – 632 dimension where the spirit exists.


● Resurrection is a metahistorical ● Therefore, the resurrection of Jesus is
event based on the easter also an ESCATHOLOGICAL EVENT that
testimonies of witnesses who did occurred in another dimension. In the
not see the actual resurrection words of Thomas Rausch, “Jesus lives
per se but had seen Jesus in his now finally in God’s future”.
glorified state. ● Jesus differs significantly with
● TWO TYPES OF EASTER STORIES resuscitation and reincarnation. It is not
○ Appearances of the Risen a return to earthly life since death has
Christ (The Primary Way) no power over the glorified resurrected
body (CF. ROM 6:9)
● Brilliancy – by which it gives forth light DIVINITY
● Agility – by which it moves from place to ● The resurrection confirmed that
place Jesus is the Son of God. The
● Subtility – by which material things source of power which raised him
cannot shut it out to life is from the Father.
● Impassibility – by which it is made in 4. THE RESURRECTION BROUGHT US A SHARE
capable of suffering IN THE NEW LIFE OF THE HOLY TRINITY
● We have been adopted as sons
3. THE RESURRECTION IS AN INTERVENTION and daughters of God. Death is
OF THE TRIUNE GOD no longer the end of human life,
a. The source of power which raised but a transition to eternal life with
Jesus to life is from the Father. the Holy Trinity.
b. The Son works his own humanity’s 5. THE RISEN CHRIST IS THE PRINCIPLE AND
c. The divine power that revivifies ● We will also attain our bodily
and glorifies the dead Jesus, resurrection, a spiritual body that
body, and soul, is the Holy Spirit. is no longer of this world but
belongs to the dimension of God.
CFC 621-627
Luke 24: 50-53, Matthew 28:18-20, ACTS 1:6-11
1. RESURRECTION CONFIRMED EVERYTHING ● How was the ascension described?
THAT JESUS HAD DONE AND TAUGHT. ○ Matthew: There was no “taking
● Jesus had a triple prediction of his up.” Jesus and his disciples were
passion, death, and resurrection. at the top of the mountain.
It also confirmed that He is the ○ Luke: He parted from his disciples
Messiah, which he attested and was “taken up” to heaven.
before the high priest, Caiaphas ○ Acts: Jesus was “lifted up” and
● The resurrection of Jesus Christ is was concealed by acloud. The
the primordial Christian disciples looked at the sky until
proclamation (CFC 614). It is the two men dressed in white
starting point of our faith and the approached them.
reason why the New Testament ● What did Jesus say to his disciples
was written. before he ascended into heaven?
2. JESUS FULFILLED ALL THE OLD TESTAMENT ○ Matthew: He instructed them to:
PROPHECIES PROMISING A SAVIOR FOR “make disciples of all nations,”
ALL THE WORLD and to “baptize and to teach
● The promises to Abraham and his them” everything that he did and
descendants reached its climax said.
in the resurrection of Jesus. ○ Luke: None.
○ Acts: He said that they will Ascension confirms Jesus’
receive the power of the Holy Lordship and Messiahship over all
Spirit and will become his creation.
witnesses to Jerusalem, Judea, 3. CHRIST CONTINUES TO EXERCISE HIS
Samaria, and to the ends of the PRIESTHOOD IN HEAVEN
earth. ● When he said, “I will be with you
until the end of time,” (MT 28:20),
THE ASCENSION OF JESUS INTO HEAVEN he reveals that his active
pronounced once he takes his
THE MEANING OF THE “ASCENSION” seat at the right hand of the
1. “Exaltation” connects both resurrection Father.
and ascension. It is synonymous with: to ● The Eleven Received the Holy
“be lifted up”, “elevation”, Spirit to Forgive Sins (John 20:22)
“glorification”, and “session at the right and the Power to Baptize and
hand of God the Father”. Teach (MT 28:19-20)
2. Ascension differs from “assumption”. In ● ASCENSION IS THE PRELUDE TO
the assumption event, Mary was “taken THE PENTECOST
up” not by herself but by the divine ● ASCENSION EMPOWERS JESUS’
power of the Holy Trinity into heavenly DISCIPLES IN THEIR MISSION
glory. In the ascension, Jesus Christ raise
himself up.

THE THEOLOGICAL MEANING AND Content proofread by Academics Committee

CFC 651


● Heaven is God’s inaccessible
private home. Jesus’ exaltation
affirms his “possession of an
entirely new existence – with
● Since everything seen and
unseen belongs to God, then
Jesus is present in the world in the
way the Father and the Holy Spirit
are present in the world.

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