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‫وزارة التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي‬

‫جامعة الكتاب‬
‫كلية العلوم‬
‫قسم علوم األدلة الجنائية‬

‫عنوان البحث‬
‫‪Force equilibrium‬‬

‫بحث مقدم من قبل الطالب‬

‫احمد جمال جاسم‬
‫زينه خلف حسين‬
‫أفراح شالل رشيد‬
‫امير حسين هارون‬
‫أيوب قصي عبدالستار‬
‫جوامير حسين حسن‬

‫بإشراف د‪.‬محمد جمعة‬

‫د‪.‬ديرين محمد‬

the introduction:

Balance of power is a term that refers to a

state of balance between interacting forces in a
given system. This concept is used in several
fields, including physics and engineering, to
describe states of equilibrium in objects and
Balance of forces in physics:

In physics, balance of forces relates to the forces acting

on objects and their states of motion. According to
Newton's laws, objects are in equilibrium if the force of
gravity is balanced by other equal and opposite forces.

Balance of forces in engineering structures:

Force balance principles are applied in engineering to

design stable structures. Balance is achieved when the
forces entering a structure equal the forces leaving it.
For example, in bridge construction, they are designed
to bear loads in balance to ensure their stability.

Balance of forces in chemistry:

Equilibrium reactions appear in chemistry when two
rates of a chemical reaction are close to each other. The
balance of chemical forces can be controlled by

changing the degrees of reaction or environmental

Balance of power in ecosystems:

Balance of power principles play a role in ecosystems

where the balance of the system is determined by the
interactions between various organisms and
environmental factors. Balance helps maintain the
environment's stability and biodiversity.

Balance applications in our daily lives:

In our daily life, the balance of forces is evident in daily

activities such as walking and carrying objects. The
human body constantly maintains its balance through
the interaction of muscles and gravitational forces.

Challenges and future directions:

The balance of power faces challenges with

technological progress and scientific developments.
Shifts in the global balance may occur with economic
and political changes. The future requires continued
research and innovation to understand and keep pace
with the balance of power in many areas.


Balance of power represents a fundamental concept in
understanding the behavior of different systems.
Thinking about this concept allows scientists, engineers,
and researchers to understand how forces interact in the
world around us and how to achieve balance in various

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