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Writing a thesis on South Sudan can be an incredibly challenging task due to the complex nature of

the subject matter and the limited availability of reliable sources. South Sudan, as a relatively young
nation, presents unique challenges in terms of research and analysis. From its turbulent history
marked by civil war and political instability to its socio-economic dynamics and cultural diversity,
there are numerous aspects to consider when undertaking such a project.

The process of writing a thesis requires extensive research, critical thinking, and analytical skills. It
involves delving deep into historical records, governmental reports, academic papers, and conducting
fieldwork where possible. Moreover, navigating through conflicting narratives and interpreting data
accurately adds another layer of difficulty to the task.

For those facing challenges in crafting a thesis on South Sudan, seeking professional assistance can
be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support to students and
researchers grappling with their thesis. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in South
Sudanese studies and research methodologies, ⇒ ⇔ ensures that your thesis meets
the highest academic standards.

By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress and uncertainty
associated with the writing process. Their personalized approach, attention to detail, and commitment
to delivering quality work will enable you to submit a comprehensive and well-researched thesis on
South Sudan. Don't let the complexities of writing a thesis overwhelm you – seek assistance from ⇒ ⇔ and embark on your academic journey with confidence.
Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search
for common ground. The Jieng Council of Elders (JCE), Gelweng (Kiir’s private militia), the SPLA
and the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) are apparatuses of the SPLM-IG. If the
government did not develop the country with the oil revenue, how could it do so with loans. It
conducts this strategy simultaneously with military maneuvers to weaken, frustrate, and pressure the
SPLM-IO-Riek to surrender. The majority of inhabitants live in rural areas without basic services.
These graphs are on many pages throughout her work. In the first round, Akuot won, but the
Ethiopian government abolished the result through the influence of Garang and ordered another
round, which Gai’s faction opposed and did not participate. He argued that the relocation campaign
desecrated the vision of the forebears of Africa. In addition, due to the large number of ponds and
rivers, this group has a diet rich in fresh and smoked fish. The attack on Bor was a counterstrike
because it was the Bor who first attacked the Naath civilians during Machar’s coup against Garang.
Potential T ransboundary W ater I ssues Caused by the Forming of the World’s Youngest Country.
After more than two decades of war, South Sudan officially seceded from Sudan. Hence, in self-
defense, these minorities established ethnic-based paramilitaries under Machar. Ms. Nazik Elzuber
Clinical Psychologist Juba Teaching Hospital. Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE)
Resolution 06.16 establishing an ad hoc committee on continued policy and pla. Strengthening Child
Participation in AU Peace Support Operations Project Strengthening Child Participation in AU Peace
Support Operations Project Key Focus of Priorities that Child Protection Actors should focus on Key
Focus of Priorities that Child Protection Actors should focus on Key Items of Priority that Child
Protection Actors should focus on in the nex. Analysis shows that the possibility of Machar’s
ultimate fall is getting higher as some of his forces surrendered to the government and the majority in
chaos. Scholars have isolated three predominant reasons for the killings. The SPLM wrangling of the
1980s ended up in the unsuccessful 1991 coup against Garang and the formation of the SSIM, led
by Riek Machar, which also fostered factionalism. Because he lacked tactical skills, Kiir quickly
resorted to military action again. The formulat. Download Free PDF View PDF African Studies
Review Cherry Leonardi. He has absolute constitutional powers, including the ability appoint and
dismiss elected officials. The Naath did not spare the lives of children, women or the aged. Machar
abandoned his position in Khartoum in 1999 and returned to the bush with a new rebel movement,
the Sudan People’s Democratic Front (SPDF). Sudan, recruitment of children in Sudan and Ethiopia
(South Sudanese and other. The Jieng (Dinka) tribe is the largest ethnic group in the country and the
Naath (Nuer) tribe is the second largest tribe. South Sudan’s First Year of Independence Mired in
Conflict. Whether it was ethnic conflict, religion, land, cultural identity, politics, resources, or a
mixture of any of these, each scholar used their research to the best of their ability to explain to the
public why their argument best explained the root of what has seemed to be constant warfare.
However, it now realizes that it cannot destroy Machar by fighting the Naath ethnicity because the
four-year war experience proves that military victory is impossible. The fourth manner in which taxes
contributed to social control was by centralising power in the national government rather than
sharing it across the territory.
Clearly they did not believe him because they kept coming back and asking the same questions. The
killers compelled the victims to eat flesh and drink blood of slain relatives, mothers coerced to cut
the throats of their children, and a woman was found dead with a piece of wood inserted into her
private part (Ruey 2014). Report this Document Download now Save Save sudan essay For Later 0
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Search inside document. The trick here is that Kiir doubted loyalty of some of his supporters whom
he had offered political portfolios and financial incentives. Despite the extreme violence this region
has experienced, people in Gogrial do not see their lives and their locality as defined by violence. An
example that illustrates the SPLM’s lack of knowledge is the 2012 South Sudan shutdown of its
crude petroleum, which represented 99% of its income, to penalize the Sudan government. Both
documents chart out an inclusive process for political reform, accountability, reconciliation and
healing. The world is currently focussed on the unrest at Southern Sudan’s border with its northern
cousin, but Flynn argues that it is just one of several border issues the new state will have to tackle.
Irrespective of what government rules Ethiopia, Ethiopia has always been committed to the African
independence and liberation. Video Say more by seamlessly including video within your publication.
Alternatively, he contended that if Gai wanted to be the Chief of General Staff, he (Garang) should
be the Chair of the movement. Our freedom and the socio-economic progress, we have thus far
attained, are ample testimonies of the correctness of our forebears’ vision (African Globe 2015).
However, Kiir’s government lacks these qualities, which disqualifies the Jieng from being “born
rulers.”. Taban Deng — Machar’s former ally who conspired against him — became the Vice-
President. The cause of the war is mainly the failure of the Naath-Jieng politics. While the peace
agreement is unraveling, the government continues to violate the ceasefire particularly in Western and
Eastern Equatoria states, forcing thousands to flee their homes. Another reason was due to the fact
that the United Nations have not acknowledged that what happened in Darfur was genocide. Hence,
the SPLM’s problem is not a loss of vision but a lack of knowledge on how to govern the state. Fana
Gebresenbet wrote that the environment and climate change was the primary cause of the conflict in
Darfur. The attack on civilians infuriated the Ethiopian leader, Colonel Mengistu Hailemariam, and
ordered Garang to halt the massacre. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information
through the use of cookies. For security reasons due to the pandemic, you do not need to pay for
booking. Internally Displaced Persons - An Integrated Approach to Rehabilitating IDPs. When the
South Sudan war erupted, EUPF received military assistance from the South Sudan government to
attack Machar positions and use the locations to attack Ethiopia. Consequently, Machar became the
President of the Southern Sudan Coordination Council and Assistant President of the Republic of
the Sudan. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital publishing. One
being that it was an ethnic issue between the Arab North and the African South. The atrocities
committed against targeted ethnic groups has fractured the society along ethnic and regional lines. In
Conflict and Politics of Identity in Sudan, Amir Idris argued that it was fighting between Arabs and
non-Arabs that has caused the conflict. The Ghanaian Armed Forces have named one of their
barracks in Ghana after Gondar.
However, on the issues of Africa Mengistu was as solid as Haile Selassie was. This was the worst
scenario because Malakan and his family would be hurt or worse, killed, because of me. Neither
Taban nor any other rebel figure enjoys the support Machar enjoys in the rebels’ camp. The peace
deal, mediated by the United States and Sudan's neighbors, set out a six-year timetable for the two
sides to work out their problems or split amicably. The first is that rather than revenue raising, taxes
in the peripheries acted as a glue to bargain with, and purchase support from, customary authorities
who were willing to collaborate with the new colonial regime. However, his analysis of the force
ratio between his force and Machar’s was wrong. GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social
media with custom GIFs. Then, what was the cause of the war and on what ground did Museveni
deploy his forces in South Sudan even before the war. Besides, Gai also argued that Southerners
could not decide for the Northern Sudanese who were not interested in the liberation. By continuing
to browse this repository, you give consent for essential cookies to be used. However, when friction
emerged in the war, they realized their miscalculations in considering all the Naath as their enemies.
However, the decisions of the JCE will never stabilize the country because the decisions are
oppressive, and the JCE does not comprehend the consequences of the war. Each Dinka village is an
autonomous political entity in itself. He was a member of a group of Eritrean academicians called
the “G 13” who wrote an open letter to the President of Eritrea in 2000, calling for democratic
reforms. He is the author of “The Dynamics of an Unfinished African Dream: Eritrea: Ancient Times
to 1968”, 2020 and co-author to “Asmara: Pictorial Book 1890-1938.”, 2018. Early next year, the
South is supposed to vote on whether to officially split from the North and become an independent
nation. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital publishing. After
more than two decades of war, South Sudan officially seceded from Sudan. These graphs are on
many pages throughout her work. Machar continued holding his position as First Deputy Chairman
with the SPLM. However, considering that Muslims were often the ones enslaving people in
Southern Sudan, their records might reflect their bias. A good scholar would try to incorporate
sources that went against their argument so that they can disprove what that source argues. The Nile
River makes a wide and lazy pass through the area, and little shepherd boys swim with enormous
white cows from the shore to their island corral. If he did not sack him, Machar would have
comfortably served him. The SPLM-IO-Riek does not even have unity of command, which is a
significant operational requirement. What’s at stake?. Gariballa Mohamed HRREC February 2011. In
contrast, this thesis will explore rural agency and the creative cultural management of insecurity
through making and remaking the landscape. Rolandsen (2015) contends that the causes of the war
are structural, weak patrimonialism and legacy of rebellion mentality. However, schooling or residing
in towns were taboos to the Naath culture, and town dwellers and school goers were branded as
being poor and thugs. We demand equal rights and equal treatment so that everyone can thrive, not
just survive. We offer lifesaving support in times of crisis and advocate for economic justice, gender
equality, and climate action.
In this situation, if Kiir had been ready to make peace with Machar, he would had done so. The
hardliners opted to ally with the Sudanese government. Kleptocracy is a Greek word, which means a
“government ruled by a thief or thieves” (AZ Dictionary 2017). Strengthening Child Protection in
Peace Support Operations in East and West A. Though aware of Kiir’s military plan, Machar
wrongly assumed that the international community would convince Kiir not to use force. They
worked with Machar to remove Kiir from the Party leadership. Gang rapes, massacre and
recruitment of children into the armies of the warring parties is rampant (Mulupi 2015). Hence, the
country has no proper governance structure to run the state. Yiang Mayhan lives in a little tent above
the Pibor River. Machar advocated for a secret ballot, whereas Kiir wanted the raising of hands to be
the constitutional method of voting. In contrast to the Naath, they are militarily inferior but
politically well organized, making them proud that they are “born to rule.” This pride persuades them
that their decisions are always right. Because Gerbresenbet focused solely on the environment, she
did not bring up other points of view. The tense situation persisted until Kiir decided to remove
Machar from the government in 2013, along with cabinet members whom Kiir believed were
“running a parallel government” with Machar. There is a strong possibility that the combined effort
of these actors will eventually collapse the SPLM-IO-Riek. Idris also brought up religion as it built
upon his argument. We will see how, living in the swampy areas of the Upper Nile, they are a
sedentary community. Ethiopia ordered the second round, which Gai’s faction rejected, and the polls
went on without the participation of Gai’s faction. The process of reconciliation and healing will be a
daunting task. The objective of the Naath easterly migration was to occupy the Jieng land and
assimilate the Jieng. In Juba, people have been known to hide bullets in their Bibles. We don’t
include international flights, but we will guide you at the moment of your booking the best options to
arrive to the destiny from your home. Report this Document Download now Save Save sudan essay
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Search inside document. Johnny Sullivan and Dave Christiansen. Overview. July 9, 2011: South
Sudan secedes from Sudan Culmination of decades of fighting Can new nation succeed. A ruling
party has to foresee its future, based on its performances, to be visionary. Though the Naath were in
the SPLA, the Jieng persecuted them and the Jieng did not trust the Naath. Then, the Ethiopian
government decided to arrest Gai, but he escaped to Sudan and his force became the Anya Nya II.
The United Nations says Akobo is on the verge of famine. However, Sudan believes that exclusion of
Machar prolongs the war. Strengthening Child Protection in Peace Support Operations in East and
West A.
Machar’s political pressure forced him to make an unwise decision. This is similar to what happened
in 1990s when they were under three enemies: the Sudan government, SSIM and SPLM. The
resuscitation of the agreement would remove Taban from the Vice-Presidency. There is a possibility
that the South Sudan civil war will causes regional war or even a world war if rebels get military aid
from the west. Analysts believes that despite austerity measures taken by the government in Juba, the
deficit is so great that it may be difficult to pay the salaries of the large and heavily armed military.
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Irrespective of what government rules Ethiopia, Ethiopia has always been committed to the African
independence and liberation. In addition, some of the faction’s members are also proponents of
Kiir’s removal. The objective of the Naath easterly migration was to occupy the Jieng land and
assimilate the Jieng. The Naath did not spare the lives of children, women or the aged. Additionally,
if the government did not attack minority tribes, the minorities would not be part of the war. The
sources that Fana Gebresenbet used to show her argument are primarily based on the changing
climate in Darfur. Gai convinced his leadership that the Anya Nya II should join the SPLM, with
Garang as the leader, as that would end the polarization within the liberation movement, and Garang
agreed. They fought over executive portfolios while they were not in government. In 22 years of
fighting, more than 2 million people were killed and millions more displaced. Some victims were
forced to have sexual intercourse with their mothers at gunpoint. This is an underestimation of the
reality of the conflict. The racial tension brought forth during the slave raids of the 18th and 19th
century undoubtedly left scars that would reappear in the early 21st century. Addis Ababa ruled at
that stage by Emperor Haile Selassie - a person who is very different ideologically from this new
generation of African leaders. The opposition has been forced to delay sending its advance team to
Juba several times due to lack of funds and unjustifiable objections from the GOSS about the size of
the team. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading experience with a simple link. He
argued that if Gai wanted to be the Chair, he (Garang) would be the Chief of General Staff and vice
versa. They contend that a political solution will never materialize under Kiir. The tension continued
until it became obvious that the country was sliding into a full-scale war. The Naath also positioned
themselves in opposition to the SPLA. However, Garang objected to this proposition, arguing that
Akuot does not qualify to lead because he had betrayed the Southern Sudanese during their struggle
against the government of the Sudan. Putting Children First: Session 3.1.C Barbara Kalima-Phiri -
Link between chi. Once established, they dived into the cause or causes behind the conflict. He also
said that he was getting worried because the men had intensified their searches and were lurking
around the windows, listening to his conversations and also surveilling his house at night.
It argues that transforming the landscape is both a way of mediating insecurity and a central part of
local historical narratives. The tension continued until it became obvious that the country was sliding
into a full-scale war. Deng is the minister of presidential affairs for southern Sudan. Gang rapes,
massacre and recruitment of children into the armies of the warring parties is rampant (Mulupi 2015).
The group will meet at the airport to begin this South Sudan photo tour. Their position is to crush
Machar’s leadership, and are successful in every step except breaking the will of Machar’s grassroots
supporters. What would happen if the men looking for me got tired of listening to and believing
Malakan. AMANI - Data Management System on Roster and Training in Child protection in. The
interest of the SPLM-IO-Taban is for Taban to be the Vice-President. The Jieng Council of Elders
(JCE), Gelweng (Kiir’s private militia), the SPLA and the National Intelligence and Security
Services (NISS) are apparatuses of the SPLM-IG. It was an impasse, which the Ethiopian
government attempted to mediate, but to no avail. In addition, due to the large number of ponds and
rivers, this group has a diet rich in fresh and smoked fish. Consequently, Machar called for the
amendments to the national constitution of South Sudan, and of the SPLM, arguing that they gave
Kiir absolute powers. South Sudan offered operational space to Egyptians to confront Ethiopia, but
the areas it offered Egypt are under the SPLM-IO-Riek. One author that he cited multiple times was
Douglas H. Johnson. The reasons that are not many primary sources were because oral tradition was
in these areas were widely used in these areas. If a man abducts children or women, the children
become his children and women his wives. Gai convinced his leadership that the Anya Nya II should
join the SPLM, with Garang as the leader, as that would end the polarization within the liberation
movement, and Garang agreed. The journey is focused in travelers interested in the last tribal
societies and who want to photograph that world so particular that it is only found in South Sudan.
These challenges include an economic crisis, clashes and cattle raids in Jonglei State, and a violently
contested border with Sudan. When the South Sudan war erupted, EUPF received military assistance
from the South Sudan government to attack Machar positions and use the locations to attack
Ethiopia. South Sudan’s First Year of Independence Mired in Conflict. Resources Dive into our
extensive resources on the topic that interests you. It’s the story of people like 19-year-old Deng
Makwach, who saw a gun trained on an elderly man—someone he had never met—and jumped to
action, challenging the gunman to stop or shoot Makwach instead. Kiir argued on various occasions
that Machar had tried to sabotage his government, accusations that Machar constantly denied. Adobe
InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. The
tense situation persisted until Kiir decided to remove Machar from the government in 2013, along
with cabinet members whom Kiir believed were “running a parallel government” with Machar. There
is no harmony among the tribes because each would like a leader from its respective tribe. Act With
Her Ethiopia: Short-run findings on programming with Very Young Adol. Do social protection
programmes make a difference in supporting adolescent we. In Conflict and Politics of Identity in
Sudan, Amir Idris argued that it was fighting between Arabs and non-Arabs that has caused the

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