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The issue of choosing a work because of its earnings or by it’s enjoyability is a very tough

choice. In my opinion, I think that people should choose a job they want and I will give the
reasons to support my belief.
Firstly, because you will work with the same thing every day for the rest of your life, it is
better to choose something that you like to work with.
Secondly, if you choose a certain type of job that you can’t handle, you will get sick and
spend all the extra money that you earned.
Lastly, when you work in a field that you like, you will specialize in that certain subject.
Because of that, your specializations will grant you an extra income in the field that you
already like.
In conclusion, choosing a job that you like is much more important than choosing a job that
pays well. The reasons for that are, firstly, you will spend a lot of time doing what you want,
secondly you can get sick by choosing a hard job, and lastly, you will eventually earn money
in the field that you like.

Report on the Instructions to the Film Club


The aim of this report is to outline the suggestions that students have on the Film Club from
our school.

What should we watch

Many of the students have shown interest in action movies, even though those are very
entertaining, some other students suggested that we could have a calendar that in each
week we would have a different genre of movies to watch.

How often should we meet

Many classmates said that a good deadline to watch a long movie would be one week. They
also said that it would be great to notify the students of the schedules by sending them

How should we advertise the club

Many people said that it would be great to just make a poster in the school hall and if
necessary, we could send emails to the students with a digital poster.


In my opinion, I think that we could also have some projects in the club that incentivise the
students to record their own short movies, that way we could also learn how the movies are
made in practice.
Happiness in Modern Days

The search for happiness is a common theme among philosophers throughout history. Even
though many have come up with their own answers, there is not a common sense of
happiness for everyone.
In my perspective, being happy in the modern days is about having time to spend with others
and with yourself. As an example, the moments that I feel most relieved are when I have
time to just relax and think by myself about my own life. Taking time to relax is a form of
being happy in the chaotic modernity.
Although being alone sometimes is good, I feel like spending time with family and friends
brings a feeling of happiness in my life, because what is the point in reflecting and thinking
about new things if you can’t share those new thoughts with anybody?
I think that in the end, the key for happiness is about having time to spend on whatever you
want. If you have spare time, go out and take time to relax or meet with the people you like,
you will certainly feel just a little better!

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