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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Synthesis Essay on the Electoral College

Crafting a synthesis essay on the Electoral College can be an arduous task that requires a deep
understanding of the topic and a mastery of analytical and critical thinking skills. As students
embark on the journey of writing a thesis on this complex subject, they often find themselves
grappling with various challenges that can hinder the quality of their work.

One of the primary difficulties lies in the intricate nature of the Electoral College system itself. The
system's historical context, its role in the U.S. electoral process, and the debates surrounding its
effectiveness are multifaceted and demand extensive research to be thoroughly comprehended. The
synthesis of diverse perspectives on the Electoral College requires a nuanced approach, which can be
time-consuming and mentally taxing.

Moreover, the synthesis essay format demands the integration of information from multiple sources,
necessitating a careful selection of relevant and credible materials. The need to sift through academic
articles, historical documents, and contemporary opinions adds an additional layer of complexity to
the writing process. Students must navigate through a sea of information, critically evaluate each
source, and synthesize disparate viewpoints into a cohesive and persuasive argument.

Furthermore, the demand for clarity and coherence in the synthesis essay can pose challenges for
students striving to communicate their ideas effectively. Striking the right balance between analysis
and synthesis, while maintaining a logical flow of arguments, requires a high level of writing

In light of these challenges, students seeking assistance in crafting a high-quality synthesis essay on
the Electoral College can turn to professional writing services for support. Among the myriad
options available, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable platform that offers expert
guidance tailored to the unique requirements of each student. provides a dedicated team of experienced writers who specialize in political science
and related fields. With their in-depth knowledge and writing prowess, these professionals can help
students navigate the complexities of the Electoral College topic, ensuring the delivery of well-
researched, coherent, and compelling synthesis essays.

In conclusion, tackling a synthesis essay on the Electoral College can be a daunting task, but with the
right support, students can overcome the challenges and produce a stellar piece of academic writing.
Consider reaching out to ⇒ ⇔ for expert assistance tailored to your specific
needs, and embark on your journey to academic success with confidence.
It is good to browse some samples of the synthesis essay to realize the proper format for your paper.
The 12th Amendment replaced this system with separate ballots for the President and the Vice
President, with electors casting a single vote for each office. Eventually, in the Convention, the
matter was referred to the Committee of Eleven on Postponed Matters, which created the Electoral
College in its original form. This provision ensures that the election of the President takes place
through a method of indirect election. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and
requirements. Similarly, it was Brazil which elected its President through an electoral college during
the military rule. If you’re a Democrat running for president, you don’t have to spend too much time
or money trying to convince voters in democratic California and the same goes for Republican state,
Texas. It is responsible for making the voting system unfair. 6. The first electoral college came in
1787. 7. Donald Trump had the confidence of the electoral college. 8. Each state gets to put at least
three votes. 9. China has only two electoral colleges. 10. Electoral colleges unify the country. Every
electoral college has provision for each state to provide at least three votes. The Electoral College is
an imperfect system, and electors should not be allowed to misrepresent the votes of the populous.
The supporters of the Electoral College present the above arguments for the continuation of the
Electoral College and also regard the direct elections as a disaster. The system could be a recipe for
civil protests in the future. Last updated on November 26, 2020 by Norlyn Opinaldo Persuasive
essays aim to persuade readers into agreeing with the authors’ point of view. They suggested that
they do not want a person running the country due to being popular. I believe that this system works
well in Wales and Scotland as each country has parties associated with their own cultures; Plaid
Cymru and Scottish National Party for example. All in all the electoral college has always helped
magnify the scope of the incoming candidate's victory and for someone entrusted with the most
high-profile job in the world, an additional boost of legitimacy cannot be underestimated. A 1969
Maine Law provides for this method, and similar legislation has been considered in several other
states. Although Gore gained nearly half a million more votes than Bush he didn’t gain enough
electoral votes to win. Persuasive Essay Outline Writing Tutorial Persuasive Essay Outline Examples
Components of Persuasive Essay Outline Steps to Write a Persuasive Essay Outline Online
Persuasive Essay Outline Examples Persuasive Essay Student Frame This template is for student’s
who are looking for a way to simplify their outline. Lectures, interviews, various observations are
non-written sources. Critics point to the possibility that the electoral college discouraging voter
turnout in many states. Abolish meaning to do away with the Electoral College process as it
currently stands, and we define the Electoral College as the number of electors per state that
formally chose the President and Vice President of the United States. For instance, it would require
amendments or state laws to commence. States are the foundation of governments and regimes, and
use power and fear to keep order. Thus, in the USA, the most populated states like California, Texas,
Florida and New York have the maximum expression. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the
Electoral College has worked towards unification and support of democracy in the country by
encouraging competition between two party systems. Kimberling (1992) adds that the Electoral
College has ensured a maintained existence and performance of the federal government.Electoral
Colleges are never appropriate for federal or states’ elections due to the possibility of electing a
minority president. Many times, such a provision creates unjust ruling and discourages individual
and small parties to take part in the election. Understanding the electoral college.” LearnNC. 21
March 2009. Finally, the convention settled for the indirect method of election of the president
through the electoral college and this procedure was stipulated in Article II, Section 1 of the
Constitution of the United States (Kolodny 45-65). The plan was met with widespread approval and
was incorporated into the final document with some minor changes being made to it.
The reform of the Electoral College system could lead to the dismantling of the federal system. Do
you think the Electoral College should be abolished Why or why not quizlet. The votes were then
counted and the candidate that received the most was elected President and the runner-up then
became Vice President. Nineteen states and D.C. mandate that they vote in accordance with the
popular vote but, there’s no penalty if an elector fails to do so. Picking up the right topic is half of
your success. According the Learn NC, University of North Carolina’s Education Website, Wyoming
is allowed 3 electoral votes, but California, that has 70 times Wyoming’s population, only has 55
votes (Walbert par. 26). So, if you do the math with these two states, for this to be a fair process,
California should have to have more than 200 electoral votes. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. The researcher states that it is unlikely that by employing
the popular vote as a measure for electing the president would solve the many problems that at
moment the electoral college has solved. One of the significant roles played by the Electoral College
involves contribution to the reconciliation and cohesiveness the by advocating and backing for a
popularly elected candidate (Kimberling, 1992). Each elector castes his or her ballot based on the
outcome of the popular vote in his or her district. I predict that girls do better at GCSEs in Samuel
Whitbread Community Colle. The Electoral College was established with the sole aim of
neutralizing the conflicts of interest among various states fighting to forward their particular
candidate for the presidential position. The votes in an electoral college depend, although partially,
on the representation of the House. Long and Short Essays on Electoral College for Students and
Kids in English We are providing students with samples of essay on an extended piece of 500 words
and short writing of 150 words on the topic “Electoral College Essay” for reference. Many of the
weaknesses of the Electoral College apply just as well to the Senate and, in some ways the House of
Representatives. Nineteen states and D.C. mandate that they vote in accordance with the popular
vote but, there’s no penalty if an elector fails to do so. Our customer service team will review your
report and will be in touch. ?7.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?7.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 20 September 2021 Share this Share through email
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LukeP2001 5.00 1 reviews Not the right resource. Furthermore, the Electoral College was designated
to prevent citizens from electing sons of their regions by commissioning voting for two presidential
candidates one of whom is from another state. This was witnessed in the George Bush regime that
enjoyed little or no support from those who had not voted for him. He further informs that America
is a nation of States not of autonomous individuals and he regards Electoral College as a good
system of elections. It should use this system alone and do away with the Electoral College system
as it is not only expensive and complex but also ignores the wish of the majority at times. This is
thought to aid the healing of election scars and help the new president in governing. Stiff
competition under the single member plurality may result into massive split of votes across the
district and result to the triumph of a least preferred electorate. It will ensure that candidates will
concentrate their campaigns on the whole nation and not the states with many electoral votes, which
will help the voters to feel part of the system and part of the campaign. Late in the convention, the
matter was referred to the Committee of Eleven on Postponed Matters, which devised the electoral
college system in its original form. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of both the current
electoral syste. As a result, voters in less key states tend to turn out in lower numbers than swing
states. The Electoral College enables the candidates to conduct a campaign on a State basis while on
the other hand, this can be seen as a disadvantage that the candidates are restricted on a State basis.
Congress was then empowered to set a nationwide date for choice and meeting of electors. “The
U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Constitution does not require that Electors be completely free
to act as they choose and therefore, political parties may extract pledges from electors to vote for the
parties’ nominees. There is much controversy over the electoral college’s validity now, and especially
post-2016 election where the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but
republican candidate Donald Trump won through the electoral college.
In addition, the means by which electors are delegated allows smaller states to have greater relative
influence than larger states on the results of the electoral college. Essentially, with our plan,
everyone’s vote does count towards the two highest officials of the country. Many large states are
not given the amount of electoral votes than they should. This was the situation in 1997 when the
Conservative Party lost an election after the Labour Government won a landslide victory. Each
elector castes his or her ballot based on the outcome of the popular vote in his or her district. Even if
the Electoral College is independent, it still stands a great ground for manipulation by certain
influential contenders in various positions of the federal leadership. Gore, the US Supreme Court
ordered that the recount be stopped. On the whole, it is the government who must do what they
believe is best on behalf of their country, however, on a smaller scale, we vote for our favoured MP
in a general election meaning that they also have a responsibility to represent their individual
constituency. Any system which discourages citizens from participating in their government is
definitively undemocratic. Currently, the proposal of the abolishment of the Electoral College is
presented by Bill Nelson, who is a senator from Florida. There are many online tools that can easily
provide you with ready-made templates. The final decision was made not by 105 million voters, but
by a 5-4 majority of the unelected U.S. Supreme Court, issuing a tainted and partisan verdict. It is
quite true that voting for the president and vice president does not take place directly by the citizens
but by the members of the Electoral College, who are elected by the citizens of the United States of
America. They can focus their money and time on the swing states like Colorado, Florida, Iowa,
Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and
Wisconsin. To a certain degree it is like writing letters when you can use the internet, writing letters
works,there is nothing wrong with it, but the internet, although it took a while to adjust is a step
forward and works better. In history, the popular vote has been disregarded four times now in U.S.
Elections, so we should stop the Electoral College process before the next election (Walbert par. 20).
The founding fathers of this body created it some 200 years ago. Therefore, on the team that will
win this debate, I am proud to ask for the popular vote of this class. These individuals feel as if there
should be a direct election for the president so that every citizen gets one vote and whoever gets the
majority wins. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. The main problem
is that the system clearly has the potential to frustrate the electorate. Critics point to the possibility
that the electoral college discouraging voter turnout in many states. Most electors are people who
have been loyal and dedicated members of their political party for a long time, not just any person
walking the streets, even though it’s still possible but not likely. Another benefit of the Electoral
College system is that the minorities of the United States of America get their full rights for voting
and to bring a change. I have just forwarded this onto a coworker who has been conducting a little
omework onn this.And he actually bought me breakfast because Ifound it forr him. lol. So let me 0 0
0 Reply Sonny Simpson 2020-12-31 22:45:41 Persuasive essays were one of hardest things that I
encountered during my university days. Donald Trump could win the elections only because the
electoral college was in favour of him. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for
your paper. In order to become president a candidate need to secure a minimum of 270 votes. By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Going by the unpleasant results of elections, many
countries have established special and independent bodies to coordinate the election processes.

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