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4-MAT Book Review for Untie the Fear Knots…of Your Heart by Dr. Ken Nichols

Danita R. Davis

School of Divinity, Liberty University

Author Note

Danita R. Davis

I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Danita R. Davis



The book, Untie the Fear Knots…of Your Heart, by Dr. Ken Nichols provides a

collection of relatable stories in which each person had to identify and learn to manage fear. The

author explores three types of fear, motivating, manipulating, and consecrated fear, and how they

manifest themselves in a person's daily life. Dr. Nichols also explains that we all experience fear

and it is a natural reaction, during this book there are many types/displays of how fear manifests

itself in the lives of people. The examples and stories provide relatable experiences and how each

person managed to acknowledge and overcome their fears. The author uses language that is

understood by most people as he explains how fear and faith can work together. He explores the

physical and psychological ramifications of letting fear become irrational and unmanaged.

As Dr. Nichols explains each scenario, many of the quotes are memorable. For example,

he delves into the “faith” of denial and how it is irresponsible to use it when a person is in a

dangerous predicament. Understanding that with faith many people associate a positive outcome

instead of a realistic outcome.

Throughout the book, several areas of importance should be considered as Christians.

The book explores how we acknowledge or face up to our fear, how to untie the knots of fear, or

discover the roots of what causes it. We explore how we think about fear and how unmanaged

fears can elicit physiological responses such as sickness. As we delve deeper we learn of the

correlation between fear and faith. We also explore hope. The book defines hope as “faith in the

future tense.” (Nichols, 2010, p. 108) Our hope is not in our control but in God’s. The journey of

this book ends with love. Knowing that God’s love is nothing we can earn or deserve, it is the

tool that allows us to move from fear to love. God’s love overshadows all fear as he is a provider

as he reassures in Matthew 6, He is a protector as in Psalm 27. We don’t fear the things in our

circles of control and concern. This book reassures the reader that God is with them in this

journey called life to show the way and conquer fear and doubt.

Concrete Response

With the topic of fear, there are many episodes of experiencing and overcoming. In my

46 years of life, I’ve had many battles with fear, anxiety, and even psychosomatic illnesses due

to irrational or unmanaged fear. I can remember growing up and every time someone would die,

I had an overwhelming fear of dying. I would be afraid to sleep, afraid of the dark, afraid to go in

the basement, just very afraid that I would die. This happened well into my adult life. There were

certain aspects that I grew out of like my fear of the dark and the basement. Others remained,

like there was still fear of dying especially when it’s someone I know or is close in age to me. I’d

have nightmares or I’d just stay awake as long as I could.

This was particularly prevalent when I began facing multiple major health issues. I’d had

some scares with renal failure, and varicose veins that caused swelling to the point I couldn’t

make it up three stairs without gasping for air. I’d gained a tremendous amount of weight, and I

would wake up gasping for air and calling my mom from Georgia to Virginia in fear that I was

going to die. I’d call my mom and she’d say “What do you want me to do? I’m 8 hours away!” I

can remember being so afraid to go to sleep because I thought I was going to die because I was

suffocating due to sleep apnea. Waking up gasping for air happened frequently and I’d call my

mom in the middle of the night each time and each time she’d say the same thing, then I’d ask

her to pray for me. Then she asked if I prayed for myself. I can now appreciate that she asked.

When it happened again, I had to exercise my faith over fear, pray to God about my fear, and

make a decision to let it take me over. To caveat that, I was a single mom, 600 miles from home

without a real support system. I knew my children would be broken if I wasn’t there to take care

of them. As I began to pray, God began to give me scriptures that I would pray to go back to

sleep. My favorite is still Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the

Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” (New

International Version, 1973) I knew since God had a plan I was not going to die at that time.

Another was 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of

love, and of a sound mind.” (King James Version, 1611) I knew that I should not have such

overwhelming fear, but I was not aware of the power God already had given me. One of the

lessons learned from this was that I was harboring unforgiveness for myself and others, I believe

this was the root of this fear. Once I began to let go of the hatred and unforgiveness I’d been

holding on to this was the turning point in turning my “Fear knots into fear nots.” (Nichols,



I was looking forward to a deeper discussion on psychosomatic illness created by the

body’s responses to our emotions. Since fear and other emotions start in the mind, what is your

approach when counseling these individuals? While reading the book, The Bondage Breaker by

Dr. Neil Anderson where his primary focus in counseling sessions is to understand whether an

illness or situation is being caused by a spiritual deficiency or if it is an actual physical illness. I

was looking for more of that type of insight as we learn to bridge the gaps between Christianity

and psychology.

On page 8 there was a statement, “Fear is out of place, even in fearful situations, because

God is with us.” As a counselor, what is the method of helping people understand this without

getting “churchy?” As a person who has attended numerous counseling sessions, there was very

little I was willing to accept at the beginning of treatment. While may have heard and know that

God is with them in a situation where there is an emotional and/or mental disturbance conveying

this could be difficult.


To apply the principles and lessons from this book I would approach this topic in the

following way.

Dear Friend,

We have known each other for some time now and I have been noticing some changes in your

demeanor and how you manage your life. While I know we talk about many things I am aware

that there are things you may keep private. As I watched you, I saw that fear had taken hold of

you. I want you to know that I am available to listen and pray with you when you’re ready. I

want to encourage you that no matter what you’re facing God is with you. You’re never alone,

God has not given us a spirit of fear, many times our fear and unsettled emotions are caused by

misunderstandings and even unforgiveness for ourselves or others. I pray that the love of God

will reassure you, bring you peace, increase your faith, and restore love to your heart.

Your friend


The changes I can make in my life are to focus on my faith, especially in times when fear

seems to be the first response. Many of the lessons in the book I have already put into practice.

Throughout the experiences in my life, I’ve learned to find peace in my situations and to forgive

myself and others as quickly as I want God to forgive me.



Anderson, N. (2010). The bondage breaker. Harvest House Publishers.

Nichols, K. (2010). Untie the fear knots…of your heart. Liberty University Press.

King James Version. (1611). Bible Gateway website.

New International Version. (1973). Bible Gateway website.

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