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The Night Before TikTok

By Joshua Lohmann and Caine Zhang

Twas the night before TikTok, when everything was dandy,

It was 2016, and instagram was handy
People were happy like never before
Then came along TikTok with a nasty uproar

Chaos began when TikTok was convoked

Parents were laughing until the news broke
While Children were poisoned, their spirits so glum
Parents were eating without leaving a crumb

When instagram decided to finally fight back

They failed horribly and retreated with a quack
In a final attempt to regain the throne
Facebook began the battle in the zone

They bashed and clashed until they could no more

They battled and struggled until they heard a roar
When, what to everyone's eyes should appear
Snapchat had come, with a scary feeling for fear

With a ghosty logo, almost like a bat

They knew in a moment it must be Snapchat
The battle ongoing with instagram on the skyline
They readied, and emerged, and swung in on a vine
“Now Whatsapp! Now, Facebook! Now, Instagram and WeChat!
On, Reddit! On, Twitter! On, Youtube and Snapchat!
To the top of the chain, to the top of it all!
Now Battle away! Battle away! Battle away all!

As the battle continued all the people eyed

Tiktok did a promotion, people were being bribed
So after the battle with almost everyone defeated
The final result, Youtube had succeeded

And then, in the midst, we all sensed

Youtube looked up and very much tensed
As Youtube looked up, and Tiktok looked down
Tiktok fought back and continued with a frown

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”

Sun Tzu said which Facebook took in unity
As Facebook acknowledged this advice
They waited for the right moment, to come in and dice

Facebook waited and waited! Their hopes so high!

Their plan was excellent, their execution so spry!
There attack and plan was ready to go
And the execution was just about to show

They struck and struck very very hard

Tiktok and Youtube shook and got scarred
They continued battle surprised as ever
Eliminating Youtube, from the battle forever

They battled on and on, the people eyed

Content uploaded a lot everyday, the battle so very tied
When Facebook decided to strike very hard
Tiktok prepared like an excellent guard

Facebook struck and struck, like never before

Tiktok defended it all; to protect their core
And Facebook uploading more and more
And Tiktok, not uploading much anymore

Facebook had waited, the moment had come

They struck and struck and fought like a drum
They had finally won, they felt very prime

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