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I. Choose the best answer. Write the letter in the blank.

1. The movement of Earth’s crust is due to __x__. _____
a. waves b. shifting of plates c. lightning and thunder
2. The biggest earthquake is set off by __x__ _____
a. volcanic eruption b. landslip c. tectonic plates
3. A fracture in earth’s crust . _____
a. slip b. fault c. fissure
4. The fastest moving seismic waves . _____
a. P waves b. S waves c. L waves
5. It can pass through any part of the Earth. _____
a. S waves b. P waves c. L waves
6. Earthquakes are detected by an instrument called __x___. _____
a. seismogram b. systemic c. seismograph
7. Rocks in the earth’s crust can store a great amount of__x__before
they fracture. _____
a. seismic waves b. stress c. potential energy
8.The type of seismic wave that can cause most damage . _____
a. P- waves b. S-waves c. L- waves
9. The __x-__ is where the strongest shaking of the earthquake is felt. _____
a. epicenter b. focus c. fault
10. It is the underground point of origin of an earthquake. _____
a. focus b. fault c. epicenter
11. A shaking or trembling of Earth’s solid crust. _____
a. tsunami b. earthquake c. Volcanic eruption
12. The dense layer of the crust. _____
a. oceanic crust b. continental crust c. mantle
13. The convection in the mantle cause __x__. _____
a. plate movement b. seismic waves c. lightning
14. The formation of new crusts in the ocean floor. _____
a. sea floor spreading b. continental drift c. plate tectonic
15. The shell of rock between the crust and the core. _____
a. inner core b. outer core c. mantle
II. True or False

__________1. Earthquakes occur along fault line.

__________2. The crustal plates are always moving.
__________3.Convectioncurrents occurs in the mantle
__________4. Aftershock occurs before an earthquake.
__________5. Volcanic eruption can cause earthquake.
__________6. Liquefaction occurs in slightly weak earthquakes.
__________7. Earthquakes usually occur in the Pacific Ring of Fire.
__________8. One can enter a damaged building soon after an earthquake.
__________9. Practicing earthquake drills is one way of earthquake preparedness.
__________10. The intensity of an earth quake is always the same in the same areas.

III. Analogy.
Choose from the answers inside the box.

Faulting magnitude syncline P waves trenches

1. If unfold is to anticline, downfold is to ___________________

2. Anticlines forms mountains while syncline forms _______________.
3. ___________ waves travel in solid and liquid while S waves can travel only in solids.
4. Mountain ranges are formed by folding; block mountain are formed by ____________.
5. Intensity refers to how people and man-made structures are affected by an earthquake
while _____________ refers to the total energy released at the epicenter.
III. Label the following. 1) Name the layers of the earth.
2)Tell what seismic waves can travel through this layer.

1)________________ 2) _____________

1)_________________2) _____________

1)_________________2) ______________

1)_________________2) ______________

IV. Matching Type. Match Col. A with Col. B.

Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

________1. The movement of plates a. convergent boundaries

________2. when two plates collide b. tectonics
________3. two plates pull away from each other c. divergent boundaries
________ 4. two plates slide in opposite directions d. ridge
________ 5. a long narrow chain of mountains e. transform boundaries
________6. Continental Drift Theory f. Harry Hess
________7. a valley between two ridges g. Alfred Wegener
________8. Sea Floor Spreading h. rift
________9. The part of the mantle near the crust i. asthenosphere
which is soft and plastic. J. Pangaea
________10. a super continent

V. Filling the blanks. Choose your answer from the box.

Magma plates tectonics mantle crust convection current

The theory of plate tectonics states that the lithosphere of the earth is divided into pieces
called ____________. The movement of the plates is called _______________.
What makes plates move lies in the _______________________ caused by heated rock
material within the fluid part of Earth’s mantle.

The Theory of Sea Floor Spreading states that the sea floor is spreading from the mid-
ocean ridge where __________________ from the ____________ hardens and forms
new _____________________.

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