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Human Recourse


Activity Plan 5

Abdul Haseeb 191350119

Shoaib Ali 191360310

Human Recourse
Employee Test for Hiring a Safety Officer

Stage 1: General Skills and Knowledge:

 Risk Assessment and Identification:

Scenario: Describe the steps you would take to identify potential safety hazards in

different areas of a tiles Production.

 Emergency Response and Procedures:

Multiple Choice: Identify the appropriate actions to take in case of fire, equipment

malfunctions, or other emergencies at the tile production areas.

 Communication and Training:

Writing Exercise: Draft a clear and concise safety briefing for workers on a specific

task at the tiles production, emphasizing key safety hazards and preventive measures.

Stage 2: Safety Officer Specific Assessment:

 Occupational Safety Regulations:

True/False: Evaluate statements regarding legal requirements and safety standards

applicable to tiles operations.

Human Recourse
 Hazard Mitigation and Control:

Case Study: Analyze a hypothetical accident scenario at the tiles and propose practical

solutions to prevent its recurrence, focusing on engineering controls, administrative controls,

and personal protective equipment (PPE).

 Safety Inspection and Reporting:

Role-Playing Exercise: Conduct a simulated safety inspection of a

designated area in the tiles production, identifying potential hazards and providing

constructive feedback to workers while practicing effective communication and

conflict resolution skills.

Employee Test for Hiring an Automation Engineer

Stage 1: General Skills and Knowledge:

 Electrical and Electronics Principles:

Multiple Choice:

 Identify the basic principles of electricity and electronics relevant to automation


Human Recourse
 Explain the function of common electrical components such as relays, switches, and


 Understand the concept of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and their role in


 Programming and Logic:

Coding Exercise:

 Write a simple PLC program to control a specific process.

 Demonstrate understanding of ladder logic and basic programming constructs.

 Explain the logic behind your code and its intended functionalities.

Stage 2: Automation Engineer Specific Assessment:

 Industrial Automation Knowledge:

Multiple Choice:

 Identify different types of industrial sensors and their applications in tiles production


 Explain the principles of industrial communication protocols used in automation


Human Recourse
 Understand the basics of actuator control and safety interlocks in automated


 Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving:

Scenario: A malfunction occurs in one of the automated systems at the tiles production.

Analyze the symptoms, identify the potential cause, and propose troubleshooting steps to

diagnose and fix the issue.

 Automation Project Design:

Case Study

Develop a proposal for implementing a new automation system for a specific task in

the tiles production. The proposal should include system design, component selection, cost

estimation, and potential benefits.

Employee Test for Hiring a Sales and Marketing Specialist

Stage 1: General Skills and Knowledge:

 Market Research and Analysis:

Scenario: Describe your approach to researching a potential new market segment for your

tiles products. What metrics and resources would you utilize?

 Communication and Negotiation:

Human Recourse
Role-Playing Exercise: Simulate a sales negotiation with a potential customer interested in a

bulk order of tiles. Demonstrate effective communication, objection handling, and

negotiation skills to secure the deal.

 Written Communication and Presentation:

Writing Exercise: Develop a compelling marketing campaign concept for promoting a

specific type of tiles produced by Master tiles. Craft a concise presentation outlining the

target audience, key messaging, and chosen channels.

Stage 2: Sales and Marketing Specialist Specific Assessment:

 Tiles Industry Knowledge:

Multiple Choice: Identify the key factors influencing market demand for tiles in different

construction sectors. Explain the advantages and dis-advantages of various tiles types (clay,

concrete, etc.)

 Marketing and Sales Planning:

Case Study: Master tiles faces increased competition from a new player in the market.

Analyze the competitive landscape and develop a comprehensive marketing and sales

strategy to maintain market share and attract new customers.

Human Recourse
Employee Test for Hiring a Process Improvement Specialist

Stage 1: General Skills and Knowledge:

 Problem-Solving and Root Cause Analysis:

Scenario: Tiles breakage during transportation has increased significantly. Describe your approach

to identifying the root cause of this issue and proposing improvement strategies.

 Data Analysis and Visualization:

Data Set: You are provided with data on production times, energy consumption, and waste

generation across different stages of tiles production. Analyze the data using charts and graphs to

identify potential areas for improvement.

 Communication and Presentation:

Writing Exercise: Create a concise and compelling proposal for implementing a specific lean

manufacturing concept at the master tiles, highlighting potential benefits and cost savings.

Stage 2: Process Improvement Specialist Specific Assessment:

 Lean Manufacturing Knowledge:

Multiple Choice:

 Which lean principles are most applicable to optimizing Master tiles production processes?

Human Recourse
 Describe the concept of value stream mapping and its role in process improvement.

 How can waste be identified and eliminated in different stages of tiles production?

 Case Study:

Scenario: A bottleneck in the drying stage is limiting overall production capacity. Analyze the

drying process, identify the specific bottleneck, and recommend improvement strategies using lean

tools and techniques.

Employee Test for Hiring a Production Manager

Stage 1: General Skills and Knowledge:

 Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:

Scenario: A key supplier of clay suddenly delays delivery, impacting your production schedule.

How would you adapt your plan to ensure timely tiles production while minimizing quality


 Data Analysis and Interpretation:

Human Recourse
Data Set: You are provided with charts showing production output, resource utilization, and quality

control data for the past quarter. Identify any areas for improvement and propose operational

adjustments to optimize efficiency.

 Effective Communication:

Group Discussion: Facilitate a team discussion on implementing a new production technology at the

master tiles. Guide the discussion, ensure participation, and summarize key takeaways.

Stage 2: Production Manager Specific Assessment:

 Production Knowledge:

Multiple Choice:

 Which factors significantly impact the quality and strength of tiles?

 Describe the key stages involved in tiles production at a master tiles.

 What maintenance procedures are crucial for ensuring optimal equipment performance in

tiles production?

 Simulation Exercise:

Human Recourse
Scenario: You are presented with a simulated production schedule and limited resources. Make

decisions on raw material allocation, equipment utilization, and labor deployment to maximize tiles

output while maintaining quality standards.

Test for Hiring an Environmental Engineer

Stage 1: General Skills and Knowledge:

 Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:

Scenario: Dust emissions from your Master tiles have exceeded permitted levels. Describe the steps

you would take to identify the source of the problem and develop a plan to mitigate it.

 Data Interpretation and Analysis:

Data Set: You are provided with a table showing monthly particulate matter (PM) emissions data

from the master tiles for the past year. Analyze the data and identify any trends or patterns. Suggest

potential causes for any significant fluctuations.

 Effective Communication:

Writing Exercise: Write a concise and informative report to the plant manager explaining the cause

of the dust emission issue and outlining your proposed mitigation plan.

Stage 2: Environmental Engineer Specific Assessment:

 Technical Knowledge:
Human Recourse
Multiple Choice:

 Which air pollution control technologies are most effective for reducing PM emissions from

master tiles?

 What are the key environmental regulations governing air quality standards for master tiles


 How can waste heat from the master tiles be utilized to reduce energy consumption and

environmental impact?

 Case Study:

Scenario: Master tiles is planning to expand production, potentially leading to increased air and

water pollution. Analyze the potential environmental impacts of the expansion and develop a

comprehensive environmental impact assessment (EIA) report.


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