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1. Every local government unit finds difficulties in achieving good governance.

In our locality the

first problem identified endemic is the unemployed young people in our community.We had our
graduates but then,no employment at all.The result was the high rate of unemployment is
increasing that leads poverty to our few members of the community.
 Second was the lack of support to educational assistance to students in the university.We all
should know that we are enjoying free tuition,but we are all aware of extra curricular activities
of our students.As the local government leaders in order to address this issue community
members,stakeholders can work to create educational programs,membership opportunities
and job training programs that help young people acquire the skills they need to succeed in life.
 Another policy of the local government of ours is "graduate family member policy" in other to
have a productive members of the community to have better future.The design of of these
policy is to promote every household to have family member to finish baccaluriat program.
 Our government will not stop crafting,creating policies in order to achieve better
governance,but sometimes they didn't succeed even the support of all stakeholders.The best
thing to do is to enhance the program and ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the

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