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Student: Jorge Lazo

Questions for lesson three

1. What does “apologetics” mean?
It means to defend the faith.
2. What are the three main methods of approaching apologetics?
a. Classical/evidentialism
b. Presuppositionalism
c. Contextualism
3. Which method do you think is best? Why?
I think it is Presuppositionalism because it is biblical, in other words, its starting
point is the biblical truth, and when talking about theology proper, the Bible
does not try to prove that God exists, but it assumes His existence, and so does
4. What are incommunicable and communicable attributes?
The incommunicable attributes of God are those attributes that He does not
share with anyone or anything, they are His alone! Communicable attributes
are those attributes that God shares with mankind, even though mankind will
never reflect those communicable attributes completely.
5. Name one incommunicable attribute.
6. Name one communicable attribute.
7. What does the teleological argument teach?
It pretty much goes from a design to a designer. In this argument is stated that
since there is a creation then that proves that there is a Creator.
8. What does the cosmological argument teach?
It is an attempt to prove that God exists by appealing to the principle that all
things have causes. There cannot be an infinite regress of causes, therefore,
there must be an uncaused cause: God.
9. Can general revelation save a person? Why?
Even though it can be used to strengthen the faith of the believer, it can’t save a
person because it is only through special revelation that a person can be saved.
Special revelation will talk about the mean of salvation, that is through faith
alone in Christ alone.
10. True or false: It is through special revelation that anyone can be saved?

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