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Introduction to World Religions &

Belief Systems
~ Worldviews, Belief Systems & Religion ~
Religion, Spirituality & Theology

Teacher III
You will distinguish the characteristics of religion, spirituality and

Specifically, this module will help you to:

• broaden your knowledge of the concepts presented above;

• appreciate the uniqueness of each concepts; and

• observe their effects in your relationships with yourself, others and God.
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.

_____1. Science claims that God cannot be observed because God has no physical attributes.
However, religion is also claiming that God can be studied through His manifestations and
revelations. In fact St. Thomas Aquinas suggested Five Ways in knowing God in his Summa
Theologiae. What specific discipline studies the nature of God and its manifestations?

A. Spirituality B. Philosophy of Religion C. Theology D. Theocracy

_____2. English words came from different origins like Latin, Spanish, French and old
English terms. The choices below are no exceptions. Etymologically it came from a Latin
word, “Religare” which means “to bind or tie.” Which of the words below refers to “religare”?

A. Religion B. Spirituality C. Culture D. Theology

_____3. It is defined as broader than religion. It goes beyond religious affiliation that strives
for inspiration, reverence, awe, meaning and purpose even to those who do not believe in
God. We can even attain this status even if we don’t belong to a specific religion. What is
this term called?

A. Spirituality B. Theology C. Animism D. Philosophy

______4. While there are many people who believe in God, others who also do not believe in
God. This belief was highlighted during the scientific age when the saying, “To see is to
believe” was foremost in the minds of people. If nothing can be seen or observed or
experimented then it does not exist. God cannot be observed therefore God does not exist.
What do you call the persons that do not believe in God.

A. Buddhists B. Pantheists C. Atheists D. Monotheists

______5. One of the statements reflects the beliefs of the Filipinos before Christianity was

A. Filipinos are polytheistic.

B. Filipinos are monotheistic?
C. Filipinos are animistic?
D. Filipinos are polytheistic, monotheistic and animistic?
Guess What!

To prove your understanding of the past lesson, you should be ready to accomplish this
task. You may do the following.

1. Answer the questions below based on your own worldview (pananaw).
2. What kind of worldview or belief systems do you have in your mind?
Human beings since time immemorial continue to raise questions that have been asked
again and again such as

 Does God exists?

 Why are you here?
 Where did you come from?
 Who created us?
 And where are we going?

Our longing for answers enable human beings to depend for a divine power or supernatural
being hopeful for some answers to the riddles of life. In the process, a person searching for
profound answers is the beginning of his encounter with the divine. Hence religion was
Religion and Spirituality

Religion, etymologically is defined as coming from the Latin world, “religare” or which
means “to bind” or “ to tie. “However, Oxford English Dictionary points out though that
the etymology of the word is doubtful. Early writers like Cicero connected the term with
“relegere” which means “to read all over again.” (Cornejo et al, 2019). Some persons even
gave a negative definition of religion like Karl Marx, the founder of Communism. He said
the religion is the opium of the people.
Popular view holds that you should become a member of a religious organization to
cultivate your spiritual life. Their views lead to the misunderstanding between Religion
and Spirituality.

The question is:

 Is religion the same as spirituality?

 Can you become a spiritual person without being a member of a religious organization?
 What is the difference between being religious and being spiritual?
Deepak Chopra has a very interesting differentiation
between religion and spirituality. He said, “Religion is a
belief to someone else’s experience while Spirituality is
having your own experience.”
For Dejan Davchevski, religion and spirituality are two different phenomena
Can you become a spiritual person without becoming a member of a religious

 The line between what is spiritual or religious may not be always clear or
distinct depending on the interpretation. (Serapio, 2016).

Religion and spirituality can blend harmoniously as Serapio expressed. The kernel of
religion is spirituality, and the essence of spirituality is God or the Supreme Being
(Serapio, 2016). She added that Spirituality is:

1. Beyond all religions yet containing all religions.

2. Beyond all science yet containing all science.
3. Beyond all philosophy yet containing all philosophy
Religion and Theology

Theology is a systematic study of God just like other disciplines such

as philosophy, psychology, sociology and other sciences.

 normally taken in the Seminaries or theological schools as an academic


 There is a saying that most theologians lost their faith in God because they
use only their mind in knowing God more than faith.
Philosophical theology

Philosophy uses reason to explain the essence or the ultimate reasons why things
exist and where they come from. Philosophical theology uses reason alone in
knowing about God. A famous theologian in the Catholic Church in the 13 th

century, St. Thomas Aquinas exemplify this approach. His work is called the
“Summa Theologiae” wherein one summa is devoted to the “Five Ways of Knowing
God.” Here the existence of God can be proven in five ways using logical
Activity 1.1. Draw-out
Objective: Ponder on the difference between a religious person and a spiritual person
through a sketch.


1. Sketch an image of a person who is “religious” but not spiritual” and a person who is
not religious but a “spiritual” person.

2. Use separate coupon bonds (short) in your illustration and then answer the following
guide questions below the illustration.

Critical Thinking Questions:

1. How did you feel after accomplishing the task?

2. What important realization/s did you encounter while doing the task?
3. Why is it important to distinguish the characteristics of these two concepts?
• Religion- etymologically came from the Latin word ‘religare’ which means “to
bind” or “to tie” or some authors use the word ‘relegere’ meaning to read again.

• Spirituality – tends to be more personal compared to religion which is more

organized and institutional.

• Theology- Is defined as the systematic study of the nature of the Divine and, more
broadly, of religious belief.

• Philosophical Theology – is the study of knowing God through the use of logical

• Sacred – something that possesses holiness. It could refer to things, places,

symbols or divine entity,
 Religious Rituals – religious rites," which are the sacred, customary ways of
celebrating a religion or culture.

 Animism - is defined as the belief in numerous spiritual beings concerned with

human affairs and capable of helping or harming human interests
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it in the space provided.

_____1. Science claims that God cannot be observed because it has no physical attributes.
However, religion is also claiming that God can be studied through His manifestations and
revelations. In fact St. Thomas Aquinas suggested Five Ways in knowing God in his Summa
Theologiae. What specific discipline that studies the nature of God and its manifestations?

A. Spirituality B. Philosophy of Religion C. Theology D. Theocracy

_____2. English words came from different origins like Latin, Spanish, French and old English
terms. The choices below are no exceptions. Etymologically it came from a Latin word,
“Religare” which means “to bind or tie.” Which of the words below refers to “religare”?

A. Religion B. Spirituality C. Culture D. Theology

_____3. It is define as broader than religion. It goes beyond religious affiliation that
strives for inspiration, reverence, awe, meaning and purpose even to those who do
not believe in God. We can even attain this status even if we don’t belong to a
specific religion. What is this term called?

A. Spirituality B. Theology C. Animism D. Philosophy

______4. While there are many people who believe in God, there are others who also
do not believe in God. This belief was highlighted during the scientific age when the
dictum, “To see is to believe” was foremost in the minds of people. If nothing can be
seen or observed or experimented then it does not exist. God cannot be observed
therefore God does not exist. How do you call the persons that do not believe in God.

A. Buddhists B. Pantheists C. Atheists D. Monotheists

______5. One of the statements reflects the beliefs of the Filipinos before Christianity
was introduced?

A. Filipinos are polytheistic.

B. Filipinos are monotheistic?
C. Filipinos are animistic?
D. Filipinos are polytheistic, monotheistic and animistic?

______6. Jesus Christ and Buddha are spiritual persons. If they are considered spiritual
persons, then each one of us could also attain the same status in some stages of our
journey towards life. Identify what statement does NOT describe a spiritual person

A. A person who sees God always in all things.

B. A person who always goes to church on Sundays
C. A person who experiences “Bodhi ” or “Enlightenment.”
D. A person who feels the force of nature and become one with it.
______7. Our relationship of the divine is always described as religious and spiritual.
However, being religious is not always spiritual and being spiritual is not always
religious. There are people who are religious but not spiritual and vice versa. What
phrase below best describes the relationship between religion and spirituality?

A. I B. I & II C. I, II & III D. I, II, III & IV

______8. This is a Filipino pre-Spanish belief that was considered pagan by the
Spaniards. Normally when we pass by a big tree in the forest we must say , “tabi-tabi
po,” as a sign of respect to other beings around. This is part of our culture and it is
defined as the belief in numerous spiritual beings concerned with human affairs and
capable of helping or harming human interests. What is this belief?

A. Monism B. Animism C. Theism D. Henotheism

______9. A common behavior of a member of any religious group is religious

protectionism which means that one’s religion is better than others. Religious founders
who even have no intention of founding a religion could be puzzled by this attitude.
What appropriate behavior should be displayed if you are a member of a religious

A. Prove that your God is the real one.

B. Criticize other Religious beliefs and traditions.
C. Respect the freedom of Religious preferences.
D. Proselytize and convert other people to join your religion.
_____10. This term is often misunderstood as the same as believing in God. It is
defined as the systematic study of the nature of the Divine and, more broadly, of
religious belief. It is taught as an academic discipline, typically in universities.

A. Philosophy B. Teleology C. Theology D. Archaeology

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