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Miray Doğan

English Language and Literature


Effective Presentation Skills

Ayşe Gülçin Göktay


The Value of Oratory

“If you want to be strong, be a wordsmith.

Language is like whip in hands of a fighter.

he who speaks well is more virtuous than a good fighter.

they can't bring down, the one who has a hard heart,

one who speaks well the language of ancestors rules with kindness and justice.”

There is a timeless and undeniable truth that has been there for decades. Ancient Egyptian

handwriting consisted of an unforgettable, beautiful soul. These lines illustrate the importance of

language by comparing it to a whip in the hand of a warrior and telling us that wordsmiths are more

effective in making inferences. A pleasant talent of oratory carries a strong dominance beyond

physical power. A poem uses metaphors to reach the effectivity of a whip, and the pain of both a whip

and a well-used metaphor comes later. This demonstrates that words also have the ability to

manipulate, influence, and hold control over the audience, just as a warrior does. But I would like to

underline the fact that words do not force their audience to reach their goal. They make them reach the

desired conclusion on their own.

Understanding the art of oratory, people become strong tools in a world where armor and

swords are not the only way to fight by changing minds, forming alliances, and winning hearts. The

similarity between a talented warrior and a good communicator illustrates the importance of
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discussing. A skilled fighter's ability to gain respect and admiration peaks only with their ability to

speak, persuade, and inspire. In fact, being able to speak your mind, persuade, and inspire others is a

higher level of virtue than just being physically strong, and this shows how important it is to

communicate well because it can help people understand and work together.

The lines also show that being strong isn't just about having a hard heart; it's also about what

you say. "Those with hard hearts can't be changed," where emotional strength is not just a result of

personal strength, but being able to clearly articulate your thoughts and opinions helps. It means.

When a person with good communication skills encounters problems, they can overcome them, figure

out how to deal with them, and emerge victorious, just like a brave warrior. The most interesting idea

in the poem is that a good leader is one who speaks the language of his ancestors well. This

perspective shows that the skillful use of language can be an engaging tool that helps people stay

connected to their culture, traditions, and values. Language connects people to their past and helps

them understand the essence of their culture. When a leader uses language well, he becomes a shining

figure who leads with both strength and kindness.

All in all, this ancient Egyptian song gives a clear picture of how much they value speech. It

shows how words can change the future, bring people together, and leave a lasting mark. The ability

to persuade has an impact that transcends time and society. It maintains its importance today as it did

in ancient times. When we think about these lines, we are said to have the power and virtue to make

the world a better place by using the language of our ancestors wisely.

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