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The theme of the morning talk that we presented this morning was about human rights and their

So Human Rights are Human rights are the basic rights that every human being has as a gift from God
that is innate from birth. According to Law no. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights states that
human rights are a set of rights that are inherent in the nature and existence of human beings as a
gift from God Almighty which must be respected, upheld and protected by the state, law,
government, and everyone for their honor, as well as protection. human dignity and worth.

But there are still many people who still violate human rights, so what are these human rights
violations? Let's pay attention to us:

So, what do you think friends? From the drama that we show, there are 3 violations of human rights,
the first is a violation of the right to privacy where beautiful distributes videos of Kezaya without the
permission of Kezaya and the second is a violation of human rights where beautiful commits violence
to killing Kezaya and the third is a violation of the right to justice where the decision is one-sided. The
judge took bribes from the beautiful family so that the judge commuted the sentence from what was
stipulated in the constitution.

so the conclusion is We must uphold human rights in order to create harmony in society. If humans
live without human rights, the rights of others will be taken away, actions that are not based on
awareness and responsibility, there is no mutual respect between people, and there is no such thing
as morals, ethics, and others

quis time:

1. Mention 3 human rights violations that occurred from the drama we presented
Answer :
violation of human rights in privacy
violations of human rights in humanity and violations of human rights in justice
2. why do we have to uphold human rights?
Answer : so that there is harmony in society and there is no chaos

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