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Part 1:

• What’s your favourite animal? Why?

• Are there any types of animal that you dislike?
• Are people in your country fond of animals?
• What kinds of animals do people have as pets in your country?
• What type of animals are good pets for a child?
• Did you have any pets when you were a child?
• What do you think are benefits of a child having a pet?
• If you have children in the future, will you allow them to raise a
• What’s your favourite wild animal?
• What are some famous wild animals in your country?
• Do you like to see animals in zoos?
• Should we teach our children to protect animals?
• What type of animals can you find on farms in your country?
• What farm animals do you have in your country?
• What type of work do farm animals in your country do?
• Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

Part 2:

Describe a wild animal or bird from your country. You should


• What the animal or bird is

• What it looks like
• Where it lives

And explain how people in your country (or you) feel about
This animal

Part 3:

1. Do you think it's important for children to spend time in nature?

2. What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?
3. Do you think birds should be protected? Why?/Why not?
4. How has the use of animals changed over the years?
5. How are people’s views of pets different today than they were in the
6. Do you think robot pets are a good idea?
7. Why is it important to conserve the world’s animal and plant species?
8. Which species are endangered in your country? Why?
9. Do you think modern farming methods are cruel to animals?
10. Is it the responsibility of schools to teach children about protecting
2. The Environment

Part 1:

Let’s start by talking about nature

• Do you like visiting natural places?
• What are some well-known natural attractions in your country?
• Have you ever gone camping?
• Do you like a natural environment?

We will now talk about pollution

• Does your country have a problem with pollution?
• Do you think it’s important to try to reduce pollution?
• What do you do to care for the planet?
• Do you think pollution is getting better or worse?
Let’s talk about weather
• Do you prefer a hot or a cold climate?
• Does weather affect your mood?
• Would you like a job where you work outside?
• What do you usually do when it rains?

Let’s move on to talk about where you live

• Do you like the neighbourhood you are living in?
• Is it a good place for young people?
• What type of shops can you find where you live?
• Do you prefer to live in busy or quiet places?

Part 2:

Describe a problem that affects the environment

in the area where you live. You should say:

• What the problem is

• What causes it
• Where it takes place

And explain what you think could be done

to solve it

Part 3:
1. What are the main dangers the world faces in terms of the
2. Are governments around the world doing enough to tackle these
3. Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be
4. What do you consider to be the world’s worst environmental
5. Why do you think environmental disasters caused by humans
6. Will there be more environmental disasters caused by humans in the
7. How can we educate children to look after the environment more?
8. What steps can be taken to encourage people to recycle more?
9. Do you think overpopulation is an important environmental issue?
10. What steps can be taken to improve air quality in large cities?
3. Transportation

Part 1:

Let’s begin by talking about transport

• Do you use public transport? Why/why not?
• Which type of public transport do you prefer? Why?
• How good is the public transport where you live?
• Do you think people should use public transport more?

Now let’s talk about travelling

• Do you like to travel?
• What places have you visited in your country?
• What place would you really like to visit? Why?
• How do you prefer to travel on long journeys?

Let’s talk about your travel habits

• What form of transport do you prefer to use? Why?
• How much time do you spend travelling each day?
• What do you do while you are travelling?
• Do you ever have problems with transport?

Now let’s move on to talk about travelling by trains

• Do you often travel by train?
• Do you like traveling by train?
• What do you usually do when you are travelling by train?
• What do you think are the benefits of travelling by train?

Part 2:

Describe a time you travelled by public transport. You should say:

• What type of public transport you used

• Where you travelled from and to
• What you did during the journey

And explain how you felt about travelling in this way

Part 3:

1. What method of travel do you consider safest?

2. What improvements have there been in transport in your country in
recent years?
3. Do you think people like to travel far away from home? Why?
4. Do you think trains are more environmentally friendly than planes?
5. How do most people travel long distances in your country?
6. Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last
few decades?
7. Do you think transport is likely to continue to improve in the future?
8. Do you think most people should use public transport?
9. How easy is it to travel around in your country?
10. Has travel become safer in recent years?
4. Custom and traditions

Part 1:

Let’s talk about festivals

• What is the most important festival in your country?
• How do people celebrate festivals in your country? sophistical
• What special food do people eat at festivals in Vietnam?
• Do you think festivals are important for the society?

Now let’s talk about your family

• How many people are there in your family?
• Do you all live in the same house? Why or why not?
• What things do you like doing together?
• What are the occasions which families celebrate together?

Let’s talk about meetings

Do you enjoy meeting people from different cultures?
What are some things you talk about?
What should not talk about when you meet a new person?
Do you like to make friends with new people? Why/Why not?

Now let’s move on to talk about customs

What are your favourite customs?
What customs do you think should be revised?
Are there different customs for men and women?
What customs are found in Vietnam about eating?

Part 2:

Describe a traditional festival or celebration in your

country. You should say:

• What is being celebrated

• What people do
• How long people have been celebrating this way

And say if you think this festival or celebration will

change in the future or not

Part 3:
1. What role do ceremonies play in the social life of people in your
go to pagoda and giving
2. What traditions were important for your grandparents? lucky money in Tet Holiday
3. Which traditions are we likely to continue to celebrate in the future?
4. How would you describe young people's attitudes towards tradition?
5. Do you think customs and traditions are changing these days?
6. Do you think traditions and customs are affected by advertising?
7. Do some countries celebrate traditions more than others?
8. Are there any customs in your country visitors might find strange?
9. How do people greet each other in your country? Has it changed from
the past?
10. If someone came to your country from overseas, what advice would
you give?
5. Health and Fitness

Part 1:

Let’s talk about keeping fit

• In what ways do you try to stay healthy? do exercise regularly and go to bed
early to sleep enough time
• Is it easy to keep fit where you live?
• What is more important, eating healthily or doing exercise?
• Have you ever had any habits which you consider to be unhealthy?

Now let’s move on to talk about swimming

• Is swimming a good way to stay healthy?
• Have you ever taken swimming lessons?
• Is it better to swim in a pool or in the sea?
• Is swimming a popular activity in your country?

Let’s talk about a time you were ill

• Do you remember a time when you were unwell?
• How long were you sick for?
• What did you do to get better?
• How long were you absent from school/work?

Now let’s talk about staying healthy

• In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
• Is it easy to keep fit where you live?
• What do you think is more important, eating healthily or doing
• What are the health benefits of playing a sport?

Part 2:

Describe something you do to keep healthy. You should say:

• What this activity is

• When you do it
• How often you do it

And explain why you think it’s a good

way to look after your health

Part 3:

1. What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?
2. What costs are involved when you get ill in your country ?
3. Do you think people worry more about their health as they get older?
4. Why do some people continue bad habits when they know the danger
5. How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits?
6. Do you think people have become more health conscious in recent
7. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?
8. How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?
9. Do women pay more attention to their health than men?
10. Does modern technology have a positive or a negative influence on
6. Discovery and Invention

Part 1:

Let’s start by talking about television

• What’s your favorite TV program?
• How much time do you spend watching TV?
• Do you think TV has changed in the past few decades?
• Has television changed your life in any way?
We can now move on to talk about mobile phones
• When did you get your first mobile phone?
• How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?
• Is your cell phone very important to you?
• Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?

Let’s talk about inventions

• Would you like to be an inventor?
• Is this a popular job in your country?
• Which invention has transformed your country most?
• Do most inventions today require electrical energy to work?

Now let’s move on to talk about computers

• What’s your favourite brand of computer? Why?
• What do you use your computer for?
• Do you always carry a laptop charger with you?
• Has your computer ever run out of battery when you needed it?

Part 2:

Describe an important invention that you think

has positively influenced the human race.

You should say:

• What the invention is

• Who invented it
• What changes it brought

And explain how it has positively influenced the

human race

Part 3:
1. Are there any famous inventors from your country?
2. What are the advantages of smartphones these days?
3. How has technology made our lives easier?
4. What are some greatest inventions you know about?
5. How can children be taught to become innovative?
6. What role should the government play in encouraging innovation?
7. Most innovations have patents. What do you think are the
advantages and disadvantages of patents?
8. Do you think people rely too much on technology?
9. Do you think men and women view technological devices differently?
10. Why do you think people spend too much money buying the latest
7. Fashion

Part 1:
• What types of clothes do you like to wear?
• What kinds of clothes should people wear at work?
• Are there any traditional clothes in your country?
• Do you ever wear traditional clothes of your country?

• Do you like to wear designer clothes?

• Why do some people like to wear brands?
• What designers are famous in your country?
• Do you like to buy things that have a traditional or modern design?

• Do you often buy clothes?

• Where do you usually buy your clothes?
• Have you ever bought clothes online?
• Have you ever been on a shopping spree?

• Do people from your country think fashion is important?

• How important is fashion to you?
• What kinds of clothes do you dislike?
• Do people behave differently in different kinds of clothes?

Part 2:

Describe someone you know who dresses well.

You should say:

• Who they are

• How you know them
• What kind of clothes they wear

And say why you like the way they dress

Part 3:

1. What factors do you think affect the clothes we choose to wear?

2. Is it possible to look good without spending lots of money on clothes?
3. What do you think the clothes we wear say about us?
4. Do fashion shows have impact on what we are wearing?
5. Do you think fashion changes constantly?
6. Does fashion in China change according to the region of the country?
7. Why do some people buy cheap clothes and expensive ones at the
same time?
8. Do you think it is good for people to buy expensive clothes? Why?
9. How has fashion changed in your country over the past few decades?
10. What clothes do young people like to wear in your country?
8. Economics

Part 1:

Let’s talk about weather

• What’s the weather like where you live?
• Does it rain a lot in your hometown?
• Does the weather ever affect what you do?
• What impact does weather have on the economy of your country?

Now let’s talk about money

• Is money important to you?
• What do you spend most of your money on?
• How do you save money?
• Do people get better at saving money as they get older?
Let’s talk now about food
• Which places in your country do visitors enjoy visiting most?
• Do you have the same taste in food as your parents?
• What was the last meal you cooked?
• Do our tastes in food change as we get older?

Now let’s move on to talk about employment?

• What are the normal working hours in your country?
• Do you get holiday allowances?
• What kind of jobs command high salaries in your country?
• Do people in your country get a pay rise at the end of each year?

Part 2:

Describe a time when you saved up some

money to buy something special.

You should say:

• What you wanted to buy

• Why you wanted it
• How you saved your money

And explain how you felt when you finally

bought the item
Part 3:

1. How is the economy in your country?

2. What are the biggest economic problems in your country?
3. Do you think economics is a science?
4. What was the last thing you read or heard about economics?
5. What do you know about economic growth?
6. What do you understand by the term ‘environmental economics’?
7. What is the effect of economics on society?
8. Do you think economic aid and economic sanctions work?
9. Which people in this world care most about economics?
10. What do you think ‘happiness economics’ is?
Topic: Personal background and career

Part 1 Introduction and interview (4 – 5 minutes)

Hello, my name is ____________. Can you tell me your name?

In this first part I would like to ask some questions about work and studies.

• Are you working or are you a student?

• What do you do?
• Is there anything you dislike about your work/studies?
• What job would you like to do in the future?
• What was your favourite subject at school?
• What did you like about that?
• Who was your favourite teacher?
• Was there a subject you did not enjoy at school?
• Where are you from?
• Are you from the country or the city?
• What’s the most interesting part of your town/ village
• What kind of jobs do people in your town/ village do?
• Would you say your hometown a good place to live? (Why?)
• Can you tell me something about your hometown?
• How is your hometown changing?
• What changes would you like to make to your hometown?

Part 2 Individual long turn (3 – 4 minutes, including 1 minute

preparation time)

I am going to give you a question. You have one minute to think

about it before speaking and you can make notes if you wish. Do you

I would like you to describe the job or career you have, or

hope to have. You should say:
• What the job is
• What it involves
• Why you chose it

And explain why it is rewarding

(After 1 minute) You have one to two minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop
you. I’ll
tell you when the time is up. Please begin speaking now. (Closing question) Is
any job you wouldn’t want to do? Why?
I would like you to describe an activity you like doing. You should

• What it is
• Where you do it
• How you do it

And explain why you like doing this activity

Let’s talk about work life

• What do most people consider as important when deciding on a
• In modern life a lot of people work too hard. What are the effects of
• How could the problems of overworking be avoided?

Let’s move on to talk about retirement

• What age do you think people should retire from work?
• Do you think this should be the same for all jobs?
• What further changes in the way people work will we see in the
Let’s talk about hobbies and pastimes
• What are the most popular hobbies and pastimes for people in your
• Do elderly people have different hobbies and pastimes to children?
• Do you think people get enough time for hobbies and pastimes?

Let’s talk about stress and relaxation

• Are many people stressed out in your country?
• What are the best ways to reduce stress?
• Do you think people will have more time to relax in the future?
1. What can young people do to earn money in your country?
2. How do you save money?
3. Is it worth spending money on things like designer clothes
and expensive car?
4. What are the differences between working for a small
company (1-50) and a large company (>50)
5. Would you like to own your own business? Why or why not?
6. If you started a business, what kind of business would it be?
7. Do you believe it is important for people to be informed about
economics? Why or why not?
8. What causes some countries to be rich and others to be poor?
9. How has the economy of your country changed in recent

Some economic term:

Economics is a social science concerned with the production, distribution,

and consumption of goods and services. It studies how individuals,
businesses, governments, and nations make choices about how to allocate
resources. Economics focuses on the actions of human beings, based on
assumptions that humans act with rational behaviour, seeking the most
optimal level of benefit or utility.

• “Recession”
• "Unemployed"
• “Cash flow”
• "Investment" and "capital"
• "Government spending"
• "Efficient"
• "Cost" and "profit"
• "Demand"
• "Supply"
• "Elasticity"

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