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Lesson Plan in Reading and Writing

Topic: Patterns of Development Grade to teach: Grade 11 – Rose

Date: February 27, 2024 Quarter 3
Lesson Duration: 60 minutes


 Students will understand the different patterns of development in writing: narration, definition,
classification, description, process, persuasion, and exposition.
 Students will be able to identify these patterns in various texts.
 Students will practice writing using different patterns of development.
Materials Needed:

 Whiteboard and markers

 Handouts with examples of each pattern of development
 Texts for analysis (can be excerpts from literature or non-fiction articles)
 Writing materials (paper, pens)
Lesson Outline:

1. Introduction (5 minutes)

 Greet the students and explain the lesson objectives.

 Discuss the importance of understanding different patterns of development in writing.

2. Overview of Patterns of Development (10 minutes)

 Present an overview of the seven patterns of development: narration, definition,

classification, description, process, persuasion, and exposition.

 Provide examples of each pattern to illustrate their characteristics.

3. Group Activity: Text Analysis (15 minutes)

 Divide the students into small groups.

 Distribute different texts to each group.

 Instruct the groups to identify the pattern of development used in their text and discuss
why they think so.

 After discussion, each group presents their findings to the class.

4. Class Discussion (10 minutes)

 Facilitate a discussion on the different patterns of development found in the texts.

 Encourage students to explain their reasoning and interpretations.

5. Writing Practice (20 minutes)

 Provide a writing prompt for each pattern of development.

 Students choose one prompt and write a short paragraph or essay using that pattern.

 Circulate among the students to provide guidance and feedback as they write.

6. Application (Choose 1 prompt)

Here are some different examples of writing prompts for various patterns of development:

1. Definition:
 Define what success means to you. Describe the qualities or achievements that you
associate with success and explain why these are important to you.
2. Classification:
 Classify different types of friendships you have had in your life. Describe the
characteristics of each type and discuss what you value most in a friend.
3. Description:
 Describe a place that holds special meaning to you. Use sensory details to paint a
vivid picture for your readers and convey the emotions associated with this place.
4. Process:
 Explain the process of learning a new skill or hobby. Break down the steps involved
and provide tips or advice based on your own experience.
5. Persuasion:
 Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against the use of technology in education.
Support your argument with evidence and examples.
6. Exposition:
 Write an expository essay explaining the effects of climate change on the
environment. Describe the causes of climate change and its potential consequences
for ecosystems and human society.
7. Reflection and Conclusion (5 minutes)

 Have students reflect on what they learned about patterns of development in writing.

 Summarize the key points of the lesson and emphasize the importance of recognizing and
using these patterns in their own writing.

Homework (Optional):

 Assign a writing assignment where students have to use one or more patterns of development to
write a longer piece, such as an essay or a short story.

Narration: It was a dark and stormy night. The wind howled outside, rattling the windows of the
old, abandoned house. Inside, a group of friends huddled together, telling ghost stories to pass
the time. As the fire crackled in the fireplace, casting eerie shadows on the walls, they each took
turns recounting their scariest experiences. The tales grew more and more chilling, and soon, the
friends found themselves jumping at every creak and groan of the old house, convinced that they
were not alone...

Definition: Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion characterized by affection, attachment,

and care. It is a deep and profound feeling that can be directed towards a person, animal, object,
or concept. Love involves a strong sense of connection and a desire for the well-being of the
beloved. It can manifest in various forms, such as romantic love, familial love, or platonic love.
Love is often considered essential for human happiness and fulfillment, and its expression can
vary greatly across cultures and individuals.

Description: The old, majestic oak tree stood tall in the middle of the meadow, its branches
reaching out like the arms of a welcoming host. Its bark was rough and gnarled, with deep
crevices that seemed to tell a story of centuries past. The leaves, a vibrant green in the summer,
turned a fiery red in the fall, creating a stunning contrast against the blue sky. The tree provided
shelter and sustenance to a myriad of creatures - birds nested in its branches, squirrels scampered
up and down its trunk, and insects buzzed around its leaves. It was a symbol of strength,
resilience, and beauty, a testament to the wonders of nature.

Classification: Animals can be classified into various groups based on different criteria. One
common classification is based on their habitat. Animals that live in water are called aquatic
animals, while those that live on land are called terrestrial animals. Another classification is based
on their diet. Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores, while those that eat other animals
are called carnivores. Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores. Additionally,
animals can be classified based on their body structure, such as vertebrates (with a backbone) and
invertebrates (without a backbone).

Persuasion: Recycling is not just a good practice; it's a crucial step towards protecting our
environment and preserving our planet for future generations. By recycling, we can reduce the
amount of waste that ends up in landfills, which not only helps to conserve natural resources but
also reduces pollution. Recycling also saves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which
are major contributors to climate change. It's a simple yet powerful way for each of us to make a
positive impact on the world around us. So let's commit to recycling more and waste less, for the
sake of our planet and all its inhabitants.

Exposition: The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization that took place
during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It marked a significant shift from agrarian societies
to industrialized ones, characterized by the introduction of machinery, factories, and mass
production. The Industrial Revolution brought about profound changes in society, economy, and
culture. It led to the creation of new industries, the growth of urban centers, and the emergence
of a new working class. It also brought advancements in technology, transportation, and
communication, revolutionizing the way people lived and worked. The Industrial Revolution laid
the foundation for modern industrial economies and transformed the world in ways that are still
felt today.

Here are the definitions of the patterns of development you mentioned:

1. Narration: Narration is the act of telling a story or recounting a series of events. It often involves
a chronological sequence of events and may include characters, settings, and a plot.
2. Definition: Definition is the act of explaining the meaning of a word, phrase, or concept. It
involves providing clarity and understanding by specifying the essential characteristics or
boundaries of the subject.
3. Classification: Classification is the act of grouping things based on shared characteristics or
criteria. It involves categorizing items into classes or categories to better understand their
relationships and properties.
4. Description: Description is the act of using words to depict or portray a person, place, object, or
event. It involves creating a vivid and detailed picture in the reader's mind by using sensory
details and descriptive language.
5. Process: Process is the act of explaining how something is done or how it works. It involves
breaking down a series of steps or stages to demonstrate the progression or method of achieving
a specific outcome.
6. Persuasion: Persuasion is the act of convincing someone to adopt a particular belief, attitude, or
course of action. It involves presenting arguments, evidence, or appeals to emotions to influence
the audience's thoughts or behaviors.
7. Exposition: Exposition is the act of explaining or interpreting something. It involves
providing information, analysis, or commentary to clarify and illuminate a subject for the

Patterns of Paragraph Development

Introduction - Have you ever been asked to write a 3-5 page paper and discovered that

you had enough ideas to only fill a page? In such a situation, many students ask if they

can use a larger font and increase their margins or they end up padding their

compositions with irrelevant information, excessive quotes, and repetition. How can

these obvious dodges be avoided? How do you logically develop your body paragraphs?

How to develop a paragraph- Kirszner and Mandell in the Brief Holt Handbook,

second edition have some suggestions. Depending upon the subject of your paragraph,

some of these techniques will work better than others.

Develop your paragraph using narrative – In other words, tell a story. This sort of paragraph
requires chronological ordering. Using transitional words and phrases

that signal time are highly recommended.

Develop your paragraph using description - In this paragraph, you convey how something
sounds, smells, tastes, feels, and/or looks. Using transitional words and phrases that indicate
location are often recommended.

Develop your paragraph using exemplification - In other words, this paragraph uses
specific illustrations to clarify a general statement. Using transitional words and phrases that
signal examples are recommended.

Develop your paragraph using process - A paragraph using process describes how
something works, presented by a series of steps in a strict chronological order. Using transitional
words and phrases that signal time are highly recommended.

Develop your paragraph using cause and effect - When you use this technique, you are
exploring why events occur and what happens as a result of them. Transitional words and
phrases that signal causes and effects are suggested.

Develop your paragraph using comparison and contrast - A paragraph that demonstrates
comparison and/or contrast examines how given subjects are either similar or different.
Comparison examines how the subjects are the same. Contrast examines how the subjects are
different. Using transitional words and phrases that signal comparison and contrast are highly

Develop your paragraph using division and classification - When you use the division
strategy, you are discussing a single item and breaking it down into its components. Whereas,
when you use the classification technique, you are taking many separate items and grouping
them into categories according to qualities and characteristics that they all share.

Develop your paragraph using definition - A paragraph demonstrating this technique will
include a definition of the term, the class to which it belongs, and the details that differentiate it
from other members of its class.

Kirszner and Mandell The Brief Holt Handbook, second edition, pages 48-49:
University Center for Learning Assistance
Illinois State University

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