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‘THEME 1. Theme of Ae (Not 2 that shines or glitters is not gold, the word gold is n ing hy \g treasure or the prize which tion is Portia, It shows to not judge everyt nd you wi as who should sa ot have me choose.” (Over here Portia is noble lady who would wthing wrong And spet upon my depressed cl t heeause of U wish ga Jine™( In the beginning of the all the time, Antonio Shylock just bec Jew. This Antonio does not seem like the depressed one. that told” - Prince of Moroceo, Act 2 Por 3, Theme of Choice -All that glitters is not gold: Often have you he Scene 7/This quote suggests that the P yowledges that thi to the outcome he desires pitfalls of his choice to pu es that the choice steal from the wealthy Jew, Shylock's daughter, mak Christian. This choice epresents a rejection ila Did ° Ide wor of love the hip, | will feed fat th 1 Antonio, whicl it blinds him to lock, Aet I Seer choi Shylock makes a cho drive * "But consequences of his aetions. attribute to God by his hatred and desire for revenge, a is sceptred sway: It hhimsell™ - Pe 1 (Portia's of choice in the play. She argues cy hetter than the striet adherence to the law that Shylock demands. Porti y to Shylock, desy cruel intentions towards Antonio, CHARACTERS * Bass: life itself, my wife, and all the world / Are not i 7)-This evide Ttake it, you fh and is willing to suppo lock: "IFT ean e: Shows how Shylock wants reve got the ett find a way to t he be Portia: "I may neith n the hip, /L will feed fat the an is determined to get it. The ph catch him once upon the hip* se of their weakness. choose who L would nor refuse who I dislike; so is the will of a living Act LS 22.24)-She is loyal to he complexion atelligence hy using wordpl towards the wrong easket, tely leading to his failure in choosing the right one cite Scripture for his purpose” (Act 1, Scene 3, line 99)-Shows how Anton mocking and insulting Shylock because of his religion. My purse. lock'd to your occasions” (Act ne 1) - Antonio is willing to le * Antonio: "Th Projudi st put his

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