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E010 Meenakshi SB


Case Study: Valuable Time Management

Valuable time management is life management; when an individual learns to
manage his time effectively, he certainly learns to manage his life effectively.
This is the case of a student, named Aditi, she is a final year student in Delhi
University, pursuing Bachelor of Commerce, honours course; in college she is
taking five classes which are extremely demanding, therefore, she even has to
take private tuitions at the coaching centre, in addition to her college studies she
is undergoing training for an MBA entrance exam as she plans to pursue an MBA
degree after she graduates and she is pursuing a program in electronic business
technologies from National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT), she goes
for these classes thrice a week. In the mornings she has her college and in the
evenings she has her MBA entrance coaching and NIIT classes, on weekends she
goes for her college tuitions. Besides education, she gets her physical exercises
in the mornings. This information shows how hard she works and stays extremely
Extensive work can make a person feel stressed out, pressurized and depressed;
therefore, a person needs to develop effective time management skills. Aditi has
organized her proper time schedule during the day that she regularly follows. In
the morning she wakes up around 6: 00 am and gets her physical exercises, at
8:00 am she reaches college and attends her classes, socializes with friends and
returns home around 1 or 2 pm, after taking lunch and a rest break for an hour she
goes to study. At 6:00 pm twice a week she goes for MBA entrance coaching and
thrice a week she goes to NIIT, these classes are for two hours, hence she reaches
home around 8:30 pm, have dinner, watches a little bit of television, then she
studies for a while and goes to bed around 11:30 pm.
Watching television and socializing with friends in college can be given least
priorities, important tasks are attending classes, completion of homework
assignments or any projects and keeping a schedule of tests, exams or submission
of assignments. This college student has developed effective time management
skills and is able to cope up with all kinds of demands and educational
requirements. On the other hand, if an individual does not manage one’s time
effectively he will certainly experience difficulties in implementation of tasks.
Spending hours with friends, going for a movie is fine once in a while but when
one has to study and attend classes that should be given a major priority. Time
management has been extremely valuable to this final year college student.

1. Discuss the case in the perspective of the theory given above.

Time management is the practice of effectively organizing tasks and duties

according to their allotted time slots. It promotes discipline, organization,
and efficiency in individuals, regardless of age, profession, or background.
By prioritizing tasks based on importance, individuals can avoid
procrastination and stay on track with their work and studies. Ultimately,
effective time management allows people to make the most of their time,
enhancing productivity and reducing stress.
Aditi, a senior student at Delhi University, demonstrates exceptional
proficiency in time management despite a rigorous schedule. She has
mastered 3 components of time management :
• Awareness : understanding that time is valuable resource and
thinking realistically about it.
• Arrangement : designing and organizing your goals, plans and
schedules to effectively use time.
• Adaptation : monitoring the usage of time while performing
activities pr changing priorities.
Alongside her academic pursuits at college, she dedicates time to private
tuitions, MBA entrance exam preparation, and electronic business
technology courses at NIIT. Through careful planning, Aditi effectively
juggles these commitments, ensuring she allocates sufficient time to each
endeavor. By prioritizing academic responsibilities like attending classes
and completing assignments over recreational activities, she optimizes her
productivity and effectively manages the academic challenges she faces.
Aditi's disciplined approach highlights the crucial role of efficient time
management in not only attaining academic success but also in effectively
navigating the demands of a busy student life.
Time management is a crucial life skill that especially students in their
career making phase need to practice. Good time management can lower
stress levels, increases satisfaction and productivity and gives structure to
your habits to make your goals more achievable.

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