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E010 Meenakshi SB


1)Explain concept of stress :

1. Stress creates unstability in performance
2. Distress- stress which has negative affect
Ex: blanked in exam, work related stress-meeting deadlines
3. Eustress- stress in the right amounts that’s necessary for us to excel or get going.
Ex: stressing a bit about academic performance can push you to do a better job

2) symptoms and sources of stress:

Sources: life events, hassles, traumatic events
1. External environment(life events)
2. Unstructured Emotions
3. Low self confidence to deal with a particular situation(hassles)
4. A situation in the past that’s associated negatively with the subject(traumatic events)
5. Personal events- work culture, work expectations
1. Physical:
Memory loss, appetite loss, stomachache, headache
2. Emotional:
Worry, fear, anxiety, depression, outbursts
3. Behavioural:
mood swings, low self esteem, poor long term planning, irregular attendance,
struggling with timpekeeping

3)GAS model-explain+ example: bhopal gas tradgedy

1) Alarm reaction- presence of a stimulus or stressor that activates the adrenal-
pitutary-cortex system, basically our fight or flight response.
a. The leakage of the highly fatal methyl-isocyanate gas would be the stimulus.
The panic that ensued among the factory workers and the supervisors would
be in this stage.peopl activated their fight or flight response
2) Resistance-nervous system calls for a more cautious use of body’s resources if
the stress is prolonged.
b. Since the after effects of the gas leak were extremely lethal, the railway
personnel and relief officers tried to vacate people from the city and from
areas of maximum impact. Resources like water, oxygen cylinders, gas-masks
were rationed.
3) exhaustion – continuation of the same aggravating stressors drains the body
and causes dire after-effects which are harmful to ones health
c. After the long drawn atmospheric effects of the gas leak many that came in
immediate contact with it but survived developed lung cancers, ocular,
respiratory and trachea ailments, new born babies got genetic disorders and

4) Enumerate the different ways of coping with stress:

Coping with stress has 3 main approaches such as:
1. Task-oriented strategy- planning and thinking about alternative solutions to overcome
problems, Acting on the situation.
2. Emotion-oriented strategy – efforts to remain hopeful or feelings of anger and
frustration after a particular situation.
3. Avoidance-oriented strategy- denying, conscious suppression of stressful thoughts.
Methods to cope:
1. Relaxing:
Skill that reduces symptoms of stress,
Eg- deep breathing, relaxing music
2. Meditating:
Yogic method of Refocusing attention, being in an altered state of consciousness,
becoming mindless and unaware or surroundings
3. Bio-feedback:
• Develop awareness of physiological response
• Learn ways to control it
• Transferring that control into everyday life
4. Creative visualization:
Imagery and imagination, subjective experience
Eg- vision boards/mood boards
5. Cognitive behavioural techniques”:
Replace negative and irrational thoughts with positive and rational ones, Assess and
6. Exercise:
Physical activity- releases endorphins (happy hormones)
Eg- running, gym training, swimming, sports etc

5) sources of psychological stress:

1. Frustration- blocking of needs and motives that hinders us from a goal.
2. Anxiety and depression- worrying about problems being fixated on our sorrows.
3. Conflicts-pressure to take action against the values upheld by you.
4. Internal pressures- self expectations, holding oneself to unrealistic standards, being
hard on oneself
5. Social pressures- (external) people making excessive demands, getting pressured with
expectations of people or the society

6) Describe how life skills can help meet life’s challenges.

• They help us adapt and act as positive reinforcement
• Gives us structure and the ability to keep up with challenges
• Stabilizes and gives structure to our life
• Makes it easier for us to cope up with dire and stressful situations
• Eg- self-care, time-management, rational thinking etc

7) Discuss the factors that lead to positive health and well-being.

Positive health is strongly correlated with the holistic(mental, physical, spiritual and social)
well being

• Diet -
a balanced diet can lift ones mood, energy, improve circulation and keep one away
from illnesses.
• Exercise-
plays an important role in managing stress, anxiety and depression. Yogic asanas and
aerobic exercised contribute towards good health. Stretching calms us down taking
our stress levels lower.
• Positive attitude-
promotes well-being, being in touch with reality, sense of purpose and responsibility,
acceptance and tolerance for various people and their opinions, sense of humour and
being open to new ideas contribute towards well being
• Social support- availability of people that one can rely on.
3 kinds :
1. Tangible support- involving monetary/material assistance
Eg- lending money to a relative who has financial problems
2. Emotional support- reassuring the person that theyre loved, valued and
3. Informational support- providing information about similar events of stress.
Eg- A friend who supports another friend who is stressing out about his
unpreparedness for the exams.

8) How does stress affect the immune system?

This can be explained by psychoneuroimmunology- the study or brain and the immune
system. Here’s how the affects take place :
1. White blood cells (leucocytes) produce antibodies which help us fight off diseases.
2. T-cells and B-cells kill of antigens and other viruses that can cause harm to our body
and its functions
3. Stress affects the natural killer cells that are a very important part of our immune
4. Reduced levels of the natural killer cell- cytotoxicity have been found in people who
have high levels of stress.
5. This can cause out immunity to dwindle and we are more prone to encounter diseases.
6. The release of stress hormones which lead to weakening of the immune system,
thereby affecting mental and physical health

9) Give an example of a life event which is likely to be stressful. Suggest

reasons why it is likely to cause different degrees of stress to the person
experiencing it.
An undeniable life event that occurs in everybody’s life once is the period before you get a
job and start earning. Reasons why it would cost stress to the individuals :
1. Feeling pressure by everyone’s expectations of you.
2. Comparing your trajectory to your friends who might land better offers.
3. Constantly thinking about that particular aspect- being fixated.
4. Forgetting to take care of your mental and physical well being during that period.
5. Negative feedback from your seniors/ recruiters.

10. Given what you know about coping strategies, what suggestions would you
give to your friends to avoid stress in their everyday lives.
• Exercise or have a daily goal of movement for atleast 45 minutes.
• Don’t incessantly indulge in foods of high sodium and glucose levels- try to eat clean.
• Have a hobby or a fun activity to do, to relax and take your mind away from the
mundane routine
• Reach out to your close ones if youre experiencing feelings of depression
• Develop habits like time management, rational thinking, self-care to have a better
• Think positively about a situation and always find the element of humour.
• Don’t always take everything too seriously, lay back and loosen up!

11. Reflect on the environmental factors that have (a) a positive impact on the
being, and (b) a negative effect.
Positive impact :
1. Bright, sunny weather
2. Clean and hygienic surroundings
3. Uncluttered and organized spaces
4. Ventilated and fresh spaces
5. Calm environment of people around(no constant yelling/ shouting)
Negative impact:
1. Dull, constantly rainy/ cold weather
2. Unhygienic surroundings- can also cause health hazards
3. Cluttered and crowded spaces – too many things are lying around
4. Damp spaces – no fresh air and oxygen
5. Isolated spaces – somewhere away from civilisation (eg- people working at sea in sea
containers are often depressed due to cut off contact)
6. Constant bursting or people around- loud fights taking place in the house

12. We know that certain lifestyle factors can cause stress and may lead to
diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease, yet we are unable to change our
behaviour. Explain why
We are unable to change our behaviour mainly as activities that contribute to our stress levels
are mostly activities that also give us instant dopamine or instant relief/ gratification (eg-
doom scrolling on the internet) .
It is hard to maintain discipline and structure by following things like- time management , not
procrastinating etc.
Foods that are high in sodium, cholesterol and glucose also give us instant happiness which
make us forget about the long term detrimental effects it has on our health.
Sometimes extreme stress might let us indulge in damaging behaviours.

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