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Write a letter to your friend, Izzati who lives in Malaysia, telling her how you cope with heat

Subject: How I cope with heat stroke

Dear Izzati,

How are you? I hope you are fine. I am having a great time here in Brunei.
Currently, our country is experiencing a very hot weather and we face a deadly heat stroke.
Well, I write this letter to tell you how I cope with this illness to prevent my self from this
serious infection.
According to the news that I heard from the television; heatstroke is a caused by meaning
overheating of our body. It is usually caused by a long exposure to hot weather condition. cause
My mother was seriously worried about this, so she reminded my sisters and I to learn the signs
signs of this illness. According to heat stroke goes with heavy sweating, muscle cramp,
headache, nausea, and a very high body temperature. Therefore, we were advised to measures

reduce our activities outside. We were also urged to drink plenty of water, regularly. Another
important thing to do is to stay in cool indoor places such the public library, under shady
places and even at the mall. We were also informed to wear loose-fitting, lightweight
clothing during the hot weather. Should we have the warning signs of the heat stroke, my
mother told us to inform her, my father, or our teachers if we are at school so they can take
quick actions to prevent ourselves from heat stroke.

Well, that’s all for now. I hope all is well with you in Malaysia. Have fun in school and stay

Your sincerely,

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