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* . Study of Literature | remember in our "Introduction to Language, Society and Culture," reading literature gave us a way to have historical contextualization, cultural reflection, empathy cultivation, and artistic influence. Historical events gave us ideas on how do people live. Shared cultures made us reflect what is with us and what is with others. Some stories let us know and feel what is unknown and unfelt. And lastly, * being influence to do an art piece let us explain how does cultural values moves with societal norms. The study of Literature is wide because of its broad exploration of human experiences, emotions, and creativity. By analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating various written texts, it makes a language more beneficial. In a sense that it pulls us to do intricate examination of themes that are not universal, characters that holds uncommon attitudes, settings that were once isolated and narratives that are not typically shared, The study of literature benefit human vocabulary, critical thinking and empathy. 4 Studying it is a concrete way to wake up our senses and bring the world into sharper focus (Gustavus Adolphus, 2023) * tishovical Contextualization Pride and Prejudice helps me understand why dy people from this day have this thinking that if you'r; in the higher class you should also mary a person, from that class. The context of marriage in a rigi class structure made me understand the evolution of societal norms and values over time. cultural zeflection One Hundred Years of Solitude is a story where | see how history and collective consciousness reflects the Columbian identity. The civil war gave me an idea of the turbulent history and enduring spirit of \ / Columbia changing their norms and values. ~ 4 Smpathy Cultivation / \ To kill a Mockingbird is a story that lends me eyes to see how racial injustice and social inequality arises. | X é understand and feel the growth of Scout from innocence =_ to maturity. Letting me cultivate my empathy from being TL \ passive to active. Active in a sense that to walk in someone else shoes. Artistic Influence 4 The picture of Dorian Gray gave me an idea on how transformative an art is to shape one's own perception. His moral decline served as a warning about the dangers of placing artifice above authenticity and as a mirror to the corrupting influence of aestheticism. This piece reminds me of how cultural norms and values shaped by literature as an art. Knowing that we are geographically separated, we must study and use literature to make a bridge that trascends physical _ boundaries, ultural values, and societal norms, io connects us on a deeper level. Made By: Reynaldo Y. Laureta Jr. Ill ABEL-B

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