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Received: 17 March 2022

| Revised: 19 July 2022

| Accepted: 5 September 2022

DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.6353


Neuromeningeal cryptococcosis in a patient not infected

with human immunodeficiency virus and without known
risk factors: A case report

Armel Mamihaja Andrianiaina1 | Rova Malala Fandresena Randrianarisoa1 |

Solohery Jean Noel Ratsimbazafy2 | Lalao Nomenjanahary Rakotonirina3 |
Hanta Marie Danielle Vololontiana1

Department of Internal Medicine,
Joseph Raseta Befelatanana University Abstract
Hospital, Antananarivo, Madagascar We report a 24-­year-­old female patient not infected with human immunodefi-
Department of Internal Medicine, ciency virus (HIV) and without other risk factors of immunosuppression, pre-
Soavinandriana Hospital,
Antananarivo, Madagascar
senting with neuromeningeal cryptococcosis. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis
Departement of Rheumatology, revealed the presence of Cryptococcus neoformans. The evolution was unfavora-
Joseph Raseta Befelatanana University ble and the patient died even after appropriate antifungal treatment.
Hospital, Antananarivo, Madagascar
case report, Cryptococcus neoformans, immunocompetent, HIV
Armel Mamihaja Andrianiaina,
Department of Internal Medicine
(PSB), Joseph Raseta Befelatanana
Hospital, Antananarivo, Madagascar.


Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic mycotic disease usually A 24-­year-­old woman of Malagasy nationality was admit-
occurring during profound immune deficiencies, espe- ted to the Internal Medicine Department in June 2021 for
cially in subjects infected with the human immunodefi- functional impotence of the right hemisphere. The disease
ciency virus (HIV).1 Other known risk factors are organ had started 6 days before her admission with a sudden ap-
transplantation, kidney, and liver disease, long-­term use pearance of an abnormal movement of the right upper
of corticosteroids and autoimmune diseases.2 limb in the form of chorea, followed by functional impo-
The most common clinical form is meningoen- tence of the right hemisphere, a headache and aphasia.
cephalitis, which is fatal if untreated. It rarely affects The context was apyretic and the general state was altered.
immunocompetent patients. There are few reports of In her history, she had a cesarean delivery 5 months
cryptococcal meningitis in subjects without HIV/AIDS.2 ago. She had no history of immunosuppression such as
We report a new case of neuromeningeal cryptococcosis organ transplantation, renal or liver disease, long-­term
in an HIV-­uninfected patient with no other known risk corticosteroid use, or autoimmune disease. She was nei-
factors. ther diabetic and not hypertensive.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. Clinical Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Clin Case Rep. 2022;10:e06353. | 1 of 4

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Physical examination revealed right hemiparesis and Three months after hospitalization, the patient died
aphasia. She was conscious and had no signs of intracra- at home with a condition probably related to pulmonary
nial hypertension or meningeal syndrome. She had white, tuberculosis.
soft, painless edema of the lower limbs, hepatojugular re-
flux, and liver pain on palpation.
The blood count was normal with a lymphocyte count 3 | DISC USSION
of 1709/mm3, and the C-­reactive protein was negative.
Blood ionogram, creatinine, and liver function tests were We describe cryptococcosis in an HIV-­uninfected woman.
unremarkable. HIV and hepatitis serologies were nega- However, cryptococcosis is a condition that classifies pa-
tive. The Polymerase chain reaction test for SARS-­CoV-­2 tients as having an acquired immune deficiency status of
was negative. HIV infection and is often found in patients with low CD4
Serum protein electrophoresis revealed an albumin counts. Neuromeningeal cryptococcosis is the most com-
level of 29.48 g/L with no abnormalities in other fractions mon presentation of this disease. The prevalence of cryp-
(alpha-­1 2.97 g/L, alpha-­2 6.88 g/L, beta-­1 4.35 g/L, beta-­2 tococcosis varies from country to country. In the United
2.20 g/L and gamma 9.13 g/L). The CD4 T-­cell count was States, the annual incidence is 0.8 cases per 100,000 popu-
508/mm3. lation.3 In France, the prevalence is 0.2 cases per 100,000
The brain scan showed left parietal hypodensity with population.4 In African regions most affected by HIV, it is
meningeal enhancement and corticofrontal calcification the leading cause of infectious meningitis.5
(Figure 1). The causative agent is an encapsulated yeast that
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination revealed clear is usually transmitted by inhalation of fungal spores.
fluid with high pressure, normal cellularity, normal glu- Cryptococcus neoformans is found in soil, wood, and bird
cose and protein levels, and sterility on routine direct ex- droppings. Cryptococcus gattii is found mainly in tropical
amination. Cryptococcus neoformans was present on the regions.6 The cellular morphology and biochemical struc-
Indian ink. ture of the capsule are the virulence factors that facilitate
Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography showed dila- its passage through the blood–­brain barrier.2
tation of the left chambers with high filling pressure and Cryptococcosis is the second most common opportu-
global hypokinesia, suggestive of heart failure with im- nistic infection in AIDS after toxoplasmosis. According to
paired ejection fraction (38%). the World Health Organization classification, it is classi-
The diagnosis of neuromeningeal cryptococcosis with- fied as stage 4 HIV infection, affecting patients with a CD4
out immunosuppression was retained, associated with count below 100/mm3.7
postpartum heart failure. Cases have been reported in HIV-­uninfected patients
Following a multidisciplinary staff, treatment with am- with other types of immunosuppression, such as hema-
photericin B injection at 1 mg/kg was started for 2 weeks tologic malignancy, cancer, diabetes, cirrhosis, systemic
followed by oral fluconazole at 400 mg daily for 6 weeks. disease, and immunosuppressive therapy.8–­11 Involvement
CSF subtraction was performed regularly. The rest of the in these patients remains rare with a male predomi-
management consisted of treatment of the heart failure nance.12–­14 Our patient did not present any risk factors.
and monitoring. As observed in this patient, the classical signs of men-
After 3 evacuation sessions, the CSF pressure had nor- ingitis are often absent. The clinical manifestations are
malized. The neurological evolution was favorable with less typical of meningitis, making diagnosis difficult.11
regression of the hemiparesis and aphasia on day 7. Signs Headache and fever are frequently reported. Convulsion,
of cardiac decompensation had disappeared and hemody- disturbance of consciousness and neurological defi-
namic parameters were stable. cit are rarely described. The clinical polymorphism of

F I G U R E 1 Brain CT scan without

and with injection. Left parietal
hypodensity, meningeal enhancement,
and parasagittal corticofrontal
calcification raising suspicion of

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ANDRIANIAINA et al.    3 of 4

neuromeningeal cryptococcosis may delay diagnostic and FUNDING INFORMATION

therapeutic management. The authors state that they do not have a source of fund-
Diagnosis is based on 3 methods: direct examination ing from a specific agency.
with India ink to identify Cryptococcus spores, cryptococ-
cal antigen testing, and culture on Sabouraud's medium. CONFLICT OF INTEREST
Biochemical analysis of CSF may show neither hypercyto- The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
sis nor hyperproteinorachia.
The Indian ink staining technique should be used rou- DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
tinely for all CSF examinations, regardless of the patient, All data generated are included in the article.
whether immunocompromised or not.
In patients with and without HIV infection, cryptococ- CONSENT
cosis always warrants treatment, cryptococcosis always The patient gave written informed consent for publi-
warrants treatment. For immunocompetent hosts with the cation of the article. Only information necessary for
neuromeningeal form, the standard treatment is a combi- scientific understanding was shared. Anonymity was
nation of Amphotericin B and Flucytosine for 6–­10 weeks. respected.
An alternative to this regimen is 2 weeks followed by
Fluconazole for a minimum of 10 weeks. Consolidation ORCID
therapy with Fluconazole can be continued for up to Armel Mamihaja Andrianiaina https://orcid.
6–­12 months, depending on the clinical condition of the org/0000-0003-2187-7293
patient.6 Regular CSF subtraction is recommended if the Rova Malala Fandresena Randrianarisoa https://orcid.
pressure is excessive. Our patient received Amphotericin org/0000-0003-1168-0200
for 2 weeks and Fluconazole for 6 weeks.
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