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wwii equipment used after the war


Idi Amin’s Shermans

 MAY 24, 2015MAY 24, 2015  JWH1975  5 COMMENTS

Largely forgotten today, Uganda (ruled by Idi Amin between 1971-1979) fought a very violent war against
Tanzania in 1978-1979. This war, which ended Amin’s disastrous and brutal reign, saw the use of M4 Sherman
tanks in one of their final appearances on the world’s battlefields.



The war was centered on Tanzania’s Kagera province, a slice of territory 695 miles² in size, abutting the border
and Lake Victoria.

( map showing the Kagera region in
red. This is a still from a Tanzanian tv broadcast of the war.)

The Tanzania/Uganda border was drawn in the 19th century, when today’s countries were the colonies German
Tanganyika and British Uganda, respectively. Idi Amin, who hated European colonialism passionately, publicly
claimed that the border was “wrong” and that Kagera was “a natural part of Uganda”. Actually, the real reason
Amin was concerned with Kagera was that about 1000 dissident Ugandan troops were hiding there and
mounting cross-border raids, seeking to overthrow him.

M4A1 Shermans to Uganda

The Sherman was the first tank ever operated by Uganda, which had achieved independence in 1962. Initially
the country had good relations with Israel.

In 1969, the Israelis sold Uganda twelve used Sherman tanks. All were M4A1 variants, and all were armed with
the M1A1C 76mm gun. However, they were not all alike and were a mixed bag of modifications done while in
Israeli use.

( Shermans on parade.
The lead tank shows the original WWII-style “split” hatch for the loader in the turret, while the one on the rear appears to
have the later style oval hatch. The Sherman in the center is missing it’s steel tow cable.)

Some had the original vertical volute suspension, others had the later HVSS suspension system. Some had
French-made smoke grenade dischargers on the turret, some also had turret-side brackets for carrying spare
track links. Some of the Shermans had both of these turret modifications, others had one or the other. Some had
a third spare track bracket on the hull front. All had been fitted with aftermarket radio antennas by the Israelis.
Most had the bow machine gun removed. There were other differences in hatch model, hull fittings, tracks, etc
from one Ugandan Sherman to another. All had a searchlight bracket however no surviving photos of the
Ugandan M4s actually show them carrying a searchlight, so either the Israelis stripped them off prior to the
sale, or they quickly broke and were removed prior to the war.

( Ugandan M4A1 has French-made smoke

grenade dischargers and new radio antenna installed by the Israelis. This Sherman track type is the US Army-standard
T54E1 (“steel chevron” style); they were probably manufactured during WWII as the postwar model of the 16 9/16″-width
Sherman track (T74) has rubber shoes. Besides quick repairs, the mounted track links provided a bit of extra protection for
the crew in the turret. The AA gun is a M2HB .50cal Browning. The arid green canvas mantlet cover is IDF issue. The
crewman in the original-style loader hatch is wearing a WWII American M38 helmet, manufactured by Rawlings (of
baseball glove fame) and sold along with the Shermans by Israel, while the crewman standing outside the turret has a
WWII Soviet E-117 helmet donated by Libya. Finally of course, the general in the beret is Idi Amin himself.)

Uganda’s M4A1 Shermans were repainted in a deep “bronze green” color, and carried a rectangular green/red
rectangular ID marking. Serial numbers were in white to the rear, but as there were only a dozen Shermans not
really important.

( on a Ugandan Sherman,

probably the same tank as the turret close-up picture above.)

No additional Shermans

The Ugandans were considering making a second request for Shermans from Israel when Amin took power in
1971. His increasingly anti-Israel rhetoric prevented this, culminating on the Israeli commando hostage-rescue
raid on Entebbe airport on 4 July 1976 after which the countries completely ended relations. The raid (which
also destroyed much of Amin’s air force) cut off any spare parts or training help from Israel. Libya’s dictator
Muammar Quadaffi became the main (and eventually, only) ally of Uganda following the raid.

The Tanzanian-Ugandan war

The Tanzanian-Ugandan war seems to have been planned rather suddenly. In 1978, Uganda’s “elite” Malire
regiment led a failed coup against Amin, with some plotters escaping south to Tanzania, which infuriated him.

Never emotionally stable to begin with, Amin flew off the handle and ordered plans for an immediate invasion
of Tanzania’s Kagera province, with the state-run media to begin highlighting Uganda’s claim to the territory.
The invasion was codenamed Operation Liberation.
The rushed preparation lasted only about a week. On 10 October 1978, with no declaration of war, Ugandan air
force MiG-17s and MiG-21s bombed Bukoba, the Tanzanian army’s main garrison in Kagera province. At the
same time, the army crossed the border.

( relatively rare photo of a Ugandan

Sherman on it’s way to the front in October 1978, aboard a tank transporter. Like most mechanized armies, the Ugandans
were chronically short of tank transporter. The semi is hard to identify in the blurry picture but appears to be a Diamond

The Ugandans encountered unexpectedly fierce resistance from the small peacetime contingent of Tanzanian
troops in the border sector, but with using combined-arms strategy were able to overcome it. The Ugandan
spearhead included the twelve M4A1 Shermans, plus ten WWII-era Soviet-made T-34 tanks which Libya had
donated to Amin’s army in 1976. The tanks (plus several Ferret armored cars) were backed up by mechanized
infantry (Soviet-made BTR-40 and Czechoslovakian-made OT-64 armored personnel carriers, along with WWII-
vintage M38 jeeps which had been bought from Israel along with the Shermans. Finally, foot infantry and
logistics elements followed.

( infantry following the  M4A1

Shermans into battle in 1978. They appear to be equipped with a WWII-veteran SCR-300 radio, which is compatible with
the AN/VRC-3 radio which may have been carried aboard the Israeli-supplied Shermans.)
By 27 October 1978, the Ugandans had advanced about 20 miles deep into Tanzania and were in control of the
important town of Kyaka, on the junction of Tanzania’s north-south highway B8 and a road leading west to the
Bukoba garrison. In all, they only held about 700 miles² of occupied territory. Even with this shallow of a
penetration, the rushed Ugandan logistical planning seems to have been stretched to it’s limit, as the advance

( Ugandan M4A1 Sherman preparing for

combat against the Tanzanians in 1978. This particular tank has the HVSS suspension modification and later 23″-wide
T80E5 tracks.)

Based on surviving accounts of the war, Idi Amin apparently wanted to deliver a lightning-fast blow to the
Tanzanians, stunning them so badly that they would accept a small territorial loss rather than mobilize for a
long war. But this is not what happened. The Tanzanians regrouped on the southern tip of Lake Victoria and at
the same time, began a well-planned, well-executed nationwide mobilization to put the country on a war

The counterpart to Uganda’s Shermans was Tanzania’s Chinese-made T-59A tanks, a clone of the mid-1950s
Soviet T-54/55. With thick armor, low profile, and a 100mm gun, Tanzania’s T-59As totally outclassed Uganda’s
WWII-era Shermans in every respect. Additionally, the Tanzanians had more of them than Uganda’s M4A1s
and T-34s combined.

( Tanzanian T-59A leads in infantry
charge against the Ugandans, during the late 1978 counter-offensive.)

Between 28-31 October, the Ugandan advance ground to a halt. A thrust to capture a second bridge over the
Kagera River failed, and the Ugandan air force had lost a number of planes (including expensive MiG-21 and
MiG-17 fighters, and a C-47 Dakota transport) The now-mobilized Tanzanians were bringing their own MiG-21s
into play, along with BM-21 rocket artillery and the T-59A tanks.

On 25 November 1978, the Tanzanian army reported that it had completely stabilized the front and was going
on the counter-offensive. On Christmas Eve 1978, remaining Ugandan forces in Tanzania retreated back across
the border and by 1 January 1979, Tanzanian troops had reached the border. No Ugandan Sherman had been
lost during the initial October invasion, however, it’s thought that one or two were destroyed during the
November-December Tanzanian counter-offensive. All had been in constant use now for a quarter year with no
maintenance break.

Tanzania was now at a crossroads. It could either end the war, or, continue the counter-offensive into Uganda
itself. As the mobilization was costing Tanzania $1 million per day, it was decided to push onwards to destroy
as much of the Ugandan army as possible before demobilizing.

On 20 January 1979, about 10,000 Tanzanian troops, backed up by T-59A tanks, artillery, and MiG-21 air
support, crossed into Uganda.The Ugandans were apparently unprepared and unready, and the offensive
turned into a rout. Muammar Quadaffi already had about 3,000 Libyan troops in Uganda and tried to bolster
Amin by telling Tanzania that Libya would declare war if they did not pull back across the border. Not only did
the Tanzanians refuse to bow to his demand, they actively sought out combat with Libyans wherever they could
find them. Quadaffi never followed through on his threat.

In late January the Tanzanians suffered a defeat near the Ugandan town of Rakai (about 16 miles north of the
border), but rather than using the opportunity to counter-attack, the Ugandans retreated deeper north. A
Libyan soldier later said that Ugandan NCOs seemed more concerned with using supply trucks to move
northwards loot which they had plundered in 1978, rather than bringing reinforcements southwards to the front
line. 
( rusty Ugandan M4A1 Sherman lost in the
1979 Tanzanian counter-invasion, photographed in the 1980s. The gun is in it’s travel brace so the tank may have been
abandoned due to breakdown or fuel exhaustion, rather than battle damage.)

In February, the Tanzanians overran Masaka, the largest city in southern Uganda, crossing the Equator
northbound. As Uganda’s remaining M4A1 Shermans were obviously not getting the job done, Quadaffi
airlifted about a dozen Libyan T-54/55 tanks to Uganda’s Entebbe airport. These Libyan tanks, along with three
Ugandan Shermans and a M38 jeep, planned to attack the Tanzanian 201st Mechanized Brigade. However the
two forces, neither of which was scouting ahead, literally blundered into one another on 10 March 1979 in the
Lukaya swamps. The combined Libyan/Ugandan force actually won the battle but the next day the Tanzanians
regrouped and pushed them back.

This was the last notable engagement of Uganda’s Shermans. The Ugandan army was now in full retreat north
to the capital Kampala. In late March, the Tanzanians overran Kalama Barracks, the peacetime base of the M4A1
Shermans. On 7 April 1979, Tanzanian troops captured Entebbe airport, just after a Libyan C-130 Hercules had
evacuated Idi Amin into exile in Saudi Arabia. They destroyed what remained of the Ugandan air force on the

( axis of Tanzanian advances in 1979.)

On 10 April 1979, Tanzania occupied the capital Kampala. Reportedly one or two Shermans were knocked out
in the city’s outskirts. The Tanzanians now decided to completely occupy Uganda. In early May they overran
Gula, about 60 miles east of the Zaire border and 50 miles south of Sudan; this was the last remaining Ugandan
base. On 3 June 1979, Tanzanian troops reached the Sudanese border, having occupied all of Uganda. The war

( Nishani Ya Vita medal of the

Tanzanian army, awarded for courage during the 1978-1979 war against Uganda.)

Uganda’s remaining Shermans after the 1978-1979 war

In a gesture of humility, the Tanzanian army never released a detailed “kill list” of destroyed Ugandan vehicles.
It’s thought that six or seven of the twelve M4A1 Shermans were destroyed during the war. The fate of the
remainder is uncertain. The Ugandan army was reformed in 1980 but there was no comment on the Shermans.

( Australian military adviser to the new
Ugandan army poses with a derelict M4A1 in Kampala in 1983. It’s unknown if this tank was knocked out in 1979 or just
abandoned afterwards.) (Australian War Memorial photo)

At least one M4A1 was operational again in 1985, when General Tito Okello took over Uganda (the Sherman
was knocked out during the coup). A western visitor reported in 1999 that three Shermans still remained in the
Ugandan army, more or less operational. There was no corroboration and in any case, by 2015 they are certainly
not in use any longer.

5 thoughts on “Idi Amin’s Shermans”

Brittius says:
MAY 24, 2015 AT 8:54 AM
Reblogged this on Brittius.

Father Paul Lemmen says:
MAY 24, 2015 AT 11:44 AM
Reblogged this on A Conservative Christian Man.

3. Shermans in allied use, and use around the world after WWII – The Sherman Tank Site says:
DECEMBER 22, 2015 AT 6:03 AM
[…] In 1969 Uganda purchased 12 M4A1(76)W tanks from Israel with slight modifications such as smoke
dischargers and a new radio, soon before Idi Amin took over the Ugandan govt. These were the first armor
to see service ever in Uganda and were used as a propaganda tool of Amin’s regime. It is believed some of
these M4s saw combat in Uganda’s invasion of Tanzania which M4A1s and T-34/85s led the Ugandan Army,
but were beaten by the Tanzanians which had Type 59s.. In the conflict the M4s went months without
maintenance and nearly half of the original 12 vehicles were likely lost in combat. After the war, and the
overthrow of Amin, an M4A1 was used in General Tito Okello’s coup of Uganda, and a reported 3 were in

possession of the Army in 1999. Source: 1 2 […]

Trudi says:
APRIL 21, 2016 AT 6:54 AM
I have a student who would like to use some of your information he could not find elsewhere but needs to
site his sources. Can you provide any of the source material you used or otherwise your own credentials?

jwh1975 says:
APRIL 21, 2016 AT 10:14 PM
Hi Trudi one of the best sources is the Esoteric Armor blog
( The SIPRI arms
database online is another source regarding arms imports by the Amin regime.



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