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Course Name & Code : Java Programming & 22412 Course Year & Scheme: CO4I

Unit 1: Basic Syntactical Constructs in Java

1. Define dynamic initialization? Give example.

2. State the is use of ‘instanceof’ operator? Give example.
3. Define the Class and Object with example.
4. Define Type casting? Give its types.
5. Describe type casting in java with example.
6. Write a program to print all the Armstrong numbers from 0 to 999.
7. Describe any four features of java.
8. Differentiate between if statement and switch statement.
9. What is labeled loops in Java? Give example.
10. State the use of ‘break’ and ‘continue’ in loops.
11. Give syntax and example of mathematical functions – sqrt(), pow().
12. Give syntax and example of mathematical functions – round(), min(), max().
13. Write a Java program to find the max of given three numbers using max() function.
14. Write a Java program to print following any pattern using nested loops.
A 1 *****
BB 22 ****
CCC 333 ***
DDDD 4444 **
EEEEE 55555 *
15. Write a Java program to check a number is even or odd using conditional (? :) operator.
16. Write a Java program to display numbers between 1 to 100 which are multiples of 3 and 7.
17. Describe the bitwise operators in Java.
18. Enlist the logical operators in Java.
19. Write a Java Program to find out the even numbers from 1 to 100 using for loop.
20. Write a Java Program to generate Fibonacci series.
21. Write a Java Program to check entered number is palindrome or not.
22. Explain switch case and conditional operator in java with suitable example.
23. Describe with suitable example, nested-switch statement.
24. Explain with suitable example – implicit and explicit typecasting in Java.
25. Explain for each version of for loop with suitable example.
Prepared by: S. P. Kholambe

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