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1. List and explain various data types in Java

2. Discuss various types of decision making and branching statements with syntax and
example for each
3. Explain briefly buzzwords of java.
4. Explain object oriented programming features.
5. Explain JVM architecture
6. What are the differences between procedure oriented and object oriented programming
7. What are the Lexical issues in Java?
8. Explain control statements in Java
9. Explain about arrays in java with an example program
10. Explain about Strings in Java.
11. Write a java program to perform matrix multiplication.
12. Discus about various access specifiers in java.
13. Write a java program for factorial of a given number n using recursion.
14. Differentiate between string and string buffer with an apt example, signifying their usage
15. Write about type casting in Java.
16. Write a java program to print first 100 Fibonacci numbers.

1. Explain different types of operators in java.
2. Design a class to represent the student details with the following members roll no, name and
mark for 3 subjects. Write a java program to calculate the average marks scored by student.
3. Explain usage of ‘this’ keyword with suitable example.
4. What is type conversion and casting? Explain in detail
5. Explain about StringTokenizer class in java with example
6. In how many ways a package can be imported. Explain with an example program
7. What is a constructor? Explain constructor overloading with an example.
8. What is a method? Explain method overloading with example.
9. Write java program to add methods width, height and length for box class
10. Explain implementation of nested interfaces in java.
11. Write a java program subclass contain cube for super class contain width, height and
length for inheritance.
12. Explain multithreading in java.
13. Discus about final keyword, and how is used in java.
14. Explain Garbage Collection in Java
15. Explain The Finalize() method
16. Explain overloading and overriding with an example
17. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface? What is the use of
interface? Write a program in java to illustrate the use of an interface.
18. Explain the concept of constructor overloading
19. How to pass objects as arguments? Illustrate with an example
20. Explain in detail arithmetic operator, bitwise operator, incremental & decrement operators.
Write a program to demonstrating increment & decrement operator using conditional operator
21. How are nested classes differ from Inner classes? Explain in detail.
22. When do we use variable length arguments? Explain with examples.


1. Write a java program to create two packages and import one package into another and
explain in detail with an example.
2. What is an exception? Explain various exception types
3. Write a java program using all keywords of exception handling
4. Define a package. Write down the steps to create a package
5. Define an interface. Explain about implementing an interface with example
6. Define Inheritance. Explain different types of inheritance
7. Explain nested try statements with example program.
8. Write a java program to illustrate the implementation of multiple inheritance using interfaces with
the given student details.
Base class : Student with data member – roll no
Derived class : Test with data members – m1, m2 for 2 subjects
Interface: sports with data members – sports-mark
Find the total mark of a student and print all the details in a neat format.
1. Design an applet to draw the following four shapes using graphics class:
(i) Circle. (ii) Rectangle. (iii) Line.
2. Write a java program that creates a thread by extending the thread class
3. Explain about thread priorities in java with suitable example
4. Explain about the ways to create an applet with example.
5. How to pass parameters to an applet? Explain with an example.
6. Explain creation of threads in Java with an example program
7. Explain parameter passing in applets with an example program.
8. Explain handling mouse events
9. Illustrate with an example, the two ways we can synchronize the code when two or more
threads are trying to access it.
10. Explain classification of stream classes. Explain various types of byte stream classes &
character stream classes in detail
11. Write a java program to read input from the user. If the input is –ve number then program
should raise a user defined exception
12. Create a applet to display the greeting message to the user “Good Morning” or “Good
Evening” based on character pressed ‘M’ or ‘E’ respectively
13. Write a java program that counts number of lines, words, alphabets and special characters
in a text file.
1. Write suitable java programs to illustrate the four layout managers used to arrange the
different components
2. What is AWT class? Write a java program by using AWT components.
3. Explain about event delegation model
4. List and explain various AWT components in java.
5. Explain the following layout managers.
(a) Border layout. (b) Grid layout. (c)Flow layout.
6. Explain java swings different buttons with an example program
7. Write java program to create main menu and drawing rectangle
8. Explain event handling using swings.
9. Write a program to create form for your semester exam registration using swing
10. Explain any three components of swing with syntax.
11. How do you use buttons and check boxes in java? Explain with examples.

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