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The Theology of the Liturgical Year

In the course of time our natural resources are still providing and sustaining the
demands and needs of today’s society with regards to infrastructures, food and energy
consumption, and other basic human needs. With the thriving population, the quantity of
our natural resources at a halt compensates and seems does not come to an end. The cycle
of life continues to subsist until that day comes.
In one of the recollections I have joined during my childhood and early adulthood
years the word CHRISTIAN has a significant meaning. It was in that word that opened my
consciousness how fortunate I am belonging to a Roman Catholic denomination. Thanks to
my parents, a devout Catholic who introduced me into the faith. The word says I Am Nothing
without Christ. Indeed, I am unworthy of this gift but because of His immense and
unconditional love He continues to pour out countless blessings. These graces are avenues
for my daily renewal and conversion.
In today’s 21st century, the Church continues to present chosen individuals who lived a
holy and an exemplary life. A human person who is canonized by the Church is a gift to the
humanity so to say that God’s intervention, His work and action is vividly tangible. The
Church recognizes them even in their limitations because they are able to concretize or put
into practice God’s invitation– be holy because I Am holy. The graces they have received
multiplied a thousand fold because of their joyful perseverance in proclaiming the gospel of
Even if I didn’t join the Salesian congregation, I will still avail the luxury of attending
daily Mass. It is not because I am conformed by someone else or a superego but a personal
It is good that Father Chupungco gave us substantial information on the theology of
Liturgical Year and why do we celebrate it. Besides, the apostolic letter Mysterii Paschalis
explained that the celebration of the paschal mystery is of supreme importance in Christian
worship. [motu proprio Mysterii Paschalis, page 1] Moreover, the cycle of liturgical year possesses a
distinct sacramental power and efficacy to strengthen Christian life. [motu proprio Mysterii Paschalis,

page 1] That is why, we continue to surmount the challenges in life because God himself
assures us of our end – a genuine happiness which the world cannot give. If we persistently
follow Him as the way, the truth and the life we attain the fullness of life. It is in the
celebration of the Mass, in the breaking of the bread and the offering of wine we come to
value and appreciate the essence of God’s intervention for our sanctification. Not all human
persons see the significance of it. If only they would know, perhaps, the pews in the Church
will be filled even in weekdays. But the Church is very patient and still respect the freedom
of each one. The Church believes that in due time, conversion will reign – a conversion of the

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