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A Raisin in the Sun

Act 1 Discussion Questions

• What overall impression/mood does Hansberry create in describing the apartment?
• What is the significance of Walter’s anger at eggs? What is really going on
• “Slubborn” is not a real world. Ruth has formed a portmanteau—the combining of two words into a
new word. Explain her portmanteau and think of some additional examples.
• What point is Joseph Asagai making about Beneatha’s hair?
• Which character takes the most appropriate attitude regarding the insurance money?
• What does Beneatha argue regarding her mother’s faith?
• Analyze characterization in Act I by describing the personality of ONE character and explaining how
Hansberry uses details to bring the character to life.
• How is the language of the stage directions different from the language of the dialogue? Why is this
• What conflicts develop in Act I? Which are the most important and why?
• Food plays a role in developing Hansberry’s themes. Explain the significance of food discussions in Act
I. (Hint: Include thoughts on Joseph’s nickname for Beneatha.)
• What does Beneatha mean when she says she is looking for her identity?
• How does Hansberry introduce the theme subject of hopes and dreams in Act I?

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